What I hope the DNC & Democratic Candidates do NOW!

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.
Gotta love these right wing nuts pretending to be Democrats. Remind me of those fox news “Democrats “calling for less liberalism.
It is has been shown that if the Democrats run away from the far left, they will win elections.

It is great that finally the far left religion is being rejected by the people.

Getting the far left out of power will make the world a better place.
Neither party has this country's best interest in mind. To believe otherwise shows naivete and folly.
Bad advice RyeFiltcher. You openly Marxist democrats need to hammer on the fact that you WILL put an end to the 2nd Amendment. That the bill of rights itself is toast the second you gain power.

America yearns for the dictatorship under the rule of Zuckerburg, Cook, Bezos, and the rest of the left Oligarchs. Make it clear what your agenda is. Keep pimping your hatred of whites. Racism endears you to America. Get the message out to fathers that with you in charge, their little girls will be in public restrooms with grown men. If one of these fathers objects to a man whipping his dick out in front of his child, arrest that father for denying that there are thousands of genders that change at a whim. Get Jimmy Goebbels to drive home the message that words hurt, so you will start jailing people who say things offensive to favored groups like homosexuals.

What you Maoists are doing is working. The way to push your blue wave is to never let up. Ensure the rubes know how much you hate them. Make sure America understands your contempt for their pittance of a tax cut and that you will take that and a whole lot more from them.
It is has been shown that if the Democrats run away from the far left, they will win elections.

It is great that finally the far left religion is being rejected by the people.

Getting the far left out of power will make the world a better place.

No no. The path to victory is to show America that democrats are far, far left. To gain power, the democrats must show that Bernie Sanders is their center, and the Keith Elison is the model of DNC tolerance.
Typical responses from these ^^^ fellow travelers of the GOP, incapable of recognizing the problems the current GOP has created by their divisive rhetoric, at home and abroad.

They keep on keeping on blaming the "far left" as if it represents the vast majority of Democratic Voters. The term itself is used as a pejorative, and echoed often by those whose posts almost always lack substance, thought or are thought provoking comments.
OP creates more division and hate with each post while projecting his own bitterness and hate to the opposition. Its classic.
Bad advice RyeFiltcher. You openly Marxist democrats need to hammer on the fact that you WILL put an end to the 2nd Amendment. That the bill of rights itself is toast the second you gain power.

America yearns for the dictatorship under the rule of Zuckerburg, Cook, Bezos, and the rest of the left Oligarchs. Make it clear what your agenda is. Keep pimping your hatred of whites. Racism endears you to America. Get the message out to fathers that with you in charge, their little girls will be in public restrooms with grown men. If one of these fathers objects to a man whipping his dick out in front of his child, arrest that father for denying that there are thousands of genders that change at a whim. Get Jimmy Goebbels to drive home the message that words hurt, so you will start jailing people who say things offensive to favored groups like homosexuals.

What you Maoists are doing is working. The way to push your blue wave is to never let up. Ensure the rubes know how much you hate them. Make sure America understands your contempt for their pittance of a tax cut and that you will take that and a whole lot more from them.

You are entitled to your opinions, no matter how conspiratorial they may be.

Q. What have I ever posted to make you believe i'm am a "Maoist"?

Q. Why do you resort to name calling? That might be effective on the school yard, but would get you a failing grade in any course teaching expository writing.

I look forward to a reasonable and rational response.
OP creates more division and hate with each post while projecting his own bitterness and hate to the opposition. Its classic.

Thank you for your opinion. Please review my post to Uncensored2008, as it applies to you too.
Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.
It's telling and problematic that a politician should have to convey to voters anything that can rightly be classified as "basic." A good deal of that which in, say, the 20th century was abstruse should, by now, be commonly comprehended in full, yet that isn't the reality of many people; thus we find ourselves dicking around with debates about such things. It's ridiculous and pathetic, as far as I'm concerned.
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Note: The thread topic is what I hope for from the DNC Leadership. This thread is posted in Politics, not the Flame Zone.
You are entitled to your opinions, no matter how conspiratorial they may be.

What you Marxist democrats need to do is make sure America understands that when you gain enough power, I will absolutely not be entitled to my opinion. That wrong-speak will be a crime, just as it is on leftist college campuses. Just as it is in socialist enclaves such as England and Canada.

To gain the house and Senate, you have got to make America aware that you will not allow people to say hurtful things or worship gods that offend others. Of course you will end the 2nd Amendment, and the 1st. Those are anachronisms from hated whites that are racist just because.

Q. What have I ever posted to make you believe i'm am a "Maoist"?


Q. Why do you resort to name calling? That might be effective on the school yard, but would get you a failing grade in any course teaching expository writing.

I look forward to a reasonable and rational response.

I only have the best interest of your party in mind. To help you gain an electoral success in November, you must embrace the most radical elements of your party - and let's face it, the radical left is the mainstream for your party.

David Hogg and John Paul Stevens are the voices you need to amplify from now until the election. It is your path to the victory you deserve.
What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.
The Democratic Party platform is about convincing the country that anyone who disagrees is racist, misogynistic, phobic, and wants everyone to die. Anyone who falls for Democrats suddenly being the party of fiscal responsibility are as stupid as the ones who believed the party of Jim Crow and the KKK flipped a switch to become the champions for civil rights.
Typical responses from these ^^^ fellow travelers of the GOP, incapable of recognizing the problems the current GOP has created by their divisive rhetoric, at home and abroad.

They keep on keeping on blaming the "far left" as if it represents the vast majority of Democratic Voters. The term itself is used as a pejorative, and echoed often by those whose posts almost always lack substance, thought or are thought provoking comments.

Says a far left drone that spews far left religious dogma.

You are afar left drone.

The say coming out of the closet is liberating!

A lot of the recent victories are because the (D) candidate ran as a blue dog democrat and ran from the far left.

I realize you are upset that even your own is rejecting your religion, but it is the only way that the (D)'s can win.
Typical responses from these ^^^ fellow travelers of the GOP, incapable of recognizing the problems the current GOP has created by their divisive rhetoric, at home and abroad.

They keep on keeping on blaming the "far left" as if it represents the vast majority of Democratic Voters. The term itself is used as a pejorative, and echoed often by those whose posts almost always lack substance, thought or are thought provoking comments.

Says a far left drone that spews far left religious dogma.

You are afar left drone.

The say coming out of the closet is liberating!

A lot of the recent victories are because the (D) candidate ran as a blue dog democrat and ran from the far left.

I realize you are upset that even your own is rejecting your religion, but it is the only way that the (D)'s can win.

Please define for the reader, the definition of "far left".

I suspect you have no clue, prove me wrong.
Please define for the reader, the definition of "far left".

I suspect you have no clue, prove me wrong.

True or false

  1. The rich have success because they unfairly exploited the poor
  2. Whites are privileged
  3. Gender is not determined by biology, but by feelings
  4. Hurtful words must be banned
  5. Fake News from Fox must be stopped
  6. Health Care is a right
  7. Non-Citizens have just as much right to be in America as citizens
  8. Only the Supreme Court knows what the Constitution means, and it is a living document so that meaning changes
  9. Guns cause violence
  10. Assault weapons must be banned
Oh and sploogy, the onus is upon the claimant to prove their statements. The demand that others "prove you wrong" is a logical fallacy.
What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.

The Democratic Party platform is about convincing the country that anyone who disagrees is racist, misogynistic, phobic, and wants everyone to die. Anyone who falls for Democrats suddenly being the party of fiscal responsibility are as stupid as the ones who believed the party of Jim Crow and the KKK flipped a switch to become the champions for civil rights.

Let's allow the reader to read the 2016 D. Platform and decide if this ^^^ post is credible.


compare to:

The 2016 Republican Party Platform

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