What Idiot Brings a Gun To a Wedding?

With rights come responsibilities, in this case the responsible gun owner should carry a firearm in some type of holster – pocket, IWB, OWB, ankle, etc – and a woman should use a pocket holster although she may carry in a bag or purse.

In addition to providing comfort while carrying, a proper holster will also cover the trigger/trigger guard reducing the possibility of an ND. A custom holster is best, designed to accommodate a specific model of gun (such as the Bianchi holster I use for my M&P Shield). And in most cases a holster will help prevent a gun from being bumped, dropped, or otherwise mishandled resulting in injury or death.
you don't know what
why not this guy

Because he's clearly stupid.
For a gun to go off in your pocket, the safety must be off and the hammer back.
That's a state only an idiot would leave a gun in.
-------------- you don't know what you are talking about IFred , lots of guns have neither a safety or a visible hammer . Just being polite and informative , do some reading and check out some gun catalogues and look at the guns , read the descriptions .
Sounds like that guy was an idiot no matter where he happened to be.

I carried my gun aty daughter's wedding. It didn't go off at all. Must be something wrong with it right?
Yeah he was an idiot for bringing a gun to a wedding. Was that your excuse as well?

He was like you, an idiot no matter where he happened to be.
Sounds like you were the idiot for bringing a gun to a wedding. What were you going to do? Shoot fish in a barrel?
and this idea of losing RIGHTS while in prison , ok with me but after prison ALL Rights should be restored . That includes the '2nd Amendment' , if you can not be trusted you should Never leave prison .
If you think that voting, as well as the right to bear arms, are privileges, there is little sense continuing this conversation.
You do realize that ex cons cant vote in some places dont you? Youre right about there being little sense in continuing the conversation. You dont seem to have a grip on the subject.

Because, by state laws, they violated their RIGHT to vote.

Voting isn't a privilege.

When women fought for the vote, the claimed it was their RIGHT.

When blacks fought for the vote, they claimed it was their RIGHT.

You should learn the difference between Right and privilege.

You can find it in nearly any dictionary.
How can you keep people from voting after they have already paid their debt to society? Voting and every thing you think is a right is really just a privileged. Thats why they can be amended.

I know what the claim was. The point is that it was really a privilege. One for white men only. Supposedly they already had that right correct?

I dont have to learn about the difference. Its plain that no matter what the dictionary says they are the same thing.

You're hilarious.
You are too. Its amusing that you used Blacks fighting for the "right" to vote when it was already their "right" as citizens of the US to support your argument. We know that it was actually a privilege extended to white males only.

"when it was already their "right" as citizens of the US"

Women were considered 'citizens?

Blacks were considered 'citizens'?

any wonder I find you hilarious?
Someone this stupid should not have the privilege of carrying a firearm.
Yes, privilege.

I suggest you read the Second Amendment.
Ahhh, they believe the right to bear arms belongs to the militia, not the people.

Even tho it distinctly states the right is given to the people.
Who gave you that right? Was it god or another person? If it was a person it is a privilege.

The same people that gave me the right of free speech, religion, etc.

It's not a 'privilege'.

A drivers license is a privilege.
Thanks WILL , these lefty 'subjects' don't belive in RIGHTS , they like their government granted civil rights , privleges that can be changed at the whim of their rulers .
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong.

For over 60 years liberals have fought for the civil rights of every American – opposed by conservatives every step of the way. From fighting against segregation and discrimination in the 1950s, to defending the voting rights of African-American during the 60s, a woman's right to privacy during the 70s, the due process rights of immigrants during the 80s, and the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law today, liberals have been at the forefront of defending citizens' rights from conservative efforts to violate those rights through force of law.

Given the dismal, reprehensible conservative record concerning citizens' Constitutional rights, you and others on the right are in absolutely no position to accuse 'liberals' of being 'hostile' to the civil liberties of any American.
Are people really this frightened? You dont need to carry a gun unless you are a cop or have some duty that requires you to carry a gun. Leave your guns at home.

Waldorf Astoria Gun fires accidentally during wedding - CNN.com

"Guests were taking pictures at a lobby when the gun went off Saturday night, CNN affiliate WABC reported.

It was in the pocket of a 42-year-old guest when it went off, grazing a woman in the head when the bullet ricocheted. She was not seriously injured, the affiliate reported.

Four others were injured when they were hit by shattered glass or debris, and treated at local hospitals, according to the affiliate."
The "knocked up" gals dad...???:beer:

If that were true, at least there would be a reason, even if it was a reason reserved mostly for Jerry Springer guests. No. Most likely, it was some right wing gun nut who was embarrassed by his penis size, so he carried a gun to compensate.

Ah.....right to the penis....you guys really need help with that....if you have a small penis bulldog....don't be ashamed...the blow up doll who is your "special" friend doesn't care........
I suggest you read the Second Amendment.
Ahhh, they believe the right to bear arms belongs to the militia, not the people.

Even tho it distinctly states the right is given to the people.
Who gave you that right? Was it god or another person? If it was a person it is a privilege.

The same people that gave me the right of free speech, religion, etc.

It's not a 'privilege'.

A drivers license is a privilege.
Thanks WILL , these lefty 'subjects' don't belive in RIGHTS , they like their government granted civil rights , privleges that can be changed at the whim of their rulers .
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong.

For over 60 years liberals have fought for the civil rights of every American – opposed by conservatives every step of the way. From fighting against segregation and discrimination in the 1950s, to defending the voting rights of African-American during the 60s, a woman's right to privacy during the 70s, the due process rights of immigrants during the 80s, and the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law today, liberals have been at the forefront of defending citizens' rights from conservative efforts to violate those rights through force of law.

Given the dismal, reprehensible conservative record concerning citizens' Constitutional rights, you and others on the right are in absolutely no position to accuse 'liberals' of being 'hostile' to the civil liberties of any American.

No. They have been fighting democrats at every step of the way and still are...the kkk, jim crow, the hangings, the bombings and the killings...all done by democrats....Republicans fought every step of the way to free blacks and to help them get their rights.....

Nice attempt to hide the truth moron........
You do realize that ex cons cant vote in some places dont you? Youre right about there being little sense in continuing the conversation. You dont seem to have a grip on the subject.

Because, by state laws, they violated their RIGHT to vote.

Voting isn't a privilege.

When women fought for the vote, the claimed it was their RIGHT.

When blacks fought for the vote, they claimed it was their RIGHT.

You should learn the difference between Right and privilege.

You can find it in nearly any dictionary.
How can you keep people from voting after they have already paid their debt to society? Voting and every thing you think is a right is really just a privileged. Thats why they can be amended.

I know what the claim was. The point is that it was really a privilege. One for white men only. Supposedly they already had that right correct?

I dont have to learn about the difference. Its plain that no matter what the dictionary says they are the same thing.

You're hilarious.
You are too. Its amusing that you used Blacks fighting for the "right" to vote when it was already their "right" as citizens of the US to support your argument. We know that it was actually a privilege extended to white males only.

"when it was already their "right" as citizens of the US"

Women were considered 'citizens?

Blacks were considered 'citizens'?

any wonder I find you hilarious?
Yes. You do realize that Black people voted right after being freed from slavery and actually had politicians elected to office right? This is why I and many others are laughing at you. :laugh:

List of African-American officeholders during Reconstruction - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ahhh, they believe the right to bear arms belongs to the militia, not the people.

Even tho it distinctly states the right is given to the people.
Who gave you that right? Was it god or another person? If it was a person it is a privilege.

The same people that gave me the right of free speech, religion, etc.

It's not a 'privilege'.

A drivers license is a privilege.
Thanks WILL , these lefty 'subjects' don't belive in RIGHTS , they like their government granted civil rights , privleges that can be changed at the whim of their rulers .
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong.

For over 60 years liberals have fought for the civil rights of every American – opposed by conservatives every step of the way. From fighting against segregation and discrimination in the 1950s, to defending the voting rights of African-American during the 60s, a woman's right to privacy during the 70s, the due process rights of immigrants during the 80s, and the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law today, liberals have been at the forefront of defending citizens' rights from conservative efforts to violate those rights through force of law.

Given the dismal, reprehensible conservative record concerning citizens' Constitutional rights, you and others on the right are in absolutely no position to accuse 'liberals' of being 'hostile' to the civil liberties of any American.

No. They have been fighting democrats at every step of the way and still are...the kkk, jim crow, the hangings, the bombings and the killings...all done by democrats....Republicans fought every step of the way to free blacks and to help them get their rights.....

Nice attempt to hide the truth moron........

How come you changed "Liberals" to "Democrats"? Are you illiterate?

You have no basis anyway.
you don't know what
why not this guy

Because he's clearly stupid.
For a gun to go off in your pocket, the safety must be off and the hammer back.
That's a state only an idiot would leave a gun in.
-------------- you don't know what you are talking about IFred , lots of guns have neither a safety or a visible hammer . Just being polite and informative , do some reading and check out some gun catalogues and look at the guns , read the descriptions .

Excellent - please pop in a link to a mass produced legal weapon that has no safety. As for the hammer, it hardly matters if it's visible or not, it has to be cocked to fire.
I await your link.

Edit - I forgot about double action revolvers. Of course, the hammer still needs to be back for an accidental discharge, but he could have been holding it with his dick.
Mighta been a revolver Ace , unlikely though and mighta been a Glock , Glocks are safe but sh1t happens . Like I said , happens to highly trained police also Ace. I personally support people carrying guns wherever they like in this supposedly free country . Did you guys hear that Texas is now 'open carry' country [yeehaw] , think that Abbot signed the law yesterday Ace and ilk !!
Your opinion is duly noted. i still wonder what idiot brings a loaded gun to a wedding. Did he think target practice was going to be part of the reception or something?

Well...what kind of wedding was it....if it was a Jewish wedding there are muslims who kill Jews all over the world......was he an off duty police officer? And you just don't teleport to a wedding...you have to travel there....and if you actually study crime you would understand it happens everywhere and you never know when you will be the target....gas stations are a likely place to be robbed as are many other places......

It must be nice to walk thru life never worrying about crime........

The family in D.C.....they woke up that morning, they had plans for the day, and the day after that, and probably were going to have dinner, and watch t.v. and play with their kid.....they lived a few blocks away from Joe Biden's house so their neighborhood was free from crime...as free as anywhere that the wealthy live......

And then it wasn't....and the dad was beaten to death with a baseball bat, the mother stabbed to death, their 10 year old son tortured to get the parents to comply and then he died in the fire set to hide the crime...and the house keeper.....probably planned on cleaning and cooking and all of that and going home to her family........she was killed to...

you fucking geniuses....it must be great to be psychic....to know when and where a criminal will strike......you really should get your own t.v. show....you could go around, predicting where a horrible crime is going to take place and save the victims before it happens.......
Who gave you that right? Was it god or another person? If it was a person it is a privilege.

The same people that gave me the right of free speech, religion, etc.

It's not a 'privilege'.

A drivers license is a privilege.
Thanks WILL , these lefty 'subjects' don't belive in RIGHTS , they like their government granted civil rights , privleges that can be changed at the whim of their rulers .
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong.

For over 60 years liberals have fought for the civil rights of every American – opposed by conservatives every step of the way. From fighting against segregation and discrimination in the 1950s, to defending the voting rights of African-American during the 60s, a woman's right to privacy during the 70s, the due process rights of immigrants during the 80s, and the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law today, liberals have been at the forefront of defending citizens' rights from conservative efforts to violate those rights through force of law.

Given the dismal, reprehensible conservative record concerning citizens' Constitutional rights, you and others on the right are in absolutely no position to accuse 'liberals' of being 'hostile' to the civil liberties of any American.

No. They have been fighting democrats at every step of the way and still are...the kkk, jim crow, the hangings, the bombings and the killings...all done by democrats....Republicans fought every step of the way to free blacks and to help them get their rights.....

Nice attempt to hide the truth moron........

How come you changed "Liberals" to "Democrats"? Are you illiterate?

You have no basis anyway.

They were democrats....all of them......besides...back then you assholes weren't using "liberal" it was some other word to describe statists.........and the Republicans were the ones defending blacks...after having freed them from the democrat slave masters. The Republicans stood up for the Constitution while you morons were bombing churches, enforcing poll taxes and literacy tests.....
Mighta been a revolver Ace , unlikely though and mighta been a Glock , Glocks are safe but sh1t happens . Like I said , happens to highly trained police also Ace. I personally support people carrying guns wherever they like in this supposedly free country . Did you guys hear that Texas is now 'open carry' country [yeehaw] , think that Abbot signed the law yesterday Ace and ilk !!
Your opinion is duly noted. i still wonder what idiot brings a loaded gun to a wedding. Did he think target practice was going to be part of the reception or something?

Well...what kind of wedding was it....if it was a Jewish wedding there are muslims who kill Jews all over the world......was he an off duty police officer? And you just don't teleport to a wedding...you have to travel there....and if you actually study crime you would understand it happens everywhere and you never know when you will be the target....gas stations are a likely place to be robbed as are many other places......

It must be nice to walk thru life never worrying about crime........

The family in D.C.....they woke up that morning, they had plans for the day, and the day after that, and probably were going to have dinner, and watch t.v. and play with their kid.....they lived a few blocks away from Joe Biden's house so their neighborhood was free from crime...as free as anywhere that the wealthy live......

And then it wasn't....and the dad was beaten to death with a baseball bat, the mother stabbed to death, their 10 year old son tortured to get the parents to comply and then he died in the fire set to hide the crime...and the house keeper.....probably planned on cleaning and cooking and all of that and going home to her family........she was killed to...

you fucking geniuses....it must be great to be psychic....to know when and where a criminal will strike......you really should get your own t.v. show....you could go around, predicting where a horrible crime is going to take place and save the victims before it happens.......
Thanks for admitting it was fear that motivates you. That was my point all along.
safety , no revolver has a manual safety that I'm aware of 'IFred' , checkout the S+W , Ruger , any revolver manufacturers , no manual safety on them . Same with Glocks and lots of other semi autos that have no manuel on - off safety .
google your own link 'iFred' , easy to google the makers that I mention !!

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