What if Joe Biden announced that he would run?

If Biden was W's intellectual equal he wouldn't have had to cheat to get through law school. Surely you liberals can come up with someone better than "Crazy Uncle Joe", Borillar? There's gotta be somebody from your ranks that's not either a liar or an idiot? Right?

Right wingers.....like you......cannot make ANY argument about college grades/school behavior and ANY claim of gaffes when public speaking AFTER having voted for GWB.....twice.
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Sorry...I am an American Conservative, there is no way I am a "neo-fascist" fascism is a left wing socialist economic system....that is what you morons want............

I can well imagine why you don't want to be called a neo-fascist....but your lack of understanding of what "fascism" really means and implies is where you are placed into a corner.............Fascism is the culmination of combining big businesses with government, and since the super-wealthy have thoroughly co-opted (and funded) the "conservative" ideology, YOU ARE a neo-fascist; like it or not,
Sorry...I am an American Conservative, there is no way I am a "neo-fascist" fascism is a left wing socialist economic system....that is what you morons want............

Oh, and by the way, sine we are trying to educate right wingers about correct terminology....."fascism is [NOT] a left wing socialist economic system".......Why?

Well, without taxing your remaining brain cells too much, did you ever wonder why German and Italian fascists were SO AGAINST communist/socialist Russia?
Sorry...I am an American Conservative, there is no way I am a "neo-fascist" fascism is a left wing socialist economic system....that is what you morons want............

Oh, and by the way, sine we are trying to educate right wingers about correct terminology....."fascism is [NOT] a left wing socialist economic system".......Why?

Well, without taxing your remaining brain cells too much, did you ever wonder why German and Italian fascists were SO AGAINST communist/socialist Russia?

Yes.....the German national socialists fought the international socialists for power...they could give a rat's ass for socialists anywhere else in the world and only cared about the country of Germany........

Mussolini was kicked out of the Italian Communist party and when he took over with his form of socialism...pay back and consolidation of power.....

Why is it you lefties get hung up when to gangs of socialists fight each other for the title "King Statist"........tell me....when the latin kings gang goes fight and kill the gangster disciples...does that mean since the latin kings are killing gangster disciples that the latin kings are not themselves gangs.......why is it so hard for you guys to get the national socialists and international socialists were all socialists....and they didn't want to share power.......
If Biden was W's intellectual equal he wouldn't have had to cheat to get through law school. Surely you liberals can come up with someone better than "Crazy Uncle Joe", Borillar? There's gotta be somebody from your ranks that's not either a liar or an idiot? Right?

Right wingers.....like you......cannot make ANY argument about college grades/school behavior and ANY claim of gaffes when public speaking AFTER having voted for GWB.....twice.

I've always been amused by all of you on the left who thought George W. Bush was stupid simply because he was from Texas and had an accent. Joe Biden actually IS stupid. So is John Kerry for that matter.
Sorry...I am an American Conservative, there is no way I am a "neo-fascist" fascism is a left wing socialist economic system....that is what you morons want............

I can well imagine why you don't want to be called a neo-fascist....but your lack of understanding of what "fascism" really means and implies is where you are placed into a corner.............Fascism is the culmination of combining big businesses with government, and since the super-wealthy have thoroughly co-opted (and funded) the "conservative" ideology, YOU ARE a neo-fascist; like it or not,

Sorry....what you are describing is the government taking charge of the means of production......socialism......in Germany they had the veneer of private ownership but the state controlled the owners.......so wrong again.....

Tell me....if you buy a car....but the government tells you what kind of car you can buy, how much you can pay for it, where you can get gas, where and how far you can drive it, who in your family can drive it....do you really own that car?

nazism, fascism, communism are all different types of socialism.......but they are all socialism....just like strawberry, chocolate and vanilla are different flavors of ice cream....they are all still ice cream.....not one of them believed in free market capitalism, the rights of the individual......
If Biden was W's intellectual equal he wouldn't have had to cheat to get through law school. Surely you liberals can come up with someone better than "Crazy Uncle Joe", Borillar? There's gotta be somebody from your ranks that's not either a liar or an idiot? Right?

Right wingers.....like you......cannot make ANY argument about college grades/school behavior and ANY claim of gaffes when public speaking AFTER having voted for GWB.....twice.

You mean the guy with the MBA.....and who didn't commit plagarism as an adult.......who doesn't feel up women in public.......
If Biden was W's intellectual equal he wouldn't have had to cheat to get through law school. Surely you liberals can come up with someone better than "Crazy Uncle Joe", Borillar? There's gotta be somebody from your ranks that's not either a liar or an idiot? Right?

Right wingers.....like you......cannot make ANY argument about college grades/school behavior and ANY claim of gaffes when public speaking AFTER having voted for GWB.....twice.

You mean the guy with the MBA.....and who didn't commit plagarism as an adult.......who doesn't feel up women in public.......
I mean the guy who was born on third base with a silver spoon in his mouth. The man who was handed everything in life. The man who went to Ivy League schools as a legacy and got "gentleman's" C grades. The Guy who got a spot in the TNG over more deserving people. The guy who was handed the presidency of the USA. The Guy who fucked up everything he was handed.
If Biden was W's intellectual equal he wouldn't have had to cheat to get through law school. Surely you liberals can come up with someone better than "Crazy Uncle Joe", Borillar? There's gotta be somebody from your ranks that's not either a liar or an idiot? Right?

Right wingers.....like you......cannot make ANY argument about college grades/school behavior and ANY claim of gaffes when public speaking AFTER having voted for GWB.....twice.

You mean the guy with the MBA.....and who didn't commit plagarism as an adult.......who doesn't feel up women in public.......

Yeah, THAT guy......
If Biden was W's intellectual equal he wouldn't have had to cheat to get through law school. Surely you liberals can come up with someone better than "Crazy Uncle Joe", Borillar? There's gotta be somebody from your ranks that's not either a liar or an idiot? Right?

Right wingers.....like you......cannot make ANY argument about college grades/school behavior and ANY claim of gaffes when public speaking AFTER having voted for GWB.....twice.

You mean the guy with the MBA.....and who didn't commit plagarism as an adult.......who doesn't feel up women in public.......
I mean the guy who was born on third base with a silver spoon in his mouth. The man who was handed everything in life. The man who went to Ivy League schools as a legacy and got "gentleman's" C grades. The Guy who got a spot in the TNG over more deserving people. The guy who was handed the presidency of the USA. The Guy who fucked up everything he was handed.

How exactly was George W. Bush "handed" the Presidency of the United States? Did you miss the part where he was a rather successful Governor of Texas BEFORE he ran for President? Let's be honest here, Borillar...the person who was handed the Presidency of the United States was Barack Obama...a Junior Senator with no executive experience and no legislative accomplishments.
As for fucking up everything that he was handed? LOL The foreign policy of the Obama Administration is the very definition of FUBARed and he hasn't had a plan for the economy since Larry Summers left five years ago! I'm sorry but comparing Bush and Obama doesn't work all that well for Barry.
If Biden was W's intellectual equal he wouldn't have had to cheat to get through law school. Surely you liberals can come up with someone better than "Crazy Uncle Joe", Borillar? There's gotta be somebody from your ranks that's not either a liar or an idiot? Right?

Right wingers.....like you......cannot make ANY argument about college grades/school behavior and ANY claim of gaffes when public speaking AFTER having voted for GWB.....twice.

You mean the guy with the MBA.....and who didn't commit plagarism as an adult.......who doesn't feel up women in public.......
I mean the guy who was born on third base with a silver spoon in his mouth. The man who was handed everything in life. The man who went to Ivy League schools as a legacy and got "gentleman's" C grades. The Guy who got a spot in the TNG over more deserving people. The guy who was handed the presidency of the USA. The Guy who fucked up everything he was handed.

How exactly was George W. Bush "handed" the Presidency of the United States? Did you miss the part where he was a rather successful Governor of Texas BEFORE he ran for President? Let's be honest here, Borillar...the person who was handed the Presidency of the United States was Barack Obama...a Junior Senator with no executive experience and no legislative accomplishments.

whose entire educational career seems to be a state secret.......who went to the most exclusive prep school in Hawaii....would be nice to know the less than gentleman Cs that obama recieved...we do know he was a do nothing editor of the Harvard law review......
I'm sorry but comparing Bush and Obama doesn't work all that well for Barry

Here's a simple comparison: Count the body bags coming home.

More US soldiers died in Afghanistan under Barry than under Bush...but the real question you should be asking yourself is what have those deaths gained for us? Barack Obama sacrificed our troops for no gains in wars that he never had the stomach for in the first place. There is a reason why Obama is overwhelmingly disliked by our military. They don't think he gives two shits about them and never has.
I'm sorry but comparing Bush and Obama doesn't work all that well for Barry

Here's a simple comparison: Count the body bags coming home.

And how many body bags have been piled up around the world because of Obama's wishy-washy policies? The power vacuums that he's created have led to Russia in the Ukraine...ISIS in the Middle East...and riots on the streets of America. You can't "pretend" to address problems...at some point you have to actually address them!
Well right wing haters........Soon you'll have to channel your eternal hate toward another democrat in the WH.......I mean since everything for you is "Obama's fault" from your pissy moods to your dirty underwear....shouldn't you be working on figuring out who to hate next?
Well right wing haters........Soon you'll have to channel your eternal hate toward another democrat in the WH.......I mean since everything for you is "Obama's fault" from your pissy moods to your dirty underwear....shouldn't you be working on figuring out who to hate next?
They'll have to wait until the Democratic candidate is finally selected. Then they can proclaim that so and so is the most liberal person to have ever existed in the history of the universe, and that the world will come to a fiery end if this person is elected.

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