What if Joe Biden announced that he would run?

Without the expected silliness by some about Biden's gaffes and shoulder squeezes, what would you think of Biden's chances were he to run for the WH?

The unfortunate demise of his young son has placed Biden into the spotlight and has shown him to be a good and honest family man who have well know his share of familial anguish.

Keeping in mind that Biden is indeed an expert politician and that he, as history will judge, was probably correct when he stated that Iraq will eventually be broken into 3 smaller countries,

I expect that he will. Hillary is done - even the most obtuse democrats know it. Biden is the only viable candidate the democrats have. The problem is, he isn't really all that viable.

Scott Walker will be the next POTUS - for better or worse.
If Biden was W's intellectual equal he wouldn't have had to cheat to get through law school. Surely you liberals can come up with someone better than "Crazy Uncle Joe", Borillar? There's gotta be somebody from your ranks that's not either a liar or an idiot? Right?

Right wingers.....like you......cannot make ANY argument about college grades/school behavior and ANY claim of gaffes when public speaking AFTER having voted for GWB.....twice.

I've always been amused by all of you on the left who thought George W. Bush was stupid simply because he was from Texas and had an accent. Joe Biden actually IS stupid. So is John Kerry for that matter.

Bush proved to be very stupid. Biden has beat down two republican vp candidates in debates.
As for fucking up everything that he was handed? LOL The foreign policy of the Obama Administration is the very definition of FUBARed and he hasn't had a plan for the economy since Larry Summers left five years ago! I'm sorry but comparing Bush and Obama doesn't work all that well for Barry.

Bush ruined a balanced budget and got us stuck in two wars that made no sense.
Without the expected silliness by some about Biden's gaffes and shoulder squeezes, what would you think of Biden's chances were he to run for the WH?

The unfortunate demise of his young son has placed Biden into the spotlight and has shown him to be a good and honest family man who have well know his share of familial anguish.

Keeping in mind that Biden is indeed an expert politician and that he, as history will judge, was probably correct when he stated that Iraq will eventually be broken into 3 smaller countries,

I expect that he will. Hillary is done - even the most obtuse democrats know it. Biden is the only viable candidate the democrats have. The problem is, he isn't really all that viable.

Scott Walker will be the next POTUS - for better or worse.

He is a college drop out who can't balance even a state budget. He also has Wi last in job creation in the Midwest.
Scott Walker will be the next POTUS - for better or worse.

As I stated before, IF (a huge "if") Walker were to make it to the oval office, they'll have to put in there 2 extra desks....one each for the Koch brothers,
Well, good luck with that Comrade.

I'm sure it will work as well as the recall did.

Walker is now trying to abolish tenure for teachers/professors. I don't know about the public school system, but changes in tenure for the renowned UW at Madison, will downgrade that distinguish institution to community college levels.

I truly wonder how Wisconsonites will "welcome" what this guy is doing to the state's reputation.
Without the expected silliness by some about Biden's gaffes and shoulder squeezes, what would you think of Biden's chances were he to run for the WH?

The unfortunate demise of his young son has placed Biden into the spotlight and has shown him to be a good and honest family man who have well know his share of familial anguish.

Keeping in mind that Biden is indeed an expert politician and that he, as history will judge, was probably correct when he stated that Iraq will eventually be broken into 3 smaller countries,

I expect that he will. Hillary is done - even the most obtuse democrats know it. Biden is the only viable candidate the democrats have. The problem is, he isn't really all that viable.

Scott Walker will be the next POTUS - for better or worse.

He is a college drop out who can't balance even a state budget. He also has Wi last in job creation in the Midwest.
Wisconsin has a balanced budget. Sorry.
Anything is better then Hillary.
isnt there an age maximum and IQ minimum to be president?
Surely there's someone out there in the Democratic ranks with a "bright" bulb?

The Democrat 'bulb' only needs to be brighter than whichever dull tool the GOP nominates, and given the lineup they're working from,

that shouldn't be much of a challenge.

Q for the next Democrat Candidate. Rounded to the nearest 10, how many states are in the USA?
Q for the next Democrat Candidate. Rounded to the nearest 10, how many states are in the USA?
then Hillary will ask if Mexico is a state.
well at least joe biden was fortunate enough to have shaken hands with George Washington right before he died in 1935, and even Brian Williams was there to witness the historical moment.
Wisconsin has a balanced budget. Sorry.

The FACTS about WI "balanced" budget:

July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015

Projected to end with $116 million (later revised to $396 million) shortfall

July 1, 2015-June 30, 2017

Projected to start with $1.8 billion shortfall

Despite news of 1.8 billion shortfall Alberta Darling says Wisconsin has 443 million surplus PolitiFact Wisconsin

The hyperbolic "deficit" figures are based upon agency budget requests, not actual budgets

Here is the real deal...explained in detail if you are interested. Knowledge is power!

The Wisconsin Budget Process

Q for the next Democrat Candidate. Rounded to the nearest 10, how many states are in the USA?
then Hillary will ask if Mexico is a state.
Q for the next Democrat Candidate. Rounded to the nearest 10, how many states are in the USA?
if biden runs, we can only hope that the infamous "Chuck" makes a commercial, sitting in his wheel-chair beating up on Joe for asking him to stand up.
Here is the real deal...explained in detail if you are interested. Knowledge is power!

Keep "exercising" for that power.....maybe knowledge will come later for you.

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