What if Joe Biden announced that he would run?

Bush proved to be very stupid. Biden has beat down two republican vp candidates in debates.

Did you even watch the Biden - Ryan debate? Biden acted like someone spiked his water with drugs.

And he still owned Ryan.

You only "think" he owned Ryan, Nat...because you know about as much about economics as Biden does.

No he did. Ryan must be really dumb to lose to him.

Ryan is one of the smartest people in Congress when it comes to economics, Brain. I take it you like slogans and bumper sticker homilies over actual knowledge? Back when Joe Biden was in school...Paul Ryan is the kind of smart person that Biden would have cheated off of to get through school.

That's a funny claim given Biden owned him in the debate. Sorry facts say Ryan would be cheating off Biden.
Kids like you love to play these silly "what if " games, it was cute though how you set out to control whatever answers you were going to get out or your silly little game.

Well, thank you for playing [my silly little game.]
Without the expected silliness by some about Biden's gaffes and shoulder squeezes, what would you think of Biden's chances were he to run for the WH?

The unfortunate demise of his young son has placed Biden into the spotlight and has shown him to be a good and honest family man who have well know his share of familial anguish.

Keeping in mind that Biden is indeed an expert politician and that he, as history will judge, was probably correct when he stated that Iraq will eventually be broken into 3 smaller countries,

If Joe Biden wins the Democrat nomination, I would vote for him over Juan Ellis Bush (Jeb), Chris Christie, Mike Hucksterbee, and Lyndsey Graham. I just think Biden is a better person than the 4 assholes I just listed, and at least Biden is rather entertaining due to his stupidity and gaffes. I can't find any good qualities in the 4 RINOs I mentioned.
Without the expected silliness by some about Biden's gaffes and shoulder squeezes, what would you think of Biden's chances were he to run for the WH?

The unfortunate demise of his young son has placed Biden into the spotlight and has shown him to be a good and honest family man who have well know his share of familial anguish.

Keeping in mind that Biden is indeed an expert politician and that he, as history will judge, was probably correct when he stated that Iraq will eventually be broken into 3 smaller countries,

Biden is just not presidential material. I'm sure he's a nice guy and probably fun to hang around with but I don't think he has what it takes to lead.

Hillary would hate it if he ran. She'll get votes simply because she's a woman and Biden might get votes simply because people feel sorry for him. Qualifications take a back seat these days to circumstances that bring out emotions.

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