What if NO ONE voted?


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2019
What do you think the MSM would do, if NO ONE showed up to cast a vote in the next general election?

Would CNN and its clones report the standard 42% support for the liberal candidate, and split the 58% conservative vote among two or more candidates, so that the liberal obviously wins?

Would they be HONEST and say that the poling places all across America are ghost towns?

Would Congress and the Senate continue to do as they please without the slightest concern for the citizens they represent?
Hell only 55% bothered to show up last round, and that's both typical for us and embarrassing as elections around the world go.

That's because we get no choices. A single party with two faces painted alternately red and blue, hiding behind the rigged system of "electoral college" and "red states" and "blue states". Given that, why bother.

But as far as 'what would happen', OP is correct, the system would go on as always. After all nothing in the Constitution even says we have to hold a Presidential election at all.
President Trump would continue with his second term.

He'd have to be voted in first --- by the Electoral College.

And they can do whatever they want. And if they can't agree on a choice, guess who the decision goes to.

--- the House of Reps.
The EC is the only thing that has saved this country thus far. Without it, we would get what the Hillarybitch wants, and CommieFornia and the East coast bastions of Liberalism would decide ALL elections.
The EC is the only thing that has saved this country thus far. Without it, we would get what the Hillarybitch wants, and CommieFornia and the East coast bastions of Liberalism would decide ALL elections.
Yep, Killery AKA the Hidabeast would've led the country into being more of a globalist and socialist sh*thole, that her mentor and Barry's too, George Soros, wanted to see accomplished. I believe that's the main reason the Deep State and people like Soros HATE Trump so much. He wasn't supposed to win and halt our country's drive into being the sh*thole they envisioned.
The EC is the only thing that has saved this country thus far. Without it, we would get what the Hillarybitch wants, and CommieFornia and the East coast bastions of Liberalism would decide ALL elections.
Yep, Killery AKA the Hidabeast would've led the country into being more of a globalist and socialist sh*thole, that her mentor and Barry's too, George Soros, wanted to see accomplished. I believe that's the main reason the Deep State and people like Soros HATE Trump so much. He wasn't supposed to win and halt our country's drive into being the sh*thole they envisioned.
They were soooooo close they could taste it! Hillary was ready to sell out America to the globalists and the open border crowd. And miraculously Donald Trump, no political experience WHAT SO EVER beat the living shit out her. Maybe it is just delaying the inevitable, but pulling back the curtain on just how corrupted our government and our so called "Media" has become is a REALLY good thing.
Great Idea. The OP and all his friends, if he has any should just stay home.
The EC is the only thing that has saved this country thus far. Without it, we would get what the Hillarybitch wants, and CommieFornia and the East coast bastions of Liberalism would decide ALL elections.

And tramp wanted to get rid of it, at one time, now he loves it. Go figure.
Great Idea. The OP and all his friends, if he has any should just stay home.

Be careful what you wish for!

If ALL conservatives stayed home, it would be SO EASY to identify the liberals who slither among us at our feet. In fact, it would probably be quite dangerous to walk into a polling place where ONLY liberals vote, because you wouldn't be able to hide behind voter anonymity as you do now. I suspect there couldn't be an easier way to weed out the traitors among us.
Answer: The MSM would report the actual result and spend most of its time offering opinions of Trump's reaction that he won by a historic landslide.
The EC is the only thing that has saved this country thus far. Without it, we would get what the Hillarybitch wants, and CommieFornia and the East coast bastions of Liberalism would decide ALL elections.

And tramp wanted to get rid of it, at one time, now he loves it. Go figure.

He doesn't get to decide, then or now, dumbass!
The EC is the only thing that has saved this country thus far. Without it, we would get what the Hillarybitch wants, and CommieFornia and the East coast bastions of Liberalism would decide ALL elections.

And tramp wanted to get rid of it, at one time, now he loves it. Go figure.

Wild bill wanted to get rid of term limits.

Clinton wants third term in office
Wow! Clever! The Guardian does NOT quote Bubba as making a statement that he wants to get rid of term limits for the Presidency. It quotes him as saying he probably would run again, in the form of an answer, which is a strong indication he was asked a question about the subject by Rolling Stone and replied.

The whole premise of this December 2000 article is a sham, a twist into a statement as opposed to an answer to a question someone else brought up.

Puck was right..."What fools these mortals be!"
What do you think the MSM would do, if NO ONE showed up to cast a vote in the next general election?

Would CNN and its clones report the standard 42% support for the liberal candidate, and split the 58% conservative vote among two or more candidates, so that the liberal obviously wins?

Would they be HONEST and say that the poling places all across America are ghost towns?

Would Congress and the Senate continue to do as they please without the slightest concern for the citizens they represent?
What if every qualified citizen voted?
What do you think the MSM would do, if NO ONE showed up to cast a vote in the next general election?

Would CNN and its clones report the standard 42% support for the liberal candidate, and split the 58% conservative vote among two or more candidates, so that the liberal obviously wins?

Would they be HONEST and say that the poling places all across America are ghost towns?

Would Congress and the Senate continue to do as they please without the slightest concern for the citizens they represent?
I'm going to vote for Snoopy.

Does anyone remember this guy?

The EC is the only thing that has saved this country thus far. Without it, we would get what the Hillarybitch wants, and CommieFornia and the East coast bastions of Liberalism would decide ALL elections.

And tramp wanted to get rid of it, at one time, now he loves it. Go figure.

Wild bill wanted to get rid of term limits.

Clinton wants third term in office
Wow! Clever! The Guardian does NOT quote Bubba as making a statement that he wants to get rid of term limits for the Presidency. It quotes him as saying he probably would run again, in the form of an answer, which is a strong indication he was asked a question about the subject by Rolling Stone and replied.

The whole premise of this December 2000 article is a sham, a twist into a statement as opposed to an answer to a question someone else brought up.

Puck was right..."What fools these mortals be!"

No sham. Wild bill wanted a third term.

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