What If Republican and Democrat States Were Separate Countries?

Always fascinated to watch how the contards endlessly foam at the mouth at the idea of splitting up the United States and/or killing other Americans.

Trump voters......

Liberal elites should stop looking at the American Heartland as flyover country. Always fascinating to see the likes of Hillary, Kerry, and. Obama in Iowa. They look like fish out of water.
Always fascinated to watch how the contards endlessly foam at the mouth at the idea of splitting up the United States and/or killing other Americans.

Trump voters......

Can you blame us? Imagine how great of a country this would be with no more liberals.

Heck, I see my state is red. So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight. We could layoff half of our police officers and fire department personnel. We could empty most of our prisons.

Most businesses would move to lower taxed Republican states so our unemployment would be almost nothing. Then we could institute Loser Pays All for lawsuits. Welfare would only be for people that absolutely had no choice but to be on it, and we would all be safe because besides the huge reduction of crime, most everybody would own a gun.

Man it would be so good never to deal with liberals ever again.
Liberals would be over joyed not having to deal with failed conservative ideology and outdated conservative political jingoism.

Good, let them. I'm ready to split this country in half anytime the liberals are ready. Two separate countries with two separate governments. Lower taxes, more personal responsibility, more liberty, much less government, many less laws.

Like I said, nothing would make me happier.

Second that! :clap:
I didn't know Neanderthal's knew how to clap their hands. Neanderthals and the "CLAP" go hand n hand.:coffee:
We need a third country for reasonable centrists. The ones that have not forgotten that the war of opposing ideas views fuels competition and forces both sides to come up with better ideas. Looking at only one side of an issue means that 50% of all solutions are completely disregarded. It is like only allowing a boxer the use of one hand against another with the use of both hands. The one handed boxer is going to get his ass kicked. Every one is so god blessed worried about being right, that we have forgotten what this is all about. To be a strong country we need viable solutions to real problems for the betterment of the lives of all. I have no problem at all with being proved wrong on any issue as long as a real solution to a real problem is derived. Every time I am wrong and proven so is an opprtunity for growth and a lesson to not make the same mistake again. Like it or not we need each other to carry on the American Dream. United we stand and divided we fall. I think we are better of with all living in the same country and instead of trying to win the ideology war we come up with real solutions to real problems with out the use of spin, bull shit, and blame.

Dude! where the hell did you learn how to write. You use no periods, no sentences nor paragraphs to speak of.

How the hell did your parents allow you to graduate Jr. HS let alone HS!!!!! Just asking. If Trump read this he'd advocate to take away your citizenship.
We need a third country for reasonable centrists. The ones that have not forgotten that the war of opposing ideas views fuels competition and forces both sides to come up with better ideas. Looking at only one side of an issue means that 50% of all solutions are completely disregarded. It is like only allowing a boxer the use of one hand against another with the use of both hands. The one handed boxer is going to get his ass kicked. Every one is so god blessed worried about being right, that we have forgotten what this is all about. To be a strong country we need viable solutions to real problems for the betterment of the lives of all. I have no problem at all with being proved wrong on any issue as long as a real solution to a real problem is derived. Every time I am wrong and proven so is an opprtunity for growth and a lesson to not make the same mistake again. Like it or not we need each other to carry on the American Dream. United we stand and divided we fall. I think we are better of with all living in the same country and instead of trying to win the ideology war we come up with real solutions to real problems with out the use of spin, bull shit, and blame.

Dude! where the hell did you learn how to write. You use no periods, no sentences nor paragraphs to speak of.

How the hell did your parents allow you to graduate Jr. HS let alone HS!!!!! Just asking. If Trump read this he'd advocate to take away your citizenship.

Trump wouldn't know what you were talking about!
"What If Republican and Democrat [sic] States Were Separate Countries?"

The former would be a brutal authoritarian dictatorship, the latter would remain a constitutional republic respecting the rights and protected liberties of its citizens.
We need a third country for reasonable centrists. The ones that have not forgotten that the war of opposing ideas views fuels competition and forces both sides to come up with better ideas. Looking at only one side of an issue means that 50% of all solutions are completely disregarded. It is like only allowing a boxer the use of one hand against another with the use of both hands. The one handed boxer is going to get his ass kicked. Every one is so god blessed worried about being right, that we have forgotten what this is all about. To be a strong country we need viable solutions to real problems for the betterment of the lives of all. I have no problem at all with being proved wrong on any issue as long as a real solution to a real problem is derived. Every time I am wrong and proven so is an opprtunity for growth and a lesson to not make the same mistake again. Like it or not we need each other to carry on the American Dream. United we stand and divided we fall. I think we are better of with all living in the same country and instead of trying to win the ideology war we come up with real solutions to real problems with out the use of spin, bull shit, and blame.

Dude! where the hell did you learn how to write. You use no periods, no sentences nor paragraphs to speak of.

How the hell did your parents allow you to graduate Jr. HS let alone HS!!!!! Just asking. If Trump read this he'd advocate to take away your citizenship.
Thank you for your critique of my writing, I will worry about being gramtically correct when I am getting paid to do so. Until then I will just let it flow. My parnets never let me do shit I do what I want when I want. As far as graduatiing goes I will match wits with you on any given day on any forum. If you play chess or civ5 or civ six let me know. I would be more than willing to give you the smack down you deserve. If you play civ you can even bring a few freinds to gang up on me with, it will make no difference I'll smack you down just like I do every one else.
"What If Republican and Democrat [sic] States Were Separate Countries?"

The former would be a brutal authoritarian dictatorship, the latter would remain a constitutional republic respecting the rights and protected liberties of its citizens.

The former would likely be a religious theocracy.
"What If Republican and Democrat [sic] States Were Separate Countries?"

The former would be a brutal authoritarian dictatorship, the latter would remain a constitutional republic respecting the rights and protected liberties of its citizens.

The former would likely be a religious theocracy.
"What If Republican and Democrat [sic] States Were Separate Countries?"

The former would be a brutal authoritarian dictatorship, the latter would remain a constitutional republic respecting the rights and protected liberties of its citizens.

The former would likely be a religious theocracy.
"What If Republican and Democrat [sic] States Were Separate Countries?"

The former would be a brutal authoritarian dictatorship, the latter would remain a constitutional republic respecting the rights and protected liberties of its citizens.

The former would likely be a religious theocracy.

wrong, it would be a free country where citizens could practice, or not practice, any religion they chose. All ideas would be heard equally, all citizens would receive equal treatment, borders and immigration would be enforced, police would be respected, government would be small and unintrusive, taxes would be low, businesses would flourish.

whereas the liberal states of America would be burdened with debt, no one would work, crime would be rampant, government would control everything, including thoughts, there would be one media controlled by the government. It would completely fail in 6 months.
Jeepers! I must not be very patriotic! I don't love America as much as these secessionists seem to. They love America so much that they would welcome a permanent division of her based on their inability to craft a political compromise, just as the founding fathers did as they crafted the constitution.

The arguments of Conservatives have always been baffling to me. They must have a personal armory to ward off a devious government. But they cite the constitution as a means to keep them free. They have to pack a gun on their person at all times to protect themselves. But they also call for support of the police they think are ineffective and slow to respond. They call for free speech, but they condemn those who actually participate in free speech.

No, I'm not in favor of severing the union. I guess that makes me unAmerican.
the liberal states of America would promptly join Canada and outlaw men forever. There are only transgender 'men' and pussies in the LSA.

the Conservative States of America(mostly the midwest and the South) would probably prosper while the Liberal States would probably stagnant without the Southern economic engine.

Republicans don't believe in education or science. Their engineering design is limited to a sharper pitch fork.
Yet, just about all the engineers are NOT leftists. :lol:

Republicans believe any formal education is indoctrination.
Well, in fairness to the Republicans, Democrats believe any questioning of theory/dogma (specifically climate change "science") should be punishable by death.
Then the whole country would be in a bigger mess than it is now." together we stand divided we fall" to not find a way to work together shows a lack of intellect.
Heartland has the natural resources---oil & gas; and grows the food.

Bolshevik Assholes in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Philadelphia would freeze to death, if they didn't starve first. Banking and Finance would move out of New York, probably to Europe.

Mexico would finish its takeover of California and would annex it. Productive people in Silicon Valley would skedaddle, probably to Calgary in Canada.

Houston and New Orleans would become massive ports for the shipment of oil, gas, & food to the rest of the world, because rotting cities in the North and North East couldn't afford to buy it. Rioting and looting would make them basically uninhabitable.

You obviously didn't understand the video if you even watched it at all.
Always fascinated to watch how the contards endlessly foam at the mouth at the idea of splitting up the United States and/or killing other Americans.

Trump voters......

Can you blame us? Imagine how great of a country this would be with no more liberals.

Heck, I see my state is red. So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight. We could layoff half of our police officers and fire department personnel. We could empty most of our prisons.

Most businesses would move to lower taxed Republican states so our unemployment would be almost nothing. Then we could institute Loser Pays All for lawsuits. Welfare would only be for people that absolutely had no choice but to be on it, and we would all be safe because besides the huge reduction of crime, most everybody would own a gun.

Man it would be so good never to deal with liberals ever again.
So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight

Says the guy who lives next door to HUD homes. :laugh2:
Well the blue state nation would rank a lot higher on the worlds top education lists .

I call Bull-Shit on this....along with pretty much everything else you have to say.

Public education in Democratic run rotting cities in the North have become jokes. CORRUPT TEACHERS UNIONS. Nobody is getting educated there. And the colleges are nothing more than safe spaces snowflakes go to get brainwashed by Marxists.


Try again.
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