What If the Nuclear Firebreak is Crossed in Ukraine?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Sure, it's a long-shot we'll see NATO resorting to US B61 nuclear weapons on Russia's border.

"NATO has at least a couple hundred US B61 nuclear weapons forward deployed in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey. The B61 is a 'variable yield' weapon; the two models currently forward-based in Europe, the B61-3 and B61-4 both can be set to have an explosive yield of 300 tons of TNT (0.3 kilotons)."

And maybe it's even more unlikely any nuclear exchange would progress beyond a cold-war tit-for-tat series of strikes on military targets of approximate equal value to the other side.

But suppose things get out of hand?

"Peer-reviewed scientific studies predict that a war fought with hundreds or thousands of US and Russian strategic nuclear weapons would ignite nuclear firestorms over tens of thousands of square miles.

"These mass fires would produce between 50 million to 150 million tons of smoke, which would quickly rise above cloud level in to the stratosphere, where winds would carry it around the Earth.

"In a matter of weeks or months, a global stratospheric smoke layer would form, which would block up to 70% of warming sunlight, quickly producing Ice Age weather conditions in the Northern Hemisphere..."

"The scientists predict that temperatures in the central US and Eurasia would fall below freezing every day for about three years.

"The smoke, the darkness, and extreme cold weather would last for ten years or longer, eliminating growing seasons, making it impossible to grow food.

"Most people and animals would perish from nuclear famine.

"Nuclear war is suicide for the human race."

Ukraine + NATO = Nuclear War
Cue serial prognosticator of doom Jeremiah to roll into the thread babbling about blood moons, biblical prophecies, and his latest made up notions about military weapons and conflict.
Hopefully if it looks like it would get to that point, our military would quietly take obama into custody and we'd hear that he was hospitalized for exhaustion.
Cue serial prognosticator of doom Jeremiah to roll into the thread babbling about blood moons, biblical prophecies, and his latest made up notions about military weapons and conflict.
Should a nuclear winter arrive, that old-time religion would probably find a lot of new recruits, at least until the food ran out.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m_gmrGAPC8]Crisis Cults and the Collapse of Industrial Civilization with Chris Hedges - YouTube[/ame]
So............we just roll over for Putin?
Try looking at it from Putin's POV.

Twenty years ago when Germany reunited, Russia was assured NATO would not expand eastward; in fact, it's expanded to Ukraine's western border, and some in the west are encouraging Ukraine to join NATO.

Putin has good reason to believe some very powerful political figures in the west (Dick Cheney, for example) are intent on breaking Russia into pieces in the same way Iraq, Sudan, and Syria have been balkanized.

Putin has his own nationalists urging him to defend the motherland just like the Pentagon would urge whoever was in the White House to defend the US from Russian political interference in Mexico or Canada.

I suppose it's possible corporate elites inside and outside Russia have different plans that may have been put in play when the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia almost a hundred years ago.

I this this scenario would be preceded by a very serious conventional conflict.
I doubt anyone would head straight for the scary red button of doom.
No doubt future historians would look back on a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia in Ukraine in 2014 and ask the same questions historians today ask about Sarajevo 1914

"If NATO and Russian forces to come into direct military conflict, then the possibility of nuclear conflict increases exponentially. NATO cannot send in its 25,000 man Response Force and expect to defeat 150,000 Russian troops (or more) in a fight at the Russian border.

"In a NATO-Russian conventional conflict, in which Russian forces were prevailing, NATO would have the choice of withdrawing, calling for a ceasefire, or using its nuclear weapons against Russian forces.

"NATO has at least a couple hundred US B61 nuclear weapons forward deployed in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey.

"The B61 is a 'variable yield' weapon; the two models currently forward-based in Europe, the B61-3 and B61-4 both can be set to have an explosive yield of 300 tons of TNT (0.3 kilotons).

"In other words, the B61 is designed to be 'useable' nuclear weapon, beginning with a 'small' detonation that is roughly 20-30 times larger than our largest conventional weapon.

"However, the B61-4 can also be set to have an explosive power as much as 50,000 tons of TNT (50 kilotons), and the B61-3 as much as 170,000 tons of TNT (170 kilotons) – which is 70% greater than many of the strategic nuclear warheads carried by US nuclear subs."

Ukraine + NATO = Nuclear War
Hopefully if it looks like it would get to that point, our military would quietly take obama into custody and we'd hear that he was hospitalized for exhaustion.
Maybe Obama should stay away from grassy knolls?

obama has a bodyguard contingent of 900 secret service agents.

I hate to break it. If someone wants you dead bad enough you will be.

In relation to the foil flying around. No one is going to get nuked.

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