What if there was undeniable proof positive of no god?

For karma to apply at an atheist's death.
Do you really not get that?
No. I guess I don't.

What do you mean by "for Karma to apply"?

edit...Ah, I just read the rest of your post. Serves me right. If you didn't have contradictory thoughts you'd have none.
What about my thoughts do you allege is contradictory??

I'm really not sure whether I agree or disagree.
It wouldn;t change my life at all.

In fact if there was irrefutable proof gods existed it wouldn't change my life either
do u ever contend w/ any of the ultimate issues that we got in life --issues that include but are not limited to what is our life's mission? --what is our existance beyond time and space? --how do we connect w/ others? -do we have "free will" to decide these and other quesitons?
How would you react if undeniable, irrefutable proof was discovered that God doesn’t exist?
No proof can be found for God's existence because proof requires physical matter and God is spirit. Likewise proof cannot be found against God's existence for the same reason. Proof requires physical measurement and the ability to control variables so the same result emerges.

As the previous poster noted, some of us already know God exists--and that has been the case down through all ages. That is how many came to believe.
He he it is clear you never read the verse at all since it was, I pointed out it all comes from god in the first place

quoting myself:

"His book is having easy to read errors, and it claims it came from God in Timothy 3:16-17"


2 Timothy 3:16-17​

New International Version​

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Well, I realize that I haven't been a "Deacon in church who teaches the Bible for years and years" the way you claim to, but at least I knew that there are two books of Timothy, not one. Glad to see that I was able to clarify that for you, even if you're too dishonest to admit it.

Yet, there are times when God does exactly that. When God wants you to believe in Him, your life will become one unending misery until you do.

I agree, but that's not the personal appearance I was talking about, because Augustine wouldn't accept that as proof.
No proof can be found for God's existence because proof requires physical matter and God is spirit. Likewise proof cannot be found against God's existence for the same reason. Proof requires physical measurement and the ability to control variables so the same result emerges.

As the previous poster noted, some of us already know God exists--and that has been the case down through all ages. That is how many came to believe.
Believing and knowing are not the same thing
do u ever contend w/ any of the ultimate issues that we got in life --issues that include but are not limited to what is our life's mission? --what is our existance beyond time and space? --how do we connect w/ others? -do we have "free will" to decide these and other quesitons?

There is no reason to think the universe exists for any purpose. There is no reason to think you were born to fulfill some purpose (or destiny ).

Free will is interesting especially since we have learned that personality is determined by genes to a much higher degree than we used to think.

And I do not think we somehow live as a disembodied soul or spirit that is essentially the same as the individual but for the physical body. Our constituent atoms will be recycled into other things some living some not and that is the extent of our life after death.

Personally I endeavor to make choices that at worst do not add to the suffering of others and at best reduce it. And by others I mean all living things not just people.

I would not change my ways if gods were proven to exist or not.
More logical fallacies. Absence of proof is not proof of absence. I'm betting you believe in a lot of things that have no empirical proof for their existence.
No, not really. Most theories have evidence to support them, not so with God. There is no evidence.
No, not really. Most theories have evidence to support them, not so with God. There is no evidence.

Possibly because God is not a "theory". You need to lose this notion that everything in the universe is a science experiment that can be addressed through that terminology.

And yes, you believe in a lot of things that have no empirical, scientific evidence for their existence. Everyone does. It would simply be impossible to function at all without some of them, and impossible to be human without others. With the possible exception of sociopaths, everyone believes in logic, justice, and truth, just for example. Even people who tie themselves into pretzels trying to claim they don't end up revealing themselves as doing exactly that. And yet none of those things can have their existence proven by any scientific method.
Funny that the theist cannot even answer the simple question. This exemplifies what faith actually means, to the faithful the non-existence of God is simply an impossibility to even consider.
Funny that the theist cannot even answer the simple question. This exemplifies what faith actually means, to the faithful the non-existence of God is simply an impossibility to even consider.

Funny that the atheists think anything they phrase as a question automatically deserves to be treated with gravity and an obligation to answer it seriously, simply because they said it. Or that a dismissal of a question on the grounds that it's nonsensical is somehow, "Aha! That proves I'm right!"

All this exemplifies is how desperate you are to claim a victory without the messy work of thinking about what you say first. I'd say the possible existence of God is impossible for you to consider, given the evidence that you abandon any pretense of logical thought the instant it comes up.

No one owes you answers, or a justification of their beliefs to you. Get over yourself, and come back and request nicely by asking something intelligent, and perhaps we'll be gracious.
Funny that the theist cannot even answer the simple question.
Back when Russia was doing away with God in order to emphasize that the dictator was the prime decider for what goes and what does not, America emphasized that we were different. We were born with certain rights; we were not a nation under one person, we were a nation under, not man, but God.

Without God...humans will receive their rights from whomever is in power. The wealthy and the powerful...i.e., Big Business and whoever their puppets are. The ideals will be wealth, property, power.
How would you react if undeniable, irrefutable proof was discovered that God doesn’t exist?

View attachment 625396

Be civil now.
Then all the laws of reason and evidence would be broken, which would open the door for any magical nonsense, including sky fairy gods.

"gods" are magical concepts. There can never be evidence for or against magic. That's what magic is.
Satan is very good at what he does, and this thread is proof of that.


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