What if trump was just too stupid to know?

I think Trump is a retard. I've said many times I have yet to meet or encounter a con artist who was not dumber than a bag of dildoes.

I estimate Trump's IQ to be around 80 to 85.

I have no doubt Trump believed the Ukraine/Crowdstrike hoax. He's stupid enough.

As for trying to extort Zelensky, Trump knew exactly what he was doing. I explained in How The Trump Con Works the methods he uses to pull off his tricks.

You can see the same con at work in the Mueller report. Several times, Trump dictated to people around him exactly what lies he wanted them to say in public. He dictated in private to Comey, Sessions, and McGahn exactly what to say, so he could later point to their words in public as proof he was innocent. He tried to force them to lie so he could point to their statements and their standing to get himself off the hook with the rubes.

Fortunately, these honorable men refused to play along.

Trump actually put his lies in writing that he wanted these men to say.

If they had, Trump would be more than impeachable. Even the Republican Senate would have had no choice but to boot his ass to the curb.
/——-/ And Hildabeast couldn’t beat a retard. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
And the GOP couldn't beat a far left liberal negro with ZERO experience.

Remember how the Right whined and whined about Obama's lack of experience?

Yeah...ironic, isn't it.

He won solely due to the negro thing.
Let's say what he did was worthy of impeachment.
What if he was just too dumb to know?
We know that been used in the past to justify not holding politicians accountable.
What do you say dems? Let trump slide this time? Hillary concurs
Hillary's not president, and the gop would have impeached her by now if she was. But I agree there's no diff between the gop and dem hypocrisy. I disagree with you that dems should be held to a higher standard than the gop, though.
Let's say what he did was worthy of impeachment.
What if he was just too dumb to know?
We know that been used in the past to justify not holding politicians accountable.
What do you say dems? Let trump slide this time? Hillary concurs
Hillary's not president, and the gop would have impeached her by now if she was. But I agree there's no diff between the gop and dem hypocrisy. I disagree with you that dems should be held to a higher standard than the gop, though.
I dont agree with that either.
I think Trump is a retard. I've said many times I have yet to meet or encounter a con artist who was not dumber than a bag of dildoes.

I estimate Trump's IQ to be around 80 to 85.

I have no doubt Trump believed the Ukraine/Crowdstrike hoax. He's stupid enough.

As for trying to extort Zelensky, Trump knew exactly what he was doing. I explained in How The Trump Con Works the methods he uses to pull off his tricks.

You can see the same con at work in the Mueller report. Several times, Trump dictated to people around him exactly what lies he wanted them to say in public. He dictated in private to Comey, Sessions, and McGahn exactly what to say, so he could later point to their words in public as proof he was innocent. He tried to force them to lie so he could point to their statements and their standing to get himself off the hook with the rubes.

Fortunately, these honorable men refused to play along.

Trump actually put his lies in writing that he wanted these men to say.

If they had, Trump would be more than impeachable. Even the Republican Senate would have had no choice but to boot his ass to the curb.
/——-/ And Hildabeast couldn’t beat a retard. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
And the GOP couldn't beat a far left liberal negro with ZERO experience.

Remember how the Right whined and whined about Obama's lack of experience?

Yeah...ironic, isn't it.

He won solely due to the negro thing.
No, he won soley due to the economic crash. Remember? It was in all the papers.
Joe Biden was not running for the Dem nomination when President Trump asked about Biden's Ukrainian bribes. Therefore he was not his political opponent. Therefore it's a bogus impeachment.
August of LAST YEAR: Poll: Biden leads Trump in early 2020 match-up
How could he not know that? I mean that. How could he be alive and posting and not know?
He does know. He is just a bad actor. That's the entire trump cult game, in a nutshell.
Let's say what he did was worthy of impeachment.
What if he was just too dumb to know?
We know that been used in the past to justify not holding politicians accountable.
What do you say dems? Let trump slide this time? Hillary concurs

If he was that stupid do you really want him to stay in power?

I know TN you are baiting but truly the left will claim Hillary was never stupid while saying Trump should not be afforded the same consideration...

Personally the Obstruction is what will nail him if the Senate were honest...

He should have never obstructed the investigation into the Impeachment Inquiry even if he believed it was nonsense...
Trump's low IQ and megalomania terrifies me should a real crisis ever arise.

As more time passes, more and more people around Trump who would have been good advisers are fleeing the ship.

Trump has always been this way, so if people did not know this then shame on them.
That's why he is being impeached. Precisely because of what he is.

Also, Trump was not properly vetted before he was elected.
Wow. I think that Trump has been more vetted before and after an election than any President in American history. How you reach that conclusion is beyond me.
Let's say what he did was worthy of impeachment.
What if he was just too dumb to know?
We know that been used in the past to justify not holding politicians accountable.
What do you say dems? Let trump slide this time? Hillary concurs
Hillary's not president, and the gop would have impeached her by now if she was. But I agree there's no diff between the gop and dem hypocrisy. I disagree with you that dems should be held to a higher standard than the gop, though.
I dont agree with that either.
But u did apply a double standard.
Joe Biden was not running for the Dem nomination when President Trump asked about Biden's Ukrainian bribes. Therefore he was not his political opponent. Therefore it's a bogus impeachment.
August of LAST YEAR: Poll: Biden leads Trump in early 2020 match-up
How could he not know that? I mean that. How could he be alive and posting and not know?

What's really sad is that IRdumb is not the only one who has parroted that bullshit.

I've said many times that Trumptards have memories like that of goldfish. Trump absolutely depends on that.

He and the pseudocon propagandists also count on the tard herd to just parrot bullshit without engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking or checking the claims for themselves.

If not for these failings on the part of cucks, Trump would be a used car salesman in Queens.
Let's say what he did was worthy of impeachment.
What if he was just too dumb to know?
We know that been used in the past to justify not holding politicians accountable.
What do you say dems? Let trump slide this time? Hillary concurs

Let's say what he did was worthy of impeachment.
What if he was just too dumb to know?
We know that been used in the past to justify not holding politicians accountable.
What do you say dems? Let trump slide this time? Hillary concurs

Actually, Trump's lawyers have suggested this exact defense in formal documents.
Let's say what he did was worthy of impeachment.
What if he was just too dumb to know?
We know that been used in the past to justify not holding politicians accountable.
What do you say dems? Let trump slide this time? Hillary concurs

If he was that stupid do you really want him to stay in power?

I know TN you are baiting but truly the left will claim Hillary was never stupid while saying Trump should not be afforded the same consideration...

Personally the Obstruction is what will nail him if the Senate were honest...

He should have never obstructed the investigation into the Impeachment Inquiry even if he believed it was nonsense...
Trump's low IQ and megalomania terrifies me should a real crisis ever arise.

As more time passes, more and more people around Trump who would have been good advisers are fleeing the ship.

Trump has always been this way, so if people did not know this then shame on them.
That's why he is being impeached. Precisely because of what he is.

Also, Trump was not properly vetted before he was elected.
Wow. I think that Trump has been more vetted before and after an election than any President in American history. How you reach that conclusion is beyond me.
Oh, did you know about Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal before the election?

Did you know about the illegal payments made to them before the election, at the very same time he was parading Bill Clinton's women around town?

Did you know Trump U and the Trump Foundation were so fraudulent they have since the election been forced to shut down?

Did you know Trump has been keeping two sets of books for SEVERAL of his properties to defraud the government and banks?

It's too bad Crooked Donald wasn't properly vetted BEFORE the election!

I think what you really meant to say is that it would not have mattered to you how crooked Trump is, you'd still vote for him. He wasn't wrong when he said you rubes would support him even if he shot someone on 5th Avenue.
What if trump was just too stupid to know -

stupidity is no excuse -

the fat ass sob is paid to know.
Let's say what he did was worthy of impeachment. What if he was just too dumb to know? We know that been used in the past to justify not holding politicians accountable. What do you say dems? Let trump slide this time? Hillary concurs
Yeah, I think that's entirely possible. It's not just that has no respect for the office, I'm sure he's ignorant of any number of rules and laws that go with holding public office, and that he lacks the intellectual capacity to understand them.

This is a person who has always had zero regard for intellectual honesty, who just makes it up as he goes, and who is enabled by fans who have sold their soul and dropped their standards into the toilet for him.

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