What is a MAGA Republican?

"Traditional Americans", like "Core Americans", a term regularly used by an admitted white nationalist here?

Bad news: You guys don't get to force your bigoted definitions on the rest of us. An American citizen is an American, whether you like it or not.
"White nationalist" really means anybody who may or may not be white and who doesn't want the cocksucking globalists like you taking over everything and taking a corn-filled shit on our rights.

You're welcome, twatburger.
Biden is telling the country that “MAGA Republicans” are traitors to the nation and intent on destroying democracy, but exactly which of the American citizens his job is to support is he vilifying - and casting as the enemy?

It seems, G-d forbid, they are Republicans who are strongly opposed to the far-left policies of the Democrat Party - and are engaged politically. Although most do not attend rallies, they have signed petitions, contacted their representative, and/or donated money.

IOW, citizens who are involved in promoting Republicans and Republican policies are now the enemy. Biden’s speech was an attempt to suppress - with a menacing, threatening attitude, complete with Marines in the background - the voice of voters who strongly oppose him. This is NOT how America is supposed to operate.

Just take a peek at the “enemy” MAGAs - signing petitions and donating money to candidates they want in office. How dare they!

Not a traitor like bush romney cheney etc etc etc.
"Traditional Americans", like "Core Americans", a term regularly used by an admitted white nationalist here?

Bad news: You guys don't get to force your bigoted definitions on the rest of us. An American citizen is an American, whether you like it or not.

Errr, none of that really makes any sense.

There is nothing "Bigoted" about discussing traditional Americans, as a group, and if that describes Trump supporters.
Being a MAGA Republican means suspending reality

Don’t trust elections
Don’t believe the media
Don’t trust Scientists, Medical Professionals, Historians, Economists……
Embrace any conspiracy theory, no matter how bizarre
Accept any Trump lie as fact, when he changes the lie, believe the new one
Yea…..Trump won on the issues that were important to Republicans


Trade and Immigration are important to the republican base, not so much the republican leadership.

The thread is about who are MAGA Republicans, not you expressing your hate of them. Stay on topic please.
There is no such thing as a "MAGA Republican."

There are Republicans and then there are those who have abandoned Republican party in favor of Trump and his MAGA bullshit that has nothing to do with "making America great again" and everything to do with Trump and his pockets.
Yes, and during that time it has followed every twist and directionchange needed to follow trump's whims. The requirements for being a MAGA are subject to change with trump's every whim.

The question is not about how Trump may or may not define it, but about how Biden and/or the objective reality of the group defines it.

That you are resisting discussing who is part of that group, that Biden consideres so dangerous is very odd.

Don't you want to be clear about who the threat is? You don't have some reason to be vague about it, do you?
Don’t trust elections
Don’t believe the media
Don’t trust Scientists, Medical Professionals, Historians, Economists……
I know you're a fucking sheep who can't think for yourself, but I have never trusted elections, I don't believe the media, I don't trust "scientist "and other "experts "when they tell us that we must fucking chop off our dicks a.k.a. suspend our rights to be safe.

I was this way when Trump was a Democrat.

So, I guess I don't belong to the "cult."

I guess Trump made a political living off of doing what I say. Not the other way around.
I know you're a fucking sheep who can't think for yourself, but I have never trusted elections, I don't believe the media, I don't trust "scientist "and other "experts "when they tell us that we must fucking chop off our dicks a.k.a. suspend our rights to be safe.

I was this way when Trump was a Democrat.

So, I guess I don't belong to the "cult."

I guess Trump made a political living off of doing what I say. Not the other way around.
Spoken like a true MAGA Sheep

Alternative facts are your friend
Don’t like the facts, make up your own
A politician, pundit or politico who has sold their soul to the most obvious con man this country has ever seen.

The street level rubes? Meh. They're victims in a way. They don't know any better. They just think as they're told.

You have essentially stated that you voted for Biden over Trump because Trump wasn’t nice enough and spoke too harshly. Don’t lecture us about not knowing any better. That is as childish and intellectually void as it gets. Your vote for Biden was no more intellectually based than my son’s vote for the “cool” kid running for class president with no plans other than free pizza on Fridays and no way to pay for it.
The question is not about how Trump may or may not define it, but about how Biden and/or the objective reality of the group defines it.

That you are resisting discussing who is part of that group, that Biden consideres so dangerous is very odd.

Don't you want to be clear about who the threat is? You don't have some reason to be vague about it, do you?
I have no intention of being less than clear. Rightwinger made a pretty good list of what it takes to be a MAGA republican in #106. Anything less than what is on that list isn't MAGA.
It is called a mirror RW.
And it works both ways.
Neither side has the corner market on making shit up and avoiding facts.
But that would require both sides to put down the rocks they are chucking at each other to stop and notice that their leaders are no less full of corruption and greed as the other.

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