What is a MAGA Republican?

You could have made that point without the flamebait.

And really, all you said stripped of the trolling, is "a trump supporter".

BUT, again, as you have said before, it is not about Trump. The "Trump supporters" were always here, looking and searching for someone to speak for them.

SO, the question is really, who are they. Your answer, was no answer.

How about "Traditional Americans"?
"Traditional Americans", like "Core Americans", a term regularly used by an admitted white nationalist here?

Bad news: You guys don't get to force your bigoted definitions on the rest of us. An American citizen is an American, whether you like it or not.
Biden is telling the country that “MAGA Republicans” are traitors to the nation and intent on destroying democracy, but exactly which of the American citizens his job is to support is he vilifying - and casting as the enemy?

It seems, G-d forbid, they are Republicans who are strongly opposed to the far-left policies of the Democrat Party - and are engaged politically. Although most do not attend rallies, they have signed petitions, contacted their representative, and/or donated money.

IOW, citizens who are involved in promoting Republicans and Republican policies are now the enemy. Biden’s speech was an attempt to suppress - with a menacing, threatening attitude, complete with Marines in the background - the voice of voters who strongly oppose him. This is NOT how America is supposed to operate.

Just take a peek at the “enemy” MAGAs - signing petitions and donating money to candidates they want in office. How dare they!

Why is ANYONE talking about what that malignant pos says? He now has a "shiny object"; Remember; Wall St is down, inflation UP, crime UP, energy independent no longer: ANYTHING but the biggest debacle in US history!!!

He won on the issues, by taking a stand designed to appeal to working class traditional Americans, which make up the backbone of the GOP.

That giving us a voice is so....taboo in our society, is a very, very bad sign for our society and where it is headed.

Yea…..Trump won on the issues that were important to Republicans

Mexicans are murderers and rapists and he will build a wall to protect us from them. He would make Mexico pay for it

Muslims are dangerous and should not be allowed in the country

Hillary is a criminal for not properly handling classified information
You're way too modest. It takes much more effort than what you mentioned to be a MAGA goober. First, and foremost, you have to be a proponent of the big lie, and think that it was OK to attack congress to overthrow the election. The average republican is far from being one of you maga GOOBERS.
If that’s the case, why did the article define and analyze MAGA Republicans by their signing petitions, attending Republican meetings, contacting their elected representative, or donated to a Republican politician? They definitely are casting a wide net so as to categorize any Republican even slightly engaged with politics (just about everyone I know has sent off an email to their Congressperson at one time or another), and position tens of millions of honest, law-abiding American citizens as enemies of the country.

Not the America I grew up in. The only thing more shocking than how evil and low the Biden Regime has proven itself is the speed in which they are demonizing people who disagree with them as traitors.
Hey douchebag - Biden’s speech said that by being anti-abortion at all, that makes you an “extremist” “MAGA Republican.”

So there went that lie.

He didn’t say that

He said that MAGA wants to take away abortion rights
Black people asked nicely for police reform for 10 years before the riots happened. You can't whine about a problem that erupts that you've ignored for decades.

Fuck the Black scum insurrectionists! Only deranged sicko Moon Bat dumbshits like you would condone that violence.

You ain't too smart, are you?
If that’s the case, why did the article define and analyze MAGA Republicans by their signing petitions, attending Republican meetings, contacting their elected representative, or donated to a Republican politician? They definitely are casting a wide net so as to categorize any Republican even slightly engaged with politics (just about everyone I know has sent off an email to their Congressperson at one time or another), and position tens of millions of honest, law-abiding American citizens as enemies of the country.

Not the America I grew up in. The only thing more shocking than how evil and low the Biden Regime has proven itself is the speed in which they are demonizing people who disagree with them as traitors.
I have no idea what thought process a nutbag rightwinger might embrace when writing an article. My guess is he wanted to imply the president included more than just the hard core crazies in his speech.
"Traditional Americans", like "Core Americans", a term regularly used by an admitted white nationalist here?

Bad news: You guys don't get to force your bigoted definitions on the rest of us. An American citizen is an American, whether you like it or not.
Lol, you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have been changing definitions of male female, vaccines, and you have the gall to claim that the right are bigoted bullies.
Fuck you and your projection!
Lol, you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have been changing definitions of male female, vaccines, and you have the gall to claim that the right are bigoted bullies.
Fuck you and your projection!
I know you probably didn't intend that post to sound that goofy.

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