What is a MAGA Republican?

A politician, pundit or politico who has sold their soul to the most obvious con man this country has ever seen.

The street level rubes? Meh. They're victims in a way. They don't know any better. They just think as they're told.

You described you and your Nazicrat overlords and their other sheeples, perfectly!

Let’s focus: While leftists try to downplay Biden’s Hitler-like speech saying in which he now claims he he was just threatening extremists on the right (no mention of the dangerous extremists on the left of course), he - the President of the United States! - is demonizing every American who donates money to a Republican candidate, goes to a political meeting (I belong to the local Republican Women‘s club), or signs a petition that disapproves of a policy he is promoting.

This is not America. This is moving closer to the early 1930s in Germany.

Did you ever read "Diary of a Man in Despair" by Frederick Reck? I have read no small number of Jewish accounts--this one is notable because Reck is not Jewish, and so in some ways was able to get closer (much to his dismay) to the "inner workings" of the horror show.

I have never been able to understand, since I have been a teenager, why so many everyday people would just go along. Covid was not like the Holocaust. But watching people screech at each other about killing grandma over cloth masks was a real eye-opener in terms of the power of propaganda.

Thank God, it seems the people we have attempting this again are utter fools, even bigger fools than the Nazis. They attempted 1000 years and got 12 horrific ones. I doubt bumbling basement dummy could get 6 months off the ground. Again. Thank God for that.
You vastly overestimate the number of people who would have backed Trump illegally seizing power. Although it would have been an embarrassingly high number it would not be every single republican.

The vast majority of Republicans are opposed to the unethical methods by which Biden seized power and would have liked to see the person who WOULD have won, if the election were held fairly, become president.
A MAGA Republican defines his party as TRUMP
A Regular Republican defines his party as small Government, balanced budget, strong defence, law and order, anti abortion

MAGA says they are RINOs
Did you ever read "Diary of a Man in Despair" by Frederick Reck? I have read no small number of Jewish accounts--this one is notable because Reck is not Jewish, and so in some ways was able to get closer (much to his dismay) to the "inner workings" of the horror show.

I have never been able to understand, since I have been a teenager, why so many everyday people would just go along. Covid was not like the Holocaust. But watching people screech at each other about killing grandma over cloth masks was a real eye-opener in terms of the power of propaganda.

Thank God, it seems the people we have attempting this again are utter fools, even bigger fools than the Nazis. They attempted 1000 years and got 12 horrific ones. I doubt bumbling basement dummy could get 6 months off the ground. Again. Thank God for that.
If COVID happened anytime but that election year, it would have been way better.

They locked their own kids up to beat Trump.....lolol.....Now their stupid shats can't even read
MAGA maggots are the epitome of normality since their every air breathed is a support of a man who leadership abilities are defined by Elmer Gantry.
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The vast majority of Republicans are opposed to the unethical methods by which Biden seized power and would have liked to see the person who WOULD have won, if the election were held fairly, become president.
You do not even realize how retarded it is to claim elections are rigged but only if your candidate loses.
A MAGA Republican defines his party as TRUMP
A Regular Republican defines his party as small Government, balanced budget, strong defence, law and order, anti abortion

MAGA says they are RINOs

There are a lot of us who voted for Trump and are still "regular Republicans"
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If COVID happened anytime but that election year, it would have been way better.

They locked their own kids up to beat Trump.....lolol.....Now their stupid shats can't even read

I sometimes wonder if all of this--the crashed economy, the gas prices, the border, this Nazi speech--is not a constant dog and pony show to keep us distracted from the utter failure that was Democrats Covid Panic.

If so, hats off. It's working. Maybe not in their favor, but it's working.
MAGA maggots are the epitome of normality since there every air breathed is a support of a man who leadership abilities are defined by Elmer Gantry.
Look at your fucking country today Dooshalot..................lolol

GD thing is falling apart and all you have is TDS.....lolol
The vast majority of Republicans are opposed to the unethical methods by which Biden seized power and would have liked to see the person who WOULD have won, if the election were held fairly, become president.
It is just breath taking how that censorship was coordinated from the FBI to social media

How illegal
I specifically answered the question posed in YOUR OP TITLE.

My answer hurt your feelings. Too bad.

But, you've admitted many times that it is not about Trump, so the flame bait about Trump was off topic.
Did you ever read "Diary of a Man in Despair" by Frederick Reck? I have read no small number of Jewish accounts--this one is notable because Reck is not Jewish, and so in some ways was able to get closer (much to his dismay) to the "inner workings" of the horror show.

I have never been able to understand, since I have been a teenager, why so many everyday people would just go along. Covid was not like the Holocaust. But watching people screech at each other about killing grandma over cloth masks was a real eye-opener in terms of the power of propaganda.

Thank God, it seems the people we have attempting this again are utter fools, even bigger fools than the Nazis. They attempted 1000 years and got 12 horrific ones. I doubt bumbling basement dummy could get 6 months off the ground. Again. Thank God for that.
I will look into that book. Thanks for the recommendation.

As far as how Hitler got normal Germans to so despise a subgroup of citizens that they were willing to murder them, by the millions, revisit the Holocaust Museum in DC. (Or go for the first time, if you haven’t been - and bring plenty of tissues.) It explains how Germans were brainwashed into believing that a group of people were so dangerous to society that they willingly marched them into gas chambers, or tortured them to death.

The demonization of Jews started well more than a decade before the slaughter began - and with the type of venomous, hate-mongering we saw in Biden’s speech on Thursday. Eventually, rules and laws were set up to cast Jews as sub-human outcasts.

We are living in scary times. In the meantime, keep good records your taxes. The Biden Regime has hired someone from the Lois Lerner IRS to oversee the 87,000 new IRS agents. All Republicans will be targeted for harassment.

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