What is a "nothing burger?"

I've of late several times seen and heard the oxymoronic term "nothing burger." What is that supposed to mean? In much the same way that the lesser of two evils is still evil, is not a "nothing burger" still a burger?

I mean really. How does something at once be nothing and something, a burger? Who comes up with inane terms like "nothing burger?" Moreover, who willfully propagates them?
it might not be as bad as a shit sandwich
Since nobody is likely literally to eat either, the only relevance each term has is linguistic. As a term, "nothingburger" is worse; "sh*t sandwich" is at least not oxymoronic.
I've of late several times seen and heard the oxymoronic term "nothing burger." What is that supposed to mean? In much the same way that the lesser of two evils is still evil, is not a "nothing burger" still a burger?

I mean really. How does something at once be nothing and something, a burger? Who comes up with inane terms like "nothing burger?" Moreover, who willfully propagates them?
Republicans said there was nothing to to the Russia investigation. They said it was a "nothing burger". Is that true?

Members of President Donald Trump’s legal team suggested that White House senior adviser Jared Kushner should resign, concerned that his multiple meetings with Russian officials and web of financial dealings would endanger the White House, The Wall Street Journal reported late Monday.

In June, some aides working with Trump’s outside legal team made the recommendation to the president and prepared a statement for Kushner’s resignation, according to the Journal’s reporting.

Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, has drawn increasing scrutiny in multiple investigations into whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia in last year’s election, particularly given his high-level role in the White House.

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