Zone1 What is a person?

Wow. You don't believe that intelligence is a functional advantage because it took too long to evolve?

So you don't believe that intelligent people have an advantage over less intelligent people because 150 million years ago dinosaurs only had rudimentary intelligence?

So let me ask you again... do you believe that intelligence is a functional advantage? Or do you believe being stupid offers the same or more functional advantage over being intelligent?
Humans are a fabulously successful species, we live in almost every ecosystem. No doubt about it. Are we the most successful? Probably not, depending on how you measure it. There are way more bacteria by numbers and biomass and they do live in every ecosystem, even ones we don't. Also, there is not chance bacteria will manage to make themselves go extinct.
alang1216 let me ask you a very important question. Do you believe you failed to realize intelligence is a functional advantage because you were too stupid? Or do you believe you failed to realize intelligence is a functional advantage because you were too biased? I say it was the latter. What do you say?
It is a functional advantage but hardly the only one. Is it the most important one? TBD.
I think the point is that nature creates more than can or should survive. Nature doesn't value uniqueness.
Nature absolutely values diversity. Uniqueness creates diversity. But given you don't believe that intelligence is a functional advantage, I'm not holding out much hope that you will agree with this either.
We c constantly steer it. Our domesticated crops and animals are nothing like their wild ancestors.

I think the value of a single human egg is not measurable to society but only to the individuals directly involved. If they value it enough to want to raise it then it is of great value. If it is not valued by the parents, that single human egg is worthless, regardless of its uniqueness.
Was Einstein valuable to society?
How do you factor in climate change, volcanic eruptions, asteroids, etc. There is plenty of randomness in the universe and it took some randomness to allow intelligence to evolve.
Why do you need to factor in climate change, volcanic eruptions, asteroids, etc, before you admit that intelligence is indeed a functional advantage over lack of intelligence?

And are you seriously arguing that natural selection is random? The basis of evolution is that evolutionary changes occur for reasons. And those reasons are functional advantage and the transfer of functional advantage.

Intelligence evolved because intelligence is a functional advantage. It does not matter what events occur. Intelligence is a functional advantage under all circumstances.
Humans are a fabulously successful species, we live in almost every ecosystem. No doubt about it. Are we the most successful? Probably not, depending on how you measure it. There are way more bacteria by numbers and biomass and they do live in every ecosystem, even ones we don't. Also, there is not chance bacteria will manage to make themselves go extinct.
It's hilarious that you won't admit intelligence is a functional advantage. Intelligence creates antibiotics that can kill bacteria.
It is a functional advantage but hardly the only one. Is it the most important one? TBD.
It's because intelligence is a functional advantage and because intelligence is possible to exist that intelligence arose. It wasn't an accident or a surprise or a random event. Intelligence arose for logical reasons. The laws of nature make intelligence possible. The functional advantage of intelligence made it inevitable.
Then why are you disagreeing with me about deer reproduction strategy? ... you claimed a Google search claims a doe in season will refuse a buck if she thinks food levels are too low? ... do you know what no link means? ...
I wasn't addressing your fringe argument, bro. I answered the question I asked. That was enough for me.
I wasn't addressing your fringe argument, bro. I answered the question I asked. That was enough for me.

You quoted me ... are you confused or something ... no link means you're making up shit as you go ... and that's is enough for you ... may God have mercy on us ...
Do you know you're causing autism? ... does "yes" mean you disagree with what I didn't mean to say? ... or that you agree with what I would have said if I had understood you the first time? ...

[sigh] ...
Why is the Creator Being or Nature’s God in the desert religions a Father? Why not a Mother or Neither?
Personally, I believe that God the Father has an eternal wife and we do have a Mother in Heaven who is the mother of our spirits. I think out of respect for her, God the Father does not bring her up to us in this fallen wicked world out of respect for her.
Nature absolutely values diversity. Uniqueness creates diversity. But given you don't believe that intelligence is a functional advantage, I'm not holding out much hope that you will agree with this either.
I don't disagree, I just don't see intelligence as the be all and end all of evolution. It is no different from other adaptations.
Why do you need to factor in climate change, volcanic eruptions, asteroids, etc, before you admit that intelligence is indeed a functional advantage over lack of intelligence?
Bacteria have survived for billions of years with a decided lack of intelligence.

And are you seriously arguing that natural selection is random? The basis of evolution is that evolutionary changes occur for reasons.
And sometimes those reasons are random, e.g., climate change, volcanic eruptions, asteroids, etc.

And those reasons are functional advantage and the transfer of functional advantage.

Intelligence evolved because intelligence is a functional advantage. It does not matter what events occur. Intelligence is a functional advantage under all circumstances.
Only if we don't manage to make ourselves extinct.
I don't disagree, I just don't see intelligence as the be all and end all of evolution. It is no different from other adaptations.
It's the ultimate functional advantage. It's why humans are at the top of the food chain. It's why intelligence was destined to arise.

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