What is a "Progressive"?

I'm frightened by Liberals, er Progressives "relentless struggle" because they openly embrace an economic philosophy that comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and is so bad that, the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese have abandoned it in favor of Free Enterprise putting our Liberals, er, Progressives, firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists

I am curious as to how you are making the claim that "Progressives" are "firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists". Care to share the source of this allegation? What basis are you using for this claim? Which policies are you pointing at that are identical to those of the communists? Can you show a 1:1 correlation between the policies of the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese that are identical to those of the "Progressives" and that are doomed to fail?

Surely, the ChiComs, Russians and Vietnamese have all abandoned Soviet style Central planning in favor of more free enterprise and all are prospering.

Do you keep up at all on current events?

I'm "confused"...China and Russia are our Capitalistic Allies?
So we can now bring our military back home?
I'm frightened by Liberals, er Progressives "relentless struggle" because they openly embrace an economic philosophy that comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and is so bad that, the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese have abandoned it in favor of Free Enterprise putting our Liberals, er, Progressives, firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists

I am curious as to how you are making the claim that "Progressives" are "firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists". Care to share the source of this allegation? What basis are you using for this claim? Which policies are you pointing at that are identical to those of the communists? Can you show a 1:1 correlation between the policies of the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese that are identical to those of the "Progressives" and that are doomed to fail?

Surely, the ChiComs, Russians and Vietnamese have all abandoned Soviet style Central planning in favor of more free enterprise and all are prospering.

Do you keep up at all on current events?

You did NOT answer the questions. According to you "Progressives" are some kind of "uber-communists" but you have failed to provide any substantiation for your allegation that there is anyone espousing anything remotely similar to what you are claiming.

So the onus is on you to provide credible substantiating links that prove that this "progressivism" actually exists.
we tried the conservative/Randian "let the banks/markets regulate themselves" and it almost sent us into a full-blown recession. There is no "pure" capitalism CF except for in perhaps somewhere like Somalia. :thup:

] Mohamed Siad Barre seized power in 1969 and established the Somali Democratic Republic. In 1991, Barre's government collapsed as the Somali Civil War broke out.

A new constitution was promulgated in 1979 under which elections for a People's Assembly were held. However, Barre's Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party politburo continued to rule.[5] In October 1980, the SRSP was disbanded, and the Supreme Revolutionary Council was re-established in its place.[9] By that time, Barre's government had become increasingly unpopular. Many Somalis had become disillusioned with life under military dictatorship. The regime was weakened further in the 1980s as the Cold War drew to a close and Somalia's strategic importance was diminished. The government became increasingly totalitarian, and resistance movements, supported by Ethiopia, sprang up across the country, eventually leading to the Somali Civil War. Among the militia groups were the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF), United Somali Congress (USC), Somali National Movement (SNM) and the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), together with the non-violent political oppositions of the Somali Democratic Movement (SDM), the Somali Democratic Alliance (SDA) and the Somali Manifesto Group (SMG).

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On the last flight out of LAX to JFK tonight I watched 5 minutes of MSNBC and heard Ed Shultz and guests describe the "Progressive" solution to US energy (hint: they're against oil but love solar and wind and other things that just don't make economic sense) and I wondered:

What is a 'Progressive'?

What are the central ideas and beliefs that make someone a Progressive rather than a Liberal or a Democrat?

Progressive is just a new name for LIBERAL. Politicians and the liberal group which only represents 20% of this nation decided to re-describe themselves as "Progressive" because referring to themselves as "Liberal" wasn't working anymore with the general public.
we tried the conservative/Randian "let the banks/markets regulate themselves" and it almost sent us into a full-blown recession. There is no "pure" capitalism CF except for in perhaps somewhere like Somalia. :thup:

] Mohamed Siad Barre seized power in 1969 and established the Somali Democratic Republic. In 1991, Barre's government collapsed as the Somali Civil War broke out.

A new constitution was promulgated in 1979 under which elections for a People's Assembly were held. However, Barre's Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party politburo continued to rule.[5] In October 1980, the SRSP was disbanded, and the Supreme Revolutionary Council was re-established in its place.[9] By that time, Barre's government had become increasingly unpopular. Many Somalis had become disillusioned with life under military dictatorship. The regime was weakened further in the 1980s as the Cold War drew to a close and Somalia's strategic importance was diminished. The government became increasingly totalitarian, and resistance movements, supported by Ethiopia, sprang up across the country, eventually leading to the Somali Civil War. Among the militia groups were the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF), United Somali Congress (USC), Somali National Movement (SNM) and the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), together with the non-violent political oppositions of the Somali Democratic Movement (SDM), the Somali Democratic Alliance (SDA) and the Somali Manifesto Group (SMG).





Sorry, but when I see a MAJOR MELTDOWN like that one it just cracks me up!
On the last flight out of LAX to JFK tonight I watched 5 minutes of MSNBC and heard Ed Shultz and guests describe the "Progressive" solution to US energy (hint: they're against oil but love solar and wind and other things that just don't make economic sense) and I wondered:

What is a 'Progressive'?

What are the central ideas and beliefs that make someone a Progressive rather than a Liberal or a Democrat?

Progressive is just a new name for LIBERAL. Politicians and the liberal group which only represents 20% of this nation decided to re-describe themselves as "Progressive" because referring to themselves as "Liberal" wasn't working anymore with the general public.

I am getting mixed messages about what a "progressive" is supposed to mean but the OP can't clarify his own definition other than it is supposed to represent some mythical "uber-communist".
A progressive is a fascist

tapatalk post

And you are an idiot who does not know the meaning of either term.

Fascism is derived from the Latin meaning bundle of sticks and Coined by SOCIALIST Progressive Benito Mussolini Meaning together they are strong individually weak. Now that I have educated you I expect your apology any day.

You're a real dunce. Mussolini was a Fascist, and he got kicked out of the Italian Socialist Party because he was against Socialism.. you claim that Dems/Libs are Socialist, so how in the hell can they be Socialist and Fascist? Obviously you just repeat stuff that you know nothing about. Do some reading.

Now I had already instructed you about this, so you either like remaining dumb and repeating nonsense, or you can't digest what is given to you to read.

Benito Mussolini began his professional career as a socialist. His views gravitated toward revolutionary action. However, he also developed into an Italian nationalist and an elitist. Eventually, he determined socialism a failure for its inability to recognize nationalism and natural inferiority. This revelation, combined with his support for World War I, led to his expulsion from the socialist party and his rebirth as a fascist.Benito Mussolini: Socialist - National American history | Examiner.com

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (Italian pronunciation: [beˈnito mussoˈlini]; 29 July 1883 – 28 April 1945) was an Italian politician, journalist, and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 until his ousting in 1943. He ruled constitutionally until 1925, when he dropped all pretense of democracy and set up a legal dictatorship. Known as Il Duce ("the leader"), Mussolini was one of the key figures in the creation of fascism.[1]
Mussolini denounced the PSI,
Originally a member of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), Mussolini was expelled from the PSI due to his opposition to the party's stance on neutrality in World War I.
we tried the conservative/Randian "let the banks/markets regulate themselves" and it almost sent us into a full-blown recession. There is no "pure" capitalism CF except for in perhaps somewhere like Somalia. :thup:

] Mohamed Siad Barre seized power in 1969 and established the Somali Democratic Republic. In 1991, Barre's government collapsed as the Somali Civil War broke out.

A new constitution was promulgated in 1979 under which elections for a People's Assembly were held. However, Barre's Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party politburo continued to rule.[5] In October 1980, the SRSP was disbanded, and the Supreme Revolutionary Council was re-established in its place.[9] By that time, Barre's government had become increasingly unpopular. Many Somalis had become disillusioned with life under military dictatorship. The regime was weakened further in the 1980s as the Cold War drew to a close and Somalia's strategic importance was diminished. The government became increasingly totalitarian, and resistance movements, supported by Ethiopia, sprang up across the country, eventually leading to the Somali Civil War. Among the militia groups were the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF), United Somali Congress (USC), Somali National Movement (SNM) and the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), together with the non-violent political oppositions of the Somali Democratic Movement (SDM), the Somali Democratic Alliance (SDA) and the Somali Manifesto Group (SMG).





Sorry, but when I see a MAJOR MELTDOWN like that one it just cracks me up!

I know right? :eusa_eh: :eusa_drool:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QDv4sYwjO0]REGULATION VACATION CELEBRATION! - YouTube[/ame]
I am curious as to how you are making the claim that "Progressives" are "firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists". Care to share the source of this allegation? What basis are you using for this claim? Which policies are you pointing at that are identical to those of the communists? Can you show a 1:1 correlation between the policies of the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese that are identical to those of the "Progressives" and that are doomed to fail?

Surely, the ChiComs, Russians and Vietnamese have all abandoned Soviet style Central planning in favor of more free enterprise and all are prospering.

Do you keep up at all on current events?

I'm "confused"...China and Russia are our Capitalistic Allies?
So we can now bring our military back home?

You are confused, stay off the Internet, don't post, you'll only embarrass yourself futher
I am curious as to how you are making the claim that "Progressives" are "firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists". Care to share the source of this allegation? What basis are you using for this claim? Which policies are you pointing at that are identical to those of the communists? Can you show a 1:1 correlation between the policies of the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese that are identical to those of the "Progressives" and that are doomed to fail?

Surely, the ChiComs, Russians and Vietnamese have all abandoned Soviet style Central planning in favor of more free enterprise and all are prospering.

Do you keep up at all on current events?

You did NOT answer the questions. According to you "Progressives" are some kind of "uber-communists" but you have failed to provide any substantiation for your allegation that there is anyone espousing anything remotely similar to what you are claiming.

So the onus is on you to provide credible substantiating links that prove that this "progressivism" actually exists.

I started by asking what do Progressives believe, are you in favor of redistribution, do you believe that profits are stolen wages, do you believe people should contribute to society according to their means and receive back according to their needs?
Surely, the ChiComs, Russians and Vietnamese have all abandoned Soviet style Central planning in favor of more free enterprise and all are prospering.

Do you keep up at all on current events?

You did NOT answer the questions. According to you "Progressives" are some kind of "uber-communists" but you have failed to provide any substantiation for your allegation that there is anyone espousing anything remotely similar to what you are claiming.

So the onus is on you to provide credible substantiating links that prove that this "progressivism" actually exists.

I started by asking what do Progressives believe, are you in favor of redistribution, do you believe that profits are stolen wages, do you believe people should contribute to society according to their means and receive back according to their needs?

You have consistently made unsupported allegations about "progressives" just like the ones above.

You have also consistently FAILED to provide a single credible link to substantiate for any of them.

Without credible substantiation all you have is partisan rhetoric and that plus $5 will get you a cup of coffee but not much else.

So the onus remains on you to prove what you allege. If you cannot prove it then your entire thread belongs in the FZ in my opinion since it contains no substance and is nothing more than a vehicle to smear those on the left.
And you are an idiot who does not know the meaning of either term.

Fascism is derived from the Latin meaning bundle of sticks and Coined by SOCIALIST Progressive Benito Mussolini Meaning together they are strong individually weak. Now that I have educated you I expect your apology any day.

You're a real dunce. Mussolini was a Fascist, and he got kicked out of the Italian Socialist Party because he was against Socialism.. you claim that Dems/Libs are Socialist, so how in the hell can they be Socialist and Fascist? Obviously you just repeat stuff that you know nothing about. Do some reading.

Now I had already instructed you about this, so you either like remaining dumb and repeating nonsense, or you can't digest what is given to you to read.

Benito Mussolini began his professional career as a socialist. His views gravitated toward revolutionary action. However, he also developed into an Italian nationalist and an elitist. Eventually, he determined socialism a failure for its inability to recognize nationalism and natural inferiority. This revelation, combined with his support for World War I, led to his expulsion from the socialist party and his rebirth as a fascist.Benito Mussolini: Socialist - National American history | Examiner.com

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (Italian pronunciation: [beˈnito mussoˈlini]; 29 July 1883 – 28 April 1945) was an Italian politician, journalist, and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 until his ousting in 1943. He ruled constitutionally until 1925, when he dropped all pretense of democracy and set up a legal dictatorship. Known as Il Duce ("the leader"), Mussolini was one of the key figures in the creation of fascism.[1]
Mussolini denounced the PSI,
Originally a member of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), Mussolini was expelled from the PSI due to his opposition to the party's stance on neutrality in World War I.

A fascist is a socialist who has come to the conclusion that bureaucrats can not be trusted with the means of production.

So they have determined that allowing private ownership but under massive regulatory control is best.


Fascism is derived from the Latin meaning bundle of sticks and Coined by SOCIALIST Progressive Benito Mussolini Meaning together they are strong individually weak. Now that I have educated you I expect your apology any day.

You're a real dunce. Mussolini was a Fascist, and he got kicked out of the Italian Socialist Party because he was against Socialism.. you claim that Dems/Libs are Socialist, so how in the hell can they be Socialist and Fascist? Obviously you just repeat stuff that you know nothing about. Do some reading.

Now I had already instructed you about this, so you either like remaining dumb and repeating nonsense, or you can't digest what is given to you to read.

Benito Mussolini began his professional career as a socialist. His views gravitated toward revolutionary action. However, he also developed into an Italian nationalist and an elitist. Eventually, he determined socialism a failure for its inability to recognize nationalism and natural inferiority. This revelation, combined with his support for World War I, led to his expulsion from the socialist party and his rebirth as a fascist.Benito Mussolini: Socialist - National American history | Examiner.com

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (Italian pronunciation: [beˈnito mussoˈlini]; 29 July 1883 – 28 April 1945) was an Italian politician, journalist, and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 until his ousting in 1943. He ruled constitutionally until 1925, when he dropped all pretense of democracy and set up a legal dictatorship. Known as Il Duce ("the leader"), Mussolini was one of the key figures in the creation of fascism.[1]
Mussolini denounced the PSI,
Originally a member of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), Mussolini was expelled from the PSI due to his opposition to the party's stance on neutrality in World War I.

A fascist is a socialist who has come to the conclusion that bureaucrats can not be trusted with the means of production.

So they have determined that allowing private ownership but under massive regulatory control is best.



Where exactly in the USA are the "bureaucrats" "trusted with the means of production" and who exactly is advocating any such idea?

Yeah. Thanks for highlighting that American Progressives are European Socialists

"The term "progressive" is today often used in place of "liberal".[citation needed] Although the two are related in some ways, they are separate and distinct political ideologies. In the U.S. in particular, the term "progressive" tends to have the same value as the European term social democrat, which is scarcely used in American political language"
You did NOT answer the questions. According to you "Progressives" are some kind of "uber-communists" but you have failed to provide any substantiation for your allegation that there is anyone espousing anything remotely similar to what you are claiming.

So the onus is on you to provide credible substantiating links that prove that this "progressivism" actually exists.

I started by asking what do Progressives believe, are you in favor of redistribution, do you believe that profits are stolen wages, do you believe people should contribute to society according to their means and receive back according to their needs?

You have consistently made unsupported allegations about "progressives" just like the ones above.

You have also consistently FAILED to provide a single credible link to substantiate for any of them.

Without credible substantiation all you have is partisan rhetoric and that plus $5 will get you a cup of coffee but not much else.

So the onus remains on you to prove what you allege. If you cannot prove it then your entire thread belongs in the FZ in my opinion since it contains no substance and is nothing more than a vehicle to smear those on the left.

OK Squidward, the onus is on you to shut the fuck up. I asked what Progressives believe. Answer or STFU
You're a real dunce. Mussolini was a Fascist, and he got kicked out of the Italian Socialist Party because he was against Socialism.. you claim that Dems/Libs are Socialist, so how in the hell can they be Socialist and Fascist? Obviously you just repeat stuff that you know nothing about. Do some reading.

Now I had already instructed you about this, so you either like remaining dumb and repeating nonsense, or you can't digest what is given to you to read.

Benito Mussolini began his professional career as a socialist. His views gravitated toward revolutionary action. However, he also developed into an Italian nationalist and an elitist. Eventually, he determined socialism a failure for its inability to recognize nationalism and natural inferiority. This revelation, combined with his support for World War I, led to his expulsion from the socialist party and his rebirth as a fascist.Benito Mussolini: Socialist - National American history | Examiner.com

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (Italian pronunciation: [beˈnito mussoˈlini]; 29 July 1883 – 28 April 1945) was an Italian politician, journalist, and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 until his ousting in 1943. He ruled constitutionally until 1925, when he dropped all pretense of democracy and set up a legal dictatorship. Known as Il Duce ("the leader"), Mussolini was one of the key figures in the creation of fascism.[1]
Mussolini denounced the PSI,
Originally a member of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), Mussolini was expelled from the PSI due to his opposition to the party's stance on neutrality in World War I.

A fascist is a socialist who has come to the conclusion that bureaucrats can not be trusted with the means of production.

So they have determined that allowing private ownership but under massive regulatory control is best.



Where exactly in the USA are the "bureaucrats" "trusted with the means of production" and who exactly is advocating any such idea?

I believe the Federal Government takeover of GM qualifies.......don't you?

Yeah. Thanks for highlighting that American Progressives are European Socialists

"The term "progressive" is today often used in place of "liberal".[citation needed] Although the two are related in some ways, they are separate and distinct political ideologies. In the U.S. in particular, the term "progressive" tends to have the same value as the European term social democrat, which is scarcely used in American political language"

IDK what the current technical definition is, although I know that TR was a Progressive and Progressivism was huge in the Midwest in the middle of the Twentieth century but, I consider it to be a Liberal who doesn't sign-on to the corporatist Democratic party of today.
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I started by asking what do Progressives believe, are you in favor of redistribution, do you believe that profits are stolen wages, do you believe people should contribute to society according to their means and receive back according to their needs?

You have consistently made unsupported allegations about "progressives" just like the ones above.

You have also consistently FAILED to provide a single credible link to substantiate for any of them.

Without credible substantiation all you have is partisan rhetoric and that plus $5 will get you a cup of coffee but not much else.

So the onus remains on you to prove what you allege. If you cannot prove it then your entire thread belongs in the FZ in my opinion since it contains no substance and is nothing more than a vehicle to smear those on the left.

OK Squidward, the onus is on you to shut the fuck up. I asked what Progressives believe. Answer or STFU

Progressives believe the same things the rest of the liberals believe, they just scream it louder
I started by asking what do Progressives believe, are you in favor of redistribution, do you believe that profits are stolen wages, do you believe people should contribute to society according to their means and receive back according to their needs?

You have consistently made unsupported allegations about "progressives" just like the ones above.

You have also consistently FAILED to provide a single credible link to substantiate for any of them.

Without credible substantiation all you have is partisan rhetoric and that plus $5 will get you a cup of coffee but not much else.

So the onus remains on you to prove what you allege. If you cannot prove it then your entire thread belongs in the FZ in my opinion since it contains no substance and is nothing more than a vehicle to smear those on the left.

OK Squidward, the onus is on you to shut the fuck up. I asked what Progressives believe. Answer or STFU

progressive - definition of progressive by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

pro·gres·sive (prə-grĕs′ĭv)
1. Moving forward; advancing.
2. Proceeding in steps; continuing steadily by increments: progressive change.
3. Promoting or favoring progress toward better conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods: a progressive politician; progressive business leadership.
4. Progressive Of or relating to a Progressive Party: the Progressive platform of 1924.
5. Of or relating to progressive education: a progressive school.

pro•gres•sive (prəˈgrɛs ɪv)

1. advocating progress or reform, esp. in political and social matters.
2. employing or advocating more liberal ideas, new methods, etc.: a progressive community.
3. noting or characterized by progress, progression, reform, innovation, etc.
4. (cap.) of or pertaining to a Progressive Party.
5. going forward or onward; passing successively from one stage to the next.
6. continuously increasing in extent or severity, as a disease.
7. pertaining to a form of taxation in which the rate increases as taxable income increases.
8. pertaining to or practicing progressive education: progressive schools.
9. of or designating a verb tense, aspect, or form typically used to indicate that an action or event is, was, or will be going on at some temporal point of reference.
10. a person who favors progress or reform, as in politics.
11. (cap.) a member of a Progressive Party.

None of those definitions remotely resemble your "uber-communist" allegation!

So the onus remains on you to provide credible substantiation for your claims!

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