What is a "Progressive"?

Yeah. Thanks for highlighting that American Progressives are European Socialists

"The term "progressive" is today often used in place of "liberal".[citation needed] Although the two are related in some ways, they are separate and distinct political ideologies. In the U.S. in particular, the term "progressive" tends to have the same value as the European term social democrat, which is scarcely used in American political language"

IDK what the current technical definition is, although I know that TR was a Progressive and Progressivism was huge in the Midwest in the middle of the Twentieth century but, I consider it to be a Liberal who doesn't sign-on to the corporatist Democrat party of today.

So name someone progressives don't support because they are a "corporatist Democrat?"
I equate Progressivism w/ just doing the damn right thing regardless of SOCON's and other's delicate sensibilities :mad:
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Yeah. Thanks for highlighting that American Progressives are European Socialists

"The term "progressive" is today often used in place of "liberal".[citation needed] Although the two are related in some ways, they are separate and distinct political ideologies. In the U.S. in particular, the term "progressive" tends to have the same value as the European term social democrat, which is scarcely used in American political language"

IDK what the current technical definition is, although I know that TR was a Progressive and Progressivism was huge in the Midwest in the middle of the Twentieth century but, I consider it to be a Liberal who doesn't sign-on to the corporatist Democrat party of today.

So name someone progressives don't support because they are a "corporatist Democrat?"

ummm..... we aren't a party w/ a hive mind like Repubs :thup: I speak only for myself. I think HRC is no doubt a corporate Democrat/Repub-lite. Obama could be too. All you have to do is look to see who they nominate to the Fed & Treasury. We'll see what happens in the next 3 years.
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None of those definitions remotely resemble your "uber-communist" allegation!

So the onus remains on you to provide credible substantiation for your claims!

Who cares what the dictionary definition of the term is? Democrats are authoritarian leftists, which has zero to do with the dictionary definition of liberal. All the Communist countries called themselves variations of "people's democratic republic." How are social conservatives "conservative" when they want government to own our bodies? They are social authoritarians. True conservatives and true liberals would both want limited government, just for different reasons.
IDK what the current technical definition is, although I know that TR was a Progressive and Progressivism was huge in the Midwest in the middle of the Twentieth century but, I consider it to be a Liberal who doesn't sign-on to the corporatist Democrat party of today.

So name someone progressives don't support because they are a "corporatist Democrat?"

ummm..... we aren't a party w/ a hive mind like Repubs :thup: I speak only for myself. I think HRC is no doubt a corporate Democrat/Repub-lite. Obama could be too. All you have to do is look to see who they nominate to the Fed & Treasury. We'll see what happens in the next 3 years.

Who is "HRC?"

I see, so progressives haven't voted any different than other liberals, you're just watching and possibly not voting for Obama again if he doesn't nominate someone for the Fed you like? That would show him. Wow, you are different, I get it now...
I equate Progressivism w/ just doing the damn right thing regardless of SOCON's and other's delicate sensibilities :mad:

Nobody wants what the socons want except the socons. So that's yet another pretty empty statement.
As Dot Com keeps showing, progressives know they aren't like other liberals, they just aren't sure how exactly...
You're a real dunce. Mussolini was a Fascist, and he got kicked out of the Italian Socialist Party because he was against Socialism.. you claim that Dems/Libs are Socialist, so how in the hell can they be Socialist and Fascist? Obviously you just repeat stuff that you know nothing about. Do some reading.

Now I had already instructed you about this, so you either like remaining dumb and repeating nonsense, or you can't digest what is given to you to read.

Benito Mussolini began his professional career as a socialist. His views gravitated toward revolutionary action. However, he also developed into an Italian nationalist and an elitist. Eventually, he determined socialism a failure for its inability to recognize nationalism and natural inferiority. This revelation, combined with his support for World War I, led to his expulsion from the socialist party and his rebirth as a fascist.Benito Mussolini: Socialist - National American history | Examiner.com

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (Italian pronunciation: [beˈnito mussoˈlini]; 29 July 1883 – 28 April 1945) was an Italian politician, journalist, and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 until his ousting in 1943. He ruled constitutionally until 1925, when he dropped all pretense of democracy and set up a legal dictatorship. Known as Il Duce ("the leader"), Mussolini was one of the key figures in the creation of fascism.[1]
Mussolini denounced the PSI,
Originally a member of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), Mussolini was expelled from the PSI due to his opposition to the party's stance on neutrality in World War I.

A fascist is a socialist who has come to the conclusion that bureaucrats can not be trusted with the means of production.

So they have determined that allowing private ownership but under massive regulatory control is best.



Where exactly in the USA are the "bureaucrats" "trusted with the means of production" and who exactly is advocating any such idea?

Yo Ding Dong


List of United States federal agencies

Knock yourself out

A fascist is a socialist who has come to the conclusion that bureaucrats can not be trusted with the means of production.

So they have determined that allowing private ownership but under massive regulatory control is best.



Where exactly in the USA are the "bureaucrats" "trusted with the means of production" and who exactly is advocating any such idea?

I believe the Federal Government takeover of GM qualifies.......don't you?

Owning shares is not the same thing as "bureaucrats" "trusted with the means of production" in my opinion. The GM bailout was essentially the same concept as the Chrysler bailout.

In 1979 Congress required Chrysler to obtain private funding for the bailout financing while the government co-signed the note as collateral. In 2008 there was no private funding available since the banking sector was imploding. The government loaned GM the funds and took the shares as collateral.

In both instances the practices followed normal capitalist lending procedures for requiring collateral before making risky loans. In both instances the government has not lost any money either.
A fascist is a socialist who has come to the conclusion that bureaucrats can not be trusted with the means of production.

So they have determined that allowing private ownership but under massive regulatory control is best.



Where exactly in the USA are the "bureaucrats" "trusted with the means of production" and who exactly is advocating any such idea?

Yo Ding Dong


List of United States federal agencies

Knock yourself out


Thanks for admitting that you don't understand the term "means of production".

means of production - definition of means of production by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

means of production
pl n
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in Marxist theory) the raw materials and means of labour (tools, machines, etc) employed in the production process

Please list which of those federal agencies control the "means of production".
Where exactly in the USA are the "bureaucrats" "trusted with the means of production" and who exactly is advocating any such idea?

Yo Ding Dong


List of United States federal agencies

Knock yourself out


Thanks for admitting that you don't understand the term "means of production".

means of production - definition of means of production by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

means of production
pl n
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in Marxist theory) the raw materials and means of labour (tools, machines, etc) employed in the production process

Please list which of those federal agencies control the "means of production".

so·cial·ism (sō′shə-lĭz′əm)
1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

Yo Ding Dong


List of United States federal agencies

Knock yourself out


Thanks for admitting that you don't understand the term "means of production".

means of production - definition of means of production by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

means of production
pl n
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in Marxist theory) the raw materials and means of labour (tools, machines, etc) employed in the production process

Please list which of those federal agencies control the "means of production".

so·cial·ism (sō′shə-lĭz′əm)
1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.


Once again you have FAILED to support your allegation. You cannot name a single federal agency that owns the "means of producing and distributing goods".
Thanks for admitting that you don't understand the term "means of production".

means of production - definition of means of production by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Please list which of those federal agencies control the "means of production".

so·cial·ism (sō′shə-lĭz′əm)
1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.


Once again you have FAILED to support your allegation. You cannot name a single federal agency that owns the "means of producing and distributing goods".

Can't you fucking read.
A fascist is a socialist who has come to the conclusion that bureaucrats can not be trusted with the means of production.

So they have determined that allowing private ownership but under massive regulatory control is best.

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so·cial·ism (sō′shə-lĭz′əm)
1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.


Once again you have FAILED to support your allegation. You cannot name a single federal agency that owns the "means of producing and distributing goods".

You stupid son-of a bitch , can't you fucking read. No wonder you are on welfare.

A fascist is a socialist who has come to the conclusion that bureaucrats can not be trusted with the means of production.

So they have determined that allowing private ownership but under massive regulatory control is best.


Having failed to prove that the federal government is socialist you are now accusing the federal government of being fascist. The onus still remains on you to prove that allegation. Which agencies are using fascism?

fas·cism [fash-iz-uhm] Show IPA
( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
( sometimes initial capital letter ) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.

fascism (ˈfæʃɪzəm)

— n
1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc

Fascism | Define Fascism at Dictionary.com
Once again you have FAILED to support your allegation. You cannot name a single federal agency that owns the "means of producing and distributing goods".

You stupid son-of a bitch , can't you fucking read. No wonder you are on welfare.


Having failed to prove that the federal government is socialist you are now accusing the federal government of being fascist. The onus still remains on you to prove that allegation. Which agencies are using fascism?

fas·cism [fash-iz-uhm] Show IPA
( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
( sometimes initial capital letter ) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.

fascism (ˈfæʃɪzəm)

— n
1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc

Fascism | Define Fascism at Dictionary.com
Guess what numbnutz? OUR government IS fast becoming FASCIST. totalitarian. And what is Fascism BUT...TOTAL CONTROL?

Go back to the end of the line.
Progressives are those who seek Marxism through evolution rather than revolution.
On the last flight out of LAX to JFK tonight I watched 5 minutes of MSNBC and heard Ed Shultz and guests describe the "Progressive" solution to US energy (hint: they're against oil but love solar and wind and other things that just don't make economic sense) and I wondered:

What is a 'Progressive'?

What are the central ideas and beliefs that make someone a Progressive rather than a Liberal or a Democrat?


They're all equally insipid.
On the last flight out of LAX to JFK tonight I watched 5 minutes of MSNBC and heard Ed Shultz and guests describe the "Progressive" solution to US energy (hint: they're against oil but love solar and wind and other things that just don't make economic sense) and I wondered:

What is a 'Progressive'?

What are the central ideas and beliefs that make someone a Progressive rather than a Liberal or a Democrat?
Progressives with the MASK of Liberalism...calling themselves DEMOCRATS.

Just peel back the layers of the rotten onion.
In my humble opinion, Nosmo King is a legend in his own mind


So much bullshit so little time.

You can say the same thing about any criminal gang.

Don't you think that those who depended , either directly or indirectly , on the Dalton Gang acquired a "higher standard of living"?

Surely you can think of an appropriate example. This one is so far off the target it's laughable and easily dismissed.

I knew you would say that. If the criminal activity benefits you or your ilk then its copacetic.

Only the criminally insane would approve of a GRADUATED income tax.

only those whose minds have been warped by socialist ideology would say that it is perfectly fine for the governtment to steal from "A" in order to to feed and insure "B".

Only a Conservative would think that taking more real money from the poor and the middle class would be a benefit to society. Diminishing the real purchasing and savings power of the majority and bolstering the economic security of those who can afford it most is part and parcel of Conservative economic theory. Diminish the value of work and promote the value of. Investment cuts out the consumer from the national economy.

When you take 15% from a family earning $30,000 annually you siphon off $4,500 away from that families buying power leaving them with $24,500 to live on. Taking away 15% from a family making $300,000 from stock options and capital gains, you leave that family with $245,000. Which family would spend more as a percentage of their income on surviving? Which family has the opportunity to save more and thus grow their wealth? Does a flat tax improve the lot of the majority so more real capital can flow through the economy? Or does it. Sequester those without in a class of lesser opportunity?

And you think such a policy is criminally insane? Come in off the ledge before you slip and hurt somebody.
we tried the conservative/Randian "let the banks/markets regulate themselves" and it almost sent us into a full-blown recession. There is no "pure" capitalism CF except for in perhaps somewhere like Somalia. :thup:

] Mohamed Siad Barre seized power in 1969 and established the Somali Democratic Republic. In 1991, Barre's government collapsed as the Somali Civil War broke out.

A new constitution was promulgated in 1979 under which elections for a People's Assembly were held. However, Barre's Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party politburo continued to rule.[5] In October 1980, the SRSP was disbanded, and the Supreme Revolutionary Council was re-established in its place.[9] By that time, Barre's government had become increasingly unpopular. Many Somalis had become disillusioned with life under military dictatorship. The regime was weakened further in the 1980s as the Cold War drew to a close and Somalia's strategic importance was diminished. The government became increasingly totalitarian, and resistance movements, supported by Ethiopia, sprang up across the country, eventually leading to the Somali Civil War. Among the militia groups were the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF), United Somali Congress (USC), Somali National Movement (SNM) and the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), together with the non-violent political oppositions of the Somali Democratic Movement (SDM), the Somali Democratic Alliance (SDA) and the Somali Manifesto Group (SMG).

does Somalia reflect a Progressive state, or more accurately, an Anarchist Neo-Feudalist state?

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