What is a "Progressive"?

"Eliteist" "Scum" "Evil". These are buzz words that keep bubbling up to the surface of the argument against political Progressivism. Why are these hot button terms used? Why is there an underlying hatred for Progressive politics? Why would someone see the results of Progressive policies with such vitriol? Once the results are examined honestly, would anyone call for the elimination of those policies and call it fair, beneficial and liberating?

Yeah, or maybe there's no deep, hidden psychological meaning and people just think you're an evil, elitist scumbag (who can't spell, apparently). Never overlook the simple explanation that people just don't like you.

Would someone say that there should be American citizens seen as second class Americans? Would anyone want to see explicit discrimination, repression and exploitation of our fellow citizens?

Is there a reason for such animus? Such is the position of those who have enjoyed an advantage through repression. Have you ever noticed that whenever a repressed group, Women, minorities, homosexuals, finally speak up and demand the equality they deserve, those enjoying the advantage borne by repression always say "They want 'special' rights!".

Special rights? Hardly. They want the same rights as any other American. Asking for them is seen as rabble rousing and an uppity attitude. Repression results in demands for egalitarianism, something the repressing class sees as a vice rather than a virtue.

Perhaps the repressive class has painted themselves into an awkward corner. Perhaps the idea of equality is something they fear. Perhaps it's real competition for egalitarianism the repressive classes fear most. Ironic because the bedrock of their beliefs lays in the notion of healthy competition will provide the greatest good for the individual. They understand this from exploiting individuals and reaping the rewards they deny.

Speaking of buzzwords . . .
"Eliteist" "Scum" "Evil". These are buzz words that keep bubbling up to the surface of the argument against political Progressivism. Why are these hot button terms used? .

Progressives use FASCISM - the police powers of the state - to enforce their dogma.

The "liberal" elitists do it in the name of the fatherland and the "conservatives" do it in the name of a god.

Either way the power is centralized in DC which is used to tyrannize and enslave.

Is taxation now Fascism?


If it is a CONSTITUTIONAL TAX used to support the enumerated powers then it itsn't

Is the call for equal rights for all Americans become a tenet of Fascism?


We fought a war against Fascism in the middle of the twentieth century.


The US fought against Japan, Germany and Italy. But FDR adopted fascism - Hitler was impressed.

Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

In fact, given that FDR and Hitler shared much of the same economic philosophy and were implementing many of the same economic policies, it’s not too surprising that Hitler sent the following letter to U.S. Ambassador Thomas Dodd on March 14, 1934:

The Reich chancellor requests Mr. Dodd to present his greetings to President Roosevelt. He congratulates the president upon his heroic effort in the interest of the American people. The president’s successful struggle against economic distress is being followed by the entire German people with interest and admiration. The Reich chancellor is in accord with the president that the virtues of sense of duty, readiness for sacrifice, and discipline must be the supreme rule of the whole nation. This moral demand, which the president is addressing to every single citizen, is only the quintessence of German philosophy of the state, expressed in the motto “The public weal before the private gain."

Progressives use FASCISM - the police powers of the state - to enforce their dogma.

The "liberal" elitists do it in the name of the fatherland and the "conservatives" do it in the name of a god.

Either way the power is centralized in DC which is used to tyrannize and enslave.


Okay, you're not an elitists, you're officially a nutjob

Elitists tend to say that INDIVIDUALISTS are nutjobs. Since we tend to resist tyranny we get in your way.


Ted? Ted Kaczynski, is that you? Would you like me to post your individual ideas for all to read? Let's do that and let us let others decide if you are an INDIVIDUALIST, a nutjob or both.

Okay, you're not an elitists, you're officially a nutjob

Elitists tend to say that INDIVIDUALISTS are nutjobs. Since we tend to resist tyranny we get in your way.


Ted? Ted Kaczynski, is that you? Would you like me to post your individual ideas for all to read? Let's do that and let us let others decide if you are an INDIVIDUALIST, a nutjob or both.


I believe that you meant to say : Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Patrick Henry is that you?

I fail to say the connection between individualism and serial murderers.

Elitists tend to say that INDIVIDUALISTS are nutjobs. Since we tend to resist tyranny we get in your way.


Ted? Ted Kaczynski, is that you? Would you like me to post your individual ideas for all to read? Let's do that and let us let others decide if you are an INDIVIDUALIST, a nutjob or both.


I believe that you meant to say : Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Patrick Henry is that you?

I fail to say the connection between individualism and serial murderers.


You do that on a regular basis!
Elitists tend to say that INDIVIDUALISTS are nutjobs. Since we tend to resist tyranny we get in your way.


Ted? Ted Kaczynski, is that you? Would you like me to post your individual ideas for all to read? Let's do that and let us let others decide if you are an INDIVIDUALIST, a nutjob or both.


I believe that you meant to say : Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Patrick Henry is that you?

I fail to say the connection between individualism and serial murderers.


Maybe I was wrong, given your comment above, you now remind me of PoliticalChic, our resident narcissist. And that allows me to rule out INDIVIDUALIST.
Hmmm, the ones who advocated Socialism and Soviet Central Planning are "Progressives"

If leftists, progressives and Democrats are in fact different in any way, then it is their job to explain how by showing actual issues and policies they differ on. I ask one after another, like [MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION] what the difference is, and they can't name any specific difference at all. Not even one.
poor kaz, never paying attention. always attacking from a kneejerk syndrome :cuckoo:

Dante is neither a leftist, a progressive nor a Democrat. The fact that I may side with any combination of those on specific issues is irrelevant and part of the ideological battles set up from extremists who want to position people into two warring camps. Ideological purity is so overrated.

LOL, once again, Dante can't answer the question. Dante says he's a liberal, not a leftist, but despite repeatedly being asked the question, Dante can't think of a single position he has that is different from leftists and he can't think of a single politician he says is a liberal and not a leftist.
If leftists, progressives and Democrats are in fact different in any way, then it is their job to explain how by showing actual issues and policies they differ on. I ask one after another, like [MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION] what the difference is, and they can't name any specific difference at all. Not even one.

because there is no difference at all.

they ARE the same.

dum de dum dum :cuckoo:

see the last response to [MENTION=26616]kaz[/MENTION]

You mean the one where once again Dante couldn't think of any issue that Dande disagrees with leftists on or any politician Dante believes is a liberal, not a leftist?

Drawing people to your endless defeats is an interesting strategy.

So what about answering the question? Give us examples of positions you have that separate you from leftists.

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