What is a "Progressive"?

I don't hate you. I disagree with you politically, but I'm mature enough to know that politics isn't all you are. I don't wish harm on you, I don't see you as an enemy. I'm wise enough not to cast negative personal aspersions on you due to your politics. I wonder what in your politics makes you seem to require such animus?

Now, if my outlook is indeed the most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me, I must pity your bleakness and attitude. You don't claim to be a Christian with an attitude like that, do you?

Try to get some rest, some counseling and some peace.

You still don't get it. Your outlook is only the second-most repugnant thing in the universe. People like you who can espouse such appalling evil and feel proud and moral while doing so are the first. I know it's the Internet vogue to compare people to Nazis, but the truth is, I would like someone I could compare to the Nazis better. You are the people who stood by and did nothing and congratulated themselves on what good citizens they were as they turned a blind eye to what the Nazis did in the name of "public good". You are a disease on humanity.

My religious beliefs, or lack thereof, are between me and God, so don't even PRESUME to mention them, much less think filth like you has ANYTHING to tell me about them. You are evil. You champion evil. You applaud evil. And you're too stupid to realize it, so you don't even benefit from the evil that you inflict on others. I'll take the sin of being a little mean about identifying evil over the sin of being evil any day of the week, thanks.

Furthermore, I think I've made it clear that I have no interest in the kind of "peace" you pusillanimous leftists want me to have enslaved to your anti-utopian visions. Keep it for yourself.
Gosh! The Nazis fell twelve years before I was born. So you're right, I failed to stop them. I don't understand the evil you rant about. If you could review my posts and point out what you think is evil, perhaps that would help me understand you a little better.

By the way, you have ceded your right to complain about a coarsened culture. Political debate does not include venomous claims and personal invective. But you over played that card and now if we indeed have a coarsened culture, we know where to lay the blame.

You do understand that here in America we openly debate differing positions in order to arrive at a consensus position? Your position is so intractable, so full of vitriol, so venomous that no one could get behind your position, no matter how workable and sensible. You do not add to the exchange of ideas, you blunt it with ad homienums and personal attack. That's why it's important for you to calm down and seek help. The most ardent extremists would find your method of communicating too toxic to support.

All I ever advocated was a Progressive, Liberal platform of social reform and fairness in governance. There is nothing sane people find evil in any of it.

Not only filty, evil trash, but so pathetically stupid it's a miracle you can breathe in and out without directions.
I have an image of Cecilie in my head. She's sitting in a basement, bare light bulb over her head. Camouflage bandanna wrapped around her buzz cut hairdo. She's sharpening a bayonet and muttering something about "The Time of the Deliverer" and wondering how it all went so wrong. Somewhere there's a file on her. Somewhere her face is on a poster published by law enforcement. Somewhere there's a pharmacist wonder why she hasn't picked up her script.

:lmao: And the wrong and fail just keep on coming.
“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

― Nelson Mandela

I'll take fighting scum over sitting quietly in a jail cell for decades, waiting for the scum to drop dead on its own, any day of the week.
But you would be fighting your own peers....:razz::razz:

If doing so makes me bitter, then so be it. There are worse things to be . . . YOU, for example.
You're already the worse thing to be.....can't get any worse.....:razz::razz:

No, I'm at least one rung up the ladder from "worst", because people still care what I think . . . as, for example, you and your ass-buddies, who are taking me so very personally.

You, on the other hand, could vanish off the face of the Earth tomorrow, and the next day, no one would remember you had existed long enough to ask, "Where'd the butt-monkey go?" And deep down, you know I'm right.
I'll take fighting scum over sitting quietly in a jail cell for decades, waiting for the scum to drop dead on its own, any day of the week.
But you would be fighting your own peers....:razz::razz:

If doing so makes me bitter, then so be it. There are worse things to be . . . YOU, for example.
You're already the worse thing to be.....can't get any worse.....:razz::razz:

No, I'm at least one rung up the ladder from "worst", because people still care what I think . . . as, for example, you and your ass-buddies, who are taking me so very personally.

You, on the other hand, could vanish off the face of the Earth tomorrow, and the next day, no one would remember you had existed long enough to ask, "Where'd the butt-monkey go?" And deep down, you know I'm right.

wtf is this Right Wing obsession with buttsex? Damn, with all those lovely vaginas out there just waiting for some manly attention, who needs buttsex?!?! That is illogical.

Gawd, either some Righties are screaming for people to "go suck a big, black cock" (cough, cough), or they always accuse people of having asspartners.

You RWNJs need to get yer story straight, really!!!


BTW, Cecilie1200, you have an awesome avi!
I'll take fighting scum over sitting quietly in a jail cell for decades, waiting for the scum to drop dead on its own, any day of the week.
But you would be fighting your own peers....:razz::razz:

If doing so makes me bitter, then so be it. There are worse things to be . . . YOU, for example.
You're already the worse thing to be.....can't get any worse.....:razz::razz:

No, I'm at least one rung up the ladder from "worst", because people still care what I think . . . as, for example, you and your ass-buddies, who are taking me so very persfonally.

You, on the other hand, could vanish off the face of the Earth tomorrow, and the next day, no one would remember you had existed long enough to ask, "Where'd the butt-monkey go?" And deep down, you know I'm right.
We are taking you 'so very personally' because you are attacking us so very personally!

You snipe without cause. You attack without logic. You have consistently failed to support you position with sound political argument, just a flow of personal attack. To me, at least, you come across as a very bitter, uninformed, angry person lacking in the debate skills necessary to appear as cogent on the topics at hand.

If your response to this post consists of nothing more than claims that I and my fellow Liberals are 'scum' and 'evil' will do nothing but verify what I said in this post. Do you want to be taken seriously? Tell us why you feel our positions are evil rather than just call us evil.
But you would be fighting your own peers....:razz::razz:

You're already the worse thing to be.....can't get any worse.....:razz::razz:

No, I'm at least one rung up the ladder from "worst", because people still care what I think . . . as, for example, you and your ass-buddies, who are taking me so very personally.

You, on the other hand, could vanish off the face of the Earth tomorrow, and the next day, no one would remember you had existed long enough to ask, "Where'd the butt-monkey go?" And deep down, you know I'm right.

wtf is this Right Wing obsession with buttsex? Damn, with all those lovely vaginas out there just waiting for some manly attention, who needs buttsex?!?! That is illogical.

Gawd, either some Righties are screaming for people to "go suck a big, black cock" (cough, cough), or they always accuse people of having asspartners.

You RWNJs need to get yer story straight, really!!!


BTW, Cecilie1200, you have an awesome avi!

Recognizing that leftist posts are the verbal equivalent of pumping each other is not a RIGHTWING fascination with butt sex, dear. It's just making painfully apparent observations. Don't blame me for the vibes you give off.

Thank you for the compliment, though. Bettie Page and Jane Russell are my idea of the epitome of what it means to be a sexy woman. "Girl, get a sandwich!" need not apply.
But you would be fighting your own peers....:razz::razz:

You're already the worse thing to be.....can't get any worse.....:razz::razz:

No, I'm at least one rung up the ladder from "worst", because people still care what I think . . . as, for example, you and your ass-buddies, who are taking me so very persfonally.

You, on the other hand, could vanish off the face of the Earth tomorrow, and the next day, no one would remember you had existed long enough to ask, "Where'd the butt-monkey go?" And deep down, you know I'm right.
We are taking you 'so very personally' because you are attacking us so very personally!

No, sweet cheeks, you're taking me personally because you just can't imagine not being applauded for your every biological function, because you've been raised in a leftist womb where intentions and platitudes are everything, and no results are necessary. Please notice that you're attacking me just as personally, and I don't give a fuck. I actually find the lameness of the attacks kind of funny, to tell the truth.

You snipe without cause. You attack without logic. You have consistently failed to support you position with sound political argument, just a flow of personal attack. To me, at least, you come across as a very bitter, uninformed, angry person lacking in the debate skills necessary to appear as cogent on the topics at hand.

Spare me. There's no evidence or argument that you would EVER see as "sound", partly because you automatically dismiss anything that disagrees with you as wrong, uninformed, and unsubstantiated simply BECAUSE it disagrees with you. Furthermore, your coddled, cocooned little leftist system is so unable to handle the shock of NOT being congratulated on your moral superiority for simply mouthing the right words, you're incapable of even noticing anything else that's said beyond that point. Debatewise, you really need to butch up some so you don't sound like a kindergartner running to teacher, whining that "Cecilie was mean to me!"

If your response to this post consists of nothing more than claims that I and my fellow Liberals are 'scum' and 'evil' will do nothing but verify what I said in this post. Do you want to be taken seriously? Tell us why you feel our positions are evil rather than just call us evil.

Do I want to be taken seriously by YOU? God, you just cannot wrap your brain around the fact that not everyone in the world is cowering in fear of your leftie disapproval, can you? It's completely alien to your system to suggest that you can't just toss out a few buzzwords and make me fall all over the place trying to justify myself to you.

Take me however you want. I don't give a rat's ass. And that just kills you, doesn't it? :razz:
No, I'm at least one rung up the ladder from "worst", because people still care what I think . . . as, for example, you and your ass-buddies, who are taking me so very persfonally.

You, on the other hand, could vanish off the face of the Earth tomorrow, and the next day, no one would remember you had existed long enough to ask, "Where'd the butt-monkey go?" And deep down, you know I'm right.
We are taking you 'so very personally' because you are attacking us so very personally!

No, sweet cheeks, you're taking me personally because you just can't imagine not being applauded for your every biological function, because you've been raised in a leftist womb where intentions and platitudes are everything, and no results are necessary. Please notice that you're attacking me just as personally, and I don't give a fuck. I actually find the lameness of the attacks kind of funny, to tell the truth.

You snipe without cause. You attack without logic. You have consistently failed to support you position with sound political argument, just a flow of personal attack. To me, at least, you come across as a very bitter, uninformed, angry person lacking in the debate skills necessary to appear as cogent on the topics at hand.

Spare me. There's no evidence or argument that you would EVER see as "sound", partly because you automatically dismiss anything that disagrees with you as wrong, uninformed, and unsubstantiated simply BECAUSE it disagrees with you. Furthermore, your coddled, cocooned little leftist system is so unable to handle the shock of NOT being congratulated on your moral superiority for simply mouthing the right words, you're incapable of even noticing anything else that's said beyond that point. Debatewise, you really need to butch up some so you don't sound like a kindergartner running to teacher, whining that "Cecilie was mean to me!"

If your response to this post consists of nothing more than claims that I and my fellow Liberals are 'scum' and 'evil' will do nothing but verify what I said in this post. Do you want to be taken seriously? Tell us why you feel our positions are evil rather than just call us evil.

Do I want to be taken seriously by YOU? God, you just cannot wrap your brain around the fact that not everyone in the world is cowering in fear of your leftie disapproval, can you? It's completely alien to your system to suggest that you can't just toss out a few buzzwords and make me fall all over the place trying to justify myself to you.

Take me however you want. I don't give a rat's ass. And that just kills you, doesn't it? :razz:

No. It makes me pity you for being an intractable fool.
We are taking you 'so very personally' because you are attacking us so very personally!

No, sweet cheeks, you're taking me personally because you just can't imagine not being applauded for your every biological function, because you've been raised in a leftist womb where intentions and platitudes are everything, and no results are necessary. Please notice that you're attacking me just as personally, and I don't give a fuck. I actually find the lameness of the attacks kind of funny, to tell the truth.

Spare me. There's no evidence or argument that you would EVER see as "sound", partly because you automatically dismiss anything that disagrees with you as wrong, uninformed, and unsubstantiated simply BECAUSE it disagrees with you. Furthermore, your coddled, cocooned little leftist system is so unable to handle the shock of NOT being congratulated on your moral superiority for simply mouthing the right words, you're incapable of even noticing anything else that's said beyond that point. Debatewise, you really need to butch up some so you don't sound like a kindergartner running to teacher, whining that "Cecilie was mean to me!"

If your response to this post consists of nothing more than claims that I and my fellow Liberals are 'scum' and 'evil' will do nothing but verify what I said in this post. Do you want to be taken seriously? Tell us why you feel our positions are evil rather than just call us evil.

Do I want to be taken seriously by YOU? God, you just cannot wrap your brain around the fact that not everyone in the world is cowering in fear of your leftie disapproval, can you? It's completely alien to your system to suggest that you can't just toss out a few buzzwords and make me fall all over the place trying to justify myself to you.

Take me however you want. I don't give a rat's ass. And that just kills you, doesn't it? :razz:

No. It makes me pity you for being an intractable fool.

Riiight, sweetie. Maybe if you just keep bleating at me enough, THAT will make your disapproval important and validate you. :badgrin:
I'll take fighting scum over sitting quietly in a jail cell for decades, waiting for the scum to drop dead on its own, any day of the week.

If doing so makes me bitter, then so be it. There are worse things to be . . . YOU, for example.

Mandela lived to be 95 by being smart enough to rid himself of the self inflicted toxins of hatred and anger. He became the president of a free nation and has become a symbol for humanity and peace like MLK and Ghandi.

He is someone I admire and I am consider myself fortunate to have been alive while he was doing great things for humanity.

Oh, WELL, if the likes of YOU admires him, that just settles it, doesn't it? Oh, wait, I believe we were actually just discussing how utterly worthless and meaningless your opinions and admirations are to me.

So I have to thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to reiterate to me something I've already informed you carries as much weight as a puff of warm hydrogen. You lefties just cannot get over the notion that everyone in the world is breathlessly awaiting news of your feelings and applauding your every breath. It's really kinda sad.

Your inability to refute the wisdom of one of the most respected men of our time says that you are incapable of learning from your own egregious mistakes. You are obseesed with ""always being right" and anyone to the left of Ghengis Khan is a "wussy liberal" in your extremist ideology.

You have no idea how amusing it is to see your endless parade of posts that are all virtually identical. You provide nothing of actual substance to the debate. You were directly challenged to provide a post with factual information and it was patently beyond your limited cognitive skills.

So now you will make the predictable kneejerk response to this post that will be no different to the thousands of similar hate filled rants of yours and I will just have a chuckle at your expense and leave you to stew in your own bile and ignorance. Have a nice day!
Hmmm, the ones who advocated Socialism and Soviet Central Planning are "Progressives"

If leftists, progressives and Democrats are in fact different in any way, then it is their job to explain how by showing actual issues and policies they differ on. I ask one after another, like [MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION] what the difference is, and they can't name any specific difference at all. Not even one.

poor kaz, never paying attention. always attacking from a kneejerk syndrome :cuckoo:

Dante is neither a leftist, a progressive nor a Democrat. The fact that I may side with any combination of those on specific issues is irrelevant and part of the ideological battles set up from extremists who want to position people into two warring camps. Ideological purity is so overrated.
Hmmm, the ones who advocated Socialism and Soviet Central Planning are "Progressives"

If leftists, progressives and Democrats are in fact different in any way, then it is their job to explain how by showing actual issues and policies they differ on. I ask one after another, like [MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION] what the difference is, and they can't name any specific difference at all. Not even one.

because there is no difference at all.

they ARE the same.

dum de dum dum :cuckoo:

see the last response to [MENTION=26616]kaz[/MENTION]
The Progressive Movement began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in cities with settlement workers and reformers who were interested in helping those facing harsh conditions at home and at work. The reformers spoke out about the need for laws regulating tenement housing and child labor. They also called for better working conditions for women.[11] It also caused the development to progressive education.

Political parties such as the Progressive Party were organized at the start of the 20th century, and progressivism was embraced in the administrations of American presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson"

Progressivism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm, the ones who advocated Socialism and Soviet Central Planning are "Progressives"
Cute, but this particular wiki is not exactly good, and it is most definitely not the last word or even worthy of much criticism, flawed as it is.

Lots of Republicans were and are progressives
The Progressive Movement began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in cities with settlement workers and reformers who were interested in helping those facing harsh conditions at home and at work. The reformers spoke out about the need for laws regulating tenement housing and child labor. They also called for better working conditions for women.[11] It also caused the development to progressive education.

Political parties such as the Progressive Party were organized at the start of the 20th century, and progressivism was embraced in the administrations of American presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson"

Progressivism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm, the ones who advocated Socialism and Soviet Central Planning are "Progressives"
Cute, but this particular wiki is not exactly good, and it is most definitely not the last word or even worthy of much criticism, flawed as it is.

Lots of Republicans were and are progressives

So, use your own words
The Progressive Movement began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in cities with settlement workers and reformers who were interested in helping those facing harsh conditions at home and at work. The reformers spoke out about the need for laws regulating tenement housing and child labor. They also called for better working conditions for women.[11] It also caused the development to progressive education.

Political parties such as the Progressive Party were organized at the start of the 20th century, and progressivism was embraced in the administrations of American presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson"

Progressivism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm, the ones who advocated Socialism and Soviet Central Planning are "Progressives"
Cute, but this particular wiki is not exactly good, and it is most definitely not the last word or even worthy of much criticism, flawed as it is.

Lots of Republicans were and are progressives

Yes, of course.

A progressive is anyone who wants to control the economy and individuals in order to mold them according to his elitist views.

The Progressive Movement began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in cities with settlement workers and reformers who were interested in helping those facing harsh conditions at home and at work. The reformers spoke out about the need for laws regulating tenement housing and child labor. They also called for better working conditions for women.[11] It also caused the development to progressive education.

Political parties such as the Progressive Party were organized at the start of the 20th century, and progressivism was embraced in the administrations of American presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson"

Progressivism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm, the ones who advocated Socialism and Soviet Central Planning are "Progressives"
Cute, but this particular wiki is not exactly good, and it is most definitely not the last word or even worthy of much criticism, flawed as it is.

Lots of Republicans were and are progressives

Yes, of course.

A progressive is anyone who wants to control the economy and individuals in order to mold them according to his elitist views.

Many were and are well-intentioned. Great harm is often done by good people with good intentions. So I agree partly with you minus the pathetic misanthropic message
Cute, but this particular wiki is not exactly good, and it is most definitely not the last word or even worthy of much criticism, flawed as it is.

Lots of Republicans were and are progressives

Yes, of course.

A progressive is anyone who wants to control the economy and individuals in order to mold them according to his elitist views.

Many were and are well-intentioned. Great harm is often done by good people with good intentions. So I agree partly with you minus the pathetic misanthropic message

Then you like elitism.

It is hypocritical to the max to say that only the elitists that you like should rule.


Yes, of course.

A progressive is anyone who wants to control the economy and individuals in order to mold them according to his elitist views.

Many were and are well-intentioned. Great harm is often done by good people with good intentions. So I agree partly with you minus the pathetic misanthropic message

Then you like elitism.

It is hypocritical to the max to say that only the elitists that you like should rule.


we are all elitists you damn fool.
Many were and are well-intentioned. Great harm is often done by good people with good intentions. So I agree partly with you minus the pathetic misanthropic message

Then you like elitism.

It is hypocritical to the max to say that only the elitists that you like should rule.


we are all elitists you damn fool.

Speak for yourself.

I am an individualist - I do not want you or yours telling me what to do, nor will I tell you and yours what to do.

Then you like elitism.

It is hypocritical to the max to say that only the elitists that you like should rule.


we are all elitists you damn fool.

Speak for yourself.

I am an individualist - I do not want you or yours telling me what to do, nor will I tell you and yours what to do.

Isn't it ODD that they are the ones that say that Conservatives are telling others how to live their lives...but support the ones in power actually doing what they accuse? They project themselves well, don't they?

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