What is a "Progressive"?

What is a "Progressive"?

There posts will state that

Quite frankly this entire thread is just extreme right hyperbole. No one has come up with a single shred of credible evidence that "progressives" are "uber-communist fascists" but they are all convinced that these mythical boogiemen exist under their beds. As soon as you try to pin them down to something specific, such as your graduated tax code, it becomes a game of whack-a-whackjob.

In a nutshell, they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground or are willing to exchange freedom for government benefits.


Coming from someone who is unable to provide a single credible link to substantiate his allegations that will receive all the respect it deserves!
What is a "Progressive"?

There comments go something like this

Coming from someone who is unable to provide a single credible link to substantiate his allegations that will receive all the respect it deserves!

From their standpoint SLAVERY is OK when the ones being enslaved are honkies who, they believe , must pay reparations anyways.

Enslavement , when is done by the right folks is copacetic, so they say.
There was a progressive period in American history, perhaps from the late 1890's to early 1920's where many Americans, some journalists, and poltiticians tired of the the abuses of business, education, federal lands, direct election of Senators, and of political machines and began speaking up for changes, and the changes they helped make were many, and most of the changes we still live with. Some of the biggies women get the vote, regulation of business, purity of food, taxes, education and so on. Theodore Roosevelt a former Republican president ran for president on a new Progressive Party ticket and was defeated.
]There was a progressive period in American history,[/B] perhaps from the late 1890's to early 1920's where many Americans, some journalists, and poltiticians tired of the the abuses of business, education, federal lands, direct election of Senators, and of political machines and began speaking up for changes, and the changes they helped make were many, and most of the changes we still live with. Some of the biggies women get the vote, regulation of business, purity of food, taxes, education and so on. Theodore Roosevelt a former Republican president ran for president on a new Progressive Party ticket and was defeated.

Pure bullshit.

There is a reason the FF wanted Senators to elected by the states. Amongst the reasons, in order to avoid concentrated power in DC.

The only way corporations can cause damage is if they are given coercive monopoly powers by the government;

The US Constitution did not prevent women from voting . Scumbag bureaucrats did

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What is a "Progressive"?

There comments go something like this

Coming from someone who is unable to provide a single credible link to substantiate his allegations that will receive all the respect it deserves!

From their standpoint SLAVERY is OK when the ones being enslaved are honkies who, they believe , must pay reparations anyways.

Enslavement , when is done by the right folks is copacetic, so they say.

Since when did slaves have the right to vote for their own representatives? Since when did slaves get paid for their hourly work? Since when did slaves have the freedom to leave the labor camps?
This talk of slavery is nothing more than good old fashioned Conservative hyperbole. When cornered, break out the hysteric claims. When the argument crumbles because it was built on nonsense, hoist the hyperbole flag. I'm still waiting for sanity on my question about the graduated tax code. Just page back one page and see how that answer went.

Quite frankly this entire thread is just extreme right hyperbole. No one has come up with a single shred of credible evidence that "progressives" are "uber-communist fascists" but they are all convinced that these mythical boogiemen exist under their beds. As soon as you try to pin them down to something specific, such as your graduated tax code, it becomes a game of whack-a-whackjob.

Why this thread isn't in the FZ is beyond me because that is where it belongs in my opinion.

Social fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was russia, and stalin was a brutal dictator. Now take USA. FDR was a progressive and the labor camps he put people in was the WPA. Free stuff, today's so called conservatives would say, but back then they'd probably say, sign me up, I'm tired of mixing sawdust with my hamburger and let's send these republicans to hell. They did too, at least for a couple of decades.

Why is that "This a much nicer, more comfortable slavery" doesn't really make me feel better?

Since when did slaves have the right to vote for their own representatives? Since when did slaves get paid for their hourly work? Since when did slaves have the freedom to leave the labor camps?

:rolleyes: Do you really think this "drag in unrelated shit and try to conflate it with the topic to obscure debate" bullshit is going to work on me THIS time, after the 1,542,746,754 times previously that it's failed miserably?

We're talking about slavery to the government dipshit, not about getting a paycheck from your employer. If you can't stand the heat of a comparison between Stalin, FDR, and modern-day leftists in government/politics, then just shut the fuck up and don't enter the conversation. But don't dive in and then immediately start trying to move the goalposts and change the rules.

As for "voting", given how assiduously leftists in America work at invalidating elections, stealing power from the electorate, and engaging in fraud, it's really amusing how quickly they want to shout, "You're still free! You get to vote!" Yeah, thanks, comrade. I'm sure the ability to vote was a huge comfort to the people of Russia, Cuba, China, and all the other places where they mysteriously elected their leaders over and over by almost 100%.

Spare me.
Why is that "This a much nicer, more comfortable slavery" doesn't really make me feel better?

Since when did slaves have the right to vote for their own representatives? Since when did slaves get paid for their hourly work? Since when did slaves have the freedom to leave the labor camps?
This talk of slavery is nothing more than good old fashioned Conservative hyperbole. When cornered, break out the hysteric claims. When the argument crumbles because it was built on nonsense, hoist the hyperbole flag. I'm still waiting for sanity on my question about the graduated tax code. Just page back one page and see how that answer went.

I don't engage in hyperbole. When my government not only expects me to support people who don't work and have given up on even looking for work, but calls me "greedy and selfish" for not wanting to do so, and takes my money to redistribute to those people, then I've stopped being a free citizen and become a slave. When politicians arrogantly change the law at will without even the pretense of passing new legislation - or even debating it - then my vote doesn't mean shit, any more than votes meant under Stalin. Or were you not aware that the USSR held elections regularly during his regime?

If you want to believe you're still a free individual living in a free nation, go right ahead. It's not like anyone's ever accused you of being intelligent or grounded in reality, and you weren't going to do a damned thing that's worth a bucket of warm spit with your existence, anyway.
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Since when did slaves have the right to vote for their own representatives? Since when did slaves get paid for their hourly work? Since when did slaves have the freedom to leave the labor camps?
This talk of slavery is nothing more than good old fashioned Conservative hyperbole. When cornered, break out the hysteric claims. When the argument crumbles because it was built on nonsense, hoist the hyperbole flag. I'm still waiting for sanity on my question about the graduated tax code. Just page back one page and see how that answer went.

I don't engage in hyperbole. When my government not only expects me to support people who don't work and have given up on even looking for work, but calls me "greedy and selfish" for not wanting to do, and takes my money to redistribute to those people, then I've stopped being a free citizen and become a slave. When politicians arrogantly change the law at will without even the pretense of passing new legislation - or even debating it - then my vote doesn't mean shit, any more than votes meant under Stalin. Or were you not aware that the USSR held elections regularly during his regime?

If you want to believe you're still a free individual living in a free nation, go right ahead. It's not like anyone's ever accused you of being intelligent or grounded in reality, and you weren't going to do a damned thing that's worth a bucket of warm spit with your existence, anyway.
That's the way to win an argument and endear yourself to your opponent!

Are all snippy people Conservatives, or are all Conservatives snippy?
Since when did slaves have the right to vote for their own representatives? Since when did slaves get paid for their hourly work? Since when did slaves have the freedom to leave the labor camps?
This talk of slavery is nothing more than good old fashioned Conservative hyperbole. When cornered, break out the hysteric claims. When the argument crumbles because it was built on nonsense, hoist the hyperbole flag. I'm still waiting for sanity on my question about the graduated tax code. Just page back one page and see how that answer went.

I don't engage in hyperbole. When my government not only expects me to support people who don't work and have given up on even looking for work, but calls me "greedy and selfish" for not wanting to do so, and takes my money to redistribute to those people, then I've stopped being a free citizen and become a slave. When politicians arrogantly change the law at will without even the pretense of passing new legislation - or even debating it - then my vote doesn't mean shit, any more than votes meant under Stalin. Or were you not aware that the USSR held elections regularly during his regime?

If you want to believe you're still a free individual living in a free nation, go right ahead. It's not like anyone's ever accused you of being intelligent or grounded in reality, and you weren't going to do a damned thing that's worth a bucket of warm spit with your existence, anyway.

Oh, and while we're on the subject, how about having to fear and mistrust my own government because it routinely violates and ignores the law and calls it "public good"? Maybe some of you leftist twats around here are too young - or too stupid - to remember, but I'm getting a definite Soviet Union deja vu from back in the day.
This talk of slavery is nothing more than good old fashioned Conservative hyperbole. When cornered, break out the hysteric claims. When the argument crumbles because it was built on nonsense, hoist the hyperbole flag. I'm still waiting for sanity on my question about the graduated tax code. Just page back one page and see how that answer went.

I don't engage in hyperbole. When my government not only expects me to support people who don't work and have given up on even looking for work, but calls me "greedy and selfish" for not wanting to do, and takes my money to redistribute to those people, then I've stopped being a free citizen and become a slave. When politicians arrogantly change the law at will without even the pretense of passing new legislation - or even debating it - then my vote doesn't mean shit, any more than votes meant under Stalin. Or were you not aware that the USSR held elections regularly during his regime?

If you want to believe you're still a free individual living in a free nation, go right ahead. It's not like anyone's ever accused you of being intelligent or grounded in reality, and you weren't going to do a damned thing that's worth a bucket of warm spit with your existence, anyway.
That's the way to win an argument and endear yourself to your opponent!

Are all snippy people Conservatives, or are all Conservatives snippy?

Endear myself to my opponent? Let me get this straight. You are actually sitting there under the delusion that I want you to LIKE me? Shitstain, I want you to HATE me. I want you to LOATHE me and FEAR me. I look at you and the evil that you stand for and the rampant stupidity that lets you stand for it and proudly champion it, and I pray with every breath in my body that I will be so opposite to everything about you that just thinking about me makes you want to hurl. The most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me.

I'm not snippy, Junior. I'm trying to convey to you just exactly what sort of utter waste of human DNA you truly are (always assuming that you actually possess any). Please do not ever flatter yourself into believing that I'm the least bit interested in trying to win you over or convince you of anything. I just want you to reveal to everyone who might have some redeeming quality on Earth beyond being used as compost so that they run as far and as fast away from being like you as they possibly can.
I don't engage in hyperbole. When my government not only expects me to support people who don't work and have given up on even looking for work, but calls me "greedy and selfish" for not wanting to do, and takes my money to redistribute to those people, then I've stopped being a free citizen and become a slave. When politicians arrogantly change the law at will without even the pretense of passing new legislation - or even debating it - then my vote doesn't mean shit, any more than votes meant under Stalin. Or were you not aware that the USSR held elections regularly during his regime?

If you want to believe you're still a free individual living in a free nation, go right ahead. It's not like anyone's ever accused you of being intelligent or grounded in reality, and you weren't going to do a damned thing that's worth a bucket of warm spit with your existence, anyway.
That's the way to win an argument and endear yourself to your opponent!

Are all snippy people Conservatives, or are all Conservatives snippy?

Endear myself to my opponent? Let me get this straight. You are actually sitting there under the delusion that I want you to LIKE me? Shitstain, I want you to HATE me. I want you to LOATHE me and FEAR me. I look at you and the evil that you stand for and the rampant stupidity that lets you stand for it and proudly champion it, and I pray with every breath in my body that I will be so opposite to everything about you that just thinking about me makes you want to hurl. The most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me.

I'm not snippy, Junior. I'm trying to convey to you just exactly what sort of utter waste of human DNA you truly are (always assuming that you actually possess any). Please do not ever flatter yourself into believing that I'm the least bit interested in trying to win you over or convince you of anything. I just want you to reveal to everyone who might have some redeeming quality on Earth beyond being used as compost so that they run as far and as fast away from being like you as they possibly can.

She's my fellow American! I'm so proud.
Why is that "This a much nicer, more comfortable slavery" doesn't really make me feel better?

Since when did slaves have the right to vote for their own representatives? Since when did slaves get paid for their hourly work? Since when did slaves have the freedom to leave the labor camps?

:rolleyes: Do you really think this "drag in unrelated shit and try to conflate it with the topic to obscure debate" bullshit is going to work on me THIS time, after the 1,542,746,754 times previously that it's failed miserably?

We're talking about slavery to the government dipshit, not about getting a paycheck from your employer. If you can't stand the heat of a comparison between Stalin, FDR, and modern-day leftists in government/politics, then just shut the fuck up and don't enter the conversation. But don't dive in and then immediately start trying to move the goalposts and change the rules.

As for "voting", given how assiduously leftists in America work at invalidating elections, stealing power from the electorate, and engaging in fraud, it's really amusing how quickly they want to shout, "You're still free! You get to vote!" Yeah, thanks, comrade. I'm sure the ability to vote was a huge comfort to the people of Russia, Cuba, China, and all the other places where they mysteriously elected their leaders over and over by almost 100%.

Spare me.

Ironic coming from the person who is "mov[ing] the goalposts and chang[ing] the rules" by redefining "slavery" to some mythical "slavery to the government"!
I don't engage in hyperbole. When my government not only expects me to support people who don't work and have given up on even looking for work, but calls me "greedy and selfish" for not wanting to do, and takes my money to redistribute to those people, then I've stopped being a free citizen and become a slave. When politicians arrogantly change the law at will without even the pretense of passing new legislation - or even debating it - then my vote doesn't mean shit, any more than votes meant under Stalin. Or were you not aware that the USSR held elections regularly during his regime?

If you want to believe you're still a free individual living in a free nation, go right ahead. It's not like anyone's ever accused you of being intelligent or grounded in reality, and you weren't going to do a damned thing that's worth a bucket of warm spit with your existence, anyway.
That's the way to win an argument and endear yourself to your opponent!

Are all snippy people Conservatives, or are all Conservatives snippy?

Endear myself to my opponent? Let me get this straight. You are actually sitting there under the delusion that I want you to LIKE me? Shitstain, I want you to HATE me. I want you to LOATHE me and FEAR me. I look at you and the evil that you stand for and the rampant stupidity that lets you stand for it and proudly champion it, and I pray with every breath in my body that I will be so opposite to everything about you that just thinking about me makes you want to hurl. The most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me.

I'm not snippy, Junior. I'm trying to convey to you just exactly what sort of utter waste of human DNA you truly are (always assuming that you actually possess any). Please do not ever flatter yourself into believing that I'm the least bit interested in trying to win you over or convince you of anything. I just want you to reveal to everyone who might have some redeeming quality on Earth beyond being used as compost so that they run as far and as fast away from being like you as they possibly can.
I don't hate you. I disagree with you politically, but I'm mature enough to know that politics isn't all you are. I don't wish harm on you, I don't see you as an enemy. I'm wise enough not to cast negative personal aspersions on you due to your politics. I wonder what in your politics makes you seem to require such animus?

Now, if my outlook is indeed the most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me, I must pity your bleakness and attitude. You don't claim to be a Christian with an attitude like that, do you?

Try to get some rest, some counseling and some peace.
I don't engage in hyperbole. When my government not only expects me to support people who don't work and have given up on even looking for work, but calls me "greedy and selfish" for not wanting to do, and takes my money to redistribute to those people, then I've stopped being a free citizen and become a slave. When politicians arrogantly change the law at will without even the pretense of passing new legislation - or even debating it - then my vote doesn't mean shit, any more than votes meant under Stalin. Or were you not aware that the USSR held elections regularly during his regime?

If you want to believe you're still a free individual living in a free nation, go right ahead. It's not like anyone's ever accused you of being intelligent or grounded in reality, and you weren't going to do a damned thing that's worth a bucket of warm spit with your existence, anyway.
That's the way to win an argument and endear yourself to your opponent!

Are all snippy people Conservatives, or are all Conservatives snippy?

Endear myself to my opponent? Let me get this straight. You are actually sitting there under the delusion that I want you to LIKE me? Shitstain, I want you to HATE me. I want you to LOATHE me and FEAR me. I look at you and the evil that you stand for and the rampant stupidity that lets you stand for it and proudly champion it, and I pray with every breath in my body that I will be so opposite to everything about you that just thinking about me makes you want to hurl. The most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me.

I'm not snippy, Junior. I'm trying to convey to you just exactly what sort of utter waste of human DNA you truly are (always assuming that you actually possess any). Please do not ever flatter yourself into believing that I'm the least bit interested in trying to win you over or convince you of anything. I just want you to reveal to everyone who might have some redeeming quality on Earth beyond being used as compost so that they run as far and as fast away from being like you as they possibly can.

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

― Nelson Mandela
Since when did slaves have the right to vote for their own representatives? Since when did slaves get paid for their hourly work? Since when did slaves have the freedom to leave the labor camps?

:rolleyes: Do you really think this "drag in unrelated shit and try to conflate it with the topic to obscure debate" bullshit is going to work on me THIS time, after the 1,542,746,754 times previously that it's failed miserably?

We're talking about slavery to the government dipshit, not about getting a paycheck from your employer. If you can't stand the heat of a comparison between Stalin, FDR, and modern-day leftists in government/politics, then just shut the fuck up and don't enter the conversation. But don't dive in and then immediately start trying to move the goalposts and change the rules.

As for "voting", given how assiduously leftists in America work at invalidating elections, stealing power from the electorate, and engaging in fraud, it's really amusing how quickly they want to shout, "You're still free! You get to vote!" Yeah, thanks, comrade. I'm sure the ability to vote was a huge comfort to the people of Russia, Cuba, China, and all the other places where they mysteriously elected their leaders over and over by almost 100%.

Spare me.

Ironic coming from the person who is "mov[ing] the goalposts and chang[ing] the rules" by redefining "slavery" to some mythical "slavery to the government"!

Sparkles, go find yourself anyone who's lived under a dictator and tell THEM how "mythical" slavery to the government is. No redefining needed.
That's the way to win an argument and endear yourself to your opponent!

Are all snippy people Conservatives, or are all Conservatives snippy?

Endear myself to my opponent? Let me get this straight. You are actually sitting there under the delusion that I want you to LIKE me? Shitstain, I want you to HATE me. I want you to LOATHE me and FEAR me. I look at you and the evil that you stand for and the rampant stupidity that lets you stand for it and proudly champion it, and I pray with every breath in my body that I will be so opposite to everything about you that just thinking about me makes you want to hurl. The most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me.

I'm not snippy, Junior. I'm trying to convey to you just exactly what sort of utter waste of human DNA you truly are (always assuming that you actually possess any). Please do not ever flatter yourself into believing that I'm the least bit interested in trying to win you over or convince you of anything. I just want you to reveal to everyone who might have some redeeming quality on Earth beyond being used as compost so that they run as far and as fast away from being like you as they possibly can.
I don't hate you. I disagree with you politically, but I'm mature enough to know that politics isn't all you are. I don't wish harm on you, I don't see you as an enemy. I'm wise enough not to cast negative personal aspersions on you due to your politics. I wonder what in your politics makes you seem to require such animus?

Now, if my outlook is indeed the most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me, I must pity your bleakness and attitude. You don't claim to be a Christian with an attitude like that, do you?

Try to get some rest, some counseling and some peace.

You still don't get it. Your outlook is only the second-most repugnant thing in the universe. People like you who can espouse such appalling evil and feel proud and moral while doing so are the first. I know it's the Internet vogue to compare people to Nazis, but the truth is, I would like someone I could compare to the Nazis better. You are the people who stood by and did nothing and congratulated themselves on what good citizens they were as they turned a blind eye to what the Nazis did in the name of "public good". You are a disease on humanity.

My religious beliefs, or lack thereof, are between me and God, so don't even PRESUME to mention them, much less think filth like you has ANYTHING to tell me about them. You are evil. You champion evil. You applaud evil. And you're too stupid to realize it, so you don't even benefit from the evil that you inflict on others. I'll take the sin of being a little mean about identifying evil over the sin of being evil any day of the week, thanks.

Furthermore, I think I've made it clear that I have no interest in the kind of "peace" you pusillanimous leftists want me to have enslaved to your anti-utopian visions. Keep it for yourself.
:rolleyes: Do you really think this "drag in unrelated shit and try to conflate it with the topic to obscure debate" bullshit is going to work on me THIS time, after the 1,542,746,754 times previously that it's failed miserably?

We're talking about slavery to the government dipshit, not about getting a paycheck from your employer. If you can't stand the heat of a comparison between Stalin, FDR, and modern-day leftists in government/politics, then just shut the fuck up and don't enter the conversation. But don't dive in and then immediately start trying to move the goalposts and change the rules.

As for "voting", given how assiduously leftists in America work at invalidating elections, stealing power from the electorate, and engaging in fraud, it's really amusing how quickly they want to shout, "You're still free! You get to vote!" Yeah, thanks, comrade. I'm sure the ability to vote was a huge comfort to the people of Russia, Cuba, China, and all the other places where they mysteriously elected their leaders over and over by almost 100%.

Spare me.

Ironic coming from the person who is "mov[ing] the goalposts and chang[ing] the rules" by redefining "slavery" to some mythical "slavery to the government"!

Sparkles, go find yourself anyone who's lived under a dictator and tell THEM how "mythical" slavery to the government is. No redefining needed.

BTDT myself so your self inflated posturing is utterly meaningless. There is nothing in this nation even remotely similar to your paranoid delusions.
That's the way to win an argument and endear yourself to your opponent!

Are all snippy people Conservatives, or are all Conservatives snippy?

Endear myself to my opponent? Let me get this straight. You are actually sitting there under the delusion that I want you to LIKE me? Shitstain, I want you to HATE me. I want you to LOATHE me and FEAR me. I look at you and the evil that you stand for and the rampant stupidity that lets you stand for it and proudly champion it, and I pray with every breath in my body that I will be so opposite to everything about you that just thinking about me makes you want to hurl. The most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me.

I'm not snippy, Junior. I'm trying to convey to you just exactly what sort of utter waste of human DNA you truly are (always assuming that you actually possess any). Please do not ever flatter yourself into believing that I'm the least bit interested in trying to win you over or convince you of anything. I just want you to reveal to everyone who might have some redeeming quality on Earth beyond being used as compost so that they run as far and as fast away from being like you as they possibly can.

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

― Nelson Mandela

I'll take fighting scum over sitting quietly in a jail cell for decades, waiting for the scum to drop dead on its own, any day of the week.

If doing so makes me bitter, then so be it. There are worse things to be . . . YOU, for example.

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