What is a "Progressive"?

Surely you can think of an appropriate example. This one is so far off the target it's laughable and easily dismissed.

I knew you would say that. If the criminal activity benefits you or your ilk then its copacetic.

Only the criminally insane would approve of a GRADUATED income tax.

only those whose minds have been warped by socialist ideology would say that it is perfectly fine for the governtment to steal from "A" in order to to feed and insure "B".

Only a Conservative would think that taking more real money from the poor and the middle class would be a benefit to society. Diminishing the real purchasing and savings power of the majority and bolstering the economic security of those who can afford it most is part and parcel of Conservative economic theory. Diminish the value of work and promote the value of. Investment cuts out the consumer from the national economy.

When you take 15% from a family earning $30,000 annually you siphon off $4,500 away from that families buying power leaving them with $24,500 to live on. Taking away 15% from a family making $300,000 from stock options and capital gains, you leave that family with $245,000. Which family would spend more as a percentage of their income on surviving? Which family has the opportunity to save more and thus grow their wealth? Does a flat tax improve the lot of the majority so more real capital can flow through the economy? Or does it. Sequester those without in a class of lesser opportunity?

And you think such a policy is criminally insane? Come in off the ledge before you slip and hurt somebody.
YOU need to take that up with the Government. WHY are YOU so hung up on Wealth envy? NOT your money to start with OR the Governments. The more they penalize success...the so-called RICH will hold on to it and make matters WORSE.

YOU have some soul searching to do. YOU argue unjustly and for the WRONG party.
Question: "What is a progressive"

Answer: Someone who is too big of a coward to admit they are a communist that hates America and whose goal is to destroy America and turn her into an authoritarian, totalitarian, communist, nanny surveillance dictatorship. Progressives, regardless of being Democrat or Republican are the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat to America, her freedoms, traditions and way of life. A progressive is always one to blame America first. A progressive is an adamant baby killer who staunchly defends to the right to life of convicted murderers. A progressive hates, God, the white race, heterosexuals, and Christians, yet embraces Islam.

A progressive believes Obamacare costing 2+ million Americans their jobs is a good thing, but crucified George W. Bush for 5% unemployment, calling it a jobless recovery. A progressive is a Democrat rump swab in the media whose sole purpose is to further the progressive agenda and attack any threat to their simplistic minded unrealistic vision for the world.

A progressive is a an arrogant pompous ass who thinks they are superior to anyone ousting their political views, yet they are too dumb to be self reliant, and need a big government to hold their hand through every step of life from cradle to grave. A progressive is a hypocrite who screams for tolerance, open-mindedness and diversity, yet they completely fail to practice what they preach.

Last...never ever confuse a progressive for a liberal, there is a clear difference. Just like the communists have used the word progressive to hide who they are, they also have destroyed the true meaning of the word liberal to mask who they really are.

Anyone who is using the word "Communist" in a grown up discussion doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.

And a proven racist like you should be taken seriously? Anyone who calls a conservative black American an Uncle Tom like you have should never be taken seriously. All one has to do is look at my signature to find the date of your racist statement.

Your reply is week, Joe. Maybe all the cross burnings and making sure your sheets are as white as possible has you tired out which would be a minutely viable explanation for your idiocy.

So progressives are "communists" because they think that we need to get to where the rest of the world is by offering universal health care.

If you and other progressives think this crap is so needed, get out of this country and move to Cuba, they have it perfected. If you think it's so great, move there instead of trying to turn America into a communist dictatorship.

No, no, we need to spend more than any other country, leave one out of four with inadequate or no access to health care, have the lowest life expectancy and highest infant mortality rate in the advanced world, because, you know "Freedom".

Wow, are you ever dumber than I previously thought. Every day we are seeing new incidents of people getting screwed by Obamacare. You are aware that even unions don't want it, and feel they've been betrayed and screwed by it, aren't you?? You truly exemplify the term "useful idiot", because you truly are perhaps the dumbest posters in this forum.

("Freedom" in Conservative World is the ability of the wealthy to abuse the rest of us. It should not be mistaken for real freedom.)

If this is your definition, then it's obvious your dictionary has several inches of dust on it.

Point is, you couldn't get Bush elected, so you stole the election, and then wondered when he proceeded to fuck up the country.

All the more proof you are a complete and total imbecile. I have multiple posts shredding George W. Bush. However, given the fact that you have the pubic hairs of big government between your teeth, I'm most perplexed at your hatred of Bush given the fact he created the biggest expansion of government and government spending since radical leftist Lyndon B. Johnson.

Keep posting Joe, the forum truly needs to see what an idiot is, and there is no better example of an idiot than you.
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I knew you would say that. If the criminal activity benefits you or your ilk then its copacetic.

Only the criminally insane would approve of a GRADUATED income tax.

only those whose minds have been warped by socialist ideology would say that it is perfectly fine for the governtment to steal from "A" in order to to feed and insure "B".

Only a Conservative would think that taking more real money from the poor and the middle class would be a benefit to society. Diminishing the real purchasing and savings power of the majority and bolstering the economic security of those who can afford it most is part and parcel of Conservative economic theory. Diminish the value of work and promote the value of. Investment cuts out the consumer from the national economy.

When you take 15% from a family earning $30,000 annually you siphon off $4,500 away from that families buying power leaving them with $24,500 to live on. Taking away 15% from a family making $300,000 from stock options and capital gains, you leave that family with $245,000. Which family would spend more as a percentage of their income on surviving? Which family has the opportunity to save more and thus grow their wealth? Does a flat tax improve the lot of the majority so more real capital can flow through the economy? Or does it. Sequester those without in a class of lesser opportunity?

And you think such a policy is criminally insane? Come in off the ledge before you slip and hurt somebody.
YOU need to take that up with the Government. WHY are YOU so hung up on Wealth envy? NOT your money to start with OR the Governments. The more they penalize success...the so-called RICH will hold on to it and make matters WORSE.

YOU have some soul searching to do. YOU argue unjustly and for the WRONG party.
It's not wealth envy or any other bumper sticker reaction some Conservative pundits utters. It's simple economics. Consumer spending drives 78% of the economic exchange in this economy. And economic growth depends on the free flow of capital from hand to hand. The wealthy keeping more of it does not mean that capital is being exchanged. Why not grow the economy through consumer spending? It creates jobs, puts more money in the marketplace, provides for a higher standard of living and creates more opportunity for individual wealth.

Money sitting in a Cayman Island account is not being exchanged in the American economy. It's dead money. Money spent at the grocer, the hardware store, the college bursars' office and car dealerships circulates and grows and creates jobs and more wealth.
Where exactly in the USA are the "bureaucrats" "trusted with the means of production" and who exactly is advocating any such idea?

I believe the Federal Government takeover of GM qualifies.......don't you?

Owning shares is not the same thing as "bureaucrats" "trusted with the means of production" in my opinion. The GM bailout was essentially the same concept as the Chrysler bailout.

In 1979 Congress required Chrysler to obtain private funding for the bailout financing while the government co-signed the note as collateral. In 2008 there was no private funding available since the banking sector was imploding. The government loaned GM the funds and took the shares as collateral.

In both instances the practices followed normal capitalist lending procedures for requiring collateral before making risky loans. In both instances the government has not lost any money either.

C'mon D T, don't you remember this? Here was an Obama appointee declaring some dealers could stay in business and some couldn't. If that is not the very definition of bureaucratic interference than I don't know what is.

Car czar, fishy closing of Chrysler and GM dealerships

Car czar, fishy closing of Chrysler and GM dealerships
Surely you can think of an appropriate example. This one is so far off the target it's laughable and easily dismissed.

I knew you would say that. If the criminal activity benefits you or your ilk then its copacetic.

Only the criminally insane would approve of a GRADUATED income tax.

only those whose minds have been warped by socialist ideology would say that it is perfectly fine for the governtment to steal from "A" in order to to feed and insure "B".

Only a Conservative would think that taking more real money from the poor and the middle class would be a benefit to society. Diminishing the real purchasing and savings power of the majority and bolstering the economic security of those who can afford it most is part and parcel of Conservative economic theory. Diminish the value of work and promote the value of. Investment cuts out the consumer from the national economy.

When you take 15% from a family earning $30,000 annually you siphon off $4,500 away from that families buying power leaving them with $24,500 to live on. Taking away 15% from a family making $300,000 from stock options and capital gains, you leave that family with $245,000. Which family would spend more as a percentage of their income on surviving? Which family has the opportunity to save more and thus grow their wealth? Does a flat tax improve the lot of the majority so more real capital can flow through the economy? Or does it. Sequester those without in a class of lesser opportunity?

And you think such a policy is criminally insane? Come in off the ledge before you slip and hurt somebody.

Idiocy like this gives me a headache.


That being said, when everyone pays into the system at the same rate they will demand the money is spent wisely.

Moonbats can not tolerate the notion that tax money be used efficiently. That's why you regurgitate asinine posts like that.
I knew you would say that. If the criminal activity benefits you or your ilk then its copacetic.

Only the criminally insane would approve of a GRADUATED income tax.

only those whose minds have been warped by socialist ideology would say that it is perfectly fine for the governtment to steal from "A" in order to to feed and insure "B".

Only a Conservative would think that taking more real money from the poor and the middle class would be a benefit to society. Diminishing the real purchasing and savings power of the majority and bolstering the economic security of those who can afford it most is part and parcel of Conservative economic theory. Diminish the value of work and promote the value of. Investment cuts out the consumer from the national economy.

When you take 15% from a family earning $30,000 annually you siphon off $4,500 away from that families buying power leaving them with $24,500 to live on. Taking away 15% from a family making $300,000 from stock options and capital gains, you leave that family with $245,000. Which family would spend more as a percentage of their income on surviving? Which family has the opportunity to save more and thus grow their wealth? Does a flat tax improve the lot of the majority so more real capital can flow through the economy? Or does it. Sequester those without in a class of lesser opportunity?

And you think such a policy is criminally insane? Come in off the ledge before you slip and hurt somebody.

Idiocy like this gives me a headache.


That being said, when everyone pays into the system at the same rate they will demand the money is spent wisely.

Moonbats can not tolerate the notion that tax money be used efficiently. That's why you regurgitate asinine posts like that.
By taxing the poor you are indeed advocating taking money away from folks. You scream about the diminishment of your own pocket when taxes are collected. You want those who can most afford it to keep even more of their money, yet you have no problem saddling the poorest Americans with eroded savings and buying power.
Where were you taught this particular lie, or are you making this up as you go?

How was this continent spanned by railroad had it not been by the help from government? How was foreign trade regulated and protected if not by the help go government? How were rivers made navigable, communications develop from pony express to nation-wide telegraph to satellite had government not helped.

Your grasp of American history is tenuous at best. Did you take your studies over seas, or from Sears and Roebuck?

You dont refute a single example and call it a lie. Congratulations!
You are confusing gov't setting ground rules with gov't actually doing the work in all the cases you cite. Ultimately private money built railroads, airlines, telegraph and other infrastructure in America. The fact that people got paid in US dollars or signed contracts enforceable in US courts doesn't negate that.
Federal land grants built the railroads, unless you think that private money was used to buy up vast tracts in the west before the first tie was laid. Federal mandates to string telegraph and telephone wires made communications possible, unless you think private entrepreneurs had an itch to push lines into small towns on the prairies.

To dismiss the federal government as a hindrance on one hand and ignore the federal power that made all this possible on the other betrays a basic ignorance of history and a basic misunderstanding of the role of the federal government. The federal government cannot be both poison and antidote to private enterprises.

Federal land grants and government subsidies built the intercontinental railroad, because the federal government had a national defense interest in connecting the East coast with the West Coast and cementing its claim to all the land in between.

Many railroads had already been built without any assistance from the government. The intercontinental railroad would also have eventually been built with private investment, but only as return on that investment developed.

If my memory serves me correctly, the intercontinental railroad did not span the Mississippi River, and that was eventually completed with private funds.

The federal government can definitely be both poison and antidote to private industry, and in most cases is both. When government, for whatever good reason, assists one segment of industry, it necessarily harms competitors who do not get that assistance.
Only a Conservative would think that taking more real money from the poor and the middle class would be a benefit to society. Diminishing the real purchasing and savings power of the majority and bolstering the economic security of those who can afford it most is part and parcel of Conservative economic theory. Diminish the value of work and promote the value of. Investment cuts out the consumer from the national economy.

When you take 15% from a family earning $30,000 annually you siphon off $4,500 away from that families buying power leaving them with $24,500 to live on. Taking away 15% from a family making $300,000 from stock options and capital gains, you leave that family with $245,000. Which family would spend more as a percentage of their income on surviving? Which family has the opportunity to save more and thus grow their wealth? Does a flat tax improve the lot of the majority so more real capital can flow through the economy? Or does it. Sequester those without in a class of lesser opportunity?

And you think such a policy is criminally insane? Come in off the ledge before you slip and hurt somebody.
YOU need to take that up with the Government. WHY are YOU so hung up on Wealth envy? NOT your money to start with OR the Governments. The more they penalize success...the so-called RICH will hold on to it and make matters WORSE.

YOU have some soul searching to do. YOU argue unjustly and for the WRONG party.
It's not wealth envy or any other bumper sticker reaction some Conservative pundits utters. It's simple economics. Consumer spending drives 78% of the economic exchange in this economy. And economic growth depends on the free flow of capital from hand to hand. The wealthy keeping more of it does not mean that capital is being exchanged. Why not grow the economy through consumer spending? It creates jobs, puts more money in the marketplace, provides for a higher standard of living and creates more opportunity for individual wealth.

Money sitting in a Cayman Island account is not being exchanged in the American economy. It's dead money. Money spent at the grocer, the hardware store, the college bursars' office and car dealerships circulates and grows and creates jobs and more wealth.

Tell us WHY the Government is destroying the private sector? And for WHAT purpose?
A progressive is a fascist

tapatalk post

If you continue to just regurgitate what other ignorant people tell you, you are always going to sound like them. Every time you call lefties "fascists" you are exposing your inability to comprehend what Fascism stood for.

Inform yourself....this is what Mussolini said:

A key concept of the Mussolini essay was that fascism was a rejection of previous models: "Granted that the 19th century was the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy, this does not mean that the 20th century must also be the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy. Political doctrines pass; nations remain. We are free to believe that this is the century of authority, a century tending to the 'right', a Fascist century. If the 19th century was the century of the individual (liberalism implies individualism) we are free to believe that this is the 'collective' century, and therefore the century of the State."

In the entire world, not a single authoritative or objective researcher or student of government defines fascism or Nazism as "left wing" movements. They are always, and have ALWAYS been associated with the RIGHT, and they are, in fact, REACTIONARY rightists. Read Shirer, Mussolini, Toland, Bullock, Hess's speeches ca. '38, Hitler, anyone who actually KNOWS the subject, not fat slob scum bags on propaganda broadcasts who barely got through high school and are trying to separate themselves from reality.

One would think it might be persuasive that all the key fascist and socialist writers and propagandists spend at least 25% of their time and space dealing with suppressing--that means KILLING OFF--the LEFT, namely, socialists, liberals, communists, anyone with any free-thinking ideas, the labor unions, etc, etc., etc. Obviously, though, a lot of genuine bozo posters here have no background in thought OR history OR philosophy.

Sullivan: Conservatives are Fascists

The correct quote is as follows, and says nothing about tending to the right: That old "right wing" concept was an attempt by the Communist Party, USA, to associate conservatives with Fascism.

...iven that the nineteenth century was the century of Socialism, of Liberalism, and of Democracy, it does not necessarily follow that the twentieth century must also be a century of Socialism, Liberalism and Democracy: political doctrines pass, but humanity remains, and it may rather be expected that this will be a century of authority...a century of Fascism. For if the nineteenth century was a century of individualism it may be expected that this will be the century of collectivism and hence the century of the State....

Internet History Sourcebooks

BTW, before deciding to play dictator, Mussolini was the editor of Avanti, a socialist newspaper. He was no right-winger, and neither was Adolph Hitler.
YOU need to take that up with the Government. WHY are YOU so hung up on Wealth envy? NOT your money to start with OR the Governments. The more they penalize success...the so-called RICH will hold on to it and make matters WORSE.

YOU have some soul searching to do. YOU argue unjustly and for the WRONG party.
It's not wealth envy or any other bumper sticker reaction some Conservative pundits utters. It's simple economics. Consumer spending drives 78% of the economic exchange in this economy. And economic growth depends on the free flow of capital from hand to hand. The wealthy keeping more of it does not mean that capital is being exchanged. Why not grow the economy through consumer spending? It creates jobs, puts more money in the marketplace, provides for a higher standard of living and creates more opportunity for individual wealth.

Money sitting in a Cayman Island account is not being exchanged in the American economy. It's dead money. Money spent at the grocer, the hardware store, the college bursars' office and car dealerships circulates and grows and creates jobs and more wealth.

Tell us WHY the Government is destroying the private sector? And for WHAT purpose?
Are you, by this distracting question, conceding that a flat tax or raising the taxes of the poor and middle class is bad economics?
It's not wealth envy or any other bumper sticker reaction some Conservative pundits utters. It's simple economics. Consumer spending drives 78% of the economic exchange in this economy. And economic growth depends on the free flow of capital from hand to hand. The wealthy keeping more of it does not mean that capital is being exchanged. Why not grow the economy through consumer spending? It creates jobs, puts more money in the marketplace, provides for a higher standard of living and creates more opportunity for individual wealth.

Money sitting in a Cayman Island account is not being exchanged in the American economy. It's dead money. Money spent at the grocer, the hardware store, the college bursars' office and car dealerships circulates and grows and creates jobs and more wealth.

Tell us WHY the Government is destroying the private sector? And for WHAT purpose?
Are you, by this distracting question, conceding that a flat tax or raising the taxes of the poor and middle class is bad economics?

THEY pay Little to NO taxes and still get a refund...WHY is that, and is that FAIR?

Bring on the FAIRTAX and ABOLISH the 16th, AND the IRS...and ALL of this will be MOOT.

Get it?
Tell us WHY the Government is destroying the private sector? And for WHAT purpose?
Are you, by this distracting question, conceding that a flat tax or raising the taxes of the poor and middle class is bad economics?

THEY pay Little to NO taxes and still get a refund...WHY is that, and is that FAIR?

Bring on the FAIRTAX and ABOLISH the 16th, AND the IRS...and ALL of this will be MOOT.

Get it?
I'm wondering if you get it. A vibrant economy and an expanded portion of Americans with a greater economic power will ensure growth and strength for our nation. You want to make everyone pay taxes, but the wealthy. They can buy the influence and power to cement their positions. First, they create a mythology about the poor and middle class. They seek to make you believe there is no nobility in working for a living. Rather they advocate wealth throughout investment instead of earning it through labor.

The wealthy can influence Conservative lawmakers to write all manner of loopholes into the tax code so they can keep their wealth from circulating through the economy. This disparity is unsustainable and serves only a small part of Americans competing in our economy.

The breaks extended to the wealthy are far more injurious to a vibrant economy than the breaks extended to those with little or no money with which to buy legislators.
Are you, by this distracting question, conceding that a flat tax or raising the taxes of the poor and middle class is bad economics?

THEY pay Little to NO taxes and still get a refund...WHY is that, and is that FAIR?

Bring on the FAIRTAX and ABOLISH the 16th, AND the IRS...and ALL of this will be MOOT.

Get it?
I'm wondering if you get it. A vibrant economy and an expanded portion of Americans with a greater economic power will ensure growth and strength for our nation. You want to make everyone pay taxes, but the wealthy. They can buy the influence and power to cement their positions. First, they create a mythology about the poor and middle class. They seek to make you believe there is no nobility in working for a living. Rather they advocate wealth throughout investment instead of earning it through labor.

The wealthy can influence Conservative lawmakers to write all manner of loopholes into the tax code so they can keep their wealth from circulating through the economy. This disparity is unsustainable and serves only a small part of Americans competing in our economy.

The breaks extended to the wealthy are far more injurious to a vibrant economy than the breaks extended to those with little or no money with which to buy legislators.
I get it. WHY is Obama and Government killing the private sector? What RIGHT have they to do it? Affect MILLIONS of lives?

One word...POWER over the people.

It is YOU that doesn't get it. YOU are NO FRIEND to liberty...even your own.
95% of the financial gains during the economic recovery from 2009 to 2012 went to the richest 1%.

How is Obama "killing the private sector"?
THEY pay Little to NO taxes and still get a refund...WHY is that, and is that FAIR?

Bring on the FAIRTAX and ABOLISH the 16th, AND the IRS...and ALL of this will be MOOT.

Get it?
I'm wondering if you get it. A vibrant economy and an expanded portion of Americans with a greater economic power will ensure growth and strength for our nation. You want to make everyone pay taxes, but the wealthy. They can buy the influence and power to cement their positions. First, they create a mythology about the poor and middle class. They seek to make you believe there is no nobility in working for a living. Rather they advocate wealth throughout investment instead of earning it through labor.

The wealthy can influence Conservative lawmakers to write all manner of loopholes into the tax code so they can keep their wealth from circulating through the economy. This disparity is unsustainable and serves only a small part of Americans competing in our economy.

The breaks extended to the wealthy are far more injurious to a vibrant economy than the breaks extended to those with little or no money with which to buy legislators.
I get it. WHY is Obama and Government killing the private sector? What RIGHT have they to do it? Affect MILLIONS of lives?

One word...POWER over the people.

It is YOU that doesn't get it. YOU are NO FRIEND to liberty...even your own.
General Motors? Chrysler? Record values on Wall Street? Dow Jones in record territory?

Who told you Obama was killing the private sector? I only ask because if you consider it based on truth, it's clear that this is not the case. You must be under the influence of yet another tired old Obama hater.

Now, we were talking about taxes. Do you agree that a graduated tax code is not only a fairer method but healthier for our economy?
General Motors? Chrysler? Record values on Wall Street? Dow Jones in record territory?

Who told you Obama was killing the private sector? I only ask because if you consider it based on truth, it's clear that this is not the case. You must be under the influence of yet another tired old Obama hater.

Now, we were talking about taxes. Do you agree that a graduated tax code is not only a fairer method but healthier for our economy?

I dunno about T, but I sure as hell don't.
General Motors? Chrysler? Record values on Wall Street? Dow Jones in record territory?

Who told you Obama was killing the private sector? I only ask because if you consider it based on truth, it's clear that this is not the case. You must be under the influence of yet another tired old Obama hater.

Now, we were talking about taxes. Do you agree that a graduated tax code is not only a fairer method but healthier for our economy?

I dunno about T, but I sure as hell don't.
Why? I laid out my case, please explain yours.
Surely you can think of an appropriate example. This one is so far off the target it's laughable and easily dismissed.

I knew you would say that. If the criminal activity benefits you or your ilk then its copacetic.

Only the criminally insane would approve of a GRADUATED income tax.

only those whose minds have been warped by socialist ideology would say that it is perfectly fine for the governtment to steal from "A" in order to to feed and insure "B".

Only a Conservative would think that taking more real money from the poor and the middle class would be a benefit to society. Diminishing the real purchasing and savings power of the majority and bolstering the economic security of those who can afford it most is part and parcel of Conservative economic theory. Diminish the value of work and promote the value of. Investment cuts out the consumer from the national economy.

When you take 15% from a family earning $30,000 annually you siphon off $4,500 away from that families buying power leaving them with $24,500 to live on. Taking away 15% from a family making $300,000 from stock options and capital gains, you leave that family with $245,000. Which family would spend more as a percentage of their income on surviving? Which family has the opportunity to save more and thus grow their wealth? Does a flat tax improve the lot of the majority so more real capital can flow through the economy? Or does it. Sequester those without in a class of lesser opportunity?

And you think such a policy is criminally insane? Come in off the ledge before you slip and hurt somebody.

Firstly, it was never intended that the federal government have the authority to levy a permanent direct tax on whatever they decided was taxable income.

I agree that the poor ought not be saddled with heavy taxes.

So , once the gargantuan welfare/warfare police state is abolished all Americans should pay the same INDIRECT taxes .

I knew you would say that. If the criminal activity benefits you or your ilk then its copacetic.

Only the criminally insane would approve of a GRADUATED income tax.

only those whose minds have been warped by socialist ideology would say that it is perfectly fine for the governtment to steal from "A" in order to to feed and insure "B".

Only a Conservative would think that taking more real money from the poor and the middle class would be a benefit to society. Diminishing the real purchasing and savings power of the majority and bolstering the economic security of those who can afford it most is part and parcel of Conservative economic theory. Diminish the value of work and promote the value of. Investment cuts out the consumer from the national economy.

When you take 15% from a family earning $30,000 annually you siphon off $4,500 away from that families buying power leaving them with $24,500 to live on. Taking away 15% from a family making $300,000 from stock options and capital gains, you leave that family with $245,000. Which family would spend more as a percentage of their income on surviving? Which family has the opportunity to save more and thus grow their wealth? Does a flat tax improve the lot of the majority so more real capital can flow through the economy? Or does it. Sequester those without in a class of lesser opportunity?

And you think such a policy is criminally insane? Come in off the ledge before you slip and hurt somebody.

Firstly, it was never intended that the federal government have the authority to levy a permanent direct tax on whatever they decided was taxable income.

I agree that the poor ought not be saddled with heavy taxes.

So , once the gargantuan welfare/warfare police state is abolished all Americans should pay the same INDIRECT taxes .

Do you defend the constitution of the United States?
Only a Conservative would think that taking more real money from the poor and the middle class would be a benefit to society. Diminishing the real purchasing and savings power of the majority and bolstering the economic security of those who can afford it most is part and parcel of Conservative economic theory. Diminish the value of work and promote the value of. Investment cuts out the consumer from the national economy.

When you take 15% from a family earning $30,000 annually you siphon off $4,500 away from that families buying power leaving them with $24,500 to live on. Taking away 15% from a family making $300,000 from stock options and capital gains, you leave that family with $245,000. Which family would spend more as a percentage of their income on surviving? Which family has the opportunity to save more and thus grow their wealth? Does a flat tax improve the lot of the majority so more real capital can flow through the economy? Or does it. Sequester those without in a class of lesser opportunity?

And you think such a policy is criminally insane? Come in off the ledge before you slip and hurt somebody.

Firstly, it was never intended that the federal government have the authority to levy a permanent direct tax on whatever they decided was taxable income.

I agree that the poor ought not be saddled with heavy taxes.

So , once the gargantuan welfare/warfare police state is abolished all Americans should pay the same INDIRECT taxes .

Do you defend the constitution of the United States?

Is there any doubt?


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