What is a "Progressive"?

Ironic coming from the person who is "mov[ing] the goalposts and chang[ing] the rules" by redefining "slavery" to some mythical "slavery to the government"!

Sparkles, go find yourself anyone who's lived under a dictator and tell THEM how "mythical" slavery to the government is. No redefining needed.

BTDT myself so your self inflated posturing is utterly meaningless. There is nothing in this nation even remotely similar to your paranoid delusions.

I see you are slaying yet another dragon, Lord Derideo of Te. Doth not your sword ever thusly tire?
Endear myself to my opponent? Let me get this straight. You are actually sitting there under the delusion that I want you to LIKE me? Shitstain, I want you to HATE me. I want you to LOATHE me and FEAR me. I look at you and the evil that you stand for and the rampant stupidity that lets you stand for it and proudly champion it, and I pray with every breath in my body that I will be so opposite to everything about you that just thinking about me makes you want to hurl. The most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me.

I'm not snippy, Junior. I'm trying to convey to you just exactly what sort of utter waste of human DNA you truly are (always assuming that you actually possess any). Please do not ever flatter yourself into believing that I'm the least bit interested in trying to win you over or convince you of anything. I just want you to reveal to everyone who might have some redeeming quality on Earth beyond being used as compost so that they run as far and as fast away from being like you as they possibly can.

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

― Nelson Mandela

I'll take fighting scum over sitting quietly in a jail cell for decades, waiting for the scum to drop dead on its own, any day of the week.

If doing so makes me bitter, then so be it. There are worse things to be . . . YOU, for example.

Mandela lived to be 95 by being smart enough to rid himself of the self inflicted toxins of hatred and anger. He became the president of a free nation and has become a symbol for humanity and peace like MLK and Ghandi.

He is someone I admire and I am consider myself fortunate to have been alive while he was doing great things for humanity.
“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

― Nelson Mandela

I'll take fighting scum over sitting quietly in a jail cell for decades, waiting for the scum to drop dead on its own, any day of the week.

If doing so makes me bitter, then so be it. There are worse things to be . . . YOU, for example.

Mandela lived to be 95 by being smart enough to rid himself of the self inflicted toxins of hatred and anger. He became the president of a free nation and has become a symbol for humanity and peace like MLK and Ghandi.

He is someone I admire and I am consider myself fortunate to have been alive while he was doing great things for humanity.

Haters will never understand that, which only undergirds Mandela's raison d'Etre.
Sparkles, go find yourself anyone who's lived under a dictator and tell THEM how "mythical" slavery to the government is. No redefining needed.

BTDT myself so your self inflated posturing is utterly meaningless. There is nothing in this nation even remotely similar to your paranoid delusions.

I see you are slaying yet another dragon, Lord Derideo of Te. Doth not your sword ever thusly tire?

Dragon? What dragon be that? I see no dragons here abouts! Scurrying lizards that hide beneath slimy rocks are never dragons, my dear Sir Statalot. My sword remains sheathed as always since I need nothing more than my sharp and deadly pen of which I never tire!
Endear myself to my opponent? Let me get this straight. You are actually sitting there under the delusion that I want you to LIKE me? Shitstain, I want you to HATE me. I want you to LOATHE me and FEAR me. I look at you and the evil that you stand for and the rampant stupidity that lets you stand for it and proudly champion it, and I pray with every breath in my body that I will be so opposite to everything about you that just thinking about me makes you want to hurl. The most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me.

I'm not snippy, Junior. I'm trying to convey to you just exactly what sort of utter waste of human DNA you truly are (always assuming that you actually possess any). Please do not ever flatter yourself into believing that I'm the least bit interested in trying to win you over or convince you of anything. I just want you to reveal to everyone who might have some redeeming quality on Earth beyond being used as compost so that they run as far and as fast away from being like you as they possibly can.
I don't hate you. I disagree with you politically, but I'm mature enough to know that politics isn't all you are. I don't wish harm on you, I don't see you as an enemy. I'm wise enough not to cast negative personal aspersions on you due to your politics. I wonder what in your politics makes you seem to require such animus?

Now, if my outlook is indeed the most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me, I must pity your bleakness and attitude. You don't claim to be a Christian with an attitude like that, do you?

Try to get some rest, some counseling and some peace.

You still don't get it. Your outlook is only the second-most repugnant thing in the universe. People like you who can espouse such appalling evil and feel proud and moral while doing so are the first. I know it's the Internet vogue to compare people to Nazis, but the truth is, I would like someone I could compare to the Nazis better. You are the people who stood by and did nothing and congratulated themselves on what good citizens they were as they turned a blind eye to what the Nazis did in the name of "public good". You are a disease on humanity.

My religious beliefs, or lack thereof, are between me and God, so don't even PRESUME to mention them, much less think filth like you has ANYTHING to tell me about them. You are evil. You champion evil. You applaud evil. And you're too stupid to realize it, so you don't even benefit from the evil that you inflict on others. I'll take the sin of being a little mean about identifying evil over the sin of being evil any day of the week, thanks.

Furthermore, I think I've made it clear that I have no interest in the kind of "peace" you pusillanimous leftists want me to have enslaved to your anti-utopian visions. Keep it for yourself.
Gosh! The Nazis fell twelve years before I was born. So you're right, I failed to stop them. I don't understand the evil you rant about. If you could review my posts and point out what you think is evil, perhaps that would help me understand you a little better.

By the way, you have ceded your right to complain about a coarsened culture. Political debate does not include venomous claims and personal invective. But you over played that card and now if we indeed have a coarsened culture, we know where to lay the blame.

You do understand that here in America we openly debate differing positions in order to arrive at a consensus position? Your position is so intractable, so full of vitriol, so venomous that no one could get behind your position, no matter how workable and sensible. You do not add to the exchange of ideas, you blunt it with ad homienums and personal attack. That's why it's important for you to calm down and seek help. The most ardent extremists would find your method of communicating too toxic to support.

All I ever advocated was a Progressive, Liberal platform of social reform and fairness in governance. There is nothing sane people find evil in any of it.
BTDT myself so your self inflated posturing is utterly meaningless. There is nothing in this nation even remotely similar to your paranoid delusions.

I see you are slaying yet another dragon, Lord Derideo of Te. Doth not your sword ever thusly tire?

Dragon? What dragon be that? I see no dragons here abouts! Scurrying lizards that hide beneath slimy rocks are never dragons, my dear Sir Statalot. My sword remains sheathed as always since I need nothing more than my sharp and deadly pen of which I never tire!

I just slay them with my dashingly good looks!!

I have an image of Cecilie in my head. She's sitting in a basement, bare light bulb over her head. Camouflage bandanna wrapped around her buzz cut hairdo. She's sharpening a bayonet and muttering something about "The Time of the Deliverer" and wondering how it all went so wrong. Somewhere there's a file on her. Somewhere her face is on a poster published by law enforcement. Somewhere there's a pharmacist wonder why she hasn't picked up her script.
On the last flight out of LAX to JFK tonight I watched 5 minutes of MSNBC and heard Ed Shultz and guests describe the "Progressive" solution to US energy (hint: they're against oil but love solar and wind and other things that just don't make economic sense) and I wondered:

What is a 'Progressive'?

What are the central ideas and beliefs that make someone a Progressive rather than a Liberal or a Democrat?

What is a progressive? Someone who has anything but "progress" on the agenda.
I don't hate you. I disagree with you politically, but I'm mature enough to know that politics isn't all you are. I don't wish harm on you, I don't see you as an enemy. I'm wise enough not to cast negative personal aspersions on you due to your politics. I wonder what in your politics makes you seem to require such animus?

Now, if my outlook is indeed the most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me, I must pity your bleakness and attitude. You don't claim to be a Christian with an attitude like that, do you?

Try to get some rest, some counseling and some peace.

You still don't get it. Your outlook is only the second-most repugnant thing in the universe. People like you who can espouse such appalling evil and feel proud and moral while doing so are the first. I know it's the Internet vogue to compare people to Nazis, but the truth is, I would like someone I could compare to the Nazis better. You are the people who stood by and did nothing and congratulated themselves on what good citizens they were as they turned a blind eye to what the Nazis did in the name of "public good". You are a disease on humanity.

My religious beliefs, or lack thereof, are between me and God, so don't even PRESUME to mention them, much less think filth like you has ANYTHING to tell me about them. You are evil. You champion evil. You applaud evil. And you're too stupid to realize it, so you don't even benefit from the evil that you inflict on others. I'll take the sin of being a little mean about identifying evil over the sin of being evil any day of the week, thanks.

Furthermore, I think I've made it clear that I have no interest in the kind of "peace" you pusillanimous leftists want me to have enslaved to your anti-utopian visions. Keep it for yourself.
Gosh! The Nazis fell twelve years before I was born. So you're right, I failed to stop them. I don't understand the evil you rant about. If you could review my posts and point out what you think is evil, perhaps that would help me understand you a little better.

By the way, you have ceded your right to complain about a coarsened culture. Political debate does not include venomous claims and personal invective. But you over played that card and now if we indeed have a coarsened culture, we know where to lay the blame.

You do understand that here in America we openly debate differing positions in order to arrive at a consensus position? Your position is so intractable, so full of vitriol, so venomous that no one could get behind your position, no matter how workable and sensible. You do not add to the exchange of ideas, you blunt it with ad hominems and personal attack. That's why it's important for you to calm down and seek help. The most ardent extremists would find your method of communicating too toxic to support.

All I ever advocated was a Progressive, Liberal platform of social reform and fairness in governance. There is nothing sane people find evil in any of it.


Since when has governance been fair as of late? Is the current form government what you define as fair? Are you kidding me? What kind of social reform do you really seek? Do you know what's evil about Progressive Liberalism, Nosmo? Of course you don't. You have no clue do you?

One part of being progressive means concentrating the power of government. Extending it's reach. Your form of Progressive Liberalism stripped millions of people of their healthcare plans, under the guise of "securing freedom through government intervention."

Real progressivism doesn't discriminate based on social status, yet this nonsensical mantra of "the rich are evil and mistreat the poor" leaves the mouths of progressives all the time. What you self proclaimed progressive liberals are doing is seeking to widen a divide among social classes, not unite them. You seek to drive a wedge between men and women, blacks and whites, rich and poor.

To be honest, you aren't even a true progressive.
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I have an image of Cecilie in my head. She's sitting in a basement, bare light bulb over her head. Camouflage bandanna wrapped around her buzz cut hairdo. She's sharpening a bayonet and muttering something about "The Time of the Deliverer" and wondering how it all went so wrong. Somewhere there's a file on her. Somewhere her face is on a poster published by law enforcement. Somewhere there's a pharmacist wonder why she hasn't picked up her script.

Ihave an image of you in my mind. You are sitting in a non descript office in some city office building with a pile of orders for toilets to inspect. You've come in late and are lounging around posting here instead of doing your job. You have a a Chrysler PT Loser with peeling paint outside. Your coworkers shun you and your boss despises you, even though he cannot fire you. You can't move up but can't be fired either so you are on perpetual low simmer against those blocking your greatness. You'll show them. Another beer at lunch. Hah!
I have an image of Cecilie in my head. She's sitting in a basement, bare light bulb over her head. Camouflage bandanna wrapped around her buzz cut hairdo. She's sharpening a bayonet and muttering something about "The Time of the Deliverer" and wondering how it all went so wrong. Somewhere there's a file on her. Somewhere her face is on a poster published by law enforcement. Somewhere there's a pharmacist wonder why she hasn't picked up her script.

Gee, you accuse her of ad hominem, but for the last few posts you have managed to denigrate her just the same if not more. Wow.
Endear myself to my opponent? Let me get this straight. You are actually sitting there under the delusion that I want you to LIKE me? Shitstain, I want you to HATE me. I want you to LOATHE me and FEAR me. I look at you and the evil that you stand for and the rampant stupidity that lets you stand for it and proudly champion it, and I pray with every breath in my body that I will be so opposite to everything about you that just thinking about me makes you want to hurl. The most repugnant thing I could ever imagine in this universe is to have oozing, festering leftist scum like you like me or approve of me.

I'm not snippy, Junior. I'm trying to convey to you just exactly what sort of utter waste of human DNA you truly are (always assuming that you actually possess any). Please do not ever flatter yourself into believing that I'm the least bit interested in trying to win you over or convince you of anything. I just want you to reveal to everyone who might have some redeeming quality on Earth beyond being used as compost so that they run as far and as fast away from being like you as they possibly can.

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

― Nelson Mandela

I'll take fighting scum over sitting quietly in a jail cell for decades, waiting for the scum to drop dead on its own, any day of the week.
But you would be fighting your own peers....:razz::razz:

If doing so makes me bitter, then so be it. There are worse things to be . . . YOU, for example.
You're already the worse thing to be.....can't get any worse.....:razz::razz:
I have an image of Cecilie in my head. She's sitting in a basement, bare light bulb over her head. Camouflage bandanna wrapped around her buzz cut hairdo. She's sharpening a bayonet and muttering something about "The Time of the Deliverer" and wondering how it all went so wrong. Somewhere there's a file on her. Somewhere her face is on a poster published by law enforcement. Somewhere there's a pharmacist wonder why she hasn't picked up her script.

Gee, you accuse her of ad hominem, but for the last few posts you have managed to denigrate her just the same if not more. Wow.
Right. I'm to blame for her tone, her venom, her imbitteredness. She shall reap what she has sown.
I have an image of Cecilie in my head. She's sitting in a basement, bare light bulb over her head. Camouflage bandanna wrapped around her buzz cut hairdo. She's sharpening a bayonet and muttering something about "The Time of the Deliverer" and wondering how it all went so wrong. Somewhere there's a file on her. Somewhere her face is on a poster published by law enforcement. Somewhere there's a pharmacist wonder why she hasn't picked up her script.

Ihave an image of you in my mind. You are sitting in a non descript office in some city office building with a pile of orders for toilets to inspect. You've come in late and are lounging around posting here instead of doing your job. You have a a Chrysler PT Loser with peeling paint outside. Your coworkers shun you and your boss despises you, even though he cannot fire you. You can't move up but can't be fired either so you are on perpetual low simmer against those blocking your greatness. You'll show them. Another beer at lunch. Hah!
Does your Mom let you stay up until 10:00, or do you assure her you will 'keep it down'? You should get out of your basement apartment and get some fresh air.
What is a "Progressive"?

A Progressive is someone who believes in big government, lots and lots of government regulations, high taxation, redistributation of wealth. :cuckoo:

Progressives want to control every aspect of everyone's life, because they believe they know what best for everyone. :cuckoo:

Progressives hate "Our Founding Father's" and everything that they stood for. :cuckoo:

Progressives hate American values. :cuckoo:

Progressives are stupid!
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I have an image of Cecilie in my head. She's sitting in a basement, bare light bulb over her head. Camouflage bandanna wrapped around her buzz cut hairdo. She's sharpening a bayonet and muttering something about "The Time of the Deliverer" and wondering how it all went so wrong. Somewhere there's a file on her. Somewhere her face is on a poster published by law enforcement. Somewhere there's a pharmacist wonder why she hasn't picked up her script.

Ihave an image of you in my mind. You are sitting in a non descript office in some city office building with a pile of orders for toilets to inspect. You've come in late and are lounging around posting here instead of doing your job. You have a a Chrysler PT Loser with peeling paint outside. Your coworkers shun you and your boss despises you, even though he cannot fire you. You can't move up but can't be fired either so you are on perpetual low simmer against those blocking your greatness. You'll show them. Another beer at lunch. Hah!
Does your Mom let you stay up until 10:00, or do you assure her you will 'keep it down'? You should get out of your basement apartment and get some fresh air.

Translation: You nailed it.
Ironic coming from the person who is "mov[ing] the goalposts and chang[ing] the rules" by redefining "slavery" to some mythical "slavery to the government"!

Sparkles, go find yourself anyone who's lived under a dictator and tell THEM how "mythical" slavery to the government is. No redefining needed.

BTDT myself so your self inflated posturing is utterly meaningless. There is nothing in this nation even remotely similar to your paranoid delusions.

This is what I got from your post: "Can't prove you're wrong, so I'll just declare that you are. Nyah nyah, can't make me hear anything I don't want to believe! :lalala:"

I would say that when you can actually refute me, rather than just declaring that it's not needed, you should come back, but the truth is, you only get the one chance, and you blew it.

Your surrender is accepted. You may stop waving your white flag and go home.
Sparkles, go find yourself anyone who's lived under a dictator and tell THEM how "mythical" slavery to the government is. No redefining needed.

BTDT myself so your self inflated posturing is utterly meaningless. There is nothing in this nation even remotely similar to your paranoid delusions.

I see you are slaying yet another dragon, Lord Derideo of Te. Doth not your sword ever thusly tire?

Slaying a dragon? Only a dickless leftist twit would call, "Your post is meaningless, and you're wrong. So there," slaying anything, other than my patience.

On the other hand, it's just so cute to see the two of you lovebirds finding each other. Enjoy. :suck:
“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

― Nelson Mandela

I'll take fighting scum over sitting quietly in a jail cell for decades, waiting for the scum to drop dead on its own, any day of the week.

If doing so makes me bitter, then so be it. There are worse things to be . . . YOU, for example.

Mandela lived to be 95 by being smart enough to rid himself of the self inflicted toxins of hatred and anger. He became the president of a free nation and has become a symbol for humanity and peace like MLK and Ghandi.

He is someone I admire and I am consider myself fortunate to have been alive while he was doing great things for humanity.

Oh, WELL, if the likes of YOU admires him, that just settles it, doesn't it? Oh, wait, I believe we were actually just discussing how utterly worthless and meaningless your opinions and admirations are to me.

So I have to thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to reiterate to me something I've already informed you carries as much weight as a puff of warm hydrogen. You lefties just cannot get over the notion that everyone in the world is breathlessly awaiting news of your feelings and applauding your every breath. It's really kinda sad.
BTDT myself so your self inflated posturing is utterly meaningless. There is nothing in this nation even remotely similar to your paranoid delusions.

I see you are slaying yet another dragon, Lord Derideo of Te. Doth not your sword ever thusly tire?

Dragon? What dragon be that? I see no dragons here abouts! Scurrying lizards that hide beneath slimy rocks are never dragons, my dear Sir Statalot. My sword remains sheathed as always since I need nothing more than my sharp and deadly pen of which I never tire!

Could you two please get a room? If I wanted to see gay porn, I'd go find a website dedicated to that.

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