What is a "Progressive"?

What have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

We have further learned that when Conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the Bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary Conservatism is the idea of "I've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to Liberal policies if those events are injurious, Conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of Conservative revisionism and the deep impact Conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the American Conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because Conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of Conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go Conservative. The aware and the optimistic go Liberal.

In my humble opinion, Nosmo King is a legend in his own mind

Is that the best you can do? I laid out my case and you retort with bumper sticker thinking.

Consider the source! ;)
What have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

We have further learned that when Conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the Bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary Conservatism is the idea of "I've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to Liberal policies if those events are injurious, Conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of Conservative revisionism and the deep impact Conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the American Conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because Conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of Conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go Conservative. The aware and the optimistic go Liberal.

I'm frightened by Liberals, er Progressives "relentless struggle" because they openly embrace an economic philosophy that comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and is so bad that, the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese have abandoned it in favor of Free Enterprise putting our Liberals, er, Progressives, firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists
What have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

We have further learned that when Conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the Bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary Conservatism is the idea of "I've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to Liberal policies if those events are injurious, Conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of Conservative revisionism and the deep impact Conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the American Conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because Conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of Conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go Conservative. The aware and the optimistic go Liberal.

I'm frightened by Liberals, er Progressives "relentless struggle" because they openly embrace an economic philosophy that comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and is so bad that, the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese have abandoned it in favor of Free Enterprise putting our Liberals, er, Progressives, firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists
And yet every other industrialized nation on this earth employs an economic policy that guarantees health care to their citizens. Using your logic, every other industrialized nation is teetering on the brink of economic, political and social collapse. Every industrialized nation on this earth embraces social policies guaranteeing equal justice under law and equal treatment to all citizens in business transactions. But Conservatives oppose that idea, even here in the Land of the Free.
A progressive is a collectivist at heart. They support the wholesale imprisonment of those who disagree with them. They are totalitarians of the worst sort. I am a liberal Democrat (which means I support the rights of people to do as they wish so long as they harm no one else) and have been most of my life. My grandfather was a member of the American Communist Party so I've been around the type a lot.

Progressivism is the nice sounding name for those who support totalitarianism pure and simple, and they are despicable.

I'm sorry, guy, it was conservatives who put in an NSA that decided it needed to listen to all our phone calls and read all our e-mails.

It is Conservatives who want the government to regulate women's uteri.

Both sides have a bad habit of wanting to regulate us for our own good.

The sooner your side stops screaming about "communism" and "socialism" when Obama imposes the same medical plan that you guys were fine with when Romney did it, the sooner we can have an adult conversation about how to proceed.

I guess you didn't read what I wrote. I'm a liberal Democrat. I never said anything about "communism" other than I've been around a lot of them, I specifically named progressivism as the enemy. And it is.

Self proclaimed progressives have repeatedly voiced their support for Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini. More recently Chomskey supported Pol Pot in his effort to rid Cambodia of its intelligentsia.

Progressives are all alike. Scum.
The biggest problem for conservatives is that America was built on progress. Our whole history is progress. The nation was built on the concept of progress, we created a government with the idea that all men are created equal, and we have extended the vote, medicine keeps coming up with new treatments, airplanes become safer, the best conservatives can do is to try and slow the whole process down, down to a pace they can abide. We know we are progressing too rapidly when conservatives start to use the fear-thing to slow things down. Threats of the dire events that are going to happen if we continue this crazy concept of giving all men an equal opportunity is their best weapon.
What have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

We have further learned that when Conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the Bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary Conservatism is the idea of "I've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to Liberal policies if those events are injurious, Conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of Conservative revisionism and the deep impact Conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the American Conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because Conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of Conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go Conservative. The aware and the optimistic go Liberal.

I'm frightened by Liberals, er Progressives "relentless struggle" because they openly embrace an economic philosophy that comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and is so bad that, the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese have abandoned it in favor of Free Enterprise putting our Liberals, er, Progressives, firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists

I am curious as to how you are making the claim that "Progressives" are "firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists". Care to share the source of this allegation? What basis are you using for this claim? Which policies are you pointing at that are identical to those of the communists? Can you show a 1:1 correlation between the policies of the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese that are identical to those of the "Progressives" and that are doomed to fail?
What have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

We have further learned that when Conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the Bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary Conservatism is the idea of "I've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to Liberal policies if those events are injurious, Conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of Conservative revisionism and the deep impact Conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the American Conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because Conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of Conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go Conservative. The aware and the optimistic go Liberal.

I'm frightened by Liberals, er Progressives "relentless struggle" because they openly embrace an economic philosophy that comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and is so bad that, the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese have abandoned it in favor of Free Enterprise putting our Liberals, er, Progressives, firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists
And yet every other industrialized nation on this earth employs an economic policy that guarantees health care to their citizens. Using your logic, every other industrialized nation is teetering on the brink of economic, political and social collapse. Every industrialized nation on this earth embraces social policies guaranteeing equal justice under law and equal treatment to all citizens in business transactions. But Conservatives oppose that idea, even here in the Land of the Free.

How is forcing someone to sign up for substandard massive deductible insurance consistent with living in the "land of the free"?
What have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

We have further learned that when Conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the Bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary Conservatism is the idea of "I've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to Liberal policies if those events are injurious, Conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of Conservative revisionism and the deep impact Conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the American Conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because Conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of Conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go Conservative. The aware and the optimistic go Liberal.

I'm frightened by Liberals, er Progressives "relentless struggle" because they openly embrace an economic philosophy that comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and is so bad that, the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese have abandoned it in favor of Free Enterprise putting our Liberals, er, Progressives, firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists

I am curious as to how you are making the claim that "Progressives" are "firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists". Care to share the source of this allegation? What basis are you using for this claim? Which policies are you pointing at that are identical to those of the communists? Can you show a 1:1 correlation between the policies of the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese that are identical to those of the "Progressives" and that are doomed to fail?

Surely, the ChiComs, Russians and Vietnamese have all abandoned Soviet style Central planning in favor of more free enterprise and all are prospering.

Do you keep up at all on current events?
I'm frightened by Liberals, er Progressives "relentless struggle" because they openly embrace an economic philosophy that comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and is so bad that, the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese have abandoned it in favor of Free Enterprise putting our Liberals, er, Progressives, firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists
And yet every other industrialized nation on this earth employs an economic policy that guarantees health care to their citizens. Using your logic, every other industrialized nation is teetering on the brink of economic, political and social collapse. Every industrialized nation on this earth embraces social policies guaranteeing equal justice under law and equal treatment to all citizens in business transactions. But Conservatives oppose that idea, even here in the Land of the Free.

How is forcing someone to sign up for substandard massive deductible insurance consistent with living in the "land of the free"?
Each and every policy offered by the private insurance carriers is "substandard massive deductible insurance"? What kind of private enterprise would do such a thing?
And yet every other industrialized nation on this earth employs an economic policy that guarantees health care to their citizens. Using your logic, every other industrialized nation is teetering on the brink of economic, political and social collapse. Every industrialized nation on this earth embraces social policies guaranteeing equal justice under law and equal treatment to all citizens in business transactions. But Conservatives oppose that idea, even here in the Land of the Free.

How is forcing someone to sign up for substandard massive deductible insurance consistent with living in the "land of the free"?
Each and every policy offered by the private insurance carriers is "substandard massive deductible insurance"? What kind of private enterprise would do such a thing?

Obamacare is massive deductible and substandard.

What happened to "If you like your plan you can keep it. Period"?
How is forcing someone to sign up for substandard massive deductible insurance consistent with living in the "land of the free"?
Each and every policy offered by the private insurance carriers is "substandard massive deductible insurance"? What kind of private enterprise would do such a thing?

Obamacare is massive deductible and substandard.

What happened to "If you like your plan you can keep it. Period"?
Some of those plans were 'discount' plans which provided no coverage beyond a fifty dollar discount on services provided. Those were substandard, cheap and available in states where regulations on the insurance industry was slack if there were regulations at all.
In my humble opinion, Nosmo King is a legend in his own mind


Is that the best you can do? I laid out my case and you retort with bumper sticker thinking.

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

So much bullshit so little time.

You can say the same thing about any criminal gang.

Don't you think that those who depended , either directly or indirectly , on the Dalton Gang acquired a "higher standard of living"?

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Each and every policy offered by the private insurance carriers is "substandard massive deductible insurance"? What kind of private enterprise would do such a thing?

Obamacare is massive deductible and substandard.

What happened to "If you like your plan you can keep it. Period"?
Some of those plans were 'discount' plans which provided no coverage beyond a fifty dollar discount on services provided. Those were substandard, cheap and available in states where regulations on the insurance industry was slack if there were regulations at all.

So people can't figure out what plans they wanted and only Obama knows best?

Progressives have a very low opinion of human intelligence
Obamacare is massive deductible and substandard.

What happened to "If you like your plan you can keep it. Period"?
Some of those plans were 'discount' plans which provided no coverage beyond a fifty dollar discount on services provided. Those were substandard, cheap and available in states where regulations on the insurance industry was slack if there were regulations at all.

So people can't figure out what plans they wanted and only Obama knows best?

Progressives have a very low opinion of human intelligence
There's a difference between major medical coverage and a coupon for $50 off any medical service! Would you consider 'discount plans' as health care? If people are too stupid to make that distinction, perhaps they should enjoy the protection of the state
Some of those plans were 'discount' plans which provided no coverage beyond a fifty dollar discount on services provided. Those were substandard, cheap and available in states where regulations on the insurance industry was slack if there were regulations at all.

So people can't figure out what plans they wanted and only Obama knows best?

Progressives have a very low opinion of human intelligence
There's a difference between major medical coverage and a coupon for $50 off any medical service! Would you consider 'discount plans' as health care? If people are too stupid to make that distinction, perhaps they should enjoy the protection of the state

We should change the entire US HealthCare system covering over 300MM people because a of the actions of few Obama Supporters?
In my humble opinion, Nosmo King is a legend in his own mind


Is that the best you can do? I laid out my case and you retort with bumper sticker thinking.

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

So much bullshit so little time.

You can say the same thing about any criminal gang.

Don't you think that those who depended , either directly or indirectly , on the Dalton Gang acquired a "higher standard of living"?

Surely you can think of an appropriate example. This one is so far off the target it's laughable and easily dismissed.
In my humble opinion, Nosmo King is a legend in his own mind


Is that the best you can do? I laid out my case and you retort with bumper sticker thinking.

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

So much bullshit so little time.

You can say the same thing about any criminal gang.

Don't you think that those who depended , either directly or indirectly , on the Dalton Gang acquired a "higher standard of living"?

Surely you can think of an appropriate example. This one is so far off the target it's laughable and easily dismissed.

I knew you would say that. If the criminal activity benefits you or your ilk then its copacetic.

Only the criminally insane would approve of a GRADUATED income tax.

only those whose minds have been warped by socialist ideology would say that it is perfectly fine for the government to steal from "A" in order to to feed and insure "B".

Some of those plans were 'discount' plans which provided no coverage beyond a fifty dollar discount on services provided. Those were substandard, cheap and available in states where regulations on the insurance industry was slack if there were regulations at all.

So people can't figure out what plans they wanted and only Obama knows best?

Progressives have a very low opinion of human intelligence
There's a difference between major medical coverage and a coupon for $50 off any medical service! Would you consider 'discount plans' as health care? If people are too stupid to make that distinction, perhaps they should enjoy the protection of the state

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nk_HPs34usU]Congressman John Dingell: "It takes a long time to ... control the people" - YouTube[/ame]
What have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

We have further learned that when Conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the Bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary Conservatism is the idea of "I've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to Liberal policies if those events are injurious, Conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of Conservative revisionism and the deep impact Conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the American Conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because Conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of Conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go Conservative. The aware and the optimistic go Liberal.

^ that
I'm frightened by Liberals, er Progressives "relentless struggle" because they openly embrace an economic philosophy that comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and is so bad that, the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese have abandoned it in favor of Free Enterprise putting our Liberals, er, Progressives, firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists

I am curious as to how you are making the claim that "Progressives" are "firmly to the LEFT of real former Communists". Care to share the source of this allegation? What basis are you using for this claim? Which policies are you pointing at that are identical to those of the communists? Can you show a 1:1 correlation between the policies of the Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese that are identical to those of the "Progressives" and that are doomed to fail?

Surely, the ChiComs, Russians and Vietnamese have all abandoned Soviet style Central planning in favor of more free enterprise and all are prospering.

Do you keep up at all on current events?

we tried the conservative/Randian "let the banks/markets regulate themselves" and it almost sent us into a full-blown recession. There is no "pure" capitalism CF except for in perhaps somewhere like Somalia. :thup:

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