What is a "Progressive"?

Plulezze. For the sake of your narrow po0litical ideology, you would introduce third world conditions in America. What a warped way to read 'government of the people, for the people and by the people'.

Maybe you should take your next vacation in Detroit or Trenton, NJ.

And you don't know about third world poverty either. Are there clinics and hospitals in Trenton and Detroit? Are there paved roads, reliable drinking water and available meals? Is there dysentery, cholera, malaria and an AIDSepidemic in Michigan and New Jersey?

All those things and more plagued the rural south and plains before government action eradicated them. And all those things and more currently plague the third world. Only a vibrant and effective federal government can make the difference. And wishing the government to go away can bring them back. What a pity some are so wrapped up in a stilted and narrow political ideology that wishes devastating poverty on their fellow citizens.

Pay attention fucktard, what some of us want is for the government to abide by the Constitution and limits its power --its vibrations and effectiveness - to what was SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED.

Socialism/fascism, stilted and narrow political ideologies, is what will cause devastating poverty.

Yo bro'

None of the crap that you posted authorize the scumbags to manipulate the economy or enforce elitism.

Check and see what "to regulate" meant in 1787 - don't give me any fascistic, progressive, Orwellian or elite definitions.


Check your calendar, it is now 2014, not 1787 any longer!

And no, PROGRESS, is not fascistic, Orwellian or elite, it is just progress and it happens irrespective of those who want to build a bridge to nowhere because they cannot handle the change that is constantly occurring in reality.

Remember a "progressive" is an individual who wants to use governmental power to manipulate the market place and wants to mold society into whatever the elite believes is ideal.

If by progress you mean accepting slavery then some folks can not handle that and is time to fight.

BTW, your boy Thurgood Marshall used to say that if a SCOTUS brief was from some accused of a drug crime he would not bother reading it.

Imagine the uproar if a white SCOTUS Justice stated that he would not read any brief written for an Afro-American.


Your delusions do not alter reality.

Where is the link to the allegation about Justice Marshall?
This discussion forum proves Conservatives have higher IQ's than Liberals. Hands down!!
Check your calendar, it is now 2014, not 1787 any longer!

And no, PROGRESS, is not fascistic, Orwellian or elite, it is just progress and it happens irrespective of those who want to build a bridge to nowhere because they cannot handle the change that is constantly occurring in reality.

Remember a "progressive" is an individual who wants to use governmental power to manipulate the market place and wants to mold society into whatever the elite believes is ideal.

If by progress you mean accepting slavery then some folks can not handle that and is time to fight.

BTW, your boy Thurgood Marshall used to say that if a SCOTUS brief was from some accused of a drug crime he would not bother reading it.

Imagine the uproar if a white SCOTUS Justice stated that he would not read any brief written for an Afro-American.


Your delusions do not alter reality.

Where is the link to the allegation about Justice Marshall?

Thurgood Marshall's Biggest Mistake

Don Boudreaux points out that Justice Thurgood Marshall took a dim view of drug dealers and openly suggested that he would reflexively side against them in cases (via Radley Balko). Marshall told LIFE in 1987, a year after Ronald Reagan signed the 1986 Drug Abuse Act, “If it’s a dope case, I won’t even read the petition. I ain’t giving no break to no dope dealer.”

Elitism at its worst - as a supreme court justices those folks had no rights a Negro judge had to recognize

I got your delusions hanging.


Maybe you should take your next vacation in Detroit or Trenton, NJ.

And you don't know about third world poverty either. Are there clinics and hospitals in Trenton and Detroit? Are there paved roads, reliable drinking water and available meals? Is there dysentery, cholera, malaria and an AIDSepidemic in Michigan and New Jersey?

All those things and more plagued the rural south and plains before government action eradicated them. And all those things and more currently plague the third world. Only a vibrant and effective federal government can make the difference. And wishing the government to go away can bring them back. What a pity some are so wrapped up in a stilted and narrow political ideology that wishes devastating poverty on their fellow citizens.

Pay attention fucktard, what some of us want is for the government to abide by the Constitution and limits its power --its vibrations and effectiveness - to what was SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED.

Socialism/fascism, stilted and narrow political ideologies, is what will cause devastating poverty.

Which is it? Socialism or Fascism?

Or are you of the opinion that the poor were much better off prior to Progressive policy initiatives? Were the poor better off in the urban slums and sweat shops of the. Turn of the 20th century? Were the poor better off sharecropping land with no voting rights in the Deep South of the 20th century? Were they better off before schools and roads and electricity came to the rural areas of America? Which Conservative programs came to the aid of the poor,the uneducated, the forgotten minorities? How did Conservative polices help the poor? Which policies championed by Conservatives helped lift the poor out of devastating poverty? Be specific.
Remember a "progressive" is an individual who wants to use governmental power to manipulate the market place and wants to mold society into whatever the elite believes is ideal.

If by progress you mean accepting slavery then some folks can not handle that and is time to fight.

BTW, your boy Thurgood Marshall used to say that if a SCOTUS brief was from some accused of a drug crime he would not bother reading it.

Imagine the uproar if a white SCOTUS Justice stated that he would not read any brief written for an Afro-American.


Your delusions do not alter reality.

Where is the link to the allegation about Justice Marshall?

Thurgood Marshall's Biggest Mistake

Don Boudreaux points out that Justice Thurgood Marshall took a dim view of drug dealers and openly suggested that he would reflexively side against them in cases (via Radley Balko). Marshall told LIFE in 1987, a year after Ronald Reagan signed the 1986 Drug Abuse Act, “If it’s a dope case, I won’t even read the petition. I ain’t giving no break to no dope dealer.”

Elitism at its worst - as a supreme court justices those folks had no rights a Negro judge had to recognize

I got your delusions hanging.



Big difference between this fallacious racist allegation of yours;

Imagine the uproar if a white SCOTUS Justice stated that he would not read any brief written for an Afro-American.

And what Justice Marshall actually said!

“If it’s a dope case, I won’t even read the petition. I ain’t giving no break to no dope dealer.”

Thurgood Marshall made no mention of race at all. Drug dealers can, and are, from all race groups.
And you don't know about third world poverty either. Are there clinics and hospitals in Trenton and Detroit? Are there paved roads, reliable drinking water and available meals? Is there dysentery, cholera, malaria and an AIDSepidemic in Michigan and New Jersey?

All those things and more plagued the rural south and plains before government action eradicated them. And all those things and more currently plague the third world. Only a vibrant and effective federal government can make the difference. And wishing the government to go away can bring them back. What a pity some are so wrapped up in a stilted and narrow political ideology that wishes devastating poverty on their fellow citizens.

Pay attention fucktard, what some of us want is for the government to abide by the Constitution and limits its power --its vibrations and effectiveness - to what was SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED.

Socialism/fascism, stilted and narrow political ideologies, is what will cause devastating poverty.

Which is it? Socialism or Fascism?


Fascism is a branch of socialism.

They BOTH required a gargantuan apparatchik

Or are you of the opinion that the poor were much better off prior to Progressive policy initiatives?

Of course they were.

Welfare state politicians must create an addiction to government largesse in order to secure a constituency.

Progressivism has brought about central planning , massive confiscatory taxation and overwhelming regualtions which have forced a substatntial amount of jobs overseas.

How the fuck is poor helped?

Your delusions do not alter reality.

Where is the link to the allegation about Justice Marshall?

Thurgood Marshall's Biggest Mistake

Don Boudreaux points out that Justice Thurgood Marshall took a dim view of drug dealers and openly suggested that he would reflexively side against them in cases (via Radley Balko). Marshall told LIFE in 1987, a year after Ronald Reagan signed the 1986 Drug Abuse Act, “If it’s a dope case, I won’t even read the petition. I ain’t giving no break to no dope dealer.”

Elitism at its worst - as a supreme court justices those folks had no rights a Negro judge had to recognize

I got your delusions hanging.



Big difference between this fallacious racist allegation of yours;

Imagine the uproar if a white SCOTUS Justice stated that he would not read any brief written for an Afro-American.

And what Justice Marshall actually said!

“If it’s a dope case, I won’t even read the petition. I ain’t giving no break to no dope dealer.”

Thurgood Marshall made no mention of race at all. Drug dealers can, and are, from all race groups.

Excuse the fuck out of me Dingle Berry.

The point is that drug dealers and users constitute a political minority REGARDLESS of their race.

They also have a right to due process of law.

You hero was a an elitist scumbag.


Pay attention fucktard, what some of us want is for the government to abide by the Constitution and limits its power --its vibrations and effectiveness - to what was SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED.

Socialism/fascism, stilted and narrow political ideologies, is what will cause devastating poverty.

Which is it? Socialism or Fascism?


Fascism is a branch of socialism.

They BOTH required a gargantuan apparatchik
Utterly false equivalence!
Or are you of the opinion that the poor were much better off prior to Progressive policy initiatives?

Of course they were.

Welfare state politicians must create an addiction to government largesse in order to secure a constituency.
Unsubstantiated allegation!
Progressivism has brought about central planning , massive confiscatory taxation and overwhelming regualtions which have forced a substatntial amount of jobs overseas.

How the fuck is poor helped?


Yet another unsubstantiated allegation!

Thurgood Marshall's Biggest Mistake

Don Boudreaux points out that Justice Thurgood Marshall took a dim view of drug dealers and openly suggested that he would reflexively side against them in cases (via Radley Balko). Marshall told LIFE in 1987, a year after Ronald Reagan signed the 1986 Drug Abuse Act, “If it’s a dope case, I won’t even read the petition. I ain’t giving no break to no dope dealer.”

Elitism at its worst - as a supreme court justices those folks had no rights a Negro judge had to recognize

I got your delusions hanging.



Big difference between this fallacious racist allegation of yours;

And what Justice Marshall actually said!

“If it’s a dope case, I won’t even read the petition. I ain’t giving no break to no dope dealer.”

Thurgood Marshall made no mention of race at all. Drug dealers can, and are, from all race groups.

Excuse the fuck out of me Dingle Berry.

The point is that drug dealers and users constitute a political minority REGARDLESS of their race.

They also have a right to due process of law.

You hero was a an elitist scumbag.


You are excused but not for being a racist!
What have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

We have further learned that when Conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the Bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary Conservatism is the idea of "I've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to Liberal policies if those events are injurious, Conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of Conservative revisionism and the deep impact Conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the American Conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because Conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of Conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go Conservative. The aware and the optimistic go Liberal.
What have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

We have further learned that when Conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the Bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary Conservatism is the idea of "I've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to Liberal policies if those events are injurious, Conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of Conservative revisionism and the deep impact Conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the American Conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because Conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of Conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go Conservative. The aware and the optimistic go Liberal.

So you are a delusional and dishonest

tapatalk post
A "progressive" is a liberal that is ashamed to be called "liberal" - it is a disguise (originally) intended to make someone believe that they were something that they weren't - a ruse intended to "slide in" without giving away their intentions.

Back in the 60s and 70s - the term "liberal" became a hated word. These "liberals" changed their names to "hopefully" scam the American people. After all - who WOULDN'T want to be "progressive"?? It took about a week for America to realize that these were the same communist loving "intellectuals" and told them to bugger off.

Liberals, progressives, marxists, communists, et al - all the same.

Basically, gutter trash, limp-wristed clowns that hate America.

It's true "progress" is one of the characteristics of liberalism, but the first Progressive party was headed by Theodore Roosevelt, the former Republican president. The problem for Republicans is that they have not yet found a way to stop progress, even their shutting down the government recently didn't do the trick. The best they have done so far is slow progress down. Some Republican still believe the best tools are made out of flint.
what have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all americans. We have learned that liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

we have further learned that when conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary conservatism is the idea of "i've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to liberal policies if those events are injurious, conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of conservative revisionism and the deep impact conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the american conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go conservative. The aware and the optimistic go liberal.

so you are a delusional and dishonest

tapatalk post
what have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all americans. We have learned that liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

we have further learned that when conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary conservatism is the idea of "i've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to liberal policies if those events are injurious, conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of conservative revisionism and the deep impact conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the american conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go conservative. The aware and the optimistic go liberal.

so you are a delusional and dishonest

tapatalk post

What was that you just got you g.e.d from Obama university?

tapatalk post
Figures dont lie but liars can figure.

Well, that was a fun but fact-free response to Derideo's posting before yours.

Got some facts to back up that outlandish claim of yours?

I bet that were that graph to show and increase rather than a decrease in abortions in 2011. Conservatives would be ScReAmInG from the rooftops about it.

Do hyperpartisan much?

You're a dunce. How can ACA, which became law 3 years ago, account for a 20 year trend?
A progressive is a collectivist at heart. They support the wholesale imprisonment of those who disagree with them. They are totalitarians of the worst sort. I am a liberal Democrat (which means I support the rights of people to do as they wish so long as they harm no one else) and have been most of my life. My grandfather was a member of the American Communist Party so I've been around the type a lot.

Progressivism is the nice sounding name for those who support totalitarianism pure and simple, and they are despicable.

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