What is a "Progressive"?

Question: "What is a progressive"

Answer: Someone who is too big of a coward to admit they are a communist that hates America and whose goal is to destroy America and turn her into an authoritarian, totalitarian, communist, nanny surveillance dictatorship. Progressives, regardless of being Democrat or Republican are the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat to America, her freedoms, traditions and way of life. A progressive is always one to blame America first. A progressive is an adamant baby killer who staunchly defends to the right to life of convicted murderers. A progressive hates, God, the white race, heterosexuals, and Christians, yet embraces Islam.

A progressive believes Obamacare costing 2+ million Americans their jobs is a good thing, but crucified George W. Bush for 5% unemployment, calling it a jobless recovery. A progressive is a Democrat rump swab in the media whose sole purpose is to further the progressive agenda and attack any threat to their simplistic minded unrealistic vision for the world.

A progressive is a an arrogant pompous ass who thinks they are superior to anyone ousting their political views, yet they are too dumb to be self reliant, and need a big government to hold their hand through every step of life from cradle to grave. A progressive is a hypocrite who screams for tolerance, open-mindedness and diversity, yet they completely fail to practice what they preach.

Last...never ever confuse a progressive for a liberal, there is a clear difference. Just like the communists have used the word progressive to hide who they are, they also have destroyed the true meaning of the word liberal to mask who they really are.
They think America's Founding Fathers were "Progressives"

George Washington wanted free healthcare?
What have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

We have further learned that when Conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the Bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary Conservatism is the idea of "I've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to Liberal policies if those events are injurious, Conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of Conservative revisionism and the deep impact Conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the American Conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because Conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of Conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go Conservative. The aware and the optimistic go Liberal.

In the long run Liberalism always prevails because that way lies Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!
A progressive is a collectivist at heart. They support the wholesale imprisonment of those who disagree with them. They are totalitarians of the worst sort. I am a liberal Democrat (which means I support the rights of people to do as they wish so long as they harm no one else) and have been most of my life. My grandfather was a member of the American Communist Party so I've been around the type a lot.

Progressivism is the nice sounding name for those who support totalitarianism pure and simple, and they are despicable.

^^Heart of the matter^^
A progressive is a collectivist at heart. They support the wholesale imprisonment of those who disagree with them. They are totalitarians of the worst sort. I am a liberal Democrat (which means I support the rights of people to do as they wish so long as they harm no one else) and have been most of my life. My grandfather was a member of the American Communist Party so I've been around the type a lot.

Progressivism is the nice sounding name for those who support totalitarianism pure and simple, and they are despicable.

^^Heart of the matter^^

progressives "nest" in other political camps until they completely ruin the brand

once exposed they move on or re brand the name
Question: "What is a progressive"

Answer: Someone who is too big of a coward to admit they are a communist that hates America and whose goal is to destroy America and turn her into an authoritarian, totalitarian, communist, nanny surveillance dictatorship. Progressives, regardless of being Democrat or Republican are the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat to America, her freedoms, traditions and way of life. A progressive is always one to blame America first. A progressive is an adamant baby killer who staunchly defends to the right to life of convicted murderers. A progressive hates, God, the white race, heterosexuals, and Christians, yet embraces Islam.

A progressive believes Obamacare costing 2+ million Americans their jobs is a good thing, but crucified George W. Bush for 5% unemployment, calling it a jobless recovery. A progressive is a Democrat rump swab in the media whose sole purpose is to further the progressive agenda and attack any threat to their simplistic minded unrealistic vision for the world.

A progressive is a an arrogant pompous ass who thinks they are superior to anyone ousting their political views, yet they are too dumb to be self reliant, and need a big government to hold their hand through every step of life from cradle to grave. A progressive is a hypocrite who screams for tolerance, open-mindedness and diversity, yet they completely fail to practice what they preach.

Last...never ever confuse a progressive for a liberal, there is a clear difference. Just like the communists have used the word progressive to hide who they are, they also have destroyed the true meaning of the word liberal to mask who they really are.
Indeed. If they were truthful about whom they really were? The people would reject them outright. Fact is? The progressives under various names have been whittling away liberty of the people for over 100 years. The effects of their deeds are coming to fruition. And these people are a patient lot until now. The MASK is off, and they're more brazen.
A progressive is a collectivist at heart. They support the wholesale imprisonment of those who disagree with them. They are totalitarians of the worst sort. I am a liberal Democrat (which means I support the rights of people to do as they wish so long as they harm no one else) and have been most of my life. My grandfather was a member of the American Communist Party so I've been around the type a lot.

Progressivism is the nice sounding name for those who support totalitarianism pure and simple, and they are despicable.

^^Heart of the matter^^

progressives "nest" in other political camps until they completely ruin the brand

once exposed they move on or re brand the name
Much akin to relabeling "Global Warming" to "Climate Change"...
Classic example of Progressive Government Policies at work achieving the goal that Conservatives wanted.

Study: Abortion rate at lowest point since 1973 - The Washington Post


The introduction of contraception via the ACA has effectively reduced abortions to their lowest levels since RvW.

While conservatives will claim that it was their own government enforced anti-abortion laws this is a fallacy because if it were true there would have been a corresponding increase in birth rates. However the CDC data shows a corresponding DECREASE in birth rates.


So that is indisputable evidence that Progressive government policies work.

Fewer abortions, lower healthcare costs, progressives achieve a conservative goal without harming women's Constitutional rights.

The math doesn't lie!

[MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]

Uhhh.. considering the ACA just went into effect, your conclusion is pure shit

And there was NOTHING preventing people from gong out and buying contraceptives (which are not expensive) all along

'Math' may not lie, but you and your ilk sure do.. just like the government does

Contraceptive provision of the ACA went into effect almost immediately after the bill was signed into law.

Yet declines were BEFORE that.. notice how you don't ring in other factors, such as the ready availability of contraceptives all along and the reduction in price of them... your conclusion that this is the result of the ACA is idiotic and completely unfounded
Madison and the other founding fathers who gave us the BoR, within 15 years of declaring independence were not progressives for several reasons first and foremost being that they actually valued individual freedoms. Something that a modern day progressive would spit on them for.

Remember a "progressive" is an individual who wants to use governmental power to manipulate the market place and wants to mold society into whatever the elite believes is ideal.

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison , Patrick Henry , et al, were individualists. No power was ever granted to the federal government to either intervene in the economy or to conduct social engineering.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people"

Ninth Amendment


Article I, Section 8 says otherwise!

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

Notice that you forget that it is limited to those specific powers.. and the fact that the welfare is of the states, or the UNION.. not of individuals and their individual needs.. and still article 1 section 8 does not support what you claim it does
Question: "What is a progressive"

Answer: Someone who is too big of a coward to admit they are a communist that hates America and whose goal is to destroy America and turn her into an authoritarian, totalitarian, communist, nanny surveillance dictatorship. Progressives, regardless of being Democrat or Republican are the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat to America, her freedoms, traditions and way of life. A progressive is always one to blame America first. A progressive is an adamant baby killer who staunchly defends to the right to life of convicted murderers. A progressive hates, God, the white race, heterosexuals, and Christians, yet embraces Islam.

A progressive believes Obamacare costing 2+ million Americans their jobs is a good thing, but crucified George W. Bush for 5% unemployment, calling it a jobless recovery. A progressive is a Democrat rump swab in the media whose sole purpose is to further the progressive agenda and attack any threat to their simplistic minded unrealistic vision for the world.

A progressive is a an arrogant pompous ass who thinks they are superior to anyone ousting their political views, yet they are too dumb to be self reliant, and need a big government to hold their hand through every step of life from cradle to grave. A progressive is a hypocrite who screams for tolerance, open-mindedness and diversity, yet they completely fail to practice what they preach.

Last...never ever confuse a progressive for a liberal, there is a clear difference. Just like the communists have used the word progressive to hide who they are, they also have destroyed the true meaning of the word liberal to mask who they really are.

Anyone who is using the word "Communist" in a grown up discussion doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.

So progressives are "communists" because they think that we need to get to where the rest of the world is by offering universal health care.

No, no, we need to spend more than any other country, leave one out of four with inadequate or no access to health care, have the lowest life expectancy and highest infant mortality rate in the advanced world, because, you know "Freedom".

("Freedom" in Conservative World is the ability of the wealthy to abuse the rest of us. It should not be mistaken for real freedom.)

Point is, you couldn't get Bush elected, so you stole the election, and then wondered when he proceeded to fuck up the country.
A progressive is a collectivist at heart. They support the wholesale imprisonment of those who disagree with them. They are totalitarians of the worst sort. I am a liberal Democrat (which means I support the rights of people to do as they wish so long as they harm no one else) and have been most of my life. My grandfather was a member of the American Communist Party so I've been around the type a lot.

Progressivism is the nice sounding name for those who support totalitarianism pure and simple, and they are despicable.

I'm sorry, guy, it was conservatives who put in an NSA that decided it needed to listen to all our phone calls and read all our e-mails.

It is Conservatives who want the government to regulate women's uteri.

Both sides have a bad habit of wanting to regulate us for our own good.

The sooner your side stops screaming about "communism" and "socialism" when Obama imposes the same medical plan that you guys were fine with when Romney did it, the sooner we can have an adult conversation about how to proceed.
Uhhh.. considering the ACA just went into effect, your conclusion is pure shit

And there was NOTHING preventing people from gong out and buying contraceptives (which are not expensive) all along

'Math' may not lie, but you and your ilk sure do.. just like the government does

Contraceptive provision of the ACA went into effect almost immediately after the bill was signed into law.

Yet declines were BEFORE that.. notice how you don't ring in other factors, such as the ready availability of contraceptives all along and the reduction in price of them... your conclusion that this is the result of the ACA is idiotic and completely unfounded

The widespread use of oral contraceptives in the 1980's began the decline in abortions but the birth rate continued to increase. The abortion rate was more or less flat from 2000 through 2010. It is only since the ACA was implemented that birth control as being "preventative care" came into effect. Contraceptives without copays/deductibles" began in 2011. So there is a direct correlation between the ACA and a decline in abortions because the ACA is making contraception even more readily available. By the time full ACA coverage kicks in over the next 5 years the abortion rate will probably decline to levels below that of RvW.
A progressive is a collectivist at heart. They support the wholesale imprisonment of those who disagree with them. They are totalitarians of the worst sort. I am a liberal Democrat (which means I support the rights of people to do as they wish so long as they harm no one else) and have been most of my life. My grandfather was a member of the American Communist Party so I've been around the type a lot.

Progressivism is the nice sounding name for those who support totalitarianism pure and simple, and they are despicable.

I'm sorry, guy, it was conservatives who put in an NSA that decided it needed to listen to all our phone calls and read all our e-mails.

It is Conservatives who want the government to regulate women's uteri.

Both sides have a bad habit of wanting to regulate us for our own good.

The sooner your side stops screaming about "communism" and "socialism" when Obama imposes the same medical plan that you guys were fine with when Romney did it, the sooner we can have an adult conversation about how to proceed.

Bush had more votes in Florida than Gore.
A progressive is a collectivist at heart. They support the wholesale imprisonment of those who disagree with them. They are totalitarians of the worst sort. I am a liberal Democrat (which means I support the rights of people to do as they wish so long as they harm no one else) and have been most of my life. My grandfather was a member of the American Communist Party so I've been around the type a lot.

Progressivism is the nice sounding name for those who support totalitarianism pure and simple, and they are despicable.

I'm sorry, guy, it was conservatives who put in an NSA that decided it needed to listen to all our phone calls and read all our e-mails.

It is Conservatives who want the government to regulate women's uteri.

Both sides have a bad habit of wanting to regulate us for our own good.

The sooner your side stops screaming about "communism" and "socialism" when Obama imposes the same medical plan that you guys were fine with when Romney did it, the sooner we can have an adult conversation about how to proceed.

Bush had more votes in Florida than Gore.

1) He probably didn't.
2) Didn't matter if he did, he had less votes nationally. He used a legal trick to get what he couldn't get fairly.
3) He was a complete fuckup as a president in every possible way.
I'm sorry, guy, it was conservatives who put in an NSA that decided it needed to listen to all our phone calls and read all our e-mails.

It is Conservatives who want the government to regulate women's uteri.

Both sides have a bad habit of wanting to regulate us for our own good.

The sooner your side stops screaming about "communism" and "socialism" when Obama imposes the same medical plan that you guys were fine with when Romney did it, the sooner we can have an adult conversation about how to proceed.

Bush had more votes in Florida than Gore.

1) He probably didn't.
2) Didn't matter if he did, he had less votes nationally. He used a legal trick to get what he couldn't get fairly.
3) He was a complete fuckup as a president in every possible way.

1. They counted and recounted and recounted and Bush had more votes than Gore

2. You think the popular vote selects the President? Wow. Try "Schoolhouse Rocks" or some other Elementary school program on our system of government, Mr. Low Information Voter

3. He was a complete fuck up as a President and the Son of one of the Most Evil Men who ever walked the face of the Earth
What have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

We have further learned that when Conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the Bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary Conservatism is the idea of "I've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to Liberal policies if those events are injurious, Conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of Conservative revisionism and the deep impact Conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the American Conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because Conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of Conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go Conservative. The aware and the optimistic go Liberal.

In my humble opinion, Nosmo King is a legend in his own mind

What have we learned in the last 20 odd pages of debate?

We have learned that Liberals are proud of a record of success in the pursuit of justice and equality and a higher standard of living made available to all Americans. We have learned that Liberals will continue to be relentless in this struggle, and it's only a struggle because of Conservative opposition to the principles of fairness and justice.

We have further learned that when Conservatives are rhetorically cornered, hoisted on their own petard as the Bard said, they resort to revisionist history, name calling and shear pettiness. The driving force behind cont,eporary Conservatism is the idea of "I've got mine! To hell with the rest of you! Oh, and corporations are beyond reproach, all economic events can be directly tracked to Liberal policies if those events are injurious, Conservative policies if those events are beneficial.".

No one is going to be convinced that the other is right. Liberals are not able to cut a path through the weeds of Conservative revisionism and the deep impact Conservative pundits have made by way of talking points and affirmation that the American Conservative is a victim.

I find that odd because Conservatives often decry the notion of 'victim hood' as a sign of weakness. Conservatives aren't going to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Liberals because we know the truth and are all too aware of the consequences of Conservative policies.

It's not a stalemate per se. It's been an affirmation of what we already know. The angry and gullible go Conservative. The aware and the optimistic go Liberal.

In my humble opinion, Nosmo King is a legend in his own mind

Is that the best you can do? I laid out my case and you retort with bumper sticker thinking.

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