What is a "Progressive"?

It was government that put a man on the moon and in the process brought about the technology that you are using to communicate with in this forum.
HOWEVER GOVERNMENT produces NOTHING...so without THE PRIVATE SECTOR...where would that endeavor BE?


Government produced the vision, the incentive and the funding to put a man on the moon. If was left up to the private sector you would still be using a landline phone and the postal service.


Virgin Galactic's Billionaire Founder Sir Richard Branson Takes Zero-G Flight

Branson has said he and his family will be aboard Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo when the vehicle makes its first commercial suborbital spaceflight later this year."

NO...they were Realists. Progressives DO NOT believe in Individual Freedom. The PROGRESSIVE track record belies YOUR statement.

The Founding Fathers implemented the "great experiment" with We the People governing ourselves. There is no way you can spin that as anything but progressive.
A self-governing nation is a sovereign nation. Progressivism is democracy, which is a form of government that eighteenth century Americans did not want.
And WE the people ARE our OWN sovereigns. Progressives cannot tolerate that either. It demeans their POWER over us.
A progressive is someone who hates America and the principles it stood for in its first 225 years. A progressive thinks he is smarter than everyone else and dictates laws forcing everyone else to adopt his "morals". A progressive is sickened by any concept of individual freedom.

The Founding Fathers were progressives!

So, by your thinking, the founding fathers didn't believe in individual freedom despite the fact that the documents they wrote guaranteed our freedoms?

Are you crazy?

They may not have been conservatives with sticks up their butts, but they were not Anti-American Progressives

The original Constitution did not guarantee any freedoms. In fact it endorsed slavery. The BoR was a post facto AMENDMENT to the original Constitution largely inspired by the progressive Madison.
The Founding Fathers were progressives!

So, by your thinking, the founding fathers didn't believe in individual freedom despite the fact that the documents they wrote guaranteed our freedoms?

Are you crazy?

They may not have been conservatives with sticks up their butts, but they were not Anti-American Progressives

The original Constitution did not guarantee any freedoms. In fact it endorsed slavery. The BoR was a post facto AMENDMENT to the original Constitution largely inspired by the progressive Madison.
HOW many Colonies REFUSED to sign on UNLESS those Amendments were included? And WHY? And WHY do Progressive WORK by process of LAW(s) to lessen their impact in FAVOR of power of Imperial Government? And further? WHY do YOU support it?
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To a progressive, government may progress. Doing so, it facilitates the progression of society. Fair enough.

That is a fundamental difference between us.

In the conservative mind, a constrained government with a permanent foundation (natural law) does not contravene society's progress. Progress doesn't depend on government; it depends on individuals. As Calvin Coolidge said, "We live in an age of science and of abounding accumulation of material things. These did not create our Declaration. Our Declaration created them."

I understand and appreciate the many definitions of progressive that progressives have, but to my dying day, I'll never understand why anyone would want to put an end to a thing proved so lovely as our pre-Progressive Era government.

It was government that put a man on the moon and in the process brought about the technology that you are using to communicate with in this forum.
Oh, goody. Two examples. That advances are typically made in the private sector means that Progress doesn't depend on government.

Want to go back to the canals that were government funded and began the original interstate commerce? How about the government funding the post WW2 housing boom? Plenty of examples out there if you care to learn a little history.
The Founding Fathers implemented the "great experiment" with We the People governing ourselves. There is no way you can spin that as anything but progressive.
A self-governing nation is a sovereign nation. Progressivism is democracy, which is a form of government that eighteenth century Americans did not want.
And WE the people ARE our OWN sovereigns. Progressives cannot tolerate that either. It demeans their POWER over us.
Liberals and Democrats seem to have this mistaken idea that a government of, for, and by the people is a democracy, yet the founders relegated democracy to the lower house and nowhere else. The founders were wise enough to know that when passions govern a society, the society becomes factionalized.
It was government that put a man on the moon and in the process brought about the technology that you are using to communicate with in this forum.
Oh, goody. Two examples. That advances are typically made in the private sector means that Progress doesn't depend on government.

Want to go back to the canals that were government funded and began the original interstate commerce? How about the government funding the post WW2 housing boom? Plenty of examples out there if you care to learn a little history.
WE do know history...and ALL YOU cite illustrates WHY Government has NO BUSINESS in the affairs of people's private lives, and their RESPONSIBILITIES to themselves and their families.

NO...they were Realists. Progressives DO NOT believe in Individual Freedom. The PROGRESSIVE track record belies YOUR statement.

The Founding Fathers implemented the "great experiment" with We the People governing ourselves. There is no way you can spin that as anything but progressive.
ONE aspect YOU forget...They recognized GOD was in charge...Progressives LOATHE the idea for it's one place they cannot control.


Please quote the exact terminology in the Constitution where it says that "GOD was in charge"? In fact why don't you provide a link to a single mention of God anywhere in the Constitution? And while you are about it you can also explain why the 1st Amendment gives everyone freedom "from" religion if they so choose.
The Founding Fathers implemented the "great experiment" with We the People governing ourselves. There is no way you can spin that as anything but progressive.
ONE aspect YOU forget...They recognized GOD was in charge...Progressives LOATHE the idea for it's one place they cannot control.


Please quote the exact terminology in the Constitution where it says that "GOD was in charge"? In fact why don't you provide a link to a single mention of God anywhere in the Constitution? And while you are about it you can also explain why the 1st Amendment gives everyone freedom "from" religion if they so choose.

START with the DECLARATION...and go from there. YOU do KNOW that The Constitution CODIFIED the Declaration, do you not?

As a matter of course? NO, you don't.
To a progressive, government may progress. Doing so, it facilitates the progression of society. Fair enough.

That is a fundamental difference between us.

In the conservative mind, a constrained government with a permanent foundation (natural law) does not contravene society's progress. Progress doesn't depend on government; it depends on individuals. As Calvin Coolidge said, "We live in an age of science and of abounding accumulation of material things. These did not create our Declaration. Our Declaration created them."

I understand and appreciate the many definitions of progressive that progressives have, but to my dying day, I'll never understand why anyone would want to put an end to a thing proved so lovely as our pre-Progressive Era government.

It was government that put a man on the moon and in the process brought about the technology that you are using to communicate with in this forum.


No one is talking about getting rid of the government just reigning it in.

Non sequitur!
NO...they were Realists. Progressives DO NOT believe in Individual Freedom. The PROGRESSIVE track record belies YOUR statement.

The Founding Fathers implemented the "great experiment" with We the People governing ourselves. There is no way you can spin that as anything but progressive.
A self-governing nation is a sovereign nation. Progressivism is democracy, which is a form of government that eighteenth century Americans did not want.

democracy - definition of democracy by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

de·moc·ra·cy (dĭ-mŏk′rə-sē)
n. pl. de·moc·ra·cies
1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.
2. A political or social unit that has such a government.
3. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.
4. Majority rule.
5. The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.

de•moc•ra•cy (dɪˈmɒk rə si)

n., pl. -cies.
1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
2. a state having such a form of government.
3. a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges.
4. political or social equality; democratic spirit.
5. the common people, esp. with respect to their political power.

a form of government in which sovereign power resides in the people and is exercised by them or by officers they elect to represent them. Cf. republicanism. — democrat, n. — democratic, adj.

Please explain exactly how this nation does not embrace democracy?
The Founding Fathers were progressives!

So, by your thinking, the founding fathers didn't believe in individual freedom despite the fact that the documents they wrote guaranteed our freedoms?

Are you crazy?

They may not have been conservatives with sticks up their butts, but they were not Anti-American Progressives

The original Constitution did not guarantee any freedoms. In fact it endorsed slavery. The BoR was a post facto AMENDMENT to the original Constitution largely inspired by the progressive Madison.
You're a progressive; you don't know history, and you fault the Constitution, which in fact anticipates manumission because it discourages slavery with both the three-fifths clause (Article I, section 2) and with taxation (Article I, section 9).

And Madison allied with the Federalists in the 1780s, but affiliated with the Republicans in the 1790s because he did not approve of the monarchistic tendencies of Washington, Hamilton, and Adams. He was a small-government proponent, which almost all the founders were. A few of the framers shifted away from our revolutionary principles after the 1770s, but none of them - none - wanted a democratic government.
HOWEVER GOVERNMENT produces NOTHING...so without THE PRIVATE SECTOR...where would that endeavor BE?


Government produced the vision, the incentive and the funding to put a man on the moon. If was left up to the private sector you would still be using a landline phone and the postal service.

Yeah, they are now producing the VISION of total control over our rights, LIBERTY...and YOU applaud that as well, Don't YOU?


You have FAILED to substantiate that allegation.
A self-governing nation is a sovereign nation. Progressivism is democracy, which is a form of government that eighteenth century Americans did not want.
And WE the people ARE our OWN sovereigns. Progressives cannot tolerate that either. It demeans their POWER over us.
Liberals and Democrats seem to have this mistaken idea that a government of, for, and by the people is a democracy, yet the founders relegated democracy to the lower house and nowhere else. The founders were wise enough to know that when passions govern a society, the society becomes factionalized.
And the Founders didn't believe in DEMOCRACY...for it is MOB RULE...rule of law be damned. I'll bet NONE of the assembled leftists on these boards can explain why the 'Articles of Confederation' lost to the Constitution, and WHY.

HINT: Protection(s) that favoured the Individual weren't included.

I'm sure I'll get heat for this post, but the truth. All these creeps need to do is read the Federalists.
HOWEVER GOVERNMENT produces NOTHING...so without THE PRIVATE SECTOR...where would that endeavor BE?


Government produced the vision, the incentive and the funding to put a man on the moon. If was left up to the private sector you would still be using a landline phone and the postal service.


Virgin Galactic's Billionaire Founder Sir Richard Branson Takes Zero-G Flight

Branson has said he and his family will be aboard Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo when the vehicle makes its first commercial suborbital spaceflight later this year."


The government put a man on the moon in 1969.

The private sector is only about to achieve "suborbital spaceflight" 45 years later?

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