What is a small government libertarian?

I guess we have a difference on what your 'The military budget is a fraction of what it used to be' means?

Do you not look at the chart and see it's about as small as it's been as a percent of GDP since WWII?

Just so you know, GDP refers to the size of our economy. Measuring our military as a percentage of GDP refers to the percentage of our entire economy we spend on the military.

Since the GDP on average grows higher than inflation, if we'd used your method of adjusting military spending for inflation, bripat is correct it would be even lower than the chart shows.

You don't take numbers already adjusted for GDP and adjust them again for inflation though, that doesn't even make sense.


Right, military spending taking $1+ trillion a year, is a 'fraction' of what the US has historically spent. Good libertarian there Bubba!

Once again you show yourself to be the hysterical, illogical ninny that you are.

That military spending is a smaller portion of our economy than it has been at almost any time since WWII is a fact, not an ideology.

My recognizing that fact isn't a position. Saying that an apple is red makes you neither a lover nor a hater of apples, it just means you are not color blind.

As for my position, read my original post, dumb ass where I advocated major reductions in the military.

You're a hoot, dude. You can read a chart that talks about military spending as a percent of GDP. You read the chart and understand what it says? What kind of libertarian are you!!!!

LOL, for anyone asking why I'm debating a moron, there you go.
Oh OPINION of what they wanted? Weird the STRONG FEDERAL GOV;T GUYS won over the strong states rights guys. EVERY US Prez expanded federal power from the time Washington took on those anti tax 'patriots' in the whiskey rebellion!

Yep. No denying that. That's what libertarians are trying to push back against.

You seem to feel the need to point out that we're in the minority and that we have an uphill battle, but it's really not news to any of us, so I'm not sure why you bother. We know the assholes are winning, but it doesn't make us want to give up. Far from it. If anything, your gloating inspires us more.

Hmm.... are you secretly a libertarian on here to fan the flames!? ;)

I get it, You and your type will cling to myths and fairy tales... Weird

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" - Hunter S. Thompson
OMG, that's funny. So you're going to take a measurement of a percent of GDP and extrapolate those and adjust it for inflation? First, that isn't what "extrapolation" means, second, how do you take a number adjusted for GDP and adjust it again for inflation? What does that even mean?

How much has GDP grown the past 80- years? lol

Fraction? lol

You still don't understand the chart. I wish liberals could understand your ignorance, it would scare the shit out of them that they are supporting this. Unfortunately they can't because of their own.

I can tell you that right now you look really, really not very bright to people who actually understand the discussion. Some of them are probably wondering why I continue to debate someone who has no idea what the chart means or what you are talking about. All I can say is that it's fun.

Got it, ALL you have is projection. I'll make it easy for you
I never put a TIME on the WORDS you used, 'fraction' of spending on defense today.

You HONESTLY want to compare US defense during WW2 as a comparison? Now, looking at the cold war and post cold war era do you HONESTLY think we are spending a 'fraction' of what we did before? HONESTLY?
You mean helping people out where the conservatives/libertarians say GO FUK YOURSELF instead? Horrible those Dems

No, I mean getting them a government check then having them by the balls when elections come by saying those evil Republicans are going to take it away. But I don't love dependency like you do.

Yeah, you prefer to be dependent on the 'job creators' and Corps, by giving them welfare and subsidies

Strawman. You're an idiot, I don't support, I oppose that and have always said that.
Humor. Recognize it

Weird, you brought up Obama 'being a birther' 3 different times, I finally respond and you call me out? lol

Actually you keep bringing up birthers, and I am just reminding you that the original birther was Obama. He is the first to have claimed he was born in Kenya.

You mean a publisher misidentified it right? HONESTY . TRY IT
Exactly. They agreed that we needed a strong federal government, but wrote a Constitution to explicitly enumerate its powers. Again, the history on this is illuminating. They were fucking paranoid about strong central government, and conceded to having one only with assurances that it would be kept on a short leash. You're kidding yourself, or maybe just bullshitting everyone else, if you claim otherwise.

Oh OPINION of what they wanted? Weird the STRONG FEDERAL GOV;T GUYS won over the strong states rights guys. EVERY US Prez expanded federal power from the time Washington took on those anti tax 'patriots' in the whiskey rebellion!

Yep. No denying that. That's what libertarians are trying to push back against.

You seem to feel the need to point out that we're in the minority and that we have an uphill battle, but it's really not news to any of us, so I'm not sure why you bother. We know the assholes are winning, but it doesn't make us want to give up. Far from it. If anything, your gloating inspires us more.

Hmm.... are you secretly a libertarian on here to fan the flames!? ;)

The implication of what they are saying is they are liberals because liberals are the majority, not because it makes any sense to them.
No, I mean getting them a government check then having them by the balls when elections come by saying those evil Republicans are going to take it away. But I don't love dependency like you do.

Yeah, you prefer to be dependent on the 'job creators' and Corps, by giving them welfare and subsidies

Strawman. You're an idiot, I don't support, I oppose that and have always said that.

Oh the SAME strawman you used with Dems increasing welfare roles BECAUSE of Dubya's recession? Or the one you used to say they are making them dependent on Gov't NOT because wages have stagnated for 40+ years (thanks to 'free markets' and conservative policies)? lol
Got it, ALL you have is projection. I'll make it easy for you
I never put a TIME on the WORDS you used, 'fraction' of spending on defense today.

Actually, that was bripat who said that, not me. LOL.

You HONESTLY want to compare US defense during WW2 as a comparison? Now, looking at the cold war and post cold war era do you HONESTLY think we are spending a 'fraction' of what we did before? HONESTLY?

The chart says we are, do you dispute the data? I have no idea, I am just pointing out that you don't understand what the chart says. Maybe when we adjust the numbers that were adjusted as a percentage of GDP and adjust them again for inflation like you wanted to do before it would make sense to you. I don't know, I don't live in bizzaro world like you do...
Do you not look at the chart and see it's about as small as it's been as a percent of GDP since WWII?

Just so you know, GDP refers to the size of our economy. Measuring our military as a percentage of GDP refers to the percentage of our entire economy we spend on the military.

Since the GDP on average grows higher than inflation, if we'd used your method of adjusting military spending for inflation, bripat is correct it would be even lower than the chart shows.

You don't take numbers already adjusted for GDP and adjust them again for inflation though, that doesn't even make sense.


Right, military spending taking $1+ trillion a year, is a 'fraction' of what the US has historically spent. Good libertarian there Bubba!

Once again you show yourself to be the hysterical, illogical ninny that you are.

That military spending is a smaller portion of our economy than it has been at almost any time since WWII is a fact, not an ideology.

My recognizing that fact isn't a position. Saying that an apple is red makes you neither a lover nor a hater of apples, it just means you are not color blind.

As for my position, read my original post, dumb ass where I advocated major reductions in the military.

You're a hoot, dude. You can read a chart that talks about military spending as a percent of GDP. You read the chart and understand what it says? What kind of libertarian are you!!!!

LOL, for anyone asking why I'm debating a moron, there you go.

More nonsense. I'm shocked. Sure, the US spends 'a fraction' on the military than we did post WW2.. *shaking head*
Got it, ALL you have is projection. I'll make it easy for you
I never put a TIME on the WORDS you used, 'fraction' of spending on defense today.

Actually, that was bripat who said that, not me. LOL.

You HONESTLY want to compare US defense during WW2 as a comparison? Now, looking at the cold war and post cold war era do you HONESTLY think we are spending a 'fraction' of what we did before? HONESTLY?

The chart says we are, do you dispute the data? I have no idea, I am just pointing out that you don't understand what the chart says. Maybe when we adjust the numbers that were adjusted as a percentage of GDP and adjust them again for inflation like you wanted to do before it would make sense to you...

YOU jumped in and defended HIS posit. THAT means YOU own his posit

FRACTION of the spending on the military post WW2? LOL

Now WHEN did I say I wanted to adjust for inflation Bubba? Better go check again....
Yeah, you prefer to be dependent on the 'job creators' and Corps, by giving them welfare and subsidies

Strawman. You're an idiot, I don't support, I oppose that and have always said that.

Oh the SAME strawman you used with Dems increasing welfare roles BECAUSE of Dubya's recession? Or the one you used to say they are making them dependent on Gov't NOT because wages have stagnated for 40+ years (thanks to 'free markets' and conservative policies)? lol

I didn't say either of those things. Are you confusing me with another poster again or are you confusing me with the voices in your head?

So do the voices in your head tell you to do bad things like get a job and earn your own money?
Got it, ALL you have is projection. I'll make it easy for you
I never put a TIME on the WORDS you used, 'fraction' of spending on defense today.

Actually, that was bripat who said that, not me. LOL.

You HONESTLY want to compare US defense during WW2 as a comparison? Now, looking at the cold war and post cold war era do you HONESTLY think we are spending a 'fraction' of what we did before? HONESTLY?

The chart says we are, do you dispute the data? I have no idea, I am just pointing out that you don't understand what the chart says. Maybe when we adjust the numbers that were adjusted as a percentage of GDP and adjust them again for inflation like you wanted to do before it would make sense to you. I don't know, I don't live in bizzaro world like you do...

everyone but you adjusts for inflation ... why is that?

Trends in U.S. Military Spending - Council on Foreign Relations

So a "real critic" is someone who believes he wasn't left-wing enough?

Actually, since Obama has cut the deficit Dubya left him by 60%+, stopped the jobs losses he inherited that was losing 700,000+ jobs a month, got US out of Iraq (combat forces), GOT BIN LADEN, Gave millions more access to H/C via Obamacares, Yeah, I'd say MOST right wing criticism of him and his admin is BULLSHIT!

Still blaming Bush, I see.

Can't follow the discussion still huh? lol
Got it, ALL you have is projection. I'll make it easy for you
I never put a TIME on the WORDS you used, 'fraction' of spending on defense today.

Actually, that was bripat who said that, not me. LOL.

You HONESTLY want to compare US defense during WW2 as a comparison? Now, looking at the cold war and post cold war era do you HONESTLY think we are spending a 'fraction' of what we did before? HONESTLY?

The chart says we are, do you dispute the data? I have no idea, I am just pointing out that you don't understand what the chart says. Maybe when we adjust the numbers that were adjusted as a percentage of GDP and adjust them again for inflation like you wanted to do before it would make sense to you...

YOU jumped in and defended HIS posit. THAT means YOU own his posit

I have defended the point. Actually the chart defends his point, you just have to understand it. But you said that I said it, and I did not say it, bripat did.

FRACTION of the spending on the military post WW2? LOL

Now WHEN did I say I wanted to adjust for inflation Bubba? Better go check again....

Let's see
Actually, since Obama has cut the deficit Dubya left him by 60%+, stopped the jobs losses he inherited that was losing 700,000+ jobs a month, got US out of Iraq (combat forces), GOT BIN LADEN, Gave millions more access to H/C via Obamacares, Yeah, I'd say MOST right wing criticism of him and his admin is BULLSHIT!

Still blaming Bush, I see.

He couldn't figure out how to bring that we're racists into the military discussion so he went with option B, blaming W.

Ah the conservative race baiting card and conservative victimization in one short sentence. Bravo :lol:
you think it through and extrapolate the current figures adjusted for inflation ...


your factor is 16.7 or very close to it

have an expensive day.

Or just the actual growth of the GDP in the past 80 years

Dude, the chart adjusts spending for the growth in GDP. Why do you keep asking about it? Read the vertical axis of the chart, it's spending as a "percentage of GDP." You wanted to do it by inflation would have made military spending far smaller than it is in the chart.

" You wanted to do it by inflation "

PLEASE link MY post saying that? :lol:

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