CDZ What is a social norm in America that you feel is ridiculous?


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
You should be honest to criticize your own culture and even yourselves.
There too many strange social norms which are to regulate our lives. Are all of them so useful and proper?
Social norms that are deemed acceptable, not "what I think is wrong with america".
What does make your life even more difficult?
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What bothers me most is casual use of words with strong meanings.
Words like "racist" to describe someone relating facts that disprove your position is dishonest.
"Hate" No one, or at least, damned few people, "hate" President obama. I have zero respect for him and would not care to shake his hand, but hate is a much stronger emotion than I would bother to express for someone I do not know personally.
"Homophobic": I support civil unions for same sex couples. I do not support calling such unions "marriage".
That in no way should lead anyone to think I am afraid of homosexuals.
Paying the extortion fees falsely called Federal Income Tax and calling it a voluntary investment in defense of Liberty.

Using the fraudulent money falsely called Federal Reserve Notes and ignoring the fact that doing so empowers the worst criminals as they perpetrate the worst crime imaginable with impunity.

Seems to me that that is not new.

"Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer."
That it's generally accepted and pretty much joked about that our leaders are corrupt liars serving whichever agenda got them the most funding and power.
Growing up I was told that wearing a hat inside is bad manners. I still don't know why.
Racial relationships in America are actually weird. "African-American" really should not be used as a catch-all for "black." It is specifically to denote Americans of African descent who entered the country before a certain point in the country's history. Basically, black Americans who cannot claim an ethnicity such as "Nigerian" or "Ghanian."
"Tolerance" and being "offended." The former is acceptance of bad behavior, while the latter is a form of emotion-based control over others.
Political correctness.

We are adults, not babies. We don't need to be coddled. Our adult society is turning into what the kids have in school now ... "everyone's a winner". Everyone is NOT a winner. Survival of the fittest is nature and to fight against it only cause more tension and dissention.
Demanding universal acceptance of anything is intolerant.

Either we all get to do or say whatever we want, or there are rules. You can't have it both ways
Political correctness.

We are adults, not babies. We don't need to be coddled. Our adult society is turning into what the kids have in school now ... "everyone's a winner". Everyone is NOT a winner. Survival of the fittest is nature and to fight against it only cause more tension and dissention.
One hand, you're absolutely right. Other hand, correctness is needed to not offend any group of people in society and somehow or other holds language on the cultural level.
Political correctness.

We are adults, not babies. We don't need to be coddled. Our adult society is turning into what the kids have in school now ... "everyone's a winner". Everyone is NOT a winner. Survival of the fittest is nature and to fight against it only cause more tension and dissention.
One hand, you're absolutely right. Other hand, correctness is needed to not offend any group of people in society and somehow or other holds language on the cultural level.

People are going to be offended no matter what You can't just raise a stink over every slight because it drags he country down and creates more hate and bad feelings. What happens everytime there is a protest or even just a group making a stink over some real or perceived "slight" -people start taking sides. It's not healthy.
Bullying bothers me and it is everywhere.

Gang mentality bothers me because some are bullied into the group think and act on misguided emotions.

And why is the "N word" only bad if the speaker isn't black?
Political correctness.

We are adults, not babies. We don't need to be coddled. Our adult society is turning into what the kids have in school now ... "everyone's a winner". Everyone is NOT a winner. Survival of the fittest is nature and to fight against it only cause more tension and dissention.
One hand, you're absolutely right. Other hand, correctness is needed to not offend any group of people in society and somehow or other holds language on the cultural level.
You have no right to go through life unoffended.
Being offended is an indication of emotional insecurity. The rest of the world is not obliged to be your therapist.

"If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you..." -R. Kipling
Not ever group that gets offended goes on a rampage and makes a Federal case out of it.

There are some groups that have common sense - and have some kind of hold on REALITY!
The notion that sex is some nasty act whose depiction is pornographic while wholesale violence is good family entertainment.
The notion that sex is some nasty act whose depiction is pornographic while wholesale violence is good family entertainment.

I disagree. I think both are welcomed with open arms.

Sex should be done in love and be a private matter.
Violence should be absent.

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