What is communism, can we separate it from the horrors of Stalin & what about capitalism's crimes?!

Trump paid more compliments to a F'N commie dictator than he did to our own government ...


Compliments are just words, you blithering fucking moron.

Should we dare Putin to launch his Nukes at us? douche

Should we get involved in a Land War in Asia with the Russians?

Should we let the Russians go through Europe like grease through a Goose? (oh yes, they can)

Should we alienate a possible ally in our coming difficulties with China?

dimocraps are just stupid little children

then you kiss Trumps COMMUNIST ass, not me.

I'm above both of you fuksticks, I'M AN AMERICAN.

Trump paid more compliments to a F'N commie dictator than he did to our own government ...


Compliments are just words, you blithering fucking moron.

Should we dare Putin to launch his Nukes at us? douche

Should we get involved in a Land War in Asia with the Russians?

Should we let the Russians go through Europe like grease through a Goose? (oh yes, they can)

Should we alienate a possible ally in our coming difficulties with China?

dimocraps are just stupid little children
Fallacy of the excluded middle.

You sound like an appeaser. The same kind of liberal faggot appeasers who shrieked when Reagan called Russia an Evil Empire.

So fuck Trump. He should have bitch slapped the fucking commie KGB thug in public. Instead, he deepthroated Putin's cock like a fluffer.

I think you just made his point about dimocraps being stupid little children.
Trump paid more compliments to a F'N commie dictator than he did to our own government ...


Compliments are just words, you blithering fucking moron.

Should we dare Putin to launch his Nukes at us? douche

Should we get involved in a Land War in Asia with the Russians?

Should we let the Russians go through Europe like grease through a Goose? (oh yes, they can)

Should we alienate a possible ally in our coming difficulties with China?

dimocraps are just stupid little children
Fallacy of the excluded middle.

You sound like an appeaser. The same kind of liberal faggot appeasers who shrieked when Reagan called Russia an Evil Empire.

So fuck Trump. He should have bitch slapped the fucking commie KGB thug in public. Instead, he deepthroated Putin's cock like a fluffer.

I think you just made his point about dimocraps being stupid little children.
I'm old school Reagan Republican, dumbass.

I've been watching Trump march you all into the far left cave. He already has you submissive wimps sucking off a KGB thug out of fear he might hurt you.

I think you just made his point about dimocraps being stupid little children.

I was around when JFK was talking shit about upholding the 'Truman Doctrine' (dimocrap scum haven't got the faintest clue what that was)

I was there when JFK changed the ROE (rules of engagement) in Viet Nam and got us into the war. Ike's made sense. JFK's did not.

I was there when LBJ was extolling Americans to be patriotic and patient with his stupid fucking war designed to hide his 'Great Society' intrusions onto american life.

I was there when dimocrap scum, by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS ran and hid like scared little bunny rabbits when they got their Draft Notices.

Actually, I wasn't there. I was IN Viet Nam.

In fact, many of them are still in Canada and running as leftist politicians.

So dimocrap scum wanted Trump to bitch-slap Putin?

dimocrap scum are so incredibly stupid they have no fucking clue how powerful Russia is.

Or maybe they don't care. They'll just run and hide if the shit hits the fan anyway.

As usual.
plants that dont compete and help each other live longer.

plants that do compete stunt growth and result in lower yields and a shorter lifespan
Waaaah! We have to let Putin fuck us in the ass or he might get mad! :206::206::206:
Russia interferes in our election, and the submissives don't want Trump to bitch slap him in public for it because that might make Putin invade Europe!


Oh, man. That's priceless. Just...priceless.
Waaaah! We have to let Putin fuck us in the ass or he might get mad! :206::206::206:

Typical dimocrap scumbag. bitch, bitch, bitch

What would you have Trump do, scumbag? What? Exactly?

Tell us.

All dimocrap scum EVER do is bitch like the PMS little girls they are while NEVER giving any alternatives.

What did The Lying Cocksucker in Chief do about Putin taking over Ukraine?

What did he do about them meddling?

All you do is bitch and cry.

Because, that's all you know how to do.

It's why you're in a dead-end job
Don't insult Putin's tie or he might nuke Omaha! :lol:

Have you ever seen a more spineless sack of submissives in your life?
Russia interferes in our election, and the submissives don't want Trump to bitch slap him in public for it because that might make Putin invade Europe!


Oh, man. That's priceless. Just...priceless.
I think the Baltic States and Poland see Putin for exactly what he is, and what his goals are. And Trump is probably very correct in saying Germany and Belgium aren't spending enough for their collective defense, but by and large all are increasing spending.

The US spent $686 billion on defense last year — here's how the other NATO countries stack up

So the question is whether Trump thinks the US gets anything out of the collective defense of Europe, or should Putin just have his way without our helping Nato, and if he thinks Nato is our interest, why isn't he telling his supporters?
face it, folks: today, Lenin and his legacy are percieved as hopelessly dated, belonging to a defunct 'paradigm'. Lenin was understandably blind to many of the problems that are now central to contemporary life (ecology, struggles for emancipated sexuality etc), but also his brutal political practice is totally out of sync with current democratic sensitivities, his vision of the new society as a centralised industrial system run by the state is simply irrelevant.

instead of desperately trying to save the authentic Leninist core from the Stalinist alluvium, would it not be more advisable to forget Lenin and return to Marx, searching in his work for the roots of what went wrong in 20th century communist movements?
face it, folks: today, Lenin and his legacy are percieved as hopelessly dated, belonging to a defunct 'paradigm'. Lenin was understandably blind to many of the problems that are now central to contemporary life (ecology, struggles for emancipated sexuality etc), but also his brutal political practice is totally out of sync with current democratic sensitivities, his vision of the new society as a centralised industrial system run by the state is simply irrelevant.

instead of desperately trying to save the authentic Leninist core from the Stalinist alluvium, would it not be more advisable to forget Lenin and return to Marx, searching in his work for the roots of what went wrong in 20th century communist movements?
Marx didn't understand humans, and you don't understand plants
What is communism, can we separate it from the horrors of Stalin

Of course, and so we should. Stalin is to communism as tires are to raspberries. The tire could run over them but that doesn't mean they're related.

Simplified, communism is a system where the collective rather than the individual, owns the joint. There are various intentional communities and Christian sects that have been living that way for centuries, in complete peace. A philosophy that addresses the "deadly sin" of Greed.
Greed.... lol. All libs do is complain they haven't taken enough money from those that earned it. Then, when asked to pay their fair share, they cry like babies. Bunch of hypocrites.

Perhaps you're unfamiliar with the concept of the "seven deadly sins". They have nothing to do with "Liberals".
Says the greedy liberal that doesn't want to pay his fair share.

Ironical post is ironic, coming from an asshat with no clue what the word 'share' means, having a moment ago taken the stance of "every man for himself".
Fallacy of the excluded middle.

You sound like an appeaser. The same kind of liberal faggot appeasers who shrieked when Reagan called Russia an Evil Empire.

So fuck Trump. He should have bitch slapped the fucking commie KGB thug in public. Instead, he deepthroated Putin's cock like a fluffer.

Fuck your informal logic fallacies.
I understand, appeaser. You Trumpies abhor logic and critical thinking.

Seriously. You sound exactly like the liberal appeasers of the 80s, bowing down and worshipping the Soviet Baal.

Russia is a Third World country. They could not possibly stand up to us. They would implode just like they did last time.

Grow a fucking spine.

OK, then why are you lwftwing progressives whining about Russia 24/7?
Trump paid more compliments to a F'N commie dictator than he did to our own government ...


Compliments are just words, you blithering fucking moron.

Should we dare Putin to launch his Nukes at us? douche

Should we get involved in a Land War in Asia with the Russians?

Should we let the Russians go through Europe like grease through a Goose? (oh yes, they can)

Should we alienate a possible ally in our coming difficulties with China?

dimocraps are just stupid little children
Fallacy of the excluded middle.

You sound like an appeaser. The same kind of liberal faggot appeasers who shrieked when Reagan called Russia an Evil Empire.

So fuck Trump. He should have bitch slapped the fucking commie KGB thug in public. Instead, he deepthroated Putin's cock like a fluffer.

I think you just made his point about dimocraps being stupid little children.
I'm old school Reagan Republican, dumbass.

I've been watching Trump march you all into the far left cave. He already has you submissive wimps sucking off a KGB thug out of fear he might hurt you.


WTF are you talking about?
Fallacy of the excluded middle.

You sound like an appeaser. The same kind of liberal faggot appeasers who shrieked when Reagan called Russia an Evil Empire.

So fuck Trump. He should have bitch slapped the fucking commie KGB thug in public. Instead, he deepthroated Putin's cock like a fluffer.

Fuck your informal logic fallacies.
I understand, appeaser. You Trumpies abhor logic and critical thinking.

Seriously. You sound exactly like the liberal appeasers of the 80s, bowing down and worshipping the Soviet Baal.

Russia is a Third World country. They could not possibly stand up to us. They would implode just like they did last time.

Grow a fucking spine.

OK, then why are you lwftwing progressives whining about Russia 24/7?
because you Trumpbots are cheering while the potus fellates Putin and punishes those who say stop fellating the sob
What is communism, can we separate it from the horrors of Stalin

Of course, and so we should. Stalin is to communism as tires are to raspberries. The tire could run over them but that doesn't mean they're related.

Simplified, communism is a system where the collective rather than the individual, owns the joint. There are various intentional communities and Christian sects that have been living that way for centuries, in complete peace. A philosophy that addresses the "deadly sin" of Greed.
Only a profound idiot would believe that communism could actually be made to work.

You're ignorant if you believe the Mennonites and Quakers practice communism. They have privately owned farms and observe the institution of private property.

And you're an ignorant twat since I said nothing about "Mennonites" or "Quakers". Only a profound idiot would plug in terms that weren't even there.

The Hutterites however have been doing it for five hundred years. And have never fought in anybody's war --- which is why they've had to pull up roots over and over and migrate. Including from here, when a couple were tortured by the US Army and died at Leavenworth.

Well, that's certainly a prospering example of communism. How many hutterites are there, 100?

Roughly 50 to 60 thousand last I looked. The most prolific ethnic group in the US as I recall, or perhaps it was North America.

Actually their neighbors tend to resent them because their system is so efficient with literally everybody pitching in, buying more land as a unit etc that they can buy that land and those resources much faster than their individually-oriented neighbors can. All of an individual's energy is put into the colony. Everybody's house is built by and owned by the colony and they all take meals in a common building, no personal possessions beyond the clothes on their backs (which they make). If there's any work to be done, it's unthinkable to stand and watch somebody else do it. You just dive in, adults, children, everybody. And it gets done right quick.

And I tell ya what, they're the most self-confident people I've ever laid eyes on. In their entire existence they've had something like one murder and two suicides. In five hundred years. You haven't heard of them, and that's understandable. There's a reason. And that is that they're complete pacifists who have never worn anybody's uniform. They're not the stuff of "news". They're all about community.

But diga me this, Fingerboi ---- whether there are 50 of them or 50 thousand or 50 million, how is that in any way relevant to how the operation works?
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A bromance with a political theory that has killed more humans than religion or any other thing you can name. Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot.

How many will needlessly die in Venezuela? It is a failed ideology. Meanwhile, Capitalism has raised millions of humans out of destitute poverty.

Economic systems don't "kill" anybody. Dick-tators do though. Maybe a good plan for you would be to take one a them dick-tators and conflate it with communal systems you don't begin to understand.

Oh wait, I see you've already done that.
the international slave trade, the world wars, tens of millions of people died under capitalism!

A good point. The institution of slavery is a stark example of the excess of capitalism, the "profits before people" mentality. You have to start with that attitude in order to justify slavery.

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