What is communism, can we separate it from the horrors of Stalin & what about capitalism's crimes?!

You say that socialism leads to poverty and mass starvation? Well, what about the plight of the poor and hungry under capitalism? You say socialist countries tend to crack down on dissent, attack peaceful protesters, and jail opposition leaders—as they are currently doing in Venezuela? But what about police shootings and “mass incarceration” in America?
It is unlikely a large population would remain under communism for a long period of time of their own free will.
today, the left is in a situation that uncannily resembles the one that gave birth to Leninism, and its task is to repeat Lenin. this does not mean a return to Lenin. to repeat Lenin is to accept that Lenin is dead, that his solution failed monstrously.

to repeat Lenin means one has to distinguish between what Lenin did and the field of possibilities he opened up, to acknowledge the tension between his actions and another dimension, what was in Lenin more than Lenin himself.

to repeat Lenin is to repeat not what Lenin did, but what he failed to do!
marx and engels never tried to refute their opponents with argument. they insulted, ridiculed their opponets. i wont repeat that mistake
marx and engels never tried to refute their opponents with argument. they insulted, ridiculed their opponets. i wont repeat that mistake
That's what Marxists still do.

Oboy! Gold mine! :eusa_dance:

Roll tape.

.... I could go on and on, but everyone reading this will know that you are an ignoramus.

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

They obviously are, douchebag.

We know how much you hate it when someone demonstrates what a flaming hypocrite you are.

What "deals" did they make, asshole?

Impeaching him is their job, dumbass.

He has 1000 times more integrity than the so-called "press." They are nothing but a gang of lying gossip mongers.

Only a a sleazy lying douchebag would claim Julian Assange is an enemy of this nation.

That's just a random sample of your most recent dumps. And just from today.

Wassup, Karl?
I would humbly submit that just because a utopia isn't possible, doesn't mean we need to sleepwalk into a blade runner style dystopia wirher- which is frankly where capitalism seems to be taking us right now.

Capitalism doesn't take you there, socialism does...but you will tell us that Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela...they don't count...meanwhile the U.S. is thriving.....and outperforming other countries around the world....
I would humbly submit that just because a utopia isn't possible, doesn't mean we need to sleepwalk into a blade runner style dystopia wirher- which is frankly where capitalism seems to be taking us right now.


socialism, communism, and anarchism were all vital political movements in the 1920s. simpler times!

Yes... until people found the mass graves of 100 million people who didn't go along with their programs...kinda kills the mood....literally.
I would humbly submit that just because a utopia isn't possible, doesn't mean we need to sleepwalk into a blade runner style dystopia wirher- which is frankly where capitalism seems to be taking us right now.

The main point of Communism, which comes from the word "commune" is that there is no leader. Leadership comes from the people who are doing the work. There aren't politicians to tell people what to do, or fuck up.

That's the difference between socialism and communism. Lack of leadership in Communism.

Socialism is the next to last step to true communism according to their belief system.....that and murdering 100 million people...
face it, folks: today, Lenin and his legacy are percieved as hopelessly dated, belonging to a defunct 'paradigm'. Lenin was understandably blind to many of the problems that are now central to contemporary life (ecology, struggles for emancipated sexuality etc), but also his brutal political practice is totally out of sync with current democratic sensitivities, his vision of the new society as a centralised industrial system run by the state is simply irrelevant.

instead of desperately trying to save the authentic Leninist core from the Stalinist alluvium, would it not be more advisable to forget Lenin and return to Marx, searching in his work for the roots of what went wrong in 20th century communist movements?
No Worthwhile God Would Allow People to Sin in His Name

Since Socialism is a secular religion, your excuses are as unrealistic as the Protestants rejecting the Catholic Church instead of using its decadence to prove that Christianity did not come from any Supernatural Being at all. It was always a pathetic desire by weaklings to think they are strong by associating themselves with some imaginary Higher Power. Socialism, too, originated with masochists and the sadists who took advantage of them. Marx was a snooty little snob, as are all self-deluded misfits who would be nobodies without their Daddy's Money.
marx and engels never tried to refute their opponents with argument. they insulted, ridiculed their opponets. i wont repeat that mistake
That's what Marxists still do.

Oboy! Gold mine! :eusa_dance:

Roll tape.

.... I could go on and on, but everyone reading this will know that you are an ignoramus.

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

They obviously are, douchebag.

We know how much you hate it when someone demonstrates what a flaming hypocrite you are.

What "deals" did they make, asshole?

Impeaching him is their job, dumbass.

He has 1000 times more integrity than the so-called "press." They are nothing but a gang of lying gossip mongers.

Only a a sleazy lying douchebag would claim Julian Assange is an enemy of this nation.

That's just a random sample of your most recent dumps. And just from today.

Wassup, Karl?
Does it bother snowflakes when I follow their example?
marx and engels never tried to refute their opponents with argument. they insulted, ridiculed their opponets. i wont repeat that mistake
That's what Marxists still do.

Oboy! Gold mine! :eusa_dance:

Roll tape.

.... I could go on and on, but everyone reading this will know that you are an ignoramus.

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

They obviously are, douchebag.

We know how much you hate it when someone demonstrates what a flaming hypocrite you are.

What "deals" did they make, asshole?

Impeaching him is their job, dumbass.

He has 1000 times more integrity than the so-called "press." They are nothing but a gang of lying gossip mongers.

Only a a sleazy lying douchebag would claim Julian Assange is an enemy of this nation.

That's just a random sample of your most recent dumps. And just from today.

Wassup, Karl?
Does it bother snowflakes when I follow their example?

That would be your own example, Jellyface.
face it, folks: today, Lenin and his legacy are percieved as hopelessly dated, belonging to a defunct 'paradigm'. Lenin was understandably blind to many of the problems that are now central to contemporary life (ecology, struggles for emancipated sexuality etc), but also his brutal political practice is totally out of sync with current democratic sensitivities, his vision of the new society as a centralised industrial system run by the state is simply irrelevant.

instead of desperately trying to save the authentic Leninist core from the Stalinist alluvium, would it not be more advisable to forget Lenin and return to Marx, searching in his work for the roots of what went wrong in 20th century communist movements?
No Worthwhile God Would Allow People to Sin in His Name

Since Socialism is a secular religion <snip>

There's no such thing as a "secular religion". Doublethink is part of a novel; it's not a real thing you can actually do and get away with.
marx and engels never tried to refute their opponents with argument. they insulted, ridiculed their opponets. i wont repeat that mistake
That's what Marxists still do.

Oboy! Gold mine! :eusa_dance:

Roll tape.

.... I could go on and on, but everyone reading this will know that you are an ignoramus.

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

They obviously are, douchebag.

We know how much you hate it when someone demonstrates what a flaming hypocrite you are.

What "deals" did they make, asshole?

Impeaching him is their job, dumbass.

He has 1000 times more integrity than the so-called "press." They are nothing but a gang of lying gossip mongers.

Only a a sleazy lying douchebag would claim Julian Assange is an enemy of this nation.

That's just a random sample of your most recent dumps. And just from today.

Wassup, Karl?
Does it bother snowflakes when I follow their example?

That would be your own example, Jellyface.
Nope. I learned everything I know about debate from leftwingers.
70K per child for a year of prison.

20K per child for a year of public school.

congratulations capitalism!
"its a safe bet that people are more likely to support the party of Lincoln than the party of Lenin" - Supercilious Sean Spicer

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