What is communism, can we separate it from the horrors of Stalin & what about capitalism's crimes?!

I would humbly submit that just because a utopia isn't possible, doesn't mean we need to sleepwalk into a blade runner style dystopia wirher- which is frankly where capitalism seems to be taking us right now.


socialism, communism, and anarchism were all vital political movements in the 1920s. simpler times!

Why are you deflecting to the 20's, the drivel in the OP deals with the here and now, if you can't support the OP you might want to just say so.

It's time to face the facts. Dems partnered with Russia to try to rig a national election (Kremlin dossier) and now they are backing China over the US. It is sickening.

And that explains/is respondent to, the OP how? All this cryptic crap ain't cutting it. Explain, how are we "sleepwalk into a blade runner style dystopia wirher-"?

I would humbly submit that just because a utopia isn't possible, doesn't mean we need to sleepwalk into a blade runner style dystopia wirher- which is frankly where capitalism seems to be taking us right now.


socialism, communism, and anarchism were all vital political movements in the 1920s. simpler times!

Why are you deflecting to the 20's, the drivel in the OP deals with the here and now, if you can't support the OP you might want to just say so.

It's time to face the facts. Dems partnered with Russia to try to rig a national election (Kremlin dossier) and now they are backing China over the US. It is sickening.

And that explains/is respondent to, the OP how? All this cryptic crap ain't cutting it. Explain, how are we "sleepwalk into a blade runner style dystopia wirher-"?


My point is that dems are trying to soften the blow before they go full socialist, but pitch a fit when they personally are required to kick in some money. Did you respond to the wrong person?
What is communism, can we separate it from the horrors of Stalin

Of course, and so we should. Stalin is to communism as tires are to raspberries. The tire could run over them but that doesn't mean they're related.

Simplified, communism is a system where the collective rather than the individual, owns the joint. There are various intentional communities and Christian sects that have been living that way for centuries, in complete peace. A philosophy that addresses the "deadly sin" of Greed.
Only a profound idiot would believe that communism could actually be made to work.

You're ignorant if you believe the Mennonites and Quakers practice communism. They have privately owned farms and observe the institution of private property.

And you're an ignorant twat since I said nothing about "Mennonites" or "Quakers". Only a profound idiot would plug in terms that weren't even there.

The Hutterites however have been doing it for five hundred years. And have never fought in anybody's war --- which is why they've had to pull up roots over and over and migrate. Including from here, when a couple were tortured by the US Army and died at Leavenworth.

Well, that's certainly a prospering example of communism. How many hutterites are there, 100?
What is communism, can we separate it from the horrors of Stalin

Of course, and so we should. Stalin is to communism as tires are to raspberries. The tire could run over them but that doesn't mean they're related.

Simplified, communism is a system where the collective rather than the individual, owns the joint. There are various intentional communities and Christian sects that have been living that way for centuries, in complete peace. A philosophy that addresses the "deadly sin" of Greed.
Only a profound idiot would believe that communism could actually be made to work.

You're ignorant if you believe the Mennonites and Quakers practice communism. They have privately owned farms and observe the institution of private property.

And you're an ignorant twat since I said nothing about "Mennonites" or "Quakers". Only a profound idiot would plug in terms that weren't even there.

The Hutterites however have been doing it for five hundred years. And have never fought in anybody's war --- which is why they've had to pull up roots over and over and migrate. Including from here, when a couple were tortured by the US Army and died at Leavenworth.

Well, that's certainly a prospering example of communism. How many hutterites are there, 100?
Money is power, such as to create a company, buy a house, educate a class, build a hospital, etc., and none of these things should be allowed to be in the hands of a monopoly.
The people should be able to collectively pool their resources and do these things for themselves.
And the whole point of government is to help people do things with pooled resources.

The fact we do not in the US, while everyone else in the world does, is why we are doing so badly right now.
Our health care costs twice as much and is not as good.
Less than 50% of the people in the US own their own home, while in most countries it is more like 90%.
Education in the US is no longer affordable compared to in other countries.
We don't even have reliable media any more.
Why so many around the world are so desperate to get here and not the other way around.

Check out the rich white left wing loser everyone.

The typical stupid elitist hypocrite just loooooves him some communism.

Try to figure out why communism builds walls to keep people in.

The fact that pogo liked this dreck and the fact you think "just because the world does it" is pathetic.

I will be waiting for you losers to explain why the poor Americans don't try to sail down to Cuba on rickety boats since things are soooo bad in America and soooooo great for the poor in Cuba.

Pathetic left wing American losers.
What is communism, can we separate it from the horrors of Stalin

Of course, and so we should. Stalin is to communism as tires are to raspberries. The tire could run over them but that doesn't mean they're related.

Simplified, communism is a system where the collective rather than the individual, owns the joint. There are various intentional communities and Christian sects that have been living that way for centuries, in complete peace. A philosophy that addresses the "deadly sin" of Greed.
Only a profound idiot would believe that communism could actually be made to work.

You're ignorant if you believe the Mennonites and Quakers practice communism. They have privately owned farms and observe the institution of private property.

And you're an ignorant twat since I said nothing about "Mennonites" or "Quakers". Only a profound idiot would plug in terms that weren't even there.

The Hutterites however have been doing it for five hundred years. And have never fought in anybody's war --- which is why they've had to pull up roots over and over and migrate. Including from here, when a couple were tortured by the US Army and died at Leavenworth.

Well, that's certainly a prospering example of communism. How many hutterites are there, 100?

I've already watched this video, utter morons. The funniest part is where the girl says something to the effect that socialism is all about individualism. I think I pulled a muscle laughing at that one.
What is communism, can we separate it from the horrors of Stalin

Of course, and so we should. Stalin is to communism as tires are to raspberries. The tire could run over them but that doesn't mean they're related.

Simplified, communism is a system where the collective rather than the individual, owns the joint. There are various intentional communities and Christian sects that have been living that way for centuries, in complete peace. A philosophy that addresses the "deadly sin" of Greed.
Only a profound idiot would believe that communism could actually be made to work.

You're ignorant if you believe the Mennonites and Quakers practice communism. They have privately owned farms and observe the institution of private property.

And you're an ignorant twat since I said nothing about "Mennonites" or "Quakers". Only a profound idiot would plug in terms that weren't even there.

The Hutterites however have been doing it for five hundred years. And have never fought in anybody's war --- which is why they've had to pull up roots over and over and migrate. Including from here, when a couple were tortured by the US Army and died at Leavenworth.

Well, that's certainly a prospering example of communism. How many hutterites are there, 100?

Sorry, but there's only so long I can listen to an obvious moron.
A bromance with a political theory that has killed more humans than religion or any other thing you can name. Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot.

How many will needlessly die in Venezuela? It is a failed ideology. Meanwhile, Capitalism has raised millions of humans out of destitute poverty.
Communism is stupid psychos who think that others are stupid enough to want them to tell them what they need and want. Usually dumb liberal arts buffoons or people without futures..

I would humbly submit that just because a utopia isn't possible, doesn't mean we need to sleepwalk into a blade runner style dystopia wirher- which is frankly where capitalism seems to be taking us right now.


You want a link?

Try explaining how the crap link you posted relates to the OP.

Trying to reason with greedy morons is useless. Everyone saw how the libs cried when asked to pay their fair share of federal income tax.

I'm not trying to reason with anyone, so far no two people have responded the the OP in a similar manner. I'm not sure anyone knows for sure what he was talking about.

the international slave trade, the world wars, tens of millions of people died under capitalism!
I would humbly submit that just because a utopia isn't possible, doesn't mean we need to sleepwalk into a blade runner style dystopia wirher- which is frankly where capitalism seems to be taking us right now.

The issue is centralized control.

Take your pick, communism, Nazism, Progressivism, etc.

What all of these end up doing is turning the top 4% or top 1% into the top 0.0000000001%.

And yes, they all end up becoming very war like and oppressive.
I would humbly submit that just because a utopia isn't possible, doesn't mean we need to sleepwalk into a blade runner style dystopia wirher- which is frankly where capitalism seems to be taking us right now.

Marxism and all forms of Communism will fail for three reasons:

1. Greed: Almost everyone want more.

2. Sloth: Almost everyone does not want to work for they want..

3. Envy: Almost everyone is jealous of what the next person has...

Those three things will kill your attemp... Communism or Marxism goes against Human Nature when implemented on a grand scale...
I would humbly submit that just because a utopia isn't possible, doesn't mean we need to sleepwalk into a blade runner style dystopia wirher- which is frankly where capitalism seems to be taking us right now.

What about Capitalism's Crimes??

What about them?

How about you name same instead of doing what every other dimocrap scumbag does in every FUCKING post in here.... Make vague accusations about unknown, unseen wrongdoings, then run away and declare victory.

You people suck
I would humbly submit that just because a utopia isn't possible, doesn't mean we need to sleepwalk into a blade runner style dystopia wirher- which is frankly where capitalism seems to be taking us right now.

What about Capitalism's Crimes??

What about them?

How about you name same instead of doing what every other dimocrap scumbag does in every FUCKING post in here.... Make vague accusations about unknown, unseen wrongdoings, then run away and declare victory.

You people suck
see post #31
Marxism and all forms of Communism will fail for three reasons:

1. Greed: Almost everyone want more.

2. Sloth: Almost everyone does not want to work for they want..

3. Envy: Almost everyone is jealous of what the next person has...

Those three things will kill your attemp... Communism or Marxism goes against Human Nature when implemented on a grand scale...

I live in South Florida and, let me tell you, the wealthiest neighborhoods with the most expensive home are being bought by Venezuelans right now.

Rich Venezuelan Socialists Live the High Life In Florida

Capitalism produces the most opportunity for the most people of any economic system ever devised. Period.

Look at most of the Billionaires we know of today. The majority of them are new to heavy money. They made their own money, their own fortunes and employ millions of people now.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth and their fellow traveler socialist butt-buddies deserve a shallow grave.

After 100 MILLION DEAD in the last century, you'd think they would have learned their lesson.

Not dimocrap scum. They're too stupid
Marxism and all forms of Communism will fail for three reasons:

1. Greed: Almost everyone want more.

2. Sloth: Almost everyone does not want to work for they want..

3. Envy: Almost everyone is jealous of what the next person has...

Those three things will kill your attemp... Communism or Marxism goes against Human Nature when implemented on a grand scale...

I live in South Florida and, let me tell you, the wealthiest neighborhoods with the most expensive home are being bought by Venezuelans right now.

Rich Venezuelan Socialists Live the High Life In Florida

Capitalism produces the most opportunity for the most people of any economic system ever devised. Period.

Look at most of the Billionaires we know of today. The majority of them are new to heavy money. They made their own money, their own fortunes and employ millions of people now.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth and their fellow traveler socialist butt-buddies deserve a shallow grave.

After 100 MILLION DEAD in the last century, you'd think they would have learned their lesson.

Not dimocrap scum. They're too stupid

They never will...
the international slave trade, the world wars, tens of millions of people died under capitalism!

You're just stupid.

The slave trade had nothing whatsoever to do with capitalism. The word didn't even exist until Marx coined the term long after the slave trade had vanished. And the economic system didn't exist until the late 1850's.


The World Wars? They were caused by NON CAPITALIST COUNTRIES. The Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Habsburgs, were hardly Capitalists, moron. Neither was Kaiser Bill's Germany and neither was Turkey. Those three were the aggressors in WWI.

In WWII, it was SOCIALIST Germany, Fascist Italy and the Japanese Empire who were the aggressors. The Capitalist Countries were simply defending themselves.

You're just stupid.

Like every other dimocrap scumbag in here

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