What is feminism today?

Do you NOT understand what I say or do you deliberately misconstrue?

This is issue is a NEW issue and it is far from settled as a given that they will compete with women.

In the mean time women in this country are facing issues such lack of child care, trying to back into the work force, lack of respect for caregiving positions, lack of paid maternity leave, loss of autonomy in controlling their own medical decisions. And that doesn’t touch on other parts of the world where they suffer gender based violence, judicial inequity, child marriage, lack of maternal health care, no agency, etc.

So why is it the ONLY thing you seem to focus on is transgenders?

Setting a priority and discussing a new issue that isn't settled in this country has a far better chance of influencing the results
than trying to uproot an older issue already established in law in a foreign country.

The right is blowing it up into the most important issue facing up women today when in reality you are talking a tiny subset (transgender athletes) of a tiny minority (transgenders).

Don't know that I'd say that. It IS a tiny subset of a tiny subset, but I haven't heard the Left come out and state their position on TGs competing against biological women. I get the feeling they want to straddle the fence on this, trying to appease everybody and I'm not sure that is going to work. I can see the Right trying to drive a wedge between bio women and the democratic party, that's politics for ya. I'd like to see their party clarify what they stand for and what they don't, and I kinda doubt they'll do that. And maybe they deserve a little heat for that, if true.

There can be alternatives for transgender athletes that don’t involve competing with biological women.

But the money isn't there for TG sports. Are we going to have Olympic sports for men, women, and TGs? Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing it.

In the mean time women in this country are facing issues such lack of child care, trying to back into the work force, lack of respect for caregiving positions, lack of paid maternity leave, loss of autonomy in controlling their own medical decisions. And that doesn’t touch on other parts of the world where they suffer gender based violence, judicial inequity, child marriage, lack of maternal health care, no agency, etc.

First of all, what's going on elsewhere in the world isn't something the US Gov't should be focused on IMHO. That's sad, but we can't be the world's police and we also can't be the world's judge either. With respect to women's issues in this country, I confess I'm not up on everything that is being done in that area, but are we not making progress? Are things not better for women than they used to be 20, 50, or 100 years ago?
As a father of two girls yeah it’s huge. Imagine if Biden identifies as a woman, you have your first woman president. Obviously an extreme example but hopefully you understand my point.
I do get that. But I also wonder how that compares to the issue of child marriage?

Setting a priority and discussing a new issue that isn't settled in this country has a far better chance of influencing the results
than trying to uproot an older issue already established in law in a foreign country.

That is true.

But then I constantly hear rightists accusing feminists of not caring about or doing anything about the grim situation of women in other parts of the world. That is a fair argument.

Except now apparently.
That is true.

But then I constantly hear rightists accusing feminists of not caring about or doing anything about the grim situation of women in other parts of the world. That is a fair argument.

Except now apparently.

I understand you probably wanted a greater, more open discussion that deals with directions, principles and concerns in the Modern Feminist Movement.
The problem is that you baked a pretty big pie.

Sometimes it is also the order of execution that makes the difference
What needs to be addressed first, what's going cause us more problems to fix than it warrants in immediate action.

You have a grocery list of items that could by all means be handled by smaller groups more eager and passionate about the individual concerns.
To lump them all together and provide it as a workable objective is simply trying to set an initiative greater than the Movement has gained
or can reasonably capitalize on in general interest from the people you may want to support your efforts.

Refine your offer, narrow the objectives down to what you think the Movement could have, or should have, the most impact on
and recognize results, within a reasonable timeframe.
Once you recognize more success and build more momentum ... Take a bigger bite.

Otherwise, you aren't sitting there with much more than huge wish list.

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Sounds like you are saying women being forced to carry a pregnancy against their will is “good” for them. I guess we are just “vessels” after all :rolleyes:
1) Almost always the unborn baby exists because of decisions made by the mother.
2) We protect animals from abuse. We protect the elderly from abuse as well. Shouldn’t we protect small helpless humans from being killed?
3) Our corrupt elites don’t offer the people many freedoms. Why do you suppose the elites are so obsessed & excited about this one freedom: the freedom to kill your own children?
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I think your view is flawed. In my experience over many years, I have seen the changes from a time when women were grossly underpaid for the same work as men. That has changed in the US. I have not worked a job in forty years that women were paid less than men for the same job and the women that I worked alongside will attest. This is not to say, that there are not outliers--there always are--in ANY example.

& now for a reality check.

1. Women earn 82 cents for every dollar a man earns

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, in 2020, women’s annual earnings were 82.3% of men’s, and the gap is even wider for many women of color. Though women only made 57 cents per dollar earned by men in 1973 when this Department of Labor PSA was made, progress has stalled and we’re still far from closing the pay gap.

5 Facts About the State of the Gender Pay Gap | U.S. Department of Labor Blog

MAY 25, 2021

Gender pay gap in U.S. held steady in 2020​


The gender gap in pay has remained relatively stable in the United States over the past 15 years or so. In 2020, women earned 84% of what men earned, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time workers. Based on this estimate, it would take an extra 42 days of work for women to earn what men did in 2020.
Gender pay gap in U.S. held steady in 2020
Everywhere except for the United States – where women will soon be losing both their freedom of choice and individual autonomy.

Remarkable to consider that women in America will not be as free as women in other industrialized nations.

how ironic that ireland now allows women to choose for themselves whether they want to become a parent, while that choice now puts a bounty on our heads & will soon be taken away altogether.
1) Almost always the unborn baby exists because of decisions made by the mother.
2) We protect animals from abuse. We protect the elderly from abuse as well. Shouldn’t we protect small helpless humans from being killed?
3) Our corrupt elites don’t offer the people many freedoms. Why do you suppose the elites are so obsessed & excited about this one freedom: the freedom to kill your own children?

First world feminism has become a self-pity group that gets uglier all the time. It revolves around the ridiculous notion that we live in a tyrannical patriarchy that can be blamed for any dissatisfaction they have with their lives. Hatred towards men is being normalized by the worst segments.
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Sadly the dominant brand of “feminism” is focused on eliminating the next generation.

What’s amazing is the abortion industry is the greatest threat to women in human history: Opinion | 160 Million and Counting (Published 2011)

It would be interesting to see a feminist call for tax breaks for women who choose to raise their children.

i am a feminist & guess what?

i've been a homemaker since 1987, who raised my son with only my husbands income - - - at the time was only 25K. we struggled, but made it work because we thought one parent should have been home for at least the first 5 years. it was me, because my earning power was way less than his even at that time. BUT, had i been able to earn more than him ... he woulda been the one to stay home.
LOL!!!! did i say that? why no ... no i did not. i barely got my GED, so that should answer your flawed assumption.
It was just a question. I didn't assume anything. I don't know much about your brand of feminism. Some feminists are good and reasonable. Maybe you're one of those.
It was just a question.

it was asked based on assumption.

I didn't assume anything.

uh-huh. perhaps you should re read it & agree that you coulda asked it differently?

I don't know much about your brand of feminism.

equal pay for equal work.

no 'tweaking' when it comes to police, fire or military protection for ANYBODY wanting to do the job. if a female can't physically handle the job - just like if a man is too short or heavy to do it... they should be disqualified.

carrying to term & giving birth should ALWAYS be the sole decision of the pregnant female; because there can only be one final decision.

Some feminists are good and reasonable. Maybe you're one of those.

it doesn't matter what you think. but one fact is for sure ...

there are no 'good & reasonable' misogynist.
it was asked based on assumption.
No it wasn't. It was based on my knowledge that some feminists think that way and don't take responsibility for their own choices. They blame it all on patriarchy. Not all feminists are like that, so I asked.
uh-huh. perhaps you should re read it & agree that you coulda asked it differently
I could have. That doesn't change anything though. Sorry if I triggered you Karen.
No it wasn't. It was based on my knowledge that some feminists think that way and don't take responsibility for their own choices. They blame it all on patriarchy. Not all feminists are like that, so I asked.

with out that preface ...

I could have. That doesn't change anything though.

sure it does. it would show you as not being presumptuous. but like i said.... it matters not what you think.

Sorry if I triggered you Karen.

LOL!!!!! 'triggered' .... LOL!!!!!! ya....... that the ticket!
with out that preface ...

sure it does. it would show you as not being presumptuous. but like i said.... it matters not what you think.

LOL!!!!! 'triggered' .... LOL!!!!!! ya....... that the ticket!
I don't owe you more effort than I gave you Karen. You're the one making assumptions. Maybe if you weren't so defensive that wouldn't have happened.

Definitely triggered.
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