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What is God?

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Kalam, either prove to me that the koran has anything true in it or stfu and go back to picking the fleas out of your scraggly beard.

Go skip rope in traffic, punk-ass troll. :lol:

Embryology in Qur'an

kalam, you're just another wuss who can't prove anything that's written in the koran, you know why? Because it's all total crap, that's why. Now you can go back to covering your ugly hairy wives with a sheet because you can't believe you got conned into taking such ugly ***** for wives.

Avatar, anything of note would mean the big stuff, like parting the red sea, the ark that supposedly had 2 of all the millions of species, the burning bush and moses' tablets. jesus being resurected, heaven...

Smartt, how can anyone walk to a place where god isn't, I thought He was everywhere and loves everyone (including gays)? And if heaven is such a great place, you must be really dying to die.
Then i guess this thread only applies to those of us deluded ones who know there is a God through evidence. . .
What evidence, exactly?

. . . that can only be proved spiritually in a person's heart and mind through meditation and spiritual reasoning.
Oh, make-believe evidence. Gotcha.

It is pointless for us to argue about whether there is or isn't. My mind is made up.
Made up based upon what . . . make-believe "evidence"?

Since the thread is about what God IS, then non-believers are irrelevant to the discussion. So why don't you guys use your time more wisely in a thread entitled something like "There is no God."
Or, since the thread is about what God IS, why is the assertion, "God is make-believe", not relevent?
Proof doesn't define reality.
Right. Reality validates proof.

And the proof was validated by evidence.

And the proof was validated by evidence.

Except for the evidence.

He's there whether you believe in him or not.
If He's there, He's there whether you believe in him or not.

Bring the evidence, otherwise STFU.

I'd love to know why alleged non-believers get so angry when others believe.
I'd love to know why alleged believers get so angry when others don't consider beliefs, unvalidated by evidence, to be validated beliefs. I'd also love to know why the faithful get confused regarding the distaste that others have for their insistence that their unfounded superstions are as valid as theories that are validated by evidence; that the faithful's beliefs in unfounded superstitions should be given the same respect as beliefs founded in evidence.

I think it's because they know their own theories about the origins of mankind and the world are based on theories even more laughable than the theories we maintain.
You're wrong--at least about those whose theories are validated by evidence, rather than the stoic capacticy to deny evidence.

Oh, except ours theories have remained static for the last several thousand years...and have never been disproved.
The superstitious notions that the faithful hold regarding the origins of mankind and the world have never been proven true, and in many cases been thoroughly disproven--the faithful refuse to accept this, because the denial of evidence and valid logic (inconsistent with their faith-validated beliefs) in favor of their superstitions is exactly what being faithful means.

Unlike their theories, which undergo radical changes every few years.
First, this is entirely untrue; and secondly, that a theory gains acceptance, or is adjusted to be consistent with reality, is due to an open mind being receptive to evidence that brings a better understanding of reality, rather than the closed minded capacticy to deny evidence in favor one's static, unproven, and/or disproven superstitions.
God is when you forget your ego and swim in the gift of life.

Not preaching here, I rarely do it, but I have known it.

You all will.
I'd love to know why alleged believers get so angry when others don't consider beliefs, unvalidated by evidence, to be validated beliefs. I'd also love to know why the faithful get confused regarding the distaste that others have for their insistence that their unfounded superstions are as valid as theories that are validated by evidence; that the faithful's beliefs in unfounded superstitions should be given the same respect as beliefs founded in evidence.

I'd like to know why believers have to insist that their beliefs are universal and that everyone else's beliefs are false? In order to make that assertion, they have to cough up some proof (that is, if you want anyone to take the assertion seriously) and as we all know, they cannot. The BEST they can do is say "this is what I believe" and that works for many believers who respect the rights of others to believe differently. There are some believers, however, who can't accept sharing the spotlight so they demand that their beliefs are universal fact.
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I'd love to know why alleged non-believers get so angry when others believe.
I'd love to know why alleged believers get so angry when others don't consider beliefs, unvalidated by evidence, to be validated beliefs. I'd also love to know why the faithful get confused regarding the distaste that others have for their insistence that their unfounded superstions are as valid as theories that are validated by evidence; that the faithful's beliefs in unfounded superstitions should be given the same respect as beliefs founded in evidence.

I'd like to know why believers have to insist that their beliefs are universal and that everyone else's beliefs are false? In order to make that assertion, they have to cough up some proof (that is, if you want anyone to take the assertion seriously) and as we all know, they cannot. The BEST they can do is say "this is what I believe" and that works for many believers who respect the rights of others to believe differently. There are some believers, however, who can't accept sharing the spotlight so they demand that their beliefs are universal fact.[/QUOTE]

Its the, "Dad likes me best" rule of exclusive use. Ever since monotheistic religion was introduced, adherents fought for supremacy, and perhaps more than real absolute power, the imagined absolute power with implied land and water rights (not to mention the slaves and concubines) corrupted absolutely.
Actually, we do offer tangible proof, all the time.
No you don't--not ever. What you insist upon is faith: the stalwart denial of evidence that contradicts one's beliefs. You're "proofs" are not in any manner tangible: they are entirely make-believe.

Which you dismiss as you cling to your own theories, which also provide no tangible proof.
It all depends on your threshold for "proof" I suppose--but those who believe in the validity of scientific theories provide evidence to validate their beliefs--something that the faithful can't, and don't, do.

And that is the issue. You do exhibit anger, sometimes EXTREME anger...
Yet not quite so angry that we'd set someone on fire, or stone them, for disagreeing with us . . . yet we do get a bit heated up when the faithful fire up their murder rationalizing machines in response to "heresy" and similar "crimes" against their faith.

. . . while at the same time, your own belief system is even less substantial than our own.
Evidence is far more substantial that your make- believe superstition. You see, "substantial" means "not imaginary."

Besides which, you're insulting people for sticking by theories which have NEVER been disproved, . . .
Again, I suppose it all depends on your threshold for "proof", but yeah, the superstitious theories of the faithful have been pretty well disproven.

. . . while alternately picking up and dropping any pop science that comes along...until it's shattered and you have to pick up something else.
It's still more substantial than your make-believe superstions.

You're hypocrites is all I'm saying.
You either have no idea what the term "hypocrite" means, or you have no idea what science is or what these theories you're so critical of actually claim . . . I'll suggest you just have no idea what you're talking about, period.
God DOES exist Loki. As a matter of fact, I can show you where He does things. Ever hear of "coincidence"? Most people ignore it, yet others recognize it for what it is.

Telepathy also exists. It's referred to by the Martial Artists as "chi", which is the electricity in your body (generated by the movement of the iron in your blood), which powers your nervous system.

Additionally, there are now wheelchairs that are driven by thought, as well as video games that do it as well.

Need more proof? Well.........just look at what the archaeologists and scientists have discovered as of late. DaVinci's secret study (discovered in 2004), as well as the church (in the Middle East), which was found with a coin that has Yeshua's name as well as likeness on it.

Any decent scientist follows what Einstein said "theology without science is crippled, and science without theology is blind".
Let's say tangible proof of the veracity of the bible, not tangible evidence of God.
There is no more tangible proof of the veracity of the Bible than there is for any other piece of historical fiction--and there's plenty of self-contradiction and factual error to call into question the veracity of the Bible.

There is none, and there won't be, until Jesus returns.
Stated as if the source for the certainty that your Jesus will, in fact, return is based on anything but your demand (unvalidated by evidence) that He will.

Likewise, there's no tangible evidence of any other explanation for the existence of the earth and mankind, . . .
There's tangible evidence (at least far more tangible than your superstition) that a whole bunch of the universe existed long before the Earth did, and there's a bit of tangible evidence that what existed prior to all that stuff that existed before Earth was a singularity.

. . . no tangible evidence of macroevolution, . . .
Except for all the epidemiology ever conducted, except for biological chemistry that traces ancestry through speciation, except for the fossil record--that's some pretty tangible evidence for evolution.

. . . no tangible evidence that the bible is not truthful.
Rabbits are entirely tangible, and they don't chew cud--so there actually seems to be some tangible evidence that the Bible is not entirely truthful.
Rabbits don't chew cud, as they don't regurgitate it from their stomachs back into their mouths. Rather they take it directly from their butts...

But it's still the same concept. Re-eating food that is partially digested.

Rabbits are sometimes called "pseudo-ruminants"... The rhythmic cycle of coprophagy of pure cecal contents practiced by all rabbits allows utilization of microbial protein and fermentation products, as well as recycling of certain minerals. Whereas the feces commonly seen excreted by rabbits are fairly large, dry and ovoid, excreted singly, and consist of fibrous plant material, cecotrophs are about half that size, occur in moist bundles stuck together with mucus, and are very fine textured and odiferous. They are seldom seen, as the rabbit plucks them directly from the anus as they are passed and swallows them whole. Normal rabbits do not allow cecotrophs to drop to the floor or ground, and their presence there indicates a mechanical problem or illness in the rabbit.

And Janet Tast, D.V.M. notes:
RCN | Digital Cable TV, High-Speed Internet Service & Phone in Boston, Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and the Lehigh Valley.

Cecotrophy by Janet Tast, D.V.M. "Cecotropy is the process by which rabbits will reingest part of their feces directly from the rectum. This should not be confused with the term coprophagy (eating fecal material) since rabbits only ingest the soft "night" feces or cecotrophs."

Read more: Does the hare really chew cud? - Come Reason Ministries

Does the hare really chew cud? - Come Reason Ministries

I think this says more about bad science that it does about the veracity of the bible.
Guys, case closed. It's all right here:


If you want to believe centuries of scientific research and mountains of tangible evidence over the Bible, be my guest. Don't be surprised when Satan crawls up out of hell and drags you down with his pitchfork. :cuckoo:

I haven't seen any tangible evidence or mountains of truth which has disproved a single utterance in the bible.

Including cud-eating rabbits. Just because you're too stupid to understand that cud is cud whether it's coming from the front or the end isn't the Bible's problem. They eat little pellets they've already disgested.

In fact everything I've learned about genetcs brings me even closer to believing God has created it. If you had studied genetics even on an amateur label, you wouldn't be so quick to dismiss out of hand the possiblity and probability of one ultimate creator.
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God DOES exist Loki.
The evidence suggests otherwise.

As a matter of fact, I can show you where He does things.
Just because you preface an assertion with "as a matter of fact" doesn't make that assertion a matter of fact--we'll just see what you show me.

Ever hear of "coincidence"?
I sure have.

Most people ignore it, yet others recognize it for what it is.
Oh? They recognize it as coincidence? Are you suggesting that there are folks out there that do not just make up some bullshit notion of divine intervention by an invisible super-leprechaun that lives in the sky? Tell me more about these sensible folks that recognize coincidence for what it is.

Telepathy also exists.
Evidence suggests otherwise.

It's referred to by the Martial Artists as "chi", which is the electricity in your body (generated by the movement of the iron in your blood), which powers your nervous system.
This is what I meant when I said, "Just because you preface an assertion with "as a matter of fact" doesn't make that assertion a matter of fact."

You see, there is no electricity generated by the movement of the iron in your blood, and the electricity involved in your nervous system is electro-chemical in nature, not electro-magnetic.

Additionally, there are now wheelchairs that are driven by thought, as well as video games that do it as well.
There are wheelchairs that are controlled by thought (through the vehicle of biofeedback), as well as some video games; but none of them are actually driven by thought.

Need more proof?
:lol: Submit some proof, before you try to submit "more".

Well.........just look at what the archaeologists and scientists have discovered as of late. DaVinci's secret study (discovered in 2004), as well as the church (in the Middle East), which was found with a coin that has Yeshua's name as well as likeness on it.
This is proof of what . . . exactly? Be precise.

Any decent scientist follows what Einstein said "theology without science is crippled, and science without theology is blind".
This is proof of what . . . exactly? Be precise.
Rabbits don't chew cud, as they don't regurgitate it from their stomachs back into their mouths. Rather they take it directly from their butts...

But it's still the same concept. Re-eating food that is partially digested.

Rabbits are sometimes called "pseudo-ruminants"... The rhythmic cycle of coprophagy of pure cecal contents practiced by all rabbits allows utilization of microbial protein and fermentation products, as well as recycling of certain minerals. Whereas the feces commonly seen excreted by rabbits are fairly large, dry and ovoid, excreted singly, and consist of fibrous plant material, cecotrophs are about half that size, occur in moist bundles stuck together with mucus, and are very fine textured and odiferous. They are seldom seen, as the rabbit plucks them directly from the anus as they are passed and swallows them whole. Normal rabbits do not allow cecotrophs to drop to the floor or ground, and their presence there indicates a mechanical problem or illness in the rabbit.

And Janet Tast, D.V.M. notes:
RCN | Digital Cable TV, High-Speed Internet Service & Phone in Boston, Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and the Lehigh Valley.

Cecotrophy by Janet Tast, D.V.M. "Cecotropy is the process by which rabbits will reingest part of their feces directly from the rectum. This should not be confused with the term coprophagy (eating fecal material) since rabbits only ingest the soft "night" feces or cecotrophs."

Read more: Does the hare really chew cud? - Come Reason Ministries

Does the hare really chew cud? - Come Reason Ministries

I think this says more about bad science that it does about the veracity of the bible.
Regurgitation and rumination are distinctly different from eating butt-nuggets. The Bible clearly asserts that rabbits chew cud. The Bible got it wrong. It's wrong about that, and wrong about a 6 day creation, and a flat earth, and a universal flood--to name a couple more things it's just wrong about.
I haven't seen any tangible evidence or mountains of truth which has disproved a single utterance in the bible.
Well, now you're just lying--it was clearly presented to you that the Bible is entirely wrong about rabbits being ruminants.

Including cud-eating rabbits. Just because you're too stupid to understand that cud is cud whether it's coming from the front or the end isn't the Bible's problem. They eat little pellets they've already disgested.
Stupid is the inability to distinguish cud from butt-nuggets--stupidity or intellectual dishonesty.

In fact everything I've learned about genetcs brings me even closer to believing God has created it. If you had studied genetics even on an amateur label, you wouldn't be so quick to dismiss out of hand the possiblity and probability of one ultimate creator.
I have made ZERO dismissals regarding the possiblity and probability of one ultimate creator. I'm just dismissing your superstitious notions of one ultimate creator.
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I'd love to know why alleged believers get so angry when others don't consider beliefs, unvalidated by evidence, to be validated beliefs. I'd also love to know why the faithful get confused regarding the distaste that others have for their insistence that their unfounded superstions are as valid as theories that are validated by evidence; that the faithful's beliefs in unfounded superstitions should be given the same respect as beliefs founded in evidence.

I'd like to know why believers have to insist that their beliefs are universal and that everyone else's beliefs are false? In order to make that assertion, they have to cough up some proof (that is, if you want anyone to take the assertion seriously) and as we all know, they cannot. The BEST they can do is say "this is what I believe" and that works for many believers who respect the rights of others to believe differently. There are some believers, however, who can't accept sharing the spotlight so they demand that their beliefs are universal fact.

It's nice to see you can be half way reasonable... at least when talking in vague generalities. I, and many believers don't care if you believe or not, the people you seem to have the problem with are a tiny percentage, but everytime you post, at least in response to me, you act like we're all poised outside of abortion clinics with sniper rifles, which is really not the case. In fact, if you've read any of my posts beyond the one's on religion and spirituality I'm in favor of a woman's right to choose. Yet it seems you try to paint me as a religious wacko everytime we bump heads.
God DOES exist Loki. As a matter of fact, I can show you where He does things. Ever hear of "coincidence"? Most people ignore it, yet others recognize it for what it is.

Telepathy also exists. It's referred to by the Martial Artists as "chi", which is the electricity in your body (generated by the movement of the iron in your blood), which powers your nervous system.

Additionally, there are now wheelchairs that are driven by thought, as well as video games that do it as well.

Need more proof? Well.........just look at what the archaeologists and scientists have discovered as of late. DaVinci's secret study (discovered in 2004), as well as the church (in the Middle East), which was found with a coin that has Yeshua's name as well as likeness on it.

Any decent scientist follows what Einstein said "theology without science is crippled, and science without theology is blind".

God is coincidence? God is telepathy or chi? IMO 'god' is awareness.
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