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What is God?

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Amanda, all I'm asking for is ONE shred of proof. I could believe, but I'm the sort of guy who needs actual proof. Show me some and I'll believe instantly. No shit.

Do you have one shred of proof that we descend from animals? Or that the earth was formed in any way other than that described in the bible?

You provide one shred of proof..indisputable evidence, accepted by all, and I'll reconsider my faith.

I know it doesn't exist, but it will be fun to watch you get pissed and rant and rave about how stupid I am in order to cover up your own lack of evidence.
Let's say tangible proof of the veracity of the bible, not tangible evidence of God. There is none, and there won't be, until Jesus returns.

Likewise, there's no tangible evidence of any other explanation for the existence of the earth and mankind, no tangible evidence of macroevolution, no tangible evidence that the bible is not truthful.

LOL ... backwards thinking, I finally get that.
Guys, case closed. It's all right here:


If you want to believe centuries of scientific research and mountains of tangible evidence over the Bible, be my guest. Don't be surprised when Satan crawls up out of hell and drags you down with his pitchfork. :cuckoo:
I love to rain on parades, IF there is a GOD, nobody on this planet can claim to know what God's will IS, or ever was , in perpetuity. No way . No religion on earth since the beginning of time, can claim to be the true religion or anything else, for that matter. Just sayin, in my humble mortal opinion. Excuse me!
You know.......I can recommend 2 good books on this subject...........

Gary Zukhav "The Dancing Wu Li Masters".

Richard M. Smullyan "The Tao is Silent".
Allie, I never said that I believe that humans descend from apes, and anyways that's irrelevant to you being able to prove something completely different from evolution. All I'm asking is for ONE tangible shred of evidence that anything of note in the bible is true.
Kalam, either prove to me that the koran has anything true in it or stfu and go back to picking the fleas out of your scraggly beard.
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Let's say tangible proof of the veracity of the bible, not tangible evidence of God. There is none, and there won't be, until Jesus returns.

Likewise, there's no tangible evidence of any other explanation for the existence of the earth and mankind, no tangible evidence of macroevolution, no tangible evidence that the bible is not truthful.

LOL ... backwards thinking, I finally get that.

Because there is far more "real" evidence that God is in fact real, than there is that the world came to be by accident, I will walk in that direction. Much in the Bible has been proven to be true, and nothing in it has been proven to be wrong (with regard to such things as real events, and such). Nothing about evolution of man from any other creature has been proven. It is not "backwards thinking when you say something is not proven. It is, however a little irrational to say that just because it has not been proven it is not true. Therefore, where the weight of evidents leads in one direction, over another, I tend to go in that direction. It takes a much greater leap of faith to believe man came from another creature, than to believe, based on the exactness of the human body, and all other creation, that there is actually a creator.
I love to rain on parades, IF there is a GOD, nobody on this planet can claim to know what God's will IS, or ever was , in perpetuity. No way . No religion on earth since the beginning of time, can claim to be the true religion or anything else, for that matter. Just sayin, in my humble mortal opinion. Excuse me!

First, there isn't anything "humble" about your opinion. But that is OK. God's will is clear in the Scriptures. However, since you don't believe that, you cannot know His will. Hiw will for each man specifically is also clear. As a matter of fact, through His very creation, all of God's invisible attributes are made knownm to man. This leaves man without excuse when it comes time to make the final statement of faith or belief.

God's will for me is to have a real and personal, living and loving, walking ans talking, daily relationship with Him in Christ. I sometimes step aside from His will, and find myself in a mess, however, He is never too far away for me to get back on track. That is actually His will fopr everyone, but He is not a monster god with a remote control in hand. He made us with free will for a reason. No manycan love God unless they have the ability to not love Him. It is in that love for Him where abundant life exists. One must experience that to be able to see the real prood of it, and that proof is very personal. He offers that experience to everyone, some don't want it.
Allie, I never said that I believe that humans descend from apes, and anyways that's irrelevant to you being able to prove something completely different from evolution. All I'm asking is for ONE tangible shred of evidence that anything of note in the bible is true.
Kalam, either prove to me that the koran has anything true in it or stfu and go back to picking the fleas out of your scraggly beard.

So, what exactly do you believe about how the world came to be? That is not a sarcastic question, many people don't believe in the evolution of man, but also don't believe in creation.

All myself, or any Christian can do is give their personal experiences. Contrary to what many people believe, there is a spiritual part of life, and if you look at the Christian faith, and really take an honest approach, you will discover that what the Bible says about Spiritual things, and the actual experiences of the born again believers are very exact.This can be discovered in conversation with thousands of believers, and then the measure of what they say is the Bible. I am talking about the Spiritual life of the believers, not the everyday life in the mondane world.
I think that given the evidence of space exploration, i.e. observing stars in different stages of birth and death, that the earth was most likely formed in the way scientist describe it. And I don't believe that man just suddenly appeared like a magic act, that makes no sense at all. So yes, evolution is the most logical path. Evolution can be observed as well, study a little bit about darwin.

Born again believers are just a bunch of losers who couldn't make it in the real world so they self-hypnotize themselves to have found god, and now their life has purpose.
I think that given the evidence of space exploration, i.e. observing stars in different stages of birth and death, that the earth was most likely formed in the way scientist describe it. And I don't believe that man just suddenly appeared like a magic act, that makes no sense at all. So yes, evolution is the most logical path. Evolution can be observed as well, study a little bit about darwin.

Born again believers are just a bunch of losers who couldn't make it in the real world so they self-hypnotize themselves to have found god, and now their life has purpose.

Actually, God did put many things into motion, there is no argument there. However, His creation is specific, and God made order of the chaos of stars and space, and it is clear that there is indeed order there.

I believe God created man and woman specifically, and after that offspring was of mankind. Just as the offspring of other creation was after their own kind.

Observible evolution is not of one creature completerly changing to a completely different creature. It involves adapting to life, and even man has done that.

Oh, and Born again believers are the winners, and have certainly found truth. There are no losers, just people who have chosen to walk off a cliff into a place where there is no God.
What is God? Many have wondered, all I have to say is:

As man now is, God once was; as God now is, man can become.

That's all I really care to say. Carry on.
Guys, case closed. It's all right here:


If you want to believe centuries of scientific research and mountains of tangible evidence over the Bible, be my guest. Don't be surprised when Satan crawls up out of hell and drags you down with his pitchfork. :cuckoo:

That is an accurate description of how some people reason. That doesnt mean the Bible is false, simply there are alot of people who believe in it who really have no good reason why.
I love to rain on parades, IF there is a GOD, nobody on this planet can claim to know what God's will IS, or ever was , in perpetuity. No way . No religion on earth since the beginning of time, can claim to be the true religion or anything else, for that matter. Just sayin, in my humble mortal opinion. Excuse me!

Only a sith deals in absolutes...

Seriously, though, If there is an all powerful being known as God, and I can assure you there is. The idea that this all powerful being does not have the ability to communicate with His creation is absurd.

The problem youre scenario provides is that it cuts off all ability to learn, so naturally you never will learn if you dont believe you can.
Allie, I never said that I believe that humans descend from apes, and anyways that's irrelevant to you being able to prove something completely different from evolution. All I'm asking is for ONE tangible shred of evidence that anything of note in the bible is true.
Kalam, either prove to me that the koran has anything true in it or stfu and go back to picking the fleas out of your scraggly beard.

Anything of note? What do you define as anything of note? how can anyone provide what you request when you provide such a subjective standard?
Oh, and Born again believers are the winners, and have certainly found truth. There are no losers, just people who have chosen to walk off a cliff into a place where there is no God.

You're not smug, are ya? LOL :cuckoo:

If what you have is THE truth, then you should be able to produce proof and you cannot.
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I love to rain on parades, IF there is a GOD, nobody on this planet can claim to know what God's will IS, or ever was , in perpetuity. No way . No religion on earth since the beginning of time, can claim to be the true religion or anything else, for that matter. Just sayin, in my humble mortal opinion. Excuse me!

Many religions claim to be the true religion. How can so many of them consider themselves the 'one true path'?

Simple. Which path shows YOU the truth of how things really are? Which path brings you peace of mind?

Whatever the answer is--its is the 'one true path' for YOU.

In that regard, all the religions who claim to be the 'one true path' are true.
I love to rain on parades, IF there is a GOD, nobody on this planet can claim to know what God's will IS, or ever was , in perpetuity. No way . No religion on earth since the beginning of time, can claim to be the true religion or anything else, for that matter. Just sayin, in my humble mortal opinion. Excuse me!

Many religions claim to be the true religion. How can so many of them consider themselves the 'one true path'?

Simple. Which path shows YOU the truth of how things really are? Which path brings you peace of mind?

Whatever the answer is--its is the 'one true path' for YOU.

In that regard, all the religions who claim to be the 'one true path' are true.

If you say so----I'll stick with the non-subjective truths.
There is no such things as 'non-subjective truth'. All is seen through the eyes of a perceiver.
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