What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?

I still dont understand where the hatred comes from. You like totally ignored that point to talk about another poster for some reason

You were talking about white hatred and I offered Asclepias up as an example of black hatred, ther is no difference between the two except for skin color.
You are the one making the accusations, you need to prove them. Your premise is racist in itself.
Except you keep ignoring the part about "for no reason" and whites hate for no reason as if blacks had THEM in chains.
Proof that white people hate for no reason as a race? Proof that black people as a race dont hate for no reason? I dont think you can.

My proof is that you are asking for proof instead of denying it. My proof is that several tried to deflect from it instead of address it. My proof is everyday on this board where white people are hateful toward blacks for no reason.

My proof is also that I've said "for no reason" several times and none of you even tried to give a reason. When an opinion goes unchalleged its correct or you dont have a rebuttal. Which also shows its correct.

If someone accused me of hating all white people my answer wouldnt be "prove it" :lol:
You are the one making the accusations, you need to prove them. Your premise is racist in itself.

LOL!! Try again...I just want to know what blacks have done to whites to make them so angry at blacks for no reason. They seem to revel in being hurtful and when asked for a reason they dont have any
Drink? I said drunk...you seem to change a lot of words and talk about things no one is talking about

You're an idiot.

Your bullshit deflection doesnt work

You're incapable of recognizing deflection from facts...hence an idiot

Random facts is still a deflection when we arent discussing random facts.

"Bricks are hard!" doesnt count as a rebuttal but it is a fact

No, you're too stupid to realize the point is thousands of Irish were held as slaves but you don't hear them bawling about it. It's all blacks can do, it helps make up for their obvious fails to get ahead. They use it as an excuse.
How long did that occur for in comparison to Black enslavement here in the states? Irish dont complain because they were accepted by the other whites as being white. They were put above Blacks on the social ladder and benefitted from racism against Blacks.

How the Irish Became White Routledge Classics Noel Ignatiev 9780415963091 Amazon.com Books
You were talking about white hatred and I offered Asclepias up as an example of black hatred, ther is no difference between the two except for skin color.
You are the one making the accusations, you need to prove them. Your premise is racist in itself.
Except you keep ignoring the part about "for no reason" and whites hate for no reason as if blacks had THEM in chains.
Proof that white people hate for no reason as a race? Proof that black people as a race dont hate for no reason? I dont think you can.

My proof is that you are asking for proof instead of denying it. My proof is that several tried to deflect from it instead of address it. My proof is everyday on this board where white people are hateful toward blacks for no reason.

My proof is also that I've said "for no reason" several times and none of you even tried to give a reason. When an opinion goes unchalleged its correct or you dont have a rebuttal. Which also shows its correct.

If someone accused me of hating all white people my answer wouldnt be "prove it" :lol:
You are the one making the accusations, you need to prove them. Your premise is racist in itself.

LOL!! Try again...I just want to know what blacks have done to whites to make them so angry at blacks for no reason. They seem to revel in being hurtful and when asked for a reason they dont have any
Whites generally are afeared of Blacks. You tend to hate what you fear.
Drink? I said drunk...you seem to change a lot of words and talk about things no one is talking about

You're an idiot.

Your bullshit deflection doesnt work

You're incapable of recognizing deflection from facts...hence an idiot

Random facts is still a deflection when we arent discussing random facts.

"Bricks are hard!" doesnt count as a rebuttal but it is a fact

No, you're too stupid to realize the point is thousands of Irish were held as slaves but you don't hear them bawling about it. It's all blacks can do, it helps make up for their obvious fails to get ahead. They use it as an excuse.

So what? Irish arent "bawling" they jumped in a bottle. Whats your point? Blacks should be like the Irish because you want them too? Why dont the Irish be like blacks and be able to stand in the sun for more than a half hour?
You're an idiot.

Your bullshit deflection doesnt work

You're incapable of recognizing deflection from facts...hence an idiot

Random facts is still a deflection when we arent discussing random facts.

"Bricks are hard!" doesnt count as a rebuttal but it is a fact

No, you're too stupid to realize the point is thousands of Irish were held as slaves but you don't hear them bawling about it. It's all blacks can do, it helps make up for their obvious fails to get ahead. They use it as an excuse.

So what? Irish arent "bawling" they jumped in a bottle. Whats your point? Blacks should be like the Irish because you want them too? Why dont the Irish be like blacks and be able to stand in the sun for more than a half hour?

Wooosh, right over your head again. You're too stupid to live
You see, the problem here is so many just want to lump everyone within the same bucket when only the fringe actually occupy it.

*CC looks at the title of the thread
What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?

Mine was a general statement, one in which it does address that very same thing, now doesn't it? Too bad you took offense to that . Why not address the content of it rather than, once again, deflecting?

Next, let's discuss why the media refrains from reporting the facts that just might make Blacks understand this case is not a cause to protest over. Someone wants to be heard of any race, gender, etc., and wants to be taken seriously then one must tread carefully to make sure the facts in which they decide to protest or bring forward will help their cause, rather than hurt it.

Why does the media so often set groups of people up?
You see, the problem here is so many just want to lump everyone within the same bucket when only the fringe actually occupy it.

*CC looks at the title of the thread
What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?

Mine was a general statement, one in which it does address that very same thing, now doesn't it? Too bad you took offense to that . Why not address the content of it rather than, once again, deflecting?

Next, let's discuss why the media refrains from reporting the facts that just might make Blacks understand this case is not a cause to protest over. Someone wants to be heard of any race, gender, etc., and wants to be taken seriously then one must tread carefully to make sure the facts in which they decide to protest or bring forward will help their cause, rather than hurt it.

Why does the media so often set groups of people up?
You see, the problem here is so many just want to lump everyone within the same bucket when only the fringe actually occupy it.

*CC looks at the title of the thread
What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?

The audacity whites show sometimes is off the charts hilarious.
Mine was a general statement, one in which it does address that very same thing, now doesn't it? Too bad you took offense to that . Why not address the content of it rather than, once again, deflecting?

It does but you only quoted me and totally missed the OP. I know the thread title is really smalll and hard to see so no biggie :rolleyes:

Next, let's discuss why the media refrains from reporting the facts that just might make Blacks understand this case is not a cause to protest over.

Blacks dont take cues from the media on what to protest and what not to protest.

Someone wants to be heard of any race, gender, etc., and wants to be taken seriously then one must tread carefully to make sure the facts in which they decide to protest or bring forward will help their cause, rather than hurt it.

Why does the media so often set groups of people up?

If blacks were an unthinking monolithic group I would agree. But its rather curious that you quote me and wag your finger about how bad it is to lump white people into a group then you proceed to lump all blacks into a group to show how offended you are...or something.

Even when you're "offended" its just a ruse to ignore the point
"you shouldnt lump people into a group. Thats wrong. Why do black people do that shit?"

LOL!! Try again...I just want to know what blacks have done to whites to make them so angry at blacks for no reason. They seem to revel in being hurtful and when asked for a reason they dont have any

Blacks murder whites at 18 times the rate whites murder blacks.

Blacks murdered, raped, robbed, or assaulted about one million whites in 1992.

In the last 30 years, blacks committed 170 million violent and non-violent crimes against whites.

Blacks under 18 are more than 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than whites under 18.

About 90% of the victims of interracial crimes are white.

Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than whites, although whites outnumber blacks by 7 to 1.

On a per capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crime than whites.

Black neighborhoods are 35 times more violent than white neighborhoods.

Of the 27 million nonviolent robberies in 1992, 31% (8.4 million) were committed by blacks against whites. Less than 2% were committed by whites against blacks.

Of the 6.6 million violent crimes, 20% (1.3 million) were interracial.

Of the the 1.3 million interracial violent crimes, 90% (1.17 million) are black against white.

In the past 20 years, violent crime increased four times faster than the population.

In the last 30 years (1964-94), more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders compared to 38,000 killed in Korea and 58,000 in Vietnam.
Last edited:
If the guy did assault the cop, then the cop was justified.
Guess we'll have to wait until the investigation is complete.
Because I replied to you I am wagging my finger at you? Guilt much?
So people choose to protest an event they have no facts on? Or are you trying to say the facts in this case they chose to protest are not facts about this incident?

Care to point out where I lumped all Blacks into a group? I do believe I lumped those that chose to pick this incident to protest over, and that is far from all Blacks.

Now, care to discuss why media is so guilty of running with a report without facts? After all, People online even called this young man a gentle giant, just as Brown was.
Mine was a general statement, one in which it does address that very same thing, now doesn't it? Too bad you took offense to that . Why not address the content of it rather than, once again, deflecting?

It does but you only quoted me and totally missed the OP. I know the thread title is really smalll and hard to see so no biggie :rolleyes:

Next, let's discuss why the media refrains from reporting the facts that just might make Blacks understand this case is not a cause to protest over.

Blacks dont take cues from the media on what to protest and what not to protest.

Someone wants to be heard of any race, gender, etc., and wants to be taken seriously then one must tread carefully to make sure the facts in which they decide to protest or bring forward will help their cause, rather than hurt it.

Why does the media so often set groups of people up?

If blacks were an unthinking monolithic group I would agree. But its rather curious that you quote me and wag your finger about how bad it is to lump white people into a group then you proceed to lump all blacks into a group to show how offended you are...or something.

Even when you're "offended" its just a ruse to ignore the point
LOL!! Try again...I just want to know what blacks have done to whites to make them so angry at blacks for no reason. They seem to revel in being hurtful and when asked for a reason they dont have any

Blacks murder whites at 18 times the rate whites murder blacks.

Blacks murdered, raped, robbed, or assaulted about one million whites in 1992.

In the last 30 years, blacks committed 170 million violent and non-violent crimes against whites.

Blacks under 18 are more than 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than whites under 18.

About 90% of the victims of interracial crimes are white.

Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than whites, although whites outnumber blacks by 7 to 1.

On a per capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crime than whites.

Black neighborhoods are 35 times more violent than white neighborhoods.

Of the 27 million nonviolent robberies in 1992, 31% (8.4 million) were committed by blacks against whites. Less than 2% were committed by whites against blacks.

Of the 6.6 million violent crimes, 20% (1.3 million) were interracial.

Of the the 1.3 million interracial violent crimes, 90% (1.17 million) are black against white.

In the past 20 years, violent crime increased four times faster than the population.

In the last 30 years (1964-94), more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders compared to 38,000 killed in Korea and 58,000 in Vietnam.

Sheehan commented that the contents of his article could not possibly be published or discussed in the U.S. mainstream media.

In the last 50 years, the white part of the American population has declined from 90% to 72%. The U.S. now has about 33 million blacks and 25 million Hispanics (legal and illegal). By the year 2050, American whites will be a minority, just 49%. By 2100, whites will be 25% of the populati
Fake monkey shine. Sorry fake marine. You have no credibility.
What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine? Repeatedly we see threads that yet another BLACK teen is shot. Of course, it's hidden in the article that the police officer was assaulted.

Just what's the deal? I get they have no respect for cops, but no brains, either? What do they expect to happen? The police officer to wither to a puddle of weakness? Their going to go by the manual. IF under attack, respond with force and if that means a shooting, it means a shooting.

Why aren't their threads WHITE teen shot by cops after assaulting said police officer? They caught in to the secret. They value their lives.

Attack a cop, you will lose. Learn it early. It has nothing to do with color.
It has all to do with letting the man do as he pleases...
What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine? Repeatedly we see threads that yet another BLACK teen is shot. Of course, it's hidden in the article that the police officer was assaulted.

Just what's the deal? I get they have no respect for cops, but no brains, either? What do they expect to happen? The police officer to wither to a puddle of weakness? Their going to go by the manual. IF under attack, respond with force and if that means a shooting, it means a shooting.

Why aren't their threads WHITE teen shot by cops after assaulting said police officer? They caught in to the secret. They value their lives.

Attack a cop, you will lose. Learn it early. It has nothing to do with color.

Usually the cop who does the shooting always says it was for a reason. Never ever ever will you hear someone incriminate themselves and just say "I over reacted"

So, you take the word of someone looking to avoid jail and compare that to the words of a dead man...who cant speak.

So I'm learning that cops are a rare breed of person who does not have feelings or biases which prevents them from having bad days or being ticked off.
Why are you ignoring the fact that the police officers are assaulted?
Because I replied to you I am wagging my finger at you? Guilt much?
So people choose to protest an event they have no facts on? Or are you trying to say the facts in this case they chose to protest are not facts about this incident?

I said blacks dont take cues from the media on what to and what not to protest. Now you're on to something else

Care to point out where I lumped all Blacks into a group? I do believe I lumped those that chose to pick this incident to protest over, and that is far from all Blacks.

Yeah, right here when you said that the media "doesnt make blacks understand" something. As if blacks just lack understanding...or this group of blacks lack understanding.

Now, care to discuss why media is so guilty of running with a report without facts? After all, People online even called this young man a gentle giant, just as Brown was.
Sure...its the job of the media and since we have 24 hour news they move forward with anything. I see that you believe the media runs stories for the sole reason of hyping up the blacks that you are not lumping into a group and stuff

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