What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?

1. Facts are different than assertions.
2. Cops are assaulted....So? What is your point?

You seem to omit that fact in all your posts. Coincidence?

No I didnt because my posts arent about police being assaulted. I also "omitted" from all my posts that a rhinos horn is made from hair....for the same reason...we arent talking about Rhino horn development

The topic of this thread is that many blacks feel that assaulting police officers is a fine and no repercussions should result. MY theory is you assault a police officer, you just may get shot regardless of your color. But threads on this board don't reflect that same thought.

No the topic of this thread is your stupidity believing you know what blacks feel. I refuse to talk about what someone believes they know what others believe and to muse on about that obvious bullshit

It doesn;t take a PHD to figure out that these black teens that assault cops think they are going to get away with it. I do recall the "pact" that blacks tried to set up in Ferguson that when police were assaulted with bottles and rocks the that there would be no arrests... what a joke! Now just what DO YOU think they had in mind?
You must be illiterate. Black teens protecting themselves is not assault and no they dont think they are going to get away with it.
So was Bullshitskurtz first threat.

Perfect example of what a vile little pussy you are....I haven't "threatened" anybody. I'm sure you've tried to snitch to that effect like all the other times. It's what yellow bitches like you do...call the cops who laugh at you.
It doesn;t take a PHD to figure out that these black teens that assault cops think they are going to get away with it. I do recall the "pact" that blacks tried to set up in Ferguson that when police were assaulted with bottles and rocks the that there would be no arrests... what a joke! Now just what DO YOU think they had in mind?

I have no idea what you're talking about and have to assume its more made up rumor mill shit started by whites
So was Bullshitskurtz first threat.

Perfect example of what a vile little pussy you are....I haven't "threatened" anybody. I'm sure you've tried to snitch to that effect like all the other times. It's what yellow bitches like you do...call the cops who laugh at you.
You did threaten someone. Just because everyone knows you were going to fake doesnt make it less of a threat. It may be harmless threat but it was a threat.
Asclepias ruins the thread with more of his mindless racism, imagine that.
Dont be butthurt. Tell your buddy Bullshit to leave out racism and I wont ruin the thread.

Bullshit aint my buddy, that doesn't negate the fact that you are a racist troll.
He must be your buddy. You ignored his racist comment to attack me on mine.
Aww, the poor little racist was called out for his racism. How unfair.
Asclepias ruins the thread with more of his mindless racism, imagine that.
Dont be butthurt. Tell your buddy Bullshit to leave out racism and I wont ruin the thread.

Bullshit aint my buddy, that doesn't negate the fact that you are a racist troll.
He must be your buddy. You ignored his racist comment to attack me on mine.
Aww, the poor little racist was called out for his racism. How unfair.
Another cave chimp. You guys attack in crowds.
You did threaten someone. Just because everyone knows you were going to fake doesnt make it less of a threat. It may be harmless threat but it was a threat.

You feel "threatened" whenever I appear not only because you've already fled from a meeting, but because everybody who's anybody here remembers it. You're a joke.
Anybody worried about appearing "racist" to this clump of shit should read my siggy.

I'm honored BullshitKurtz. I didnt know I hurt you so badly you had to cut and past my words into your signature.
You did threaten someone. Just because everyone knows you were going to fake doesnt make it less of a threat. It may be harmless threat but it was a threat.

You feel "threatened" whenever I appear not only because you've already fled from a meeting, but because everybody who's anybody here remembers it. You're a joke.
You cant even get your ticks and fleas to take your threats seriously. You will never live down not showing up. Typically cave monkey jibber jabber.
I'm honored BullshitKurtz. I didnt know I hurt you so badly you had to cut and past my words into your signature.

I haunt you by siggying your ugly fantasies for the board to see and you're "honored" and pretend this is the first you've seen of it? I'll say this for ya Asslips....you continue having access to a computer despite becoming crazy as a shithouse rat....no way you're allowed in a public library....you probably fake-break into to a hideously obese white woman's house and use her's, right?
I'm honored BullshitKurtz. I didnt know I hurt you so badly you had to cut and past my words into your signature.
No doubt he honors you as much as I honor your idol (see sig below). You are both held in the same esteem by the many who are aware of him and the few who are aware of you. He did teach you world history, speaking of which, please regale us with more jungle bunny civilizations.
I'm honored BullshitKurtz. I didnt know I hurt you so badly you had to cut and past my words into your signature.

I haunt you by siggying your ugly fantasies for the board to see and you're "honored" and pretend this is the first you've seen of it? I'll say this for ya Asslips....you continue having access to a computer despite becoming crazy as a shithouse rat....no way you're allowed in a public library....you probably fake-break into to a hideously obese white woman's house and use her's, right?
You haunt me?

No idiot. You just provide loads of entertainment for me. If I had of known you had me in your sig I would have never let you live it down. Now that i turned back on my ability to see sigs I'm going to rub it in your face whenever you appear on a thread. You are besides yourself with fury about me and white women arent you?
I'm honored BullshitKurtz. I didnt know I hurt you so badly you had to cut and past my words into your signature.
No doubt he honors you as much as I honor your idol (see sig below). You are both held in the same esteem by the many who are aware of him and the few who are aware of you. He did teach you world history, speaking of which, please regale us with more jungle bunny civilizations.
He only honors ticks and monkey shit. I feel honored that I am so important to him he put my words in his sig. I got his full attention and haunt his every thought. You cant get any better than that.
He only honors ticks and monkey shit. I feel honored that I am so important to him he put my words in his sig. I got his full attention and haunt his every thought. You cant get any better than that.
Ticks and monkey shit, eh? You need to work on your self-esteem. Anyway, shut up and tell us more about jungle bunny civilizations
He only honors ticks and monkey shit. I feel honored that I am so important to him he put my words in his sig. I got his full attention and haunt his every thought. You cant get any better than that.
Ticks and monkey shit, eh? You need to work on your self-esteem. Anyway, shut up and tell us more about jungle bunny civilizations
Self esteem? You need to work on your reading comprehension. Anyways tell us again about the great cave monkey civilizations.

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