What is it with Democrat Women?

Nancy Pelosi
Maxine Waters
The Beast
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Donna Brazile
Frederika Wilson

Those are just from the top of my head. Has there ever been a more scurvy collection of skanks and idiots?
What's a skank?

It's a term used by adolescent boys if they don't like women more intelligent than they are. It is supposed to impugn female sexuality and the exercise thereof, as if female sexuality were an awful thing. Coming from those who support boys like trump and roy moore, two boys who would absolutely qualify as "skanks" if they were female, as well as other male Republican politicians, it's a complete joke, but it says a lot about the little boys who use it.
Really, so any woman who is sexually active is defined as a skank? That's disgusting and ridiculous to relate to the cast of women I referred to. I doubt any of them have been laid in ages. "Skank" is defined as:

Definition of skank
slang, disparaging
: a person and especially a woman of low or sleazy character

Definition of SKANK


So trump is a skank, then.
Typical regressive, cannot understand gender. Trump is male.
I tend to like Republican women more than those who vote democrat.

The democrat women I’ve spent time with seem self centered and boring. Republican women are outgoing and fun.
Nancy Pelosi
Maxine Waters
The Beast
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Donna Brazile
Frederika Wilson

Those are just from the top of my head. Has there ever been a more scurvy collection of skanks and idiots?
What's a skank?

It's a term used by adolescent boys if they don't like women more intelligent than they are. It is supposed to impugn female sexuality and the exercise thereof, as if female sexuality were an awful thing. Coming from those who support boys like trump and roy moore, two boys who would absolutely qualify as "skanks" if they were female, as well as other male Republican politicians, it's a complete joke, but it says a lot about the little boys who use it.
Really, so any woman who is sexually active is defined as a skank? That's disgusting and ridiculous to relate to the cast of women I referred to. I doubt any of them have been laid in ages. "Skank" is defined as:

Definition of skank
slang, disparaging
: a person and especially a woman of low or sleazy character

Definition of SKANK


So trump is a skank, then.
Typical regressive, cannot understand gender. Trump is male.

I understand about gender-based language, but t's about time for women to apply the same sexual insults to men whose conduct fits as extremely childish men have been calling women over the years. Who knows where ttrump's "thing" has been and how many people have played with it. He was the one who chose to live a dirty, promiscuous life and even grab people's genitals.

There is no valid reason to attack Democratic women. This thread is just downright misogyny.
They are liberal idiots who want you to stay slaves, that way they can pocket the money while their slaves stay poor. Idiots can't comprehend Chicago, Detroit, and any other Democratic controlled slum.


Then you have these morons brainwashing the sheep into voting for the jackasses again.

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