What is the 5 billion for?

Where would one find such data?

You are asking for something you know isn't there. Typical leftist.

So you're just making a claim that you can't support in any fucking way.

Ok, got it.

How many people do you think would have not voted for Trump if he promised to build the wall, but we would pay for it instead? It's not data, it's common sense. The most important issue was not who was going to pay for it.

A lot.

I don't think Trump supporters are the smartest bunch and I certainly don't expect them to have common sense. I mean...they're the same retards who believed Trump would pay for it in the first place, right? Not much common sense there.

But that's just my opinion. I don't claim this as a fact.
Why do you think you know what Trump supporters believe. Ask a Trump supporter, me, and we didn't believe that.

Listen to them in this video.

Trump: "Who's going to pay for the wall?!"

Crowd of retards: "MEXICO!!!!!!"

And we still don’t care.
Does it matter? Illegal immigration costs taxpayers $155 billion a year, or 31 times more.

You're not willing to spend a measly $5 billion to save $150 billion?

$5B for wall way less than illegals' $155B annual burden


Couple things

1- bogus math
2 - bogus logic that a wall would stop all illegal immigrants. 40% enter legally . That’s just your starting point .

3. Those who are stopped by a wall will (many will anyway) find other means of entry.
Stupid to start bailing until you seal the leaks.

Even dumber to sell a boat to morons and say that the boat they are buying is water-tight when it clearly is not;

Dumber still to vote for the guy selling you the leaky boat.

He told us the boat was leaking before he sold it. He also said he was going to fix the leak. Now we want him to do just that, but the Democrats are hell bent on making sure he can't. So blame the Democrats for the leak not getting repaired--not Trump.

I thought Mexico was going to repair the boat? Trump wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.
I doubt that.

Do you have any data to support that claim?
Data? Trump won.

Do I really need to spell this out to you like you're a fucking child? Here.

His claim: "If Trump never made that statement and said he would fund the wall, it wouldn't have changed one vote."

That claim can't be supported by the fact that Trump won.
A Liberal having a “discussion” with someone with a different point of view...You’re a fucking idiot!
Which is why I never have discussions with Liberals face to face.

Explain to me how Trump winning the election is sufficient for the data in question and I'll apologize.

Otherwise, maybe you should be less of a fucking idiot.
I watched 609+ Trump speeches, 25 Hillary interviews and listened to Sanders every Thursday for 1 hour on the Thom Hartmann Radio Program.
I voted for Trump.
If this disappoints you...get a life.

That's great. Now what exactly does that have to do with what I said?
So you're just making a claim that you can't support in any fucking way.

Ok, got it.

How many people do you think would have not voted for Trump if he promised to build the wall, but we would pay for it instead? It's not data, it's common sense. The most important issue was not who was going to pay for it.

A lot.

I don't think Trump supporters are the smartest bunch and I certainly don't expect them to have common sense. I mean...they're the same retards who believed Trump would pay for it in the first place, right? Not much common sense there.

But that's just my opinion. I don't claim this as a fact.
Why do you think you know what Trump supporters believe. Ask a Trump supporter, me, and we didn't believe that.

Listen to them in this video.

Trump: "Who's going to pay for the wall?!"

Crowd of retards: "MEXICO!!!!!!"

And we still don’t care.

Nor do I care that you don't have the wall that you were tricked into believing. :113:
Data? Trump won.

Do I really need to spell this out to you like you're a fucking child? Here.

His claim: "If Trump never made that statement and said he would fund the wall, it wouldn't have changed one vote."

That claim can't be supported by the fact that Trump won.
A Liberal having a “discussion” with someone with a different point of view...You’re a fucking idiot!
Which is why I never have discussions with Liberals face to face.

Explain to me how Trump winning the election is sufficient for the data in question and I'll apologize.

Otherwise, maybe you should be less of a fucking idiot.
I watched 609+ Trump speeches, 25 Hillary interviews and listened to Sanders every Thursday for 1 hour on the Thom Hartmann Radio Program.
I voted for Trump.
If this disappoints you...get a life.

That's great. Now what exactly does that have to do with what I said?
All you said was, “You voted for Trump? Fuck you!”
You really should read what you post.
Does it matter? Illegal immigration costs taxpayers $155 billion a year, or 31 times more.

You're not willing to spend a measly $5 billion to save $150 billion?

$5B for wall way less than illegals' $155B annual burden


Couple things

1- bogus math
2 - bogus logic that a wall would stop all illegal immigrants. 40% enter legally . That’s just your starting point .

3. Those who are stopped by a wall will (many will anyway) find other means of entry.
Stupid to start bailing until you seal the leaks.

Even dumber to sell a boat to morons and say that the boat they are buying is water-tight when it clearly is not;

Dumber still to vote for the guy selling you the leaky boat.

Well, sell us on the virtues of being a fabian socialist demcrat......you have the opening. Make your sales pitch or STFU. I haven't read anything by the leftists here that paints their agenda in a positive light. Trying to blow out the flame of the opposition doesn't make your little light shine brighter. Name the positives of being a demcrat......what say ye?

Positives? I'm not a democrat but if I were, I would imagine the guarantee of not encountering you at any meetings. That'd be a huge plus.
How many people do you think would have not voted for Trump if he promised to build the wall, but we would pay for it instead? It's not data, it's common sense. The most important issue was not who was going to pay for it.

A lot.

I don't think Trump supporters are the smartest bunch and I certainly don't expect them to have common sense. I mean...they're the same retards who believed Trump would pay for it in the first place, right? Not much common sense there.

But that's just my opinion. I don't claim this as a fact.
Why do you think you know what Trump supporters believe. Ask a Trump supporter, me, and we didn't believe that.

Listen to them in this video.

Trump: "Who's going to pay for the wall?!"

Crowd of retards: "MEXICO!!!!!!"

And we still don’t care.

Nor do I care that you don't have the wall that you were tricked into believing. :113:

I have many friends who are working now that the visas have been sent home.
Hillary is a globalist pos.
Do I really need to spell this out to you like you're a fucking child? Here.

His claim: "If Trump never made that statement and said he would fund the wall, it wouldn't have changed one vote."

That claim can't be supported by the fact that Trump won.
A Liberal having a “discussion” with someone with a different point of view...You’re a fucking idiot!
Which is why I never have discussions with Liberals face to face.

Explain to me how Trump winning the election is sufficient for the data in question and I'll apologize.

Otherwise, maybe you should be less of a fucking idiot.
I watched 609+ Trump speeches, 25 Hillary interviews and listened to Sanders every Thursday for 1 hour on the Thom Hartmann Radio Program.
I voted for Trump.
If this disappoints you...get a life.

That's great. Now what exactly does that have to do with what I said?
All you said was, “You voted for Trump? Fuck you!”
You really should read what you post.

I didn't say that either.
A Liberal having a “discussion” with someone with a different point of view...You’re a fucking idiot!
Which is why I never have discussions with Liberals face to face.

Explain to me how Trump winning the election is sufficient for the data in question and I'll apologize.

Otherwise, maybe you should be less of a fucking idiot.
I watched 609+ Trump speeches, 25 Hillary interviews and listened to Sanders every Thursday for 1 hour on the Thom Hartmann Radio Program.
I voted for Trump.
If this disappoints you...get a life.

That's great. Now what exactly does that have to do with what I said?
All you said was, “You voted for Trump? Fuck you!”
You really should read what you post.

I didn't say that either.
Uh...yes you did.
Now drop the emotions and have a discussion sans ad hominems.
Where would one find such data?

You are asking for something you know isn't there. Typical leftist.

So you're just making a claim that you can't support in any fucking way.

Ok, got it.

How many people do you think would have not voted for Trump if he promised to build the wall, but we would pay for it instead? It's not data, it's common sense. The most important issue was not who was going to pay for it.

A lot.

I don't think Trump supporters are the smartest bunch and I certainly don't expect them to have common sense. I mean...they're the same retards who believed Trump would pay for it in the first place, right? Not much common sense there.

But that's just my opinion. I don't claim this as a fact.

You don't "think" or you wouldn't be such a leftard drone. Critical thinking skills are frowned upon in the dnc circles....it's dangerous to their agenda.

Says the retard who thinks Sandy Hook was staged, lol.

Oh? You were in Newtown that day, "retard"? I'll make a deal with ya....you present the side that Sandy Hoax was a real event and allow me a rebuttal...and let's allow the forum masses to come to their own conclusions. It's easy to troll (like you do) but it's a totally different set of circumstances when you have to back up your contentions. You? I say your testicles have yet to drop....just another liberal pussy spewing leftard bullshit.

"Man up" or STFU.
Where would one find such data?

You are asking for something you know isn't there. Typical leftist.

So you're just making a claim that you can't support in any fucking way.

Ok, got it.

How many people do you think would have not voted for Trump if he promised to build the wall, but we would pay for it instead? It's not data, it's common sense. The most important issue was not who was going to pay for it.

A lot.

I don't think Trump supporters are the smartest bunch and I certainly don't expect them to have common sense. I mean...they're the same retards who believed Trump would pay for it in the first place, right? Not much common sense there.

But that's just my opinion. I don't claim this as a fact.

You don't "think" or you wouldn't be such a leftard drone. Critical thinking skills are frowned upon in the dnc circles....it's dangerous to their agenda.

Says the retard who thinks Sandy Hook was staged, lol.

Sad say but that there are plenty of RETARDS here believed that Sandy Hook was staged...... and all of them are Trump supporters.

Trump and Alex and Alex Jones are buddies. Can you fucking believe that? I clinched my butt 3x when I first heard that.
Explain to me how Trump winning the election is sufficient for the data in question and I'll apologize.

Otherwise, maybe you should be less of a fucking idiot.
I watched 609+ Trump speeches, 25 Hillary interviews and listened to Sanders every Thursday for 1 hour on the Thom Hartmann Radio Program.
I voted for Trump.
If this disappoints you...get a life.

That's great. Now what exactly does that have to do with what I said?
All you said was, “You voted for Trump? Fuck you!”
You really should read what you post.

I didn't say that either.
Uh...yes you did.
Now drop the emotions and have a discussion sans ad hominems.

So you're just making a claim that you can't support in any fucking way.

Ok, got it.

How many people do you think would have not voted for Trump if he promised to build the wall, but we would pay for it instead? It's not data, it's common sense. The most important issue was not who was going to pay for it.

A lot.

I don't think Trump supporters are the smartest bunch and I certainly don't expect them to have common sense. I mean...they're the same retards who believed Trump would pay for it in the first place, right? Not much common sense there.

But that's just my opinion. I don't claim this as a fact.

You don't "think" or you wouldn't be such a leftard drone. Critical thinking skills are frowned upon in the dnc circles....it's dangerous to their agenda.

Says the retard who thinks Sandy Hook was staged, lol.

Sad say but that there are plenty of RETARDS here believed that Sandy Hook was staged...... and all of them are Trump supporters.

Trump and Alex and Alex Jones are buddies. Can you fucking believe that? I clinched my butt 3x when I first heard that.
Did President Trump destroy your business????
Apparently the last idiot cared enough to ask me.

I'll agree to solar panels on the wall.

Right after we get the funds from Mexico to pay for the wall, we'll be happy to put solar panels on it.
That's original.............wow..........

How much does it cost America per year for all the new illegals coming here............or perhaps just one going to school after they get here.............thanks in advance .........Oh I forgot ............Saving money doesn't pay for anything.........

Okie Dokie....

Wait a second...was Trump lying when he said Mexico was going to pay for the wall? A simple yes or yes will suffice.
Yes and No...........
No, the only answer is yes.

depends on how you look at it.......
No, it doesn't.

Is lost revenue to Mexico a payment.........
No. Making someone else poorer doesn't mean the wall is getting funded.

or tariffs a payment........
No. Tariffs are taxes on the importer, not the exporter.

or less money coming back into their country a payment.........
No. Their having less money isn't their paying for the wall anymore than it was paying for the stupid paraded the blob wanted to have.

or costing us less here a payment..........
No. The wall that is already there will still have to be patrolled; whether anyone gets arrested or not is not much of a savings as you will still have the same after-arrest structures.

Technically.........yeah we pay for it.......
Hell must have froze over. Except it's "Actually yeah we pay for it".

and save money down the road because we did it.
How exactly?
Baloney.............costs a lot of money after they are here...........or do you think them going to school for example is somehow MAGICALLY FREE...........
Do you imagine getting a tax cut if the class size goes down from 35 to 30 students?
I watched 609+ Trump speeches, 25 Hillary interviews and listened to Sanders every Thursday for 1 hour on the Thom Hartmann Radio Program.
I voted for Trump.
If this disappoints you...get a life.

That's great. Now what exactly does that have to do with what I said?
All you said was, “You voted for Trump? Fuck you!”
You really should read what you post.

I didn't say that either.
Uh...yes you did.
Now drop the emotions and have a discussion sans ad hominems.

It was plainly stated in your rehash that those who voted for Trump don’t care who pays for the wall.
And all you have is an avatar who can kick your feeble ass and a meme that displays your lack of ability to have an adult conversation.
So you're just making a claim that you can't support in any fucking way.

Ok, got it.

How many people do you think would have not voted for Trump if he promised to build the wall, but we would pay for it instead? It's not data, it's common sense. The most important issue was not who was going to pay for it.

A lot.

I don't think Trump supporters are the smartest bunch and I certainly don't expect them to have common sense. I mean...they're the same retards who believed Trump would pay for it in the first place, right? Not much common sense there.

But that's just my opinion. I don't claim this as a fact.

You don't "think" or you wouldn't be such a leftard drone. Critical thinking skills are frowned upon in the dnc circles....it's dangerous to their agenda.

Says the retard who thinks Sandy Hook was staged, lol.

Oh? You were in Newtown that day, "retard"? I'll make a deal with ya....you present the side that Sandy Hoax was a real event and allow me a rebuttal...and let's allow the forum masses to come to their own conclusions. It's easy to troll (like you do) but it's a totally different set of circumstances when you have to back up your contentions. You? I say your testicles have yet to drop....just another liberal pussy spewing leftard bullshit.

"Man up" or STFU.

No I wasn't there. I just really don't take anything YOU say seriously if you're THAT stupid to believe that Sandy Hook was staged.

It would be like if a mentally retarded kid walked up to me and said "ur dum". It doesn't bother me at all. It's almost adorable.

Now go along and play.
Couple things

1- bogus math
2 - bogus logic that a wall would stop all illegal immigrants. 40% enter legally . That’s just your starting point .

3. Those who are stopped by a wall will (many will anyway) find other means of entry.
Stupid to start bailing until you seal the leaks.

Even dumber to sell a boat to morons and say that the boat they are buying is water-tight when it clearly is not;

Dumber still to vote for the guy selling you the leaky boat.

Well, sell us on the virtues of being a fabian socialist demcrat......you have the opening. Make your sales pitch or STFU. I haven't read anything by the leftists here that paints their agenda in a positive light. Trying to blow out the flame of the opposition doesn't make your little light shine brighter. Name the positives of being a demcrat......what say ye?

Positives? I'm not a democrat but if I were, I would imagine the guarantee of not encountering you at any meetings. That'd be a huge plus.

I am not a republican and loud-mouthed leftards like yourself can claim to distance themselves from what they are....but the proof is in the pudding. I love the internet if for no other reason that where else can I delve into the mindset of a leftard but be spared of having to share the same airspace. You wouldn't fare any better in a real time exchange than you do here behind the safety of your keyboard.....bet me and lose that one.

So you're just making a claim that you can't support in any fucking way.

Ok, got it.

How many people do you think would have not voted for Trump if he promised to build the wall, but we would pay for it instead? It's not data, it's common sense. The most important issue was not who was going to pay for it.

A lot.

I don't think Trump supporters are the smartest bunch and I certainly don't expect them to have common sense. I mean...they're the same retards who believed Trump would pay for it in the first place, right? Not much common sense there.

But that's just my opinion. I don't claim this as a fact.

You don't "think" or you wouldn't be such a leftard drone. Critical thinking skills are frowned upon in the dnc circles....it's dangerous to their agenda.

Says the retard who thinks Sandy Hook was staged, lol.

Sad say but that there are plenty of RETARDS here believed that Sandy Hook was staged...... and all of them are Trump supporters.

Trump and Alex and Alex Jones are buddies. Can you fucking believe that? I clinched my butt 3x when I first heard that.

Sad but true. Anything that disagrees with their beliefs is just regarded as fake news.

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