What is the appeal?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
What is the appeal of reality television? I would rather watch an exciting gun fight then a bunch of people singing or arguing!
Good question.

I've watched bits of some of the first episodes of Survivor and so forth out of curioisity, but as you say - people endlessly arguing and whining. It's brain poison.

It's almost as bad as this place!
Good question.

I've watched bits of some of the first episodes of Survivor and so forth out of curioisity, but as you say - people endlessly arguing and whining. It's brain poison.

It's almost as bad as this place!

I don't know how you find the time being a professor, a writer of 20 books, and an internationally famous journalist (who must remain incognito on account of her fame, and of course the 85 year-old conservative woman who might beat her upside the head with their umbrella handles). Or is this just the first place you find on the screen after you've passed out from the liter of gin you drank the night before, in whatever flophouse you occupy...at taxpayer expense?
I would rather watch this!

Fuck reality TV!
Tom -

It's nice that you have become obsessed with me. Am I the first person you've met who can both read, write and hold down a job?

btw. If you have any questions about my work, ask away.

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