What is the cause of kids commiting mass shootings in school ?

No. As a society we have lowered our standards of conduct. That is the cause.

Circular nonsense. Again, lower standards are a symptom. They didn't just decline without a cause. Try identifying the root cause of The Decline.

I know it seems like a worn out argument, but I honestly believe the primary cause is an insidious progressivism that has slowly but relentless come to dominate our media, our education system, scientific institutions, and yes, our government.

Not all of it has emerged from bad intentions, but a lot of it has, namely that which seeks to increase its own power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth along with an unhealthy motive to control what others are allowed to do, think, speak, believe.

And while there are always anecdotal exceptions to any trend the big picture shows results of:

Destruction or dilution of traditional values and the traditional home. An unacceptable number of children who grow up without a biological father in the home and children overall do not do as well personally, socially, academically, or economically as children from responsible traditional homes. Again a stunning fact: 26 of 27 of the most violent mass killers in American history grew up without their biological father in the home.

Increased hostility to religious faith that once tempered hatred and promoted peaceful solutions in both individuals and groups, but is now increasingly unwelcome in our institutions and in the public sphere in general.

Schools that no longer arm students with useful information and encourage critical thinking in how to use that information, but that indoctrinate with ideology as much as or more than they educate.

Scientific institutions that promote an agenda more than pure science .

A media that seeks to control what information is available to the people and no longer makes much attempt to report fairly, honestly, and with respect for their readers/viewers and that gives excessive coverage to violence and the militantly politically incorrect while giving short shrift to what is positive or constructive.

An entertainment industry--books, television, movies, video games--that promotes the anti-hero, gratuitous sex and violence, and generates sympathy for the criminal and social deviant or promotes doing socially unacceptable things for fun. At the same time it has almost eliminated the noble and normal hero and heroine or plots that emphasize traditional values and/or the best that we can be.

Government comprised of a permanent political class whose primary, perhaps sole focus is achieving and retaining ability to increase its own power, prestige, influence, and the personal wealth of those in it. It only throws enough bones to its constituencies to keep them voting and gives little more than lip service to actually solving problems.
I'm thinking the only way back to sanity is to have a second American Revolution. It's us or them. They will not go quietly. Freedom is not free. It must be paid for with the blood of Patriots. This is what's known as a truism. We will win our freedom back, or we will be ruled by despots. There is no third choice. Stand up and die for what you believe in, or become a slave.

I have a better idea (inspired by Douglas Adams). Let's send all the Prog Elites to Mars on Elon Musk's planned space flights. Tell them we are saving them from Global Warming and setting them up in a new Utopian Paradise.

Lol! If only. :D

Yes, if only. Then they would have a blank slate to finally implement Socialism the way it is supposed to work (unlike all of the failures they've engineered across the Earth).
Circular nonsense. Again, lower standards are a symptom. They didn't just decline without a cause. Try identifying the root cause of The Decline.

I know it seems like a worn out argument, but I honestly believe the primary cause is an insidious progressivism that has slowly but relentless come to dominate our media, our education system, scientific institutions, and yes, our government.

Not all of it has emerged from bad intentions, but a lot of it has, namely that which seeks to increase its own power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth along with an unhealthy motive to control what others are allowed to do, think, speak, believe.

And while there are always anecdotal exceptions to any trend the big picture shows results of:

Destruction or dilution of traditional values and the traditional home. An unacceptable number of children who grow up without a biological father in the home and children overall do not do as well personally, socially, academically, or economically as children from responsible traditional homes. Again a stunning fact: 26 of 27 of the most violent mass killers in American history grew up without their biological father in the home.

Increased hostility to religious faith that once tempered hatred and promoted peaceful solutions in both individuals and groups, but is now increasingly unwelcome in our institutions and in the public sphere in general.

Schools that no longer arm students with useful information and encourage critical thinking in how to use that information, but that indoctrinate with ideology as much as or more than they educate.

Scientific institutions that promote an agenda more than pure science .

A media that seeks to control what information is available to the people and no longer makes much attempt to report fairly, honestly, and with respect for their readers/viewers and that gives excessive coverage to violence and the militantly politically incorrect while giving short shrift to what is positive or constructive.

An entertainment industry--books, television, movies, video games--that promotes the anti-hero, gratuitous sex and violence, and generates sympathy for the criminal and social deviant or promotes doing socially unacceptable things for fun. At the same time it has almost eliminated the noble and normal hero and heroine or plots that emphasize traditional values and/or the best that we can be.

Government comprised of a permanent political class whose primary, perhaps sole focus is achieving and retaining ability to increase its own power, prestige, influence, and the personal wealth of those in it. It only throws enough bones to its constituencies to keep them voting and gives little more than lip service to actually solving problems.
I'm thinking the only way back to sanity is to have a second American Revolution. It's us or them. They will not go quietly. Freedom is not free. It must be paid for with the blood of Patriots. This is what's known as a truism. We will win our freedom back, or we will be ruled by despots. There is no third choice. Stand up and die for what you believe in, or become a slave.

I have a better idea (inspired by Douglas Adams). Let's send all the Prog Elites to Mars on Elon Musk's planned space flights. Tell them we are saving them from Global Warming and setting them up in a new Utopian Paradise.

Lol! If only. :D

Yes, if only. Then they would have a blank slate to finally implement Socialism the way it is supposed to work (unlike all of the failures they've engineered across the Earth).

Shame on you guys. It wasn't sufficient to screw up things here on Planet Earth. You now want to go extra-terrestrial with it? :)

(So far any visiting ET's appear to have been peaceful observers. That would be a sure way to make them hostile.)
I know it seems like a worn out argument, but I honestly believe the primary cause is an insidious progressivism that has slowly but relentless come to dominate our media, our education system, scientific institutions, and yes, our government.

Not all of it has emerged from bad intentions, but a lot of it has, namely that which seeks to increase its own power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth along with an unhealthy motive to control what others are allowed to do, think, speak, believe.

And while there are always anecdotal exceptions to any trend the big picture shows results of:

Destruction or dilution of traditional values and the traditional home. An unacceptable number of children who grow up without a biological father in the home and children overall do not do as well personally, socially, academically, or economically as children from responsible traditional homes. Again a stunning fact: 26 of 27 of the most violent mass killers in American history grew up without their biological father in the home.

Increased hostility to religious faith that once tempered hatred and promoted peaceful solutions in both individuals and groups, but is now increasingly unwelcome in our institutions and in the public sphere in general.

Schools that no longer arm students with useful information and encourage critical thinking in how to use that information, but that indoctrinate with ideology as much as or more than they educate.

Scientific institutions that promote an agenda more than pure science .

A media that seeks to control what information is available to the people and no longer makes much attempt to report fairly, honestly, and with respect for their readers/viewers and that gives excessive coverage to violence and the militantly politically incorrect while giving short shrift to what is positive or constructive.

An entertainment industry--books, television, movies, video games--that promotes the anti-hero, gratuitous sex and violence, and generates sympathy for the criminal and social deviant or promotes doing socially unacceptable things for fun. At the same time it has almost eliminated the noble and normal hero and heroine or plots that emphasize traditional values and/or the best that we can be.

Government comprised of a permanent political class whose primary, perhaps sole focus is achieving and retaining ability to increase its own power, prestige, influence, and the personal wealth of those in it. It only throws enough bones to its constituencies to keep them voting and gives little more than lip service to actually solving problems.
I'm thinking the only way back to sanity is to have a second American Revolution. It's us or them. They will not go quietly. Freedom is not free. It must be paid for with the blood of Patriots. This is what's known as a truism. We will win our freedom back, or we will be ruled by despots. There is no third choice. Stand up and die for what you believe in, or become a slave.

I have a better idea (inspired by Douglas Adams). Let's send all the Prog Elites to Mars on Elon Musk's planned space flights. Tell them we are saving them from Global Warming and setting them up in a new Utopian Paradise.

Lol! If only. :D

Yes, if only. Then they would have a blank slate to finally implement Socialism the way it is supposed to work (unlike all of the failures they've engineered across the Earth).

Shame on you guys. It wasn't sufficient to screw up things here on Planet Earth. You now want to go extra-terrestrial with it? :)

(So far any visiting ET's appear to have been peaceful observers. That would be a sure way to make them hostile.)

Well, the requirement is that we relocate the Progs to an unpopulated planet!
I'm thinking the only way back to sanity is to have a second American Revolution. It's us or them. They will not go quietly. Freedom is not free. It must be paid for with the blood of Patriots. This is what's known as a truism. We will win our freedom back, or we will be ruled by despots. There is no third choice. Stand up and die for what you believe in, or become a slave.

I have a better idea (inspired by Douglas Adams). Let's send all the Prog Elites to Mars on Elon Musk's planned space flights. Tell them we are saving them from Global Warming and setting them up in a new Utopian Paradise.

Lol! If only. :D

Yes, if only. Then they would have a blank slate to finally implement Socialism the way it is supposed to work (unlike all of the failures they've engineered across the Earth).

Shame on you guys. It wasn't sufficient to screw up things here on Planet Earth. You now want to go extra-terrestrial with it? :)

(So far any visiting ET's appear to have been peaceful observers. That would be a sure way to make them hostile.)

Well, the requirement is that we relocate the Progs to an unpopulated planet!

Lowering Standard is a SYMPTOM. People don't just decide to lower standards based on nothing.

If the standard is to not steal and I convince you to steal, and you get caught stealing and go to jail. Am I the root cause of you going to jail or is the root cause of you going to jail the fact that you were caught stealing (i.e. violating the standard)?

What does what you just described have to do with lowering standards?

He's describing symptoms again.
Do you mind if I ask what you do for a living?

Because I'm an engineer and one of my functions is to perform root cause analysis. In the course of my work if we discover that a standard or practice was violated and that led to a failure we would list the violation of the standard and not the excuse for why it was violated as the root cause.

Now do you understand?

Are you a civil engineer? The worst engineering students go into Civil Engineering from my frequent observations.

I work in high tech in a senior operational role. That's the closest to posting PI that I'm going to get.

Hey! Some of my good friends do that and they were more like the best!

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