What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?

The factories that are coming back are much more automated. It is not too early to prepare for the new skills required in automated manufacturing.
It takes personal initiative. Not government interference. That is conservative values. MAGA does not have conservative values.
Much of the work force will not train for those jobs. They will read the 'help wanted' ads and settle for any job they get hired for. That's human nature.
Actually the polling data suggests that Biden only has about 35% support among democrats and that's probably exaggerated. With his mental deterioration increasing what will he be like by '24? Granted radical dems tend to vote for idiots, case in point senator Fetterman, but there must be some sanity left in the democrat party.
We need people to train and learn the new way and not expect the economy to change for them.
Trump does not advocate learning new skills he claims I will bring back jibs that require old skills. That is a losing formula for the US economy and for individuals.
Millions of college grads that 'prepared for tomorrow's jobs' are still flipping hamburgers, waiting for them to materialize.
That has always been true. It's part of the 'division of labor'. Most jobs in our economy are low skilled jobs, many masquerading as high skilled jobs.
Industrial robots create a small number of jobs for people with the intelligence to program them. They destroy a much larger number of jobs without replacing them with anything.
Millions of college grads that 'prepared for tomorrow's jobs' are still flipping hamburgers, waiting for them to materialize.
Those millions of college grads flipping hamburgers made the mistake of getting useless degrees in the liberal arts and social sciences.
Biden supporters will support their victory in 2024, while Trump supporters will sit by the road side pouring ashes over their head.
Industrial robots create a small number of jobs for people with the intelligence to program them. They destroy a much larger number of jobs without replacing them with anything.
AI will change human culture by creating the perfectly human-imitating sex bot and eliminating the 40 hour work week, thus instituting the UBI.
By your screwed logic, the Allies of France, Britain and the USA were just as bad as the Nazis for fighting back in defense of themselves. Wow.
You've conceded.

The problem isn't that trannies are using the "wrong" bathrooms. The problem is that Democrats are using government to dictate culture. The goal should be to dial back the government's power to dictate culture. But instead, Republicans want to use the power of government to make sure trannies use the "right" bathrooms.

Instead of fighting against the practice of social engineering, they're fighting for control of the social engineering. Two sides of the same statist coin.
You've conceded.

The problem isn't that trannies are using the "wrong" bathrooms. The problem is that Democrats are using government to dictate culture. The goal should be to dial back the government's power to dictate culture. But instead, Republicans want to use the power of government to make sure trannies use the "right" bathrooms.

Instead of fighting against the practice of social engineering, they're fighting for control of the social engineering. Two sides of the same statist coin.
They are the legit powers of the coin. Yours are not.
AI will change human culture by creating the perfectly human-imitating sex bot and eliminating the 40 hour work week, thus instituting the UBI.
AI will destroy jobs at the planning and managerial level. Workers will still be needed. Robotics can perform tasks whose motions can be programmed. However most tasks don't lend themselves to robotics.
Those millions of college grads flipping hamburgers made the mistake of getting useless degrees in the liberal arts and social sciences.
Many believed that any degree would open lucrative doors for them. And indeed, many companies required a degree, not for a learned skill, but for company prestige only.
Industrial robots create a small number of jobs for people with the intelligence to program them. They destroy a much larger number of jobs without replacing them with anything.
Actually, a whole new industry is built around their production, incorporation, maintenance, and programming.
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?
Trump supporters are capable to thinking and reasoning, Biden supporters are not.

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