What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?

I won't support a Democrat nor, nor nor nor a Republican. My Christianity will NOT allow it.
I vote Democrat, but I dislike both extremes. On the left are those who want to defund the police, reduce the prison population, and pay racial reparations. They forgave the George Floyd riots. On the right are those who think Trump won the presidential election of 2020, who deny climate change, and oppose military aid for Ukraine.
The problem is a Trump supporter swallows what Trump feeds them.
That Trump convinces them what's good for Trump is good for them.
But the Biden supporters have been brainwashed in school for so many years that they're incapable of thinking on their own.
A Trump supporter knows the difference between a man and a woman.
A Trump supporter knows a biological male can't menstruate or become pregnant.
A Trump supporter is more concerned about defending America's Border than the Ukrainian Border.

But we can multi-task... we can chew gum and walk at the same time... Ukraine is important, also, to American strategic and tactical interests.

A Trump supporter understands that Americans need to manufacture here in the US...not China.
A Trump supporter believes that Americans not only have rights, but also responsibilities. It's not what your country can do for you, it's what you can do for your country. A Democrat said that. Where are those Democrats today.
A Trump supporter knows it is far better to produce American oil than have to beg Saudi Arabia to produce more.
A Trump supporter wants meritocracy, not woke-tocracy. Current "woke" ideology is a suicide pact. We are a melting pot...not a bunch of segregated dishes.
A Trump supporter understands that a rising tide lifts all boats. If we don't rebuild our backbone of manufacturing, we will be the same formerly great countries as our old world cousins in Western Europe.



They also turn a blind eye to a power-crazed autocrat-wannabe who feeds them these platitudes merely in order to obtain and retain political power...

They also turn a blind eye to an ignorant, arrogant, crude, boorish, sociopathic personality behind those platitudes who is truly concerned only with himself...

They also turn a blind eye to Reality and the Truth... witness their despicable support of Trump's Big (Stolen 2020 Election) Lie...

They also turn a blind eye to the traitorous behaviors that summoned, incited and aimed an assault on the Congress of the United States on January 6th...

They also turn a blind eye to his failed attempt at an American -style Beer Hall Putsch... they turn a blind eye to a modern-day Benedict Arnold...

It's not his policies that people take issue with... many of those are actually good for America...

It's him...

Oh, you'll give him the Nomination alright, if he's not sitting in jail by Convention time, however...

If you're stupid enough to run him again you're going to lose...


Him (his sociopathic personality and boorishness)... and January 6, 2021.
How? I mind my own business, I don’t interfere with you doing whatever you like, I ask you leave me alone and not force your morals on me, how is that depravity?
Your depravity is assuming another's morals without any information. You stereotype people who do not agree with you. You are closed minded and not open minded. It is obvious from your posts.
Your depravity is assuming another's morals without any information. You stereotype people who do not agree with you. You are closed minded and not open minded. It is obvious from your posts.
Like you stereotyping people on the left, with out any information, you are free to believe what you want but you seem to want to label me, interesting take for you, it is obvious from your posts.
Trump voters want Trump in office to try and clean up all the corruption and degredation the Dems have done since 1963.
Trump voters want America back to some moral standards of decency and higher quality education and law enforcement.
Trump visits anybody he thinks may need help from someone in his position (rich and knowledgable). Trump speaks with his supporters and fans alike. Trump knows how to treat people decently............those that deserve decent treatment.
Trump has always done everything aboveboard and with transparency.

The Dems want the middle class of people to all be exterminated. The Dems and their handlers only want two classes of people in this country...........the oligarchy and the slaves. This is why they have opened the borders to let all the dregs and shitstains of other countries flow in here like toxic and deadly sewage.
The Dems don't have any morals, ethics, or decency. They do and say whatever it is they need to do and say in order for them to get whatever it is they want. And if that includes the complete extermination of another country, as well as their own...........so be it.
The Dems don't give a shit who is in need. They don't care. The sooner you die, the happier they will be. They don't give a damn about honesty, integrity, or compassion.......these are all completely incomprehensible to them.
Dems do everything underhanded, under the table, in dark rooms, in locked back rooms, and fuck over and kill anybody that gets in their way.
Damn this is good, thank you
Not MAGA so called conservatives. They are a whiney bunch who want Trump and his government to bring back jobs the economy no longer needs,
If there are too few to do things the new way, maybe it's best to do things the old way until they catch up.
Not MAGA so called conservatives. They are a whiney bunch who want Trump and his government to bring back jobs the economy no longer needs,
Those jobs are sorely needed and even Biden is trying to bring them back.
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?

Ah, so the opposite of reality.
Not MAGA so called conservatives. They are a whiney bunch who want Trump and his government to bring back jobs the economy no longer needs,

factoryjobs 2.jpg

MAGA so called conservatives want their factory jobs back. Increasingly they are performed by industrial robots. The new jobs require more intelligence to learn and perform properly than most MAGA so called conservatives have.

Blue hair
Nose rings and such
Turn genders and such
Single women
Adore victim roles
Talk a lot but don't open their actions to their talk
Presumptuous and snobby
Expect the govt. to level the playing fields
Reject responsibility


Accept responsibility, at least in theory
Take action as opposed to talk a lot

It's kind of like asking the difference between men and women. Men are more simple (conservative) while women are often chaotic (leftists).

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