What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?

Do you fear having the crap beat out of you by a purse? It does not matter whether the purse is being used by a woman or a man.
You make a lot of statements indicating women are weak. The ranting of a very insecure man.
No ma’am. I just note that you’re a big ol’ sissy. The confusion, as usual, is entirely yours.
No ma’am. I just note that you’re a big ol’ sissy. The confusion, as usual, is entirely yours.
No, you are a very insecure man. (or maybe an insecure woman) It is obvious from your many posts.
There are, probably many good reasons you are insecure. But don't worry, it is very unlikely that a woman will beat the crap out of you. Possible but unlikely.
No, you are a very insecure man. (or maybe an insecure woman) It is obvious from your many posts.
Ah. The fake psychologist speaks. Very profound. Your stupidity I mean
There are, probably many good reasons you are insecure.
There might be, if I weee. But since your guesswork sucks, no point in discussing it with you.
But don't worry, it is very unlikely that a woman will beat the crap out of you. Possible but unlikely.
I wasn’t worried. You’re just projecting again. Poor Elmo. You’re befuddled by life.
^ Fix


Then she can't vote for the Marxist Globalist Warmongering Left.

There is no such thing. Marxsm died in 1989 because it was a failed ideology, just as Milton Friedman's supply side capitalism has reduced all of South America to permanent 2nd tier status, where the wealthy live in gated communties and poor people live in squallor.

Globalism is simply a recognition that it's a small world and we're destroying it. We do need international cooperation and work for all to prosper.

The West didn't start this war, Putin did. The last time the world let a killer do this 11 million people died and Europe was destroyed. This is genocide.
There is no such thing. Marxsm died in 1989 because it was a failed ideology, just as Milton Friedman's supply side capitalism has reduced all of South America to permanent 2nd tier status, where the wealthy live in gated communties and poor people live in squallor.

Globalism is simply a recognition that it's a small world and we're destroying it. We do need international cooperation and work for all to prosper.

The West didn't start this war, Putin did. The last time the world let a killer do this 11 million people died and Europe was destroyed. This is genocide.

Milton Friedman's supply side capitalism has reduced all of South America to permanent 2nd tier status,

Any specifics to back up your claim?
Or are you just making shit up again?
I support Trump and will support any GOP candidate in 2024 since the opposition works for China.
This unfortunately sums up some Trump Supporters...

Hatred for fellow Americans based on a lie..

There are people making good money filling them up with lies... The Fox v Dominion Case has shown that, there is a multi billion market in peddling lies..
People vote for Rump because they listen to the White Folk Dog Whistles and look the other way at his autocracy and boorishness and arrogance.

People vote for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe because they'd had it with four years of idiotic Rumpian tweets at 2:00 AM and him with Rump's foot-in-mouth 24x7.

They voted for Old Joe as an Emergency Placeholder President, to sweep the Uncouth Clown out of the Oval Office and to hold the fort for something better.
Bit unfair on Biden...

Biden is great at getting people underestimating him...

Look at his Admin Team, they are all highly professional and know how to leverage wheels of power...
On Ukraine, he has been a rock star... He has unified the world against Russia....

He is a solid President when solid is what is needed... Biden is trusted world wide to say something and stick to it. US is good for its word...
  • Disagree
Reactions: DBA
Bit unfair on Biden...

Biden is great at getting people underestimating him...

Look at his Admin Team, they are all highly professional and know how to leverage wheels of power...
On Ukraine, he has been a rock star... He has unified the world against Russia....

He is a solid President when solid is what is needed... Biden is trusted world wide to say something and stick to it. US is good for its word...
He is a placeholder President.

He had two jobs.

1. get Rump out of the White House

2. hold the fort until somebody better came along


Joe has been something of a train wreck in several ways...

* southern border
* Afghanistan
* Ukraine (waiting far too long to begin helping seriously)
* over-indulgence of minority agendas
* economics

If the GOP fields anyone but Rump I'll be voting (R) again for the first time in a while.
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?

It is quite the opposite. Democrats are the takers and that is not in question. They want their President to take money from those that make money and give it to them. Democrats own the lowest income and the highest income(ultra-wealthy, power hungry, ruling class(Bezos, Soros, etc.)) brackets.
He is a placeholder President.

He had two jobs.

1. get Rump out of the White House

2. hold the fort until somebody better came along


Joe has been something of a train wreck in several ways...

* southern border
* Afghanistan
* Ukraine (waiting far too long to begin helping seriously)
* over-indulgence of minority agendas
* economics

If the GOP fields anyone but Rump I'll be voting (R) again for the first time in a while.
Southern Border was a mess that was fermenting under Trump and then exploded under Biden

There is a few reasons this happened:
  • Defunding by Trump to security in countries to the south
    • US (not intentionally) are funding a huge black economy supplying black money and guns
    • This has made these countries hard to do legitimate business in and also made them unstable
  • End of COVID, economy picked up
  • Trump crazy policy of dumping people back over the border so they can try multiple times days apart. i.e. keep trying until success..
The main people have to get into their heads. Most people don't want to leave their homes & family to goto another country as a second class person who lives in fear of being deported.
Ask yourself why they did that?


Trump signed the deal, Biden came in for the last 10%... Complaining that Biden couldn't clean up Trump's mess fast enough..

Ukraine (waiting far too long to begin helping seriously)
How many military has Biden got killed in Ukraine? Zero
How much has it cost to get the second biggest military on it's knees? 6 weeks of Iraq War budget, a massive bargain
America aren't alone, they are hardly leading, Biden managed to get EU to take the lead in a lot of cases... This was the real genius of Biden, not every problem US has to solve directly..

over-indulgence of minority agendas
How so?
It is the GOP and MAGA who has been doing that..
Biden doesn't say 'Woke' or 'CRT' every day like De Santis...
Can you show me that Biden is as obsessed as the MAGA crew...
Where are you getting your info on this?

* economics
Low unemployment...
Inflation is a global problem... Explain how Biden is responsible for the Global Supply Chain breaking 18 months before he arrived... There is no easy fix beyond letting it come back naturally, need to look at who didn't safe gaurd it..
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?
It's just the opposite. Conservatives by nature are independent and self-reliant.
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Trump supporters vote for their candidate.
Biden 'supporters' vote against the other candidate (who in their right mind would vote for Biden. Ironically, this actually reflects some sanity on the part of Biden voters).
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?

Then you are a moron. You clods demand government control all aspect of YOUR lives.

We don't.

See the difference, dumbass?
Then you are a moron. You clods demand government control all aspect of YOUR lives.

We don't.

See the difference, dumbass?
Like a woman's body, what books can be read, what classes students can take, what religion you should belong to?
Like a woman's body, what books can be read, what classes students can take, what religion you should belong to?
I don’t care what you do, you want to screw your own sex, dress up as a guy or girl, abort babies, read books about sex, and become a Satan worshiper, go for it, just don’t force others to accept your depravity.
I don’t care what you do, you want to screw your own sex, dress up as a guy or girl, abort babies, read books about sex, and become a Satan worshiper, go for it, just don’t force others to accept your depravity.
The depravity is coming from you and your kind.

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