What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?

I agree about the Dems and highly question the thinking skills of the gop.
I somewhat agree on the gop, they are doing nothing to reverse the decline of the USA or to prosecute the proven crimes of the Biden family.
I somewhat agree on the gop, they are doing nothing to reverse the decline of the USA or to prosecute the proven crimes of the Biden family.
The criminal justice system is in the hands of the Democrats, who will obstruct any effort to prosecute the Bidens.
I somewhat agree on the gop, they are doing nothing to reverse the decline of the USA or to prosecute the proven crimes of the Biden family.
Actually, a whole new industry is built around their production, incorporation, maintenance, and programming.
It takes more IQ power to learn those skills than it does to spend all day tightening the same bolt in a factory someplace.

When Henry Ford opened the first assembly line to build Fords he said, "It will be a haven for guys who don't have the brains for anything else."

And it has been, but those jobs are disappearing.

factoryjobs 2.jpg

Liberals tend to overestimate the value of education, while they ignore the importance of IQ. differences. In his book Real Education: Four Simple Truths for Bringing America's Schools Back to Reality Charles Murray said that most Americans get more education than they are capable of benefiting from.
It takes more IQ power to learn those skills than it does to spend all day tightening the same bolt in a factory someplace.

When Henry Ford opened the first assembly line to build Fords he said, "It will be a haven for guys who don't have the brains for anything else."

And it has been, but those jobs are disappearing.

View attachment 782709

Liberals tend to overestimate the value of education, while they ignore the importance of IQ. differences. In his book Real Education: Four Simple Truths for Bringing America's Schools Back to Reality Charles Murray said that most Americans get more education than they are capable of benefiting from.
All that graph shows is the decline of domestically produced low-value products since the 1980's, which of course were outsourced to the far east.
When Henry Ford opened the first assembly line to build Fords he said, "It will be a haven for guys who don't have the brains for anything else."
He could have said "who don't have opportunities for anything else."

That said, to attract workers to his new production lines he raised wages to an unprecedented level for the time.
You've conceded.
Don't even go there with that BS.

The problem isn't that trannies are using the "wrong" bathrooms. The problem is that Democrats are using government to dictate culture.
BINGO. That's exactly right.

The goal should be to dial back the government's power to dictate culture.
100% with you so far.

But instead, Republicans want to use the power of government to make sure trannies use the "right" bathrooms.
Now, that is nonsense and you know it. The real question is we've never dealt with this problem before and everyone's needs must be taken into consideration. The problem is who gets to decide where they should go to the bathroom, and since liberty ends where your rights encroach upon others, it seems to me that the first, best, most logical solution that occurs to me is that people ought to stick to the bathrooms of the gender nature bore them with. While I wouldn't be crazy seeing a dude in a dress using the bathroom besides me (and I'm sure they wouldn't feel comfortable neither), it's better than letting guys who look like guys with a wig, dress, and big bones using female facilities where ladies must go to the bathroom, even undress, change and shower, right?

Since democrats are so famously for protecting democracy, well, democracy is Mob Rule, and according to mob rule (the majority), we don't want transgenders in men's OR women's bathrooms, so, according to democrats, what they've really stumped for without realizing it is to exclude trannies entirely!

The real solution is to add a transgender stall or facility on every floor, bathroom or facility, but who is going to pay for all of that? Maybe we need to take up a collection among trannies to pay for the problem they have created?

Instead of fighting against the practice of social engineering, they're fighting for control of the social engineering.
Isn't that a difference without a distinction? What other choice do people have?
Don't even go there with that BS.

BINGO. That's exactly right.

100% with you so far.

Now, that is nonsense and you know it. The real question is we've never dealt with this problem before and everyone's needs must be taken into consideration. The problem is who gets to decide where they should go to the bathroom, and since liberty ends where your rights encroach upon others, it seems to me that the first, best, most logical solution that occurs to me is that people ought to stick to the bathrooms of the gender nature bore them with. While I wouldn't be crazy seeing a dude in a dress using the bathroom besides me (and I'm sure they wouldn't feel comfortable neither), it's better than letting guys who look like guys with a wig, dress, and big bones using female facilities where ladies must go to the bathroom, even undress, change and shower, right?

Since democrats are so famously for protecting democracy, well, democracy is Mob Rule, and according to mob rule (the majority), we don't want transgenders in men's OR women's bathrooms, so, according to democrats, what they've really stumped for without realizing it is to exclude trannies entirely!

The real solution is to add a transgender stall or facility on every floor, bathroom or facility, but who is going to pay for all of that? Maybe we need to take up a collection among trannies to pay for the problem they have created?

Isn't that a difference without a distinction?
Nope. It's hypocrisy in action. There are even Republicans who want to make political affiliation a "protected class". They're all in on the overbearing state. They just want to be doing the overbearing.
What other choice do people have?
Repeal the laws the Democrats are using to force this on people. But Republicans don't correct Democrat's mistakes, they just cash in on them.

Culture warriors are destroying the nation.
It takes more IQ power to learn those skills than it does to spend all day tightening the same bolt in a factory someplace.

When Henry Ford opened the first assembly line to build Fords he said, "It will be a haven for guys who don't have the brains for anything else."

And it has been, but those jobs are disappearing.

View attachment 782709

Liberals tend to overestimate the value of education, while they ignore the importance of IQ. differences. In his book Real Education: Four Simple Truths for Bringing America's Schools Back to Reality Charles Murray said that most Americans get more education than they are capable of benefiting from.
So now we know where equity comes from. The times are not the same though.
AI will destroy jobs at the planning and managerial level. Workers will still be needed. Robotics can perform tasks whose motions can be programmed. However most tasks don't lend themselves to robotics.
"most tasks don't lend themselves to robotics."
You need to educate yourself in current robotic capabilities and the prediction of future capabilities.
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?
/——/ You understand Trump supporters the way a pig understands the designated hitter rule.
Trump supporters are capable to thinking and reasoning, Biden supporters are not.
Trump supporters DO NOT think for themselves. Trump instructs them how to think.
Anyone who let's Trump dictate how they think is an idiot. Anyone who let's Biden, or any politician, dictate how they think are idiots.
Redfish's statement is shocking. It is the opposite of a description of the typical Trump supporter.

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