What is the difference between the whistle blower and Trump

What I feel very strongly about is impeachment charade will go the same way the one over collusion and obstruction of justice did nowhere.
It is going the same way Nixon did with Trump humiliated and out of office. A few of his mindless butt kissing staff will end up in jail.
Supporters like you will just be an embarrsment to family and friends if you have any.
My family and friends respect me for being an honest fair minded person and not being what you are a far left blind partisan shit for brains who never had an orginal thought or opinion in their wotherless excuse for a life. FYI dumbass with Watergate there was an actual crime committed a break in and wiretapping a sitting President having a conversation with another leader and saying something you don't like is not.
Blackhawk, you are not fair minded, you are a Trump minion. Check what your family and friends are saying behind your back.
I think Trump is a disaster but I am a registered Republication but consider myself an independent. Trump and his minions are not true Conservatives, they are bunch of whiny reactionary's that cannot compete in today's world that does not provide as much white privilege and requires new skills from the last century.
Impeachment is based on, "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors". Trump is being investigated for treason and bribery. Let the investigation play out.
You are an absolute dumb shit. I feel the far left are a disaster but so are you.

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