What Is The Economy In Relation To Politics?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Lefties often want to tell us how great the economy is and cite numbers. In a way, they have a point. Some numbers aren't bad and some numbers are actually good. But, polling indicates that Americans don't feel the economy is good, despite numbers showing that it is. And, 80% of Americans feel they are financially worse off since Biden took office and 70% of Americans feel the country is going in the wrong direction.

So, what exactly is the definition of the economy in relation to politics? Is it like the measure of the output of goods and services, etc., or is it more how Americans feel about how their personal financial situation is? When most Americans are worse off than they were a few years ago, they don't think the economy is going well, despite any numbers the left want to offer them as proof.

And, inflation itself is making the economy look better than it actually is because people are being forced to pay higher prices for just about everything and, since they don't have a choice but to buy necessities, they have to charge record amounts to their charge cards and withdraw monies from their savings and retirement accounts just in order to survive.

So, politically speaking, to them the economy sucks, despite the numbers Biden & Co and others on the left and their lefty media want to toss around, proving that the economy is great - except for the fact that Americans don't believe it is great due to their own personal situations. So, isn't the economy really the total measure of how people feel about their own personal economic situation? If 80% of Americans feel they are financially worse off since Biden took office doesn't that mean the economy sucks? How can the economy be going well if 80% of Americans are worse off than they were before?
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The OP is word salad...here are economic metrics

80% of Americans are worse off under Biden than they had been and trust Trump on the economy more than Biden. That's the best metric.
The only people better off under Biden are the people employed by his administration who are robbing the American taxpayer blind. Trump was better in every way. MAGA
Partisans like to pretend that the economy can turn on a dime if they can use it as political leverage. That, of course, is ignorant. Or dishonest. Or both.

Politics perverts everything it touches.

Says the hard-core partisan.
And, as always, you won't be able to back that up with examples of issues.

I doubt the OP wants you to hijack the thread. Especially with lies.

If you're not a partisan hack then nobody is. Lol. Thanks for the laugh!
Still no examples. Wimps.

Anyway, a given economy is the result of processes and global currents. Politics are involved regarding policy, but individual policies don't make the ship change direction quickly.

Yea we need more government management of the economy because government bureaucrats are always smarter than business professionals.
Lefties often want to tell us how great the economy is and cite numbers. In a way, they have a point. Some numbers aren't bad and some numbers are actually good. But, polling indicates that Americans don't feel the economy is good, despite numbers showing that it is. And, 80% of Americans feel they are financially worse off since Biden took office and 70% of Americans feel the country is going in the wrong direction.

So, what exactly is the definition of the economy in relation to politics? Is it like the measure of the output of goods and services, etc., or is it more how Americans feel about how their personal financial situation is? When most Americans are worse off than they were a few years ago, they don't think the economy is going well, despite any numbers the left want to offer them as proof.

And, inflation itself is making the economy look better than it actually is because people are being forced to pay higher prices for just about everything and, since they don't have a choice but to buy necessities, they have to charge record amounts to their charge cards and withdraw monies from their savings and retirement accounts just in order to survive.

So, politically speaking, to them the economy sucks, despite the numbers Biden & Co and others on the left and their lefty media want to toss around, proving that the economy is great - except for the fact that Americans don't believe it is great due to their own personal situations. So, isn't the economy really the total measure of how people feel about their own personal economic situation? If 80% of Americans feel they are financially worse off since Biden took office doesn't that mean the economy sucks? How can the economy be going well if 80% of Americans are worse off than they were before?
It's a good question. Let me point out that the Bureau of Labor Statistics went in and changed the employment stats on several previous months to make Biden's numbers look better.And many new jobs are people working a second job so you are dealing with liars

THe only vote has to be personal , if Biden is making life sht for you and your family, that is enough to get rid of him. The complication comes in with Hillary Clinton, so hated that people who also didn't like Trump ended up voting for him because of things she threatened and hideous things she said. THen anti-Trumpers put Fool Joe and Idiot Kamala in and I fear the next election will again be voting against instead of for .

But I see know reason to defer your view to anything else with the exception of the Founding and its eternal principles.Our rights must remain rights and the government should exist to preserve those rights. THe Economy is doing horribly if you go by standard Economics texts that predate MMT and Paul Krugman.Almost all that is moving ahead in any sense is doing so by horrific additions to the public debt.,
The OP is word salad...here are economic metrics

I have to give the scientific objection to your misuse of 'metrics'
Biden does not deny that he changed the definition of 'recession'

a system or standard of measurement.
"the levels of branching are arbitrary and no precise metric is applied to distance between the nodes"

Now,the standard changed and we do not know how ergo there is literally no metric now

WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? Biden Admin Refuses to Hand Over Docs Showing How It Altered the Definition of a Recession​

Tyler O'Neil / @Tyler2ONeil / December 19, 2023

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