What is the future of the GOP??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
His lawsuits have failed. The state election recounts have changed nothing. His "evidence" of voter fraud have failed to pass legal muster with even the most Conservative of judges. More and more states are certifying their election results. The transition of power has begun.

-Donald Trump has lost to Joe Biden-

What will the GOP look and sound like after 2020? Will Trump remain a powerful voice within the GOP? Will his legal and financial woes catch up with him? Will this 70+ year old, obese man be with us much longer? Donald Trump has pulled the GOP in a far different direction than that of Ronald Reagan. What is the future of the GOP?

The GOP should be letting out a sigh of relief
Trump was soundly defeated. The Trump experiment is done. Time to reclaim the party for real Republican and real Conservative values

But no.....The GOP still lacks balls.
Trump still controls MAGA and they are afraid of him. They will continue to pander to Trumps lunacy and doom the party.
His lawsuits have failed. The state election recounts have changed nothing. His "evidence" of voter fraud have failed to pass legal muster with even the most Conservative of judges. More and more states are certifying their election results.

-Donald Trump has lost to Joe Biden-

What will the GOP look and sound like after 2020? Will Trump remain a powerful voice within the GOP? Will his legal and financial woes catch up with him? Will this 70+ year old, obese man be with us much longer? Donald Trump has pulled the GOP in a far different direction than that of Ronald Reagan. What is the future of the GOP?

In a nutshell, no pun intended, either the sane people are somehow going to be able to grab the party back, or Donald Jr. is next.
I really don't understand the question.

The GOP was around long before Trump, it will be around long after him.

Despite childish notions, Trump is not the GOP.
yeah this nutcase does not seem to understand that.the million dollar question is will another globalist like another bush brother or romney get in office in run the country? thats the same thing as having biden in and the republican party is back to being corrupt again.
Usually spinless cowards don't win battles.
The GOP is dead. Then again, it died LONG ago. Both parties today are of and for and serve the Establishment

We The People......are now serfs and servants to the ruling class

The last (and most important step) is to disarm Americons. And that will be easier than anyone ever imagined....although there might me some resistance from gun owners on the Left.

Like this fierce Democrat rump ranger. God Bless his soul.
I believe he has the determination of 1 million Conservative cowards all by himself. he makes no fake claims.
This Democrat will be defending gun rights long after the Right has run home to mommy.
He has something the Right lacks.....an in your face no backing down attitude. FOR gun rights!

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The GOP obviously has to do something different. The last few decades conservatives have moved further right after every election loss. They are at the end of their rope. They cannot go any further right without actively seeking the overthrow of the federal government. No place to go except back towards the middle and they would be better off without the deplorable vote.
The GOP obviously has to do something different. The last few decades conservatives have moved further right after every election loss. They are at the end of their rope. They cannot go any further right without actively seeking the overthrow of the federal government. No place to go except back towards the middle and they would be better off without the deplorable vote.

It's hard to comprehend....but Leftists may be the Rights best and only hope.

See post #11 above.
In a nutshell, no pun intended, either the sane people are somehow going to be able to grab the party back, or Donald Jr. is next.
If biden gets away with stealing this election there is no future for the GOP other than shining democrats shoes in congress as the minority party

never trumper RINOs who think they have a shot at the white house in the future are just fooling themselves

we will be a china-california style one party state
The GOP obviously has to do something different. The last few decades conservatives have moved further right after every election loss. They are at the end of their rope. They cannot go any further right without actively seeking the overthrow of the federal government. No place to go except back towards the middle and they would be better off without the deplorable vote.

It's hard to comprehend....but Leftists may be the Rights best and only hope.

See post #11 above.
I don't care about the gun argument. It's stupid. I have more than one gun. No fear anyone is going to take them. They are not a political statement. I have no fetish for them. They are simply my most expensive and least used tools for making holes in things.
The GOP obviously has to do something different. The last few decades conservatives have moved further right after every election loss. They are at the end of their rope. They cannot go any further right without actively seeking the overthrow of the federal government. No place to go except back towards the middle and they would be better off without the deplorable vote.
how much farther left can the democrats go?..both are hopefully at the end of their ropes.....
In a nutshell, no pun intended, either the sane people are somehow going to be able to grab the party back, or Donald Jr. is next.
If biden gets away with stealing this election there is no future for the GOP other than shining democrats shoes in congress as the minority party

never trumper RINOs who think they have a shot at the white house in the future are just fooling themselves

we will be a china-california style one party state

They have to take the guns first.....

You ain't gonna believe what's about to come down the pike.

$200 PER GUN and PER MAGAZINE TAX (or you can REGISTER all your guns with the Feds) LMAO
As we all know, registration ALWAYS proceeds confiscation.
The Tax deal is just to squeeze you into registering...which you've done anyway if you pay the tax !!
The GOP obviously has to do something different. The last few decades conservatives have moved further right after every election loss. They are at the end of their rope. They cannot go any further right without actively seeking the overthrow of the federal government. No place to go except back towards the middle and they would be better off without the deplorable vote.

It's hard to comprehend....but Leftists may be the Rights best and only hope.

See post #11 above.
I don't care about the gun argument. It's stupid. I have more than one gun. No fear anyone is going to take them. They are not a political statement. I have no fetish for them. They are simply my most expensive and least used tools for making holes in things.

Are you saying you would not comply if Biden Eo's a tax and registration?

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