What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?

Most Western nations have more social security than the US that's not an exception but the rule. As for China or Russia. Neither are Democracies in the real sense of the word. Unlike the countries being discussed.
There is no significant difference in democracies, at least in Russia. There is the usual European type of democracy.
Both parties LOVE the fact that so many (as evidenced by this thread) are willing to stick up for "their side" while demonizing the other......while BOTH SIDES fuck them to death. Its exactly what's wrong with America today.

I think (the stated goal of) republicans more closely align with my values but im under no illusions. They ALL are in it for themselves. DC is broken and it will take nothing less than an actual revolution in this country to get things back on track. I doubt I will be alive to see it happen but it will happen at some point. It is absolutely necessary.
Reps want a better America....safe and free.

Dems want to sell America, rape America, pillage America, and syphon as much money from the citizens as possible, all the while creating more and more ways to kill us off so it's easier to sell us off to China or the Muslims, or Mexico........or whoever "the flavor of the month" is.
What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?
I think the real difference is that Democrats (leftists) identify with poor people -- no matter how rich or poor they actually are. And Republicans identify with rich people, no matter how poor or rich they are.
I think the real difference is that Democrats (leftists) identify with poor people -- no matter how rich or poor they actually are. And Republicans identify with rich people, no matter how poor or rich they are.
No. They both identify with and obey only the ultra rich.
Reps want a better America....safe and free.

Dems want to sell America, rape America, pillage America, and syphon as much money from the citizens as possible, all the while creating more and more ways to kill us off so it's easier to sell us off to China or the Muslims, or Mexico........or whoever "the flavor of the month" is.
Wrong but typical silly thinking of many on the right. Both parties are near mirror images of each other. After all, they have the same bosses. The ultra wealthy and big corporations.


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What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?
Democrats want to destroy this country from within, while the Republicans sit back and dont do anything to stop them, thus showing the independents how fucked in the brain, Democrats really are...
The average Democrat has about 25 more IQ points.

Why do you ask?
If that is true then you are to smart for your own good. You can only steal enough form the the peasants before they revolt or do not care. Even with your proposed new bills to be assed you promote agitation between the peasant class. You pay off groups within it. And they need to because you have taxed people to craziness. Things could be better if not perfect. To many of you are in for yourselves.
I think they also do it in the USA, maybe by other means.
In any case, social benefits in the United States are no less than in other countries.
There are many financial control mechanisms, they do not have to be initiated by law.
Yet the top 1% pays the most in punitive taxes while the bottom 50% pays next to nothing. And i always thought everyone was supposed to pay "THEIR FAIR SHARE".

It doesn't matter, because the elections will still depend on the money invested in the election campaign.

This is even worse, the financial and administrative apparatus of the current government will be used there, and there will be no alternatives at all.
Not true. Our election campaigns are tightly regulated in scope and time for instance. The reason is simple. A politician elected by public funds is accountable only to the taxpayer, who wouldn't appreciate them spending most of it on campaigning.

I'll give an example. About 20 years ago Belgians Secretary General of Nato not only had to resign but went to prison, because his party had taken election funds from a company bidding for military helicopters. In the US what he did would have been legal.
How much money did Belgium send to Haiti the last time a Hurricane decimated them?
What is Belgiums defense budget?
What does a 4 year college degree cost in Belgium?

my point is this. the reasons for the differences you mention are vast and complex. Its never as simple as people want to act like it is.

My daughter got a 4 year degree here in the states basically for free. She was a 4.0 student and chose a relatively inexpensive school.
I never claimed it wasn't complex. I'm perfectly willing to go into it at some detail providing you are willing to participate in the discussion in an honest way?

Honest meaning without the use of hyperbole. Logical fallacies, deflections etc.etc. The same would of course apply to me.
There is no significant difference in democracies, at least in Russia. There is the usual European type of democracy.
Lol, you really believe that? I don't think I've ever heard about opposition leaders being locked up or poisened, and opposition parties being banned in your "typical European Democracy"
If that is true then you are to smart for your own good. You can only steal enough form the the peasants before they revolt or do not care. Even with your proposed new bills to be assed you promote agitation between the peasant class. You pay off groups within it. And they need to because you have taxed people to craziness. Things could be better if not perfect. To many of you are in for yourselves.
"Too smart" not "to smart"

And "too many" not " to many".
Priorities are what separates the two parties. Where and how to spend the tax dollar. The negative perception by the public comes from both parties desire to win that they will put just anyone on the ballot in an election and we get fringe lunatics, mentaly ill and thugs end up getting elected and by the time the public finds out it is too late.
Prototypical democrats: AOC and her squad, Schumer, Bernie, the Xiden WH disaster and catastrophic policies, also include the democrats in the House and Senate.

Prototypical republicans: Trump, Pence, Pompeo, Nikki Haley, Dan Crenshaw, Jim Jordan, Tom Cotton, Hawley, Ted Cruz, Ron Desantis, all the GOP governors, senators, and congressmen.

One big difference between democrats and republicans is that republicans are pro-business and democrats are clueless. Here is one example:
1. Amazon wanted to build HQ2 in NYC, in a blighted area that is in AOC's district
2. That HQ2 mega-project would have turned a blighted area into an architectural wonder
3. Cuomo said it would gain NY state about $28b a year in new tax revenue
4. It would gain NYC 25,000 new well paying jobs with full benefits
5. AOC killed HQ2 and it moved to VA. Democrats are MORONS.

View attachment 547686 This is what AOC could have had, but..

View attachment 547685 The moron chose to keep this instead

That's why the had to get rid of Cuomo
I never claimed it wasn't complex. I'm perfectly willing to go into it at some detail providing you are willing to participate in the discussion in an honest way?

Honest meaning without the use of hyperbole. Logical fallacies, deflections etc.etc. The same would of course apply to me.
While I actually prefer that I really don't have the time. I spend a few minutes a day here. Between taking care of a 500 acre farm, another residence in the suburbs, going to the gym, etc I really don't spend that much time on line.

Usually just a few minutes really early in the morning while I drink my coffee.

The bottom line for me is this. If you take into account the huge number of factors I think its easy to see why some countries provide things America doesn't.......because America provides a lot of things to the world that those countries do not.

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