What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?

While I actually prefer that I really don't have the time. I spend a few minutes a day here. Between taking care of a 500 acre farm, another residence in the suburbs, going to the gym, etc I really don't spend that much time on line.

Usually just a few minutes really early in the morning while I drink my coffee.

The bottom line for me is this. If you take into account the huge number of factors I think its easy to see why some countries provide things America doesn't.......because America provides a lot of things to the world that those countries do not.
Pitty, I find actual conversations much more fun than the trolling typically on this board. Maybe another time?
Economically speaking...
Democrats believe that people create a demand for goods and services which then a few people exploit.

Republicans believe that a few people with great ideas and concepts create new products that are instantly well received by people. Success is based on how good of an idea it is and is sold. Anyone anywhere at anytime can be successful.

Which is why I don't subscribe to either side as being the arbiter of truth. Both of these models are seriously flawed and both have some merit at the same time.

Democrats believe in social responsibility towards anyone who gets upset should be handled through a centralized system.

Republicans believe that charity should be the sole purview of the altruistic agencies created by individuals and should be a gift not a requirement.

Again...I have serious issues with both sets of beliefs. Both sides have some merit but they are both severely flawed as well.

So I can't in good conscience support either one. But for whatever reason... when the two sides get along well enough they actually stumble into fairly good legislation that has propelled this nation forward to be a leader economically, militarily, and geopolitically.
You mean, like they don't do shit, but are paid by US ?
I mean they don’t do shit FOR us the people, but they do a lot for big corporations and the ultra wealthy. Somehow it seems few Americans understand this, though it’s abundantly obvious.
The main difference is in where they spend the money they borrow on your future taxes.
Democrats want to control social media, to prevent Republicans from spreading their propaganda. Whereas Republicans want to control social media, to precent Democrats from spreading their propaganda.
I mean they don’t do shit FOR us the people, but they do a lot for big corporations and the ultra wealthy. Somehow it seems few Americans understand this, though it’s abundantly obvious.
I'll post in a lil while. I'm at Walmart, in line right now, to get 4 new Kimche Yung tires. I found a coupon on Facebook !!!
They accept Discovery !!!
I'll give an example. About 20 years ago Belgians Secretary General of Nato not only had to resign but went to prison, because his party had taken election funds from a company bidding for military helicopters. In the US what he did would have been legal.
As a rule, this happens when someone went against the system or someone did not share the corruption income with someone, these are all naive fables. I tend to believe more in American democracy. European inforesources have already been censored and gagged, and there has never been the degree of freedom that was in the United States.

Good-living of Europeans is also inflated. American cars are bigger, American films have big budgets, America is built up with big houses, America has space and a huge professional army, and so on.

America has Harvard and MIT, after all, it is the first in science and education and engeneering. Europe is degrading before our very eyes. In terms of the quality of the manufactured goods, it is already close to China, demographic data indicate a real extinction of indigenous Europeans.

All this also indirectly reflects social policy. That is, here we see social policy not in the figures of the reports but in its fruits.

or compare gasoline prices in Europe and America. This is also part of social policy.

By the way, it is noteworthy that in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands in the period from 60 to 80, the birth rate fell sharply, almost 2 times, from about 3 to about 1.5, what is the reason?
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Well that is rather wide open.
To me...
Conservative - based on individual responsibility. We are responsible for ourselves.
Liberal - based on collective responsibility. Society is responsible for you.
Brilliant. Briefly and clearly.
Well that is rather wide open.
To me...
Conservative - based on individual responsibility. We are responsible for ourselves.
Liberal - based on collective responsibility. Society is responsible for you.
To me, that is too specific and not generalized enough. (You go from the general to the specific)

It's about the question of who and how a person needing help obtains that assistance.
(Concept being that everyone needs assistance from somewhere...no one lives in a vacuum)

Now should that assistance come from the demand of a gun or threat of imprisonment (being a portion of mandated social responsibility because all wealthy people have taken advantage of everyone) or should it be a free will offering by individuals as God has caused them to give? (However, most people are indeed godless)

As you can see.... personal or social responsibility is a portion of this....but not all.

Brown sites are a great example. (An industrialized piece of property that is now poisonous and the company responsible for poisoning the land is now defunct and long gone)

Who should be responsible for cleaning up the brown site?
There are financial mechanisms for social support. The state forces big business to set limits on profits and prices, or compensates for this at the expense of state funds. America spends a huge amount of oil, it spends about the same as the world leaders in oil production, like Russia and Saudi Arabia whipped together. About half of this oil is imported, but the state keeps gasoline prices 3-4 times less than in Europe.
Who should be responsible for cleaning up the brown site?
A very typical example of selective tongue-tied demagoguery. It is exactly under public order no one is responsible for anything. This is well known precisely from the experience of the former socialist camp.
On the contrary, when there is a responsible person, there is someone to ask, he took on obligations and he fulfills them. In liberal Europe, no one is responsible for anything. There, serial killers are in jails that look like vacation homes.
For example, what was the order in medieval peasant communities? There was mutual responsibility. Everybody paid for the crime or mistake of one. What the f**k am I going to be responsible for my neighbor's mistakes?
Left tendencies in social parasitism are very noticeable. Alcoholics often give birth to children just in order to live on child benefits, as a result, it damages society and breeds moral monsters who, due to poverty and perverted upbringing, kill decent people for a few cents spent on a toy. When they are imprisoned, they feel better there than at home, eating up the money of the taxpayers and humiliating their inmates.

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