What is the minimum wage for an illegal immigrant?????????????

They have no minimum wage, some of the people working on farms are getting .25 cents per bushel of tomatoes picked............ So the Democraps are in favor of slave labor. No matter Trump is coming
When is the, alleged capital right wing, going to solve our illegal problem at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated in our federal Constitution? Good capitalists generate revenue from market friendliness in public policies, not just fines.
You guys do realize Republicans and corporations both say we need immigrants, right? So expect them to make all the illegals legal very soon.

That's better than illegals but it's not like it's going to help the blue collar trump supporters. If anything it will cost small business owners and consumers

THe Republican Party nominated and then, with the rest of the country ELECTED a president running against that.

I admit that the Republican leadership is pretty stupid, but surely they noticed.

THe Republican Party nominated and then, with the rest of the country ELECTED a president running against that.

Not true. King Trumpery hires undocumented workers. So do his sleazy kids. They also hire foreign workers as well as hire workers IN other countries.

Undocumented workers do not "take" American jobs. Americans GIVE jobs to undocumented workers. Big difference.

As for trump's wall, he already backed down from the president of Mexico. It was just another of his lies.

Butter balls anyone?
You guys do realize Republicans and corporations both say we need immigrants, right? So expect them to make all the illegals legal very soon.

That's better than illegals but it's not like it's going to help the blue collar trump supporters. If anything it will cost small business owners and consumers
We need a permanent solution that generates revenue from potential foreign labor.

No, we don't. We need a solution that protects our labor pool from cheap third world competition.
Republicans won't go along with that. Goes against their free trade policies that allow corporations to sell to the rest of the world and Max profits.

Like I said expect legal immigration to go up if we do anything about illegals. They'll say to achieve 4% growth we must. We don't have enough workers.

We will not stop exploiting the poor. Capitalism depends on them.

1. Republicans nominated and the nation elected a man running against our current "Free Trade" policy. The Republicans in congress who like winning should take note.

2. Your 4% argument is based on a number of flawed assumptions as I have previously explained.

3. Capitalism does not depend on exploiting the poor.

1. Republicans didn't run on fixing grade. The Republicans will take their chances you won't vote democratic when they let you down.

Trump brought in millions of new voters with his message. Voters that the GOP needs to counter the immigrants of the last 50 years. They will have to be quite stupid to not see that.

Obviously many of them are that stupid. But I have hopes that enough are NOT QUITE that stupid.

2. 4% long term growth is what trump promised.

And it serves your purpose to assume that THAT ONE PROMISE TRUMPS all others.

This is impossible without immigrants.

That is your opinion. Which you have not demonstrated that Trump agrees with. I certainly don't agree with it.

3. Yes capitalism requires poor cheap labor. The world needs ditch diggers.

And depending on local labor conditions, those diggers could be making 7.25 an hour, or they could be making 12 dollars an hour.

They could be doing it by hand, or they could be using a heavy equipment.

I've seen both scenarios depending on the local environment.

I want the environment where the ditch diggers aren't completely fucked.
They have no minimum wage, some of the people working on farms are getting .25 cents per bushel of tomatoes picked............ So the Democraps are in favor of slave labor. No matter Trump is coming
When is the, alleged capital right wing, going to solve our illegal problem at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated in our federal Constitution? Good capitalists generate revenue from market friendliness in public policies, not just fines.
You guys do realize Republicans and corporations both say we need immigrants, right? So expect them to make all the illegals legal very soon.

That's better than illegals but it's not like it's going to help the blue collar trump supporters. If anything it will cost small business owners and consumers

THe Republican Party nominated and then, with the rest of the country ELECTED a president running against that.

I admit that the Republican leadership is pretty stupid, but surely they noticed.

THe Republican Party nominated and then, with the rest of the country ELECTED a president running against that.

Not true. King Trumpery hires undocumented workers. So do his sleazy kids. They also hire foreign workers as well as hire workers IN other countries.

Undocumented workers do not "take" American jobs. Americans GIVE jobs to undocumented workers. Big difference.

As for trump's wall, he already backed down from the president of Mexico. It was just another of his lies.....]

Nothing in your post supports your claim that my post was not true.
A generation ago, a man could raise a family and own a house and a car by earning a living as a carpenter or a brick mason. Those jobs now have been undercut by illegals and a large portion of their wages leave the country. Money that would otherwise create domestic economic stimulus.

Illegal immigrants send home $50 billion annually but cost taxpayers more than $113 billion

Illegal immigrants residing in the U.S. send $50 billion in remittances to their home countries each year, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The World Bank estimates that number is even higher, closer to $120 billion.

To put that figure into context, $50 billion is the same amount as the U.S. government’s annual foreign aid budget, notes the New York Times. It’s the operating budget of a midsize country, or in America’s case, enough to fund North Carolina and Maine for an entire year.

Illegal immigrants send home $50 billion annually but cost taxpayers more than $113 billion

Quibbling over capitalism? Legal immigrants do the same thing, legally. Mexico is the third largest trading partner for the US; that money is being used to buy US goods and services, as well.
They have no minimum wage, some of the people working on farms are getting .25 cents per bushel of tomatoes picked............ So the Democraps are in favor of slave labor. No matter Trump is coming

A fellow dad at the local school is s transplanted Californian. He would talk about how when you walked down the streets of san francisco that you would see sweat shop type set ups, with the doors wide open for all to see, filled with illegals making slave wages in horrible conditions.

He blamed the corruption of the city government. Couldn't make the leap to blaming the open border policy.

LOL.... Never happened long enough because they ( like any ring ) would be closed down if found..

This is why sending our jobs, or hiring for temp visa's goes against brings them in for pennies an hour without protection from a union..BTW your Trump is trying to get visa's for his sons wine company..

Is that ok with you now?

You think this lefty was lying to me about seeing abuse of illegals? He seemed credible to me.

I have always been in favor of work visas for migrant farm labor. That is one job that I believe is shitty enough that Americans don't want to do it.

Everything else? NO. Shut it down, asap and deport their asses.

I don't think that he was lying, but I never heard about them except for the corrupted sex shops in every city

Picking Veggies ect is really hard work, it is so hot out there for them.
They have no minimum wage, some of the people working on farms are getting .25 cents per bushel of tomatoes picked............ So the Democraps are in favor of slave labor. No matter Trump is coming

A fellow dad at the local school is s transplanted Californian. He would talk about how when you walked down the streets of san francisco that you would see sweat shop type set ups, with the doors wide open for all to see, filled with illegals making slave wages in horrible conditions.

He blamed the corruption of the city government. Couldn't make the leap to blaming the open border policy.

LOL.... Never happened long enough because they ( like any ring ) would be closed down if found..

This is why sending our jobs, or hiring for temp visa's goes against brings them in for pennies an hourwithout protection..BTW your Trump is trying to get visa's for his sons wine company..

Is that ok with you now?
Trump got work visas for foreign models. Do you remember that? Visas are for when a company can't find a qualified American to do the job. Apparently trump couldn't find any pretty Americans???

What he did was pay them $80,000 a year which is nothing for an American model.

Here's the kicker. How did we find out about her? She sued trump because he wasn't paying her.

Trump will not fix this problem. Carroll got conned

Why do you believe that it is impossible for him to behave one way then and differently now?
Why are you so sure this politician is telling you the truth? Is this your first election?
When is the, alleged capital right wing, going to solve our illegal problem at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated in our federal Constitution? Good capitalists generate revenue from market friendliness in public policies, not just fines.
You guys do realize Republicans and corporations both say we need immigrants, right? So expect them to make all the illegals legal very soon.

That's better than illegals but it's not like it's going to help the blue collar trump supporters. If anything it will cost small business owners and consumers
We need a permanent solution that generates revenue from potential foreign labor.

No, we don't. We need a solution that protects our labor pool from cheap third world competition.
Increasing the cost of foreign labor does that; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps.

Not as well as deporting their asses.
Prohibition doesn't doesn't work, and costs money. You cannot lower taxes by increasing government spending; only the right prefers to spend and finance.
Ask King Trumpery - he employs a lot of undocumented and foreign workers. The link in my sig will show you why.

I didn't see anything to prove that Trump owned any of the businesses you list, SO the fact is that a MUNTINATIONAL company employs LOCAL VENDORS in the area to do their work LOCALLY. Point discounted and proved WRONG by your own evidence.

Not true. It very cleary shows, line by line, what is Ivanka's, Eric's, Donald's or just brand. BTW, it was compiled by "Our Principles".
They have no minimum wage, some of the people working on farms are getting .25 cents per bushel of tomatoes picked............ So the Democraps are in favor of slave labor. No matter Trump is coming

A fellow dad at the local school is s transplanted Californian. He would talk about how when you walked down the streets of san francisco that you would see sweat shop type set ups, with the doors wide open for all to see, filled with illegals making slave wages in horrible conditions.

He blamed the corruption of the city government. Couldn't make the leap to blaming the open border policy.

LOL.... Never happened long enough because they ( like any ring ) would be closed down if found..

This is why sending our jobs, or hiring for temp visa's goes against brings them in for pennies an hourwithout protection..BTW your Trump is trying to get visa's for his sons wine company..

Is that ok with you now?
Trump got work visas for foreign models. Do you remember that? Visas are for when a company can't find a qualified American to do the job. Apparently trump couldn't find any pretty Americans???

What he did was pay them $80,000 a year which is nothing for an American model.

Here's the kicker. How did we find out about her? She sued trump because he wasn't paying her.

Trump will not fix this problem. Carroll got conned

Why do you believe that it is impossible for him to behave one way then and differently now?
Why are you so sure this politician is telling you the truth? Is this your first election?

Because he is a true outsider. His support is based on the appeal of his message. If he disappoints his supporters, his support goes away.

And he is left facing the Establishment alone.

THe rest of his administration will SUCK.

After a crushing defeat in 2020, the rest of his life will be defined by his failure.

That is not what TRump wants.

THe alternative is to follow though.

His Presidency then would be one of accomplishment and ever increasing respect.

He could win an even more crushing reelection in 2020.

He final years would be defined by his glorious legacy.

That is why I believe him.
They have no minimum wage, some of the people working on farms are getting .25 cents per bushel of tomatoes picked............ So the Democraps are in favor of slave labor. No matter Trump is coming

A fellow dad at the local school is s transplanted Californian. He would talk about how when you walked down the streets of san francisco that you would see sweat shop type set ups, with the doors wide open for all to see, filled with illegals making slave wages in horrible conditions.

He blamed the corruption of the city government. Couldn't make the leap to blaming the open border policy.
Those are sanctuary city slave shops................
is there no sanctuary from underpayment?
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.
That costs money and may require a tax increase in red States.
You guys do realize Republicans and corporations both say we need immigrants, right? So expect them to make all the illegals legal very soon.

That's better than illegals but it's not like it's going to help the blue collar trump supporters. If anything it will cost small business owners and consumers
We need a permanent solution that generates revenue from potential foreign labor.

No, we don't. We need a solution that protects our labor pool from cheap third world competition.
Increasing the cost of foreign labor does that; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps.

Not as well as deporting their asses.
Prohibition doesn't doesn't work, and costs money. You cannot lower taxes by increasing government spending; only the right prefers to spend and finance.

And yet we prohibit all sort of things and will continue to do so.

I want to add illegal labor to the list, to the betterment of the American Working Class and Middle Class.
They have no minimum wage, some of the people working on farms are getting .25 cents per bushel of tomatoes picked............ So the Democraps are in favor of slave labor. No matter Trump is coming

Really? Who are the Democrats who want to legalize paying someone sub minimum wage?
is there no amnesty from underpayment?
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.
That costs money and may require a tax increase in red States.

Money well spent.
Increasing the cost of foreign labor does that; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps.

With all due respect, I think you're missing the illegal part of illegal labor. I can hire an unskilled worker and pay him the legal minimum wage rate of 58 bucks for an 8 hour day in my border state or I can illegally hire an illegal unskilled worker for 35 bucks a day and he'll work his ass off for 12 or 14 hours.

Raise the legal minimum wage all you want. It will only drive up the demand for cheaper illegal labor.
maybe; but, why hire foreign labor if labor costs fifteen dollars an hour. in any case, and for the record, i am advocating for some of that revenue to be used for US labor, to help fund unemployment compensation on an at-will basis, in our at-will employment States. Fourteen dollars an hour equivalent for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, and fifteen dollars an hour for actually working. That should solve simple poverty in our republic.
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.
That costs money and may require a tax increase in red States.

Money well spent.
until it comes time to flip-flop on your, lower taxes, mantra.
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.
That costs money and may require a tax increase in red States.

Money well spent.
until it comes time to flip-flop on your, lower taxes, mantra.

Defending the borders is the primary purpose of government.
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.
That costs money and may require a tax increase in red States.

Money well spent.
until it comes time to flip-flop on your, lower taxes, mantra.
We don't disagree with Carroll but we are highly skeptical because trumps rhetoric doesn't add up.

Same way his plan will add to the debt if you look at the details but Carroll believes trumps going to lower the debt
I live in a border state where the minimum wage is 7.25. (7.25 x 8 = 58). You can go to most Home Depot or Lowe's parking lots every morning and hire an unskilled illegal for 35 bucks a day. They will work all day until the job is done, not just 8 hours. Same with a skilled mason or carpenter for a higher (negotiated) rate.

No rules or regulations to worry about. Immigration laws flagrantly broken every day and law enforcement doesn't do a damn thing about it. I asked a local cop about this a few years ago. He told me they don't arrest illegals unless they commit a felony. The ICE facility in the state stays full and they rarely accept those that are arrested so if our city arrests illegals, they're stuck with the bill of housing and feeding them. Our schools are stuck with the bill of their kids and our hospitals are stuck with caring for their sick since they won't pay.

THat jives with what I have heard from local law enforcement. ICE just won't lift a finger.

Trump could vastly increase deportations simply by putting a ball buster in charge of ICE.
That costs money and may require a tax increase in red States.

Money well spent.
until it comes time to flip-flop on your, lower taxes, mantra.

Defending the borders is the primary purpose of government.
I don't know why I've been calling you Carroll. Lol. Oops.

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